The National Midnight Star (Rush Fanzine) Issue 1085
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To: rush_mailing_list
Subject: 04/18/95 - The National Midnight Star #1085

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List posting/followup:
Administrative matters:

(Administrative postings to the posting address will be ignored!)


         The National Midnight Star, Number 1085

                  Tuesday, 18 April 1995
Today's Topics:
    Re: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081
                     Still the Trees...
               Rush on the radio in Boston
                     Guitar solos, etc
    Re: 04/04/95 - The National Midnight Star #1082
    Re: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081
            Some (new?) info on the next CD...
                  ** NMS GIFT TO RUSH **
                    2 quick questions
                   Alex. Guitar God???
                  Rush on the Radio....
                        The Trees
       to the one very dedicated Christian Rush fan
     Re: 04/10/95 - The National Midnight Star #1084
                     Bridge of Sighs
                    just a reminder...
       The Trees (a point of view not yet covered)
             Geddy's Technique and Tom Sawyer
                         King's X
                   La Villa Strangiato
                    VH rips off rush..
                       New Album???
     Re: 04/10/95 - The National Midnight Star #1084
            "liberals," capitalism and freedom
                        first post
                      one more post
                     Rush ideologies
                Stirring the hornet's nest
                other newsletter postings
                     I C E L A N D!?
                   Rand and Buddy Rich

From: (The RUSH Fans Digest Manager)
Date: Tue Apr 18 13:47:01 EDT 1995
Subject: Administrivia

You may or may not have noticed the very sporadic digests in the last week or
so. Work has overwhelmed me, and I've been forced to delegate the admin work
back to David Arnold (the original rush-mgr for anyone keeping track). I'll
still be doing the digests, but he'll handle the adds/drops. We'll be playing
catch-up for the next week or two so just be patient, we WILL get to your
mail. And please do NOT send 10 letters asking to be unsubscribed, it only
takes one! (just make sure to send to the right address.. :-)

 - rush-mgr


Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 07:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Analog-Kid-Gloves

     Hey again, everyone!

     Anybody ever play The Analog Kid and Kid Gloves back to back?  They're
     surprisingly similar songs.  I never noticed it before, but besides
     the titles and themes, the tempos are almost identical, the guitar
     parts and overall "sound" of the songs are pretty similar, and on the
     guitar solos are the same fast-run style with Neil playing a
     cymbal-less beat on the snare.  Back-to-back they're great to listen

     And now for a little self-indulgence:
     Is there anybody out there from Washington State University in
     Pullman?  I played guitar in a Rush cover band there called Mister
     Nice Guy, in '91-92.  What a blast!  We did Anthem, 2112, Trees, Tom
     Sawyer, Red Barchetta, Limelight, Subdivisions, Analog Kid, Spirit of
     Radio, Freewill, Show Don't Tell, Where's My Thing, La Villa
     Strangiatto, In the Mood, plus some originals and some King's X.  If
     anyone cares, our outstanding bassist/vocalist Kurt Spann is now in a
     Christian alternative band in Seattle called PDA, now touring the
     midwest.  Drummer Shane Anderson is in Leavenworth, WA in software
     information systems.  Part-time keyboardist Scott Weatherhogge is in
     Seattle with Fluke Engineering.  I'm here in Richland, WA, engineering
     at Hanford nuclear reservation.

     I also toured the east and west coasts and the southeast in '83-85 in
     two groups, Freedom Jam, and Freefare, based in Florida.  We played
     mostly in high schools, and gave an anti-drug message.  I'd love to
     hear from anyone who knew us!

     Thanks for the feedback on "If Geddy and Alex Still Helped With



Date:         Thu, 06 Apr 95 10:22:06 CDT
From: Nick Mayfield <NMAYFIE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU>
Subject:      Re: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081

This is for Rahul, who said that Neil is not the best drummer in the world:
            I'm glad that someone in this world agrees with me on that point!
Neil may have the most accesory percussion and toys, and his chops are GREAT,
but he can't have the title of best drummer when he is up against the likes of
Weckl, Colaiuta (sorry, I stole yours!), and Garibaldi. I too am a drummer, and
 I've found that many of the Rush songs sound very difficult at first, but then
 you listen to them and discover that they are not IMPOSSIBLE like they probabl
y sounded the first time. The only lick that is really out of this world is on
the instrumental on CP, where Neil has a little two bar break. I'm not saying t
hat I can begin to play all of Neil's stuff, but I AM saying that his stuff is
not the hardest stuff in the world to play (try Weckl's "Master Plan" for
  instance!). Anyway, I hope that I don't get killed for this post, so let me j
ust say that Neil probably IS the king of rock drumming, just not the KING of
drumming in general.


Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 10:16:17 +0800
From: (Geoff Robinson)
Subject: speeding/YNYARFW

Fellow NMS'ers

        In response to Steve's story in #1081
about hearing Red Barchetta, getting excited,
 doing 89 in a 55, not seeing his radar detector
going off, and then having to shell out $203 for it
 - well that's an aggie for you!
(sorry Steve I just had to do it)

  You are glad Marquette lost in the NIT basketball championship
game because they finished their season 21-12.

Geoff Robinson

G.N. Robinson
 The University of Texas College of Pharmacy
 Austin, TX - 'The Live Music Capitol of the World"

    The Eyes of Texas are Upon You

"But then your finger starts to wiggle and landscapes emerge."  G.D.-TTH


Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 10:52:05 -0600 (CST)
From: Luis Arturo Loyo Delgado <>
Subject: Still the Trees...

Hi there!

   Just had to say this. I don't know if it's already said, but couldn't
it be that the Oaks is a reference to the USA ("Tie a yellow ribbon to
the old oak tree"), and the maples to Canada (the maple leaf in the
flag). I don't know, and maybe it's stupid, but I have always thought of

   Anyway, please consider that I'm not American nor Canadian, so I may
be mistaken.

Luis Loyo.


Date: Thu, 06 Apr 1995 13:50:31 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Rush on the radio in Boston

I spent last weekend in a van going to Boston and back and I must say
that I heard more Rush on the radio in the Boston area than anywhere
else.  From the time I entered the Boston airwaves until the time I left
them I heard 9 Rush songs and only YYZ was played twice.  All told I
heard 13 Rush songs on my trip.  It was a great trip!
For what it is worth....
Bass...Dave LaRue..Geddy Lee..Tony Levin..Leland Sklar..Les
Claypool..John Taylor..and of course..JACO  Guitar...Santana..Steve
Morse..Jimi..Clapton..Mike McCready..Vernon Reid..Drums...Neil..Bill
Bruford..Phil Ehart..Stewart Copeland..Kenny Aranoff..Van Romaine...
Vocals...Steve Walsh..Corey Glover..Chris Cornell..Polly Harvey..K.D. Lang
Keys...Steve Walsh..Rick Wakeman..Greg Allman..Stevie Wonder..T. Lavitz



From: "David John Baranski" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 15:40:13 -0400
Subject: Guitar solos, etc

Puanini writes:

> Aloha kakahiaka mein froinds!

Why, howdy!

>I can't believe no one has mentioned Alex's solo on "Ghost of a Chance"!
>What have you people been listening to...?   :-)  :-)

>I can't play guitar *at all*, but my personal Alex Babe solos are:

I personally think that "Ghost of a Chance" is by far Alex's most moving
guitar solo.  I play guitar a little (just noodle really) and this was
the one song I had to know all the way through, so I bought the RTB
TAB book.  Now I can noodle my way through most of the RTB songs.

My real love, however, is the drums.  I'm actually good at that...
It's great to be able to appreciate _everyone_ in the band, not just
that guy who hits things, and it makes my own songwriting skills a little
stronger since now I can work better with my guitarist and understand
his musical point of view.  Now if he would just let me solo in every
song... :)

>"Limelight" -- that man could melt Antarctica with this solo...
>"Ghost of a Chance"
>"Distant Early Warning"
>"Between the Wheels"
>"Witch Hunt", from ASOH -- ho-ly jeezus-god...squirm...melt...squirm...

>I know there are others lurking in the dark recesses of my pathetic

A few of my other favorites are:
"Kid Gloves"
"Losing It" (including the violin solo, that is just an incredible tune)
"La Villa Strangiato" (I think there's a guitar in there somewhere =))

Greg   "" writes:

>PS: I must say that Everyday Glory is fantastic.  I just love the sound,
>theme, and message.  This song is becomming one of my favorites.  Awsome.

Welcome to the club.  I can't believe somebody put that on their album
filler list.  What was that guy thinking?

| Six o'clock the siren kicks him from a dream          |
| Tries to shake it off but it just won't stop          |
| Can't find the strength but he's got promises to keep |
| And wood to chop before he sleeps                     |
|              - "6:00", Dream Theater, from _Awake_    |
|David John Baranski                                    |
|"One of two known Polish-Koreans on this Earth"        |
|                                |


Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 13:56:42 -0600 (MDT)
From: Scott Brian Bissett <bissett@rintintin.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Re: 04/04/95 - The National Midnight Star #1082

In the April 4 issue of TNMS (#1082 for those of you who REALLY want to

John Ambrose wrote:
(snipped version)
> Subject: Peart, Rand, and Fascism
>   Rand and Peart both believe
> in freedom and capitalism.  They abhor collectivism and it's economic
> manifestation: socialism.  Again, why would they be labeled "fascist?"
> Don't they sound extremely anti-fascist?
> 	  Neil Peart is as anti-fascist as you
> can get.  He opposes fascism, socialism, and all forms of
> collectivism.  He espouses freedom (economic and political) and
> individualism.  Liberals just hate to see an intelligent, articulate
> celebrity like Neil opposing socialism.

>From what little I understand of randism, or O-ism, or anything, I have
to agree.  But, IMHO, I don't think Neil's philosophy or views or
whatever can be so easily categorized as wholly one way or the other.  By
this, I mean that he (PROBABLY... I'm making a very HUGE assumption here!
:) probably believes in individualism, but has a kind of "social
conscience."  It's kind of hard to explain.  I think he realizes that
since humans are nowhere near perfect, an indivivualist/capitalist system
is the 'lesser of all evils', because it allows for a stable government
as well as market system, but it caters to the worst part of humans:
greed, selfishness, and all those other similar vices.  His "social
consicence" is really just a desire for humans to be more than what they
currently are (both as a race and as individuals).  For instance, in
Territories, he wrote, "Don't feed the people, but we feed the machines.
Can't really feel what international means."  It seems to me that he was
trying to stir up some socialist feelings here.  I know it seems very
risky to say the word 'socialist', but hear me out.  I am not referring
to socialism, as in the form of government.  I will be the first to agree
that Neil abhors any government that forces you to do anything that you
do not want to do, i.e., give up a portion of your property to another
for the sake of equality.  Instead, I think he is saying that maybe
individuals should have some slight socialist tendencies, just to spite
our greedy side of ourselves (it seems I could possibly use Animate in
this discussion, but this is getting long enough!).
	Again, I wholeheartedly agree that Neil probably would prefer a
government that is not noticeable to one that is intrusive and
controlling, but not because he doesn't want to be more "globally
minded" (IMO, he probably IS globally minded), but because he doesn't
want to be FORCED to think or act a certain way.

> BTW, the recent discussion of "The Trees" has been excellent.
> Clearly, this song is about the horrors unleashed when governmental
> force is used to enforce "equality."  Why do people think all the
> problems in the world can be solved by making everyone equal?

Excellent question!  I agree with you here!

 -- Scott Bissett
"If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
"Everybody got to elevate from the norm" -- Neil Peart


Date: Thu, 6 Apr 1995 15:11:34 -0500 (EST)
From: nina lindsay packer <>
Subject: Re: 04/03/95 - The National Midnight Star #1081

Was the song "Nobody's Hero" on Counterparts written about someone who
they knew?
 -Nina Packer


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 12:15:20 -0600
From: (Stanley Associates Hydrotechnical Group)
Subject: Some (new?) info on the next CD...

In an attempt to clear up some of the rumours flying around the NMS, here is
an excerpt from a recent (April 1995) article in a Canadian magazine called

[Note for Canuck Subscribers:  Yeah, I know, it's just a corporate rock
radio rag, but hey, it's right at least some of the time, eh]

There.  All flames possibly accounted for, on to the good bits....

"Long-time Canadian rock staples Rush appear to be on a brief hiatus, while
various rumours circulate regarding their future.  Skid Row vocalist
Sebastian Bach spoke recently about Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson's solo
excursions.  'At Christmas time I got a call from Alex Lifeson and he said
he's doin' some solo work in his basement and wanted to know if I wanted to
come over and sing.  Geez, let me check my schedule!  I was so excited.  I
got to do a song with him that hopefully will come out soon.'  Although the
project is in demo state, Lifeson has hooked up with Canuck session
guitarist Bill Bell (Tom Cochrane, Molly Johnson) for an album slated for
release through Anthem Records.  For the remainder of the band, vocalist
Geddy Lee has been spending time with his family and newborn, while being
spotted at various locations in downtown Toronto.  Drum veteran Neil Peart
is taking a breather after the highly touted 'Burning for Buddy' project.
Peart dreamed up the concept and produced the all-star tribute to jazz
legend Buddy Rich, involving drummers from various musical backgrounds.
'Since I got involved with it, my eyes have been opened to an entirely new
range of possibilities,' Peart told Kerrang recently.  "I'm sure this will
come across on future Rush project.'  In terms of fresh material from the
band, there is fresh speculation that a live album will be released to
coincide with the band's 20th anniversary with the same line-up (Peart
joined Rush for 1975's Fly By Night album).  'We might do some celebratory
shows in the US,' Peart revealed.  'These will probably be recorded for a
live record, although that's not certain.  We haven't got any plans to do
what so many others have done and put out a box set of unreleased and rare

[Okay... we knew most of that stuff already... now for the rumour killer :) ]

A spokesperson close to the band stated recently that Rush are looking to
start writing new material in May.  As for a new live album or tour, plans
look to be shelved until a new record has been issued.

There... hope some of you found some of that interesting.

John Take

PS  oh yeah, hello to all my long lost friends on #p/g!... work is busier
than grad school, that's all I have to say :/

Stanley Associates Engineering Limited - Stanley Technology Centre
             10160 - 112 Street, Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 1A7
                 Phone (403) 423-4777   Fax (403) 421-4300


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 95 09:47:17 HST
From: puanani@wana.pbrc.Hawaii.Edu (Puanani Akaka)
Subject: ** NMS GIFT TO RUSH **

      *** ***  NMS 20TH ANNIVERSARY  GIFT TO RUSH   ***  ***

          ***    MAY 1 DEADLINE  MAY 1 DEADLINE     ***

Listen up, gang!  WE ARE *STILL* accepting contributions for the NMS
by raising money for charity!  So if you would still like to make a
CONTRIBUTION, send a check or money order to:

			A. Alex Mustard
			P.O. Box 9309
			Stanford, CA 94309-9309

Make them out to A. Alex Mustard.  We will be taking monetary contributions
until ** MAY 1 **, so if you still would like to donate something to a

                HOSPICE FOR AIDS PATIENTS (Geddy's suggestion!!!)

Send your donation in now!!!  ANY amount is fine!  Send $0.50!  Send $100!
Send your mother-in-law!  REMEMBER, this is all going to a good cause!
So send your donation in today!!!

(sorry, we are no longer taking shirt orders or book submissions)

puanani akaka

Again -- a continuing and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has
contributed!  Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated!!!


From: (Zacksophone)
Subject: 2 quick questions
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 16:09:08 -0400 (EDT)

I have 2 very quick questions:
1) When is the new album comming out
2) When is Rush touring


a concerned fan


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 95 14:21 EST
From: "Tony J. Romano" <>
Subject: Alex. Guitar God???

We all know that Neil is definitely a drumming god, and after reading the
analysis of Geddy's playing by the studio bassist, I would put my 2 cents in 
about Alex.  To start off, I think that the critique of Geddy was pretty much 
right on.  While musically, Geddy is almost untouchable, he most likely does 
not rank in the top 10 or 20 rock/jazz bassists ever.  Now if you look at only 
rock bassists, yeah, he is in the top 10.  Now, considering that he plays all 
those complicated bass lines perfectly and sings those complex vocals, he is 
the best ever.  I can't think of any other musician in rock that pulls that 
job off like the gedster.  Anyway, back to Alex.

I feel I can speak of this subject, due to the fact I have played guitar for 16
years, all of which I have spent enjoying Rush, and have played in many 
bands.  In my earlier days, I played lots of cover tunes, and quite a few 
Rush covers.  This gives me a good feel for comparing the guitar work of the 
various rock bands.

Yes Alex can be considered a "Neil" of the guitar.  Although from the period of
Rush- AFTK he was very creative and good, techincally he was still up and 
coming.  The great thing about Alex is that he never stopped growing and 
improving.  By the time of the Hemi and PeW, he was reaching true guitar god 
status.  Technically, during this period he was as good as any rockers of this 
time, except possibly Ed VH (but damn close).  Where he really started standing 
out was not his lead work, but his rhythm guitar.  Cygnus pt II and Freewill 
are perfect examples of very creative and unique rhythm guitar that no other 
player in the rock world has really ever approached. Since then, he has only 
gotten technically better at both lead and rhythm.  Creatively,
he has explored many styles and can now be considered untouchable by most rock
guitarists.  Listening to some of the solos on Counterparts, it's just sick how
good this guy continually gets technically and musically.  Looking at some of 
Al's "counterparts", Van Halen has went almost nowhere technically and 
creatively since his peak in the early 80s.  Eric Johnson, while technically 
better that Alex, is creatively and musically still his junior.

BTW, the parallels of early Rush and Black Sabbath are good.  I always thought
that on the first album, the boyz copped more of a sabbath/kiss sound than a
zepp sound.  Listen to the solo of Working Man and the comparison to early
Sabbath jumps right out at you.

Tony Romano            "Lit up like a firefly, just to feel the living night."


Date: Mon, 10 Apr 1995 17:24:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: Arvid Hokanson <>
Subject: Rush on the Radio....

	Fellow Fans,

I know that plenty of people have talked about Rush on the radio, but I
had one last thing.  I live 50 miles or so from Vancouver, so I listen to
CFOX 99.3 FM.  In Canada, broadcast laws state that all stations must
play 30 percent Canadian Music/Content.  Well CFOX is More or less a
Classic Rock/Modern Rock station.  So of course one of the only bands
worthy of play in Canada on the FOX is Rush, so they play lots of it, and
all the good songs.  Unfortunatley, I have heard that some Canadians get
sick of the overkill, could there be too much of a good thing?  I don't
think so.
Also, I have some info on the "Rush is a Band" bumper stickers.  They are
from a radio station in Spokane, WA.  It is the big rock station there.
Spokane has quite Rush Limbaugh following, and there are plenty of those
"Rush is Right" "Rush is Wrong" "Rush is Fat" bumper stickers, so the
radio station had the idea of making the "Rush is a Band" stickers, which
have been quite popular.  I have their phone number, so what I will do,
is call them, and see if maybe they want to give some more away.  I
figure that some printer there has the graphic already.  Maybe they would
do a "Rush is a Band/NMS sticker"
That is all I have....

					-Arvid Hokanson


Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 19:38:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: "Jason W. Creager" <>
Subject: The Trees

I could have sworn that I read (on computer) that Neil wrote the song The
Trees with no implied symbolism, that Neil said something to the effect
of "It's about trees, and that's all.".

Of course, I could be wrong, but I think it was from *this* list...


Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 21:21:50 -0500 (EST)
Subject: to the one very dedicated Christian Rush fan

	I have to agree with you that Rush is a VERY good band - they are one
of my most favorite groups. However, as a Christian myself I find it hard to
accept all of Rush's lyrics as truth. The firs thing that comes to mind is
RTB (the whole album) which is all about chance. As a Christian I believe that
everything that happens does so as a result of God's will, and that He knows
every thing that is going to happen before it happens. For example, He knew
that I was going to write this message before I was even born. Now don't
think that that means that I don't like RTB, I think it is a great album, but
that doesn't mean that I have to agree with what Neil is writing about.
As a matter of fact I find his lyrics very thought provoking and meaningful.
And before anyone starts an overblown discussion about "well what about
the lyrics to _(fill in song title)_ ?" or "Isn't Red Barchetta about
disobeying athority? And in the Bible is says..." etc. I just want to say that
I am not trying to tell anyone what they sould or shouldn't believe, I'm just
expressing MY views and beliefs.
						In His name,

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved"   Acts 2:21


Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 21:25:25 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: 04/10/95 - The National Midnight Star #1084

Re: Mark D. Lamoree "Gun Owner". Hey Mark, just thought I'd let you
and other Rush fans that Neil thinks Canada, which has some of the toughest
and strictest gun-control legislation in the world, should have even tougher
gun control laws. Neil also plays drums on a song by Canadian band
The Rheostatics. The song is purely anti-gun. When Neil was interviewing
then Prime Minister candidate Jean Chritien on Much Music, he pressed the
PM for a complete ban on handguns!

Remember, "Facts a fact from Nome to Rome, boy!"..

Jim MacLachlan


From: (dave mccormick)
Subject: Bridge of Sighs
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 09:44:10 -0400

I saw a post a while back that talked about bands ripping of Rush.
It was said that Robin Trower's Bridge of Sighs was a copy of a
cut from COS.  BOS was released in 1974...COS in 1975.
I think they sound similar, but wouldn't accuse either artist in
this case!
It is an interesting point, however.  I feel many bands are influenced
by Rush, but due to their non-commercial nature, I don't believe they
would choose to copy them...there are a lot of groups that copying would
bring more financial gain. I see many a teenager playing Rush in their
garage bands and looking up to them, but when the bands leave the garage
and hit the bars, maybe even someday the road, Rush seems to be left behind


Date: Tue, 11 Apr 1995 21:13:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lark's Tongues In Aspic <>
Subject: just a reminder...

In yesterday's NMS, someone replied to a posting I had made
a few days ago.  This someone referred to me as an "illiterate
drummer."  I have taken my response to this comment to e-mail,
but I would like to say here that a difference of opinion does
not make one illiterate or stupid in any way.  Discussing our
favorite band is one thing, but outright insults to others is
quite another matter.

I see comments like that one more and more often on the NMS, an
otherwise impeccable discussion forum.  Please, folks--let's
try to refrain from comments like this as they are unnecessary
and counterproductive to intelligent discussion.

 -Rahul Ananda


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 06:23 EST
From: Tony Dormio <>
Subject: The Trees (a point of view not yet covered)

I think that Neil wrote "The Trees" because he absolutly
adores Oak syrup on his pancakes.  But unfortunatly
there is no equality in the forest and the syrup makers
only drive their spikes into maple trees.  It's no wonder
that "the Maples scream oppression", they have the
life blood drained out of them every Spring by those
syrup making vampires.  If there were more oak syrup
on the super market shelves, maybe the oaks wouldn't
grow so tall.  And when the hatchette, axe and saw
all grow to dull to do thier jobs, there is always a pack
of matches that would be more than willing to do the
dirty work. (I haven't eaten breakfast yet and my
brain cries out for nurishment....MMmmmm.. oak syrup)



Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 07:22:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Geddy's Technique and Tom Sawyer

Yes, Barry, I'm afraid you're weird. Especially if you think RTB's bass
sound is better than CP's!!:)

Long live big nasty tube amps and Jazz Basses!



Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 11:28 CDT
Subject: King's X

Hi all,

In NMS #1084 Charles Pollitt inquired:
> Does anybody know what King's X are doing?  We get zero
> info on the band here in England....

Don't feel bad.  I live in Dallas, King's X is from Houston (about 5
by car) and I have no idea what they've been doing.  The last I heard
of them they did a show here in Dallas opening for Motley Crue last year
sometime, but I don't think that was an organized tour or anything.

King's X would be the ULTIMATE RUSH opener (or Dream Theater).
I've seen them in small clubs twice, once on the Gretchen tour and
again on Faith Hope Love; they were excellent both times.  I haven't
heard anything since Dogman came out.  These guys are getting
screwed over!

How about the Galactic Cowboys?  Another great Texas band that no one
ever hears of........

Obligatory RUSH: King's X is very RUSH influenced, especially the bass
and the guitar work.

|  John Walker		|
|  Email:	|
|  Voice:  (214) 447-8321	|
|  Fax:      (214) 447-8071	|


Date: 12 Apr 1995 08:22:54 -0800
From: "Johnson/McGee PRB" <Johnson/>
Subject: La Villa Strangiato

Living up on the North coast of Alaska most of the year, I Rarely get the
chance to practice important verbal pronunciation skills with other persons
of the RUSH persuasion.  So, before I embarrass myself at some important
social gathering, could someone in-the-know please leave a footnote on how
one might pronounce -> La Villa Strangiato??  My best guess is Lah Ve-Ya
Stran-he-ah-toe.  Also, if you can think of any other difficult titles, ect,
that might cause me to die a thousand deaths, please include them as well.

Thanks -- Snow Dog, Alaska

>..........Get Busy! ---- RTB


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 13:33:42 -0400 (EDT)
From: Karl E Breiner <>
Subject: VH rips off rush..

> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 20:03:32 -0700 (MST)
> From: "Anthony John Zimmermann" <>
> Subject: Another VH/Rush connection
> Alex Van Halen's solo on the "Balance" tour is a *blatant* ripoff of The
> Rhythm Method.  Same orchestral patches on the synth triggers, same
> ostenato patterns... Just goes to show that Neil is about 6 years ahead of
> what mainstream audiences are ready for.

	Yeah, I always wondered about this.  The song 'Panama' always
made me think that VH was attempting to write a new 'Red Barchetta' and
the synth intro of '1984' harkens back to '2112.'  When I heard the song
'Pleasure Dome,' (an obvious 'Xanadu' ripoff) I thought, what are these
guys trying to prove?
	In a way it's nice to see that VH is paying homage to Rush.  On
the other hand, it infuriates me when someone thinks 'Pleasure Dome' is
the 'coolest song' and couldn't give a hoot about Rush!  In other words,
I see your point.



Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 14:43:02 -0400
Subject: New Album???

I just red something on the internet
that said "04/95, Common Time *New!*" under the album list.  I know it's
probably just bull shit, but can someone shed some light on this :)


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 12:27:45 -0700 (MST)
From: Vic Rattlehead <s-32@PrimeNet.Com>
Subject: Re: 04/10/95 - The National Midnight Star #1084

=09What is this Backstage Club anyway? Im curious

_______"You won't catch me with=20
=09=09=09=09=09=09 my pants down in front of
=09=09=09=09=09=09 the microwave"


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 15:35:09 -0500
From: (Eric Lesch)
Subject: YKYARFW

Hello all! (especially Chris Western and Rich White, he he!)

This is my first post so I'll keep it short and sweet.  I've been a Rush
fan since I got introduced to them by Brian, Kent, and Jason in my high
school percussion section.  Anyway, I have this great YKYARFW so here it

YKYARFW. . . you are looking for a used car before your senior year in high
school and you decide on a Charger so you can polish it in your garage.  (I
would have gotten the one mentioned in that "other" car song, but I don't
think it would have fit my budget.)

All for now!
  /   ___ ___  ___        /|  /|   ___  ___  ___ ___  ___ __
 /   /-  /__  /    /__/  / | / |  /  / /  / /__  /   /_  /_/
/__ /__  __/ /__  /  /  /  |/  | /__/ /  /  __/ /   /__ / \

Eric Lesch


Date:        Wed, 12 Apr 95 16:49:08 EST
From: Steven Horwitz <>
Subject: "liberals," capitalism and freedom

In TNMS #1084 John Fornaris Watson argues that liberals (in the
contemporary American sense of the term) do, in fact, like freedom
and capitalism and he raises the issue of defenders of capitalism who
supported "regulation" for the free market.  A couple of responses
seem in order.

First, there is no such thing as "the free market school of economics."
The "free market" is a policy conclusion that derives from various
schools of thought in economics, many of them radically different.
Watson also refers to "the founder" of that school as the author of
"The Road to Serfdom."  The author in question is arguably the greatest
social theorist of the 20th century, F. A. Hayek.  Hayek was a member of
(but NOT a founder of) the *Austrian* school of economics which has long
been linked with free market policy conclusions and libertarian ideas
more broadly.  As an adherent of that school, I think it's important to
get all the facts on the table.

Watson says that Hayek admits the need for regulation of a truly free
market economy.  If by regulation one means a legal framework for
settling property rights disputes and criminal actions, of course.  If
by regulation, one means most of the regulations we have in the modern
US economy, including most of the income redistribution programs, then
Hayek was emphatically not sympathetic.  He does argue that the state
should provide for those who are physically/mentally unable to partici-
pate in the market, but that's about it.  Yes many modern libertarians
would not agree, but so what?  All political movements have internal
debates over principles and policies, and the fact that some have more
moderate views than other hardly undermines the point that Hayek's
critiques of socialism and the interventionism of Western economies
were correct and that substantially freer markets than we have would
still be a good idea.

Yes American liberals love freedom, but they sometimes forget that the
basis for the freedoms they love is the freedom to own and exchange
property as one sees fit.  Property rights are not just about being able
to have stuff and be rich, they are about having a protected domain of
possession and action that enables people to carve out the kind of lives
that they want to have.  Sure liberals believe in freedom, but  they
don't always see how the *means* they wish to use to derive that freedom
actually work against it - "their causes can't see their effects"?!?

After all, who was it that said something like "What you
own is your own kingdom / what you do is your own glory / what you love
is your own power / what you live is your own story"?  How one gets to
a world of freedom without deep and fundamental protection of people's
property rights, from both other people and institutions like the state
is beyond me.

   [ Um... heh heh heh.. um.. what does this have to do with Rush? Methinks
     it's time to take this to email.                            : rush-mgr ]

One last point - I happen to find Ayn Rand's influence on Neil parti-
cularly interesting.  I also find the individualism in Neil's lyrics
also interesting.  That doesn't mean I don't acknowledge or recognize
other influences and other ideas there.  There sure are.  I'm not
trying to peg Neil as an "objectivist."  He isn't - he's an individual-
ist, if anything.  However, we can still discuss what his more Randian
lyrics mean and their relevance to the world around us without pigeon-
holing Neil the person.

The Professor

"What has always made the state a hell on earth has been precisely that
man has tried to make it his heaven"  -  F. Hoelderlin as quoted in
F. A. Hayek's *The Road to Serfdom*


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 18:32:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: William Sheridan <>
Subject: first post

What's up, folks?  My name is Bill and this is my first.  I'm sitting on
a Power Mac while listening to Moving Pictures in the internal CD
player.  I have an exam in a half hour so I figured what better time to
make a post.  Just a couple of things.  If anyone is a Metallica fan out
there, they thanked Geddy, Alex and Neil of RUSH in the credits of Master
of Puppets.  I was wondering if anyone knew anything about what the hell
RUSH did with Metallica.  Also, in response to what Steven Horwitz said
about bass lines, you're damn right.  I just finished listening to The
Camera Eye, and I have the ESL video.  Damn, Geddy can JAM.  That's a
great version of an already great song.  I'm glad someone else knows it.
Well, I have so many more questions but all I can think about now is
engineering.  Thanks for the interesting stuff I've been reading.

				Bill Sheridan

"...the focus is sharp in the city."


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 18:38:14 -0400 (EDT)
From: William Sheridan <>
Subject: one more post

Well, I guess I should have read the whole NMS before I sent in my post.
I just wanted to say that I feel your pain Randy  (Randy Marquis).  Last
time Rush came up to my neck of the woods, tickets went on sale in
January.  It SUCKED sleeping out for those tickets.  Anyone who went
through last years winter up north knows what I mean.  I was supposed to
go back home to Miami that weekend, but I cancelled my trip so I could
sleep out.  It was about 20 below w/ wind chill at 7AM so I figure it was
a little chillier during the night.  Lucky me, I got to sleep out by
myself because nobody else was that devoted to sleep out for tickets w/
me.  Well, you would think that I would at least get row 1,2, or 3.
Wrong.  After that whole ordeal, I got 8th row.  While that's great, I
thought I had first row locked, buying only one ticket.  The worst thing
is that the 8 people behind me were in the same row, but closer to the
center.  Does anyone else think I got screwed by the ticket guy?  Oh
well, sorry to whine, but I just wanted to share the story of a Miami boy
fighting off hypothermia to get a better look at the greatest trio ever.
Well, off to my exam.



Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 19:21:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: Sean Kilpatrick <>
Subject: Rush ideologies

Fellow Rush Fans-
	There has been much talk about there being too much discussion
about Rand, facism, Peart's relation to these two and so on.  I have to
dissent in that if the boys like them and refer to them, why not try and
figure out what they're talking about.  There is only so much we can
share about Rush before having to get personally involved in their
personal lives.  Of course there's always beating a dead horse (such as
whether or not Lifeson's name can be spelled w/ chemical elements- even I
know that) but let's not close the door on other opinions when concerning
Rush materials.  Just a thought.  Ed (not Blonski- your brain could find
comfort in the shade of a snow pea).  That's all.

How can anybody be enlightened?
Truth is after all so poorly lit.
						-Sean Kilpatrick


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 23:18:11 -0500 (CDT)
From: Kathy Dittrich <>
Subject: Stirring the hornet's nest

Neil has no political views!! He's just a moderately successful rock
drummer! He's even from Canada! He reads books!! How can he know about
good old, American, TV watchin' things like politics!!

Oh yeah, and NO ONE should open for Rush on their next tour. Instead,
they should open for Michael Bolton. So there.


 --Leela  (Sleepless n' Surly)


From: Christopher Lee Mace <>
Subject: other newsletter postings
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 1995 23:51:11 -0500 (CDT)

	I'm new to the NMS, and am impressed by the usefulness of it. It's
good to have.
	Anyway, I was wondering if anyone was aware of other postings like
the NMS, for groups like Pink Floyd or Queensryche, ar any good rock bands.
Drop me a note if you do.
	Send em to Thanx!     ;^>   Ty.


Subject: I C E L A N D!?
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 95 23:44:32 EST

hi kids,
tis I, once again. well, i have the luck to be traveling to Iceland this
coming spring break, and i was wondering:
a) if there are any Icelandic Rush fans out there?!
b) if anyone knows where i can get some cool rush stuff, while i am up
you can e-mail me directly at
thanks, about 1001001 times.
Jill x-1
In Ged We Trust.
This has been a JackRelax<tm> production.


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 00:28:37 -0400
From: (Steven Chalfant)
Subject: Rand and Buddy Rich

Hi!  Just thought I'd de-lurk for a second before I return to my cave.

A lot of people seemed to be very stirred up lately about the supposedly old
subject of how much Neil was or is inspired by Ayn Rand.  Admittedly, the
majority of his lyrics these days are not quite obviously objectivistic,
although individualism still flows strong.  For anyone lucky enough to have
the "Burning for Buddy" CD, Neil's essay on the inside is a virtual treatise
on objectivism, focusing on Buddy Rich.  Neil repeatedly expresses how Buddy
expected the best out of his band members, pushing them to be the best they
can and work with integrity.  The objectivism running through the essay is
especially apparent in several of the quotes Neil chooses to use, such as
Buddy saying, "You gotta be what you are.  You can't be what somebody else
would like you to be.  I'm myself, and what I am I think I like.  The nicest
part about it is that I know who I am, and so I don't have to grope for
identity."  Objectivism stresses freeing your individuality from what others
want of you, and doing things because they are the right thing for you to
do, not because you fear others.  Neil's final quote in the essay is from
Jim Chapin, who Neil used to summarize the tribute, saying, "Who will fill
his shoes?  No one can, but if we just heed his example and fill our own
shoes, maybe we will work wonders."  One of the main points in Rand's "The
Fountainhead" was the importance of the individualized mind in bringing
improvement to the world.

Personally, discovering objectivism after being introduced to it by Rush
really helped me to remember what is important in life.  To everyone who
criticizes objectivism and Ayn Rand, I would suggest you read her works
again, and really try to understand them.  Objectivism, like any philosophy,
should be examined for its truths, and those truths that exist should be
accepted, which by the way is a point Rand makes in Howard Roark's final
trial in "The Fountainhead."

As a side note, I recently found "Visions" by the B-Man ("rhymes with
Manashevitz") at Borders, bookstore near Bridgewater Mall near Somerset, New
Jersey.  I immediately bought it, but the guy at the counter said it wasn't
out of print.  Of course, he also thought it was pretty weird seeing Neil
Peart without long hair.  It's definitely worth the $20 if you can find it.
Look in the back in the music department.  Off to the side there's a bunch
of biographies on musicians throughout history.

Well, I'm done de-lurking.

Steven Chalfant
MechE/Aero '98          "It was for me not you I came to write this song," Neil


Date: Thu, 13 Apr 1995 00:13:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: ** RiOT Nrrd! *  <>

For the last few months I've been working on a "program" for MS Windows
which consolidates all the fundamental Rush files into one place...
Anyhow, it's finally finished and ready to be distributed.  RushInfo is
completely free (from one fan to all others) and is available for
anonymous FTP from "" -- it is currently in the
/rush/incoming/ directory under the RINFO01.ZIP filename.  If you have a
PC with Windows, please get the program -- I am confident that you will
find it quite useful.  If you do not have access to FTP, e-mail me at
"" and I'll be happy to mail it to you, in return for
postage and disc price.

The following is an overview of the program:

** RINFO01.TXT - "RushInfo For Windows" Information Text **

RushInfo is a Windows Help File system which incorporates the most common
Rush text files into one convenient and easy-to-use format.  Similar to
any other Windows help file, RushInfo allows the user to use the
point-and-click interface to quickly locate the desired information.  The
concept is very similar to that of WWW pages and the like.  In addition
to the actual textual information, graphics are embedded throughout the
program (including the album covers from all studio releases).  Furthermore,
RushInfo includes a powerful search feature which makes it easy to find
the information you are looking for.  Current plans include the
incorporation of sound files in the near future...

Currently, RushInfo contains the following:

   - Chronicles Essay
   - Main Discography
   - Bootleg Discography (Compact Disc)
   - Bootleg Discography (Vinyl)
   - Song Lyrics
   - "Frequently Asked Questions"
   - Tour Setlists
   - Tourdates
   - Tourbook Transcriptions

If you have any questions, suggestions, and/or comments after trying
RushInfo, please feel free to direct them my way... Enjoy!!

 - Paul Singh aka RiOT Nrrd!

| RiOT Nrrd * -- * RiOT Nrrd |
+                                   -*-                                   +
|    "If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!" -- Unknown    |


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End of The National Midnight Star Number 1085

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