TUCoPS :: General Information :: protmem.txt

Protecting Memory and Addressing Part One

::       ..ooO Protecting Memory and Addressing Part One by wyze1 Ooo..     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: This is the first of a wave of technical articles which I am going to be ::
:: publishing in FK. I am making a conscious decision to get the zine more  ::
:: technically orientated and to have some serious articles for the         ::
:: intermediate hacker.                                                     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: I toyed with the idea of writing an article on Buffer Overflow but after ::
:: having seen this in Phrack, b4b0 and THC Magazine, decided that the idea ::
:: was tired out by now, and by now (hopefully) everyone knows what it is.  ::
:: And so, I decided to look into an area less commonly exploited and less  ::
:: well-known, memory protection. In this issue I will be covering some     ::
:: fairly primitive methods of memory protection and will move on to more   ::
:: commonly used systems in Part Two. It is intended to be simple, concise  ::
:: and to explain exactly what memory protection is from the ground up.     ::
::                                                                          ::
:: In multiuser environments (Like Windows NT and UNIX), it is important    ::
:: that the memory assigned to one user cannot be accessed in any way by    ::
:: another user -- not only for security reasons, but also obviously so     ::
:: that if one user's program crashes, the whole system won't go down. Lets ::
:: start by looking at the most basic form of memory protection - protecting::
:: only the Operating System itself in a singleuser environment. This uses  ::
:: the Fence Register method.                                               ::
::                                                                          ::
::                              ____________________                        ::
::                             |                    |    The Memory         ::
::                             |  Operating System  |                       ::
::                             |                    |                       ::
::                             |--------------------|                       ::
::                         ,-  |                    |                       ::
::                         |   |  User Program      |                       ::
::                         |   |    Space           |                       ::
::     Addressing Range ---|   |                    |                       ::
::                         |   |                    |                       ::
::                         `-  |                    |                       ::
::                              --------------------                        ::
::                                                                          ::
:: This is achieved by using a Hardware register called a Fence Register.   ::
:: The Fence Register is a lower level memory address that indicates that   ::
:: nothing above this should be modified. We would then say that the        ::
:: Relocation Factor for this example is the amount of memory blocks a      ::
:: program written as if it would be resident at the beginning of the RAM   ::
:: would have to move down so as not to interfere with the Operating System.::
::                                                                          ::
:: Now, in a multiuser environment we don't want our users to be able to    ::
:: cause any trouble for eachother whatsoever and we can't achieve that     ::
:: with just our one Fence Register. This is where we bring in Bounds       ::
:: Registers. Like how Fence Registers are lower level memory addresses,    ::
:: Bounds Registers are higher level memory addresses, and show that all    ::
:: memory below it belongs to them. (Until it hits another Bounds Register).::
:: So an example would look something like...                               ::
::                                                                          ::
::                          ____________________                            ::
::                         |                    |                           ::
::                         |  Operating System  |                           ::
::                         |                    |                           ::
::     Base Register --->> |--------------------|                           ::
::                         |                    |  -,                       ::
::                         | Bobs Program Space |   |                       ::
::                         |                    |   |                       ::
::   Bounds Register --->> |------------------- |   |-- User Program Space  ::
::                         |                    |   |                       ::
::                         | Sods Program Space |   |                       ::
::                         |                    |  -'                       ::
::                          --------------------                            ::
::                                                                          ::
:: However there is still a big problem with this form of memory protection.::
:: Because there is no definition between executable and data areas, and    ::
:: because each user has full control over memory in their assigned piece   ::
:: of memory, they can write over things and cause crashes and different    ::
:: things happening in the execution of their programs. Sure, its only      ::
:: their programs, but what if this was a SUID program? ;)                  ::
::                                                                          ::
:: So, what we may want to do, is seperate the users data from their        ::
:: program space to avoid security threats like the one mentioned above. So ::
:: our memory will look something like this...                              ::
::                                                                          ::
::                          ____________________                            ::
::                         |                    |                           ::
::                         |  Operating System  |                           ::
::                         |                    |                           ::
::     Base Register --->> |--------------------|                           ::
::                         | Bobs Data Space    |  -,                       ::
::   Bounds Register --->> |--------------------|   |                       ::
::                         | Bobs Program Space |   |                       ::
::   Bounds Register --->> |------------------- |   |-- User Memory         ::
::                         | Sods Data Space    |   |                       ::
::   Bounds Register --->> |--------------------|   |                       ::
::                         | Sods Program Space |  -'                       ::
::                          --------------------                            ::

::                                                                          ::
:: Needless to say, this type of memory protection will not work if we want ::
:: a truly secure Operating System. And that is where Tagged Architecture   ::
:: comes in, another alternate method of memory protection. This sytem is   ::
:: just really the idea of having a few bits after every Memory location    ::
:: that cannot be modified containing flags such as R, W & X, to represent  ::
:: what the user may and may not do with this piece of memory, for example  ::
:: R - Read, W - Write, X - Execute - like in UNIX.                         ::
::                                                                          ::
:: This system is used on the Burroughs B6500-7500 systems and the IBM      ::
:: System/38 also uses a similar method. In next issue I will discuss other ::
:: memory management techniques, including Paging, Segmentation, And a      ::
:: hybrid of the two. Please let me know what you think of this article,    ::
:: it is my vision of the type of articles which will be in future issues   ::
:: of Forbidden Knowledge.                                                  ::
::                                                                          ::

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