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ColdFusion - decrypting CFCRYPT pages



    Those using Cold Fusion


    According  to  CF  Team  pages  encrypted  with CFCRYPT.EXE can be
    illegally decrypted.   Matt Chapman wrote  such program that  will

    /* CFDECRYPT: Decrypt Cold Fusion templates encrypted with CFCRYPT
       Matt Chapman <matthewc@cse.unsw.edu.au>
         Usage: cfdecrypt <encrypted.cfm >decrypted.cfm
       Requires a DES encryption library to compile.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "des.h"
    int main(void)
	    char *header = "Allaire Cold Fusion Template\012Header Size: ";
	    char buffer[54];
	    int headsize, outlen;
	    int skip_header;
	    int len, i;
	    char *keystr = "Error: cannot open template file--\"%s\". Please, try again!\012\012";
	    des_cblock key;
	    des_cblock input;
	    des_cblock output;
	    des_key_schedule schedule;
	    if ((fread(buffer, 1, 54, stdin) < 54) || (memcmp(buffer, header, 42)))
		    fprintf(stderr, "File is not an encrypted template\n");
		    return 1;
	    if (!memcmp(&buffer[42], "New Version", 11))
		    headsize = 69;
		    skip_header = 1;
		    headsize = atoi(&buffer[42]);
		    skip_header = 0;
	    if ((headsize < 54) || (fseek(stdin, headsize, SEEK_SET) < 0))
		    fprintf(stderr, "Error in file format\n");
		    return 1;
	    des_string_to_key(keystr, &key);
	    des_set_key(&key, schedule);
	    outlen = 0;
	    while ((len = fread(input, 1, 8, stdin)) == 8)
		    des_ecb_encrypt(&input, &output, schedule, 0);
		    outlen += 8;
		    i = 0;
		    if (skip_header)
			    while (i < 8)
				    if (output[i++] == 0x1A)
					    skip_header = 0;
		    fwrite(output + i, 1, 8 - i, stdout);
	    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		    output[i] = input[i] ^ (outlen + i);
	    fwrite(output, 1, len, stdout);

	    return 0;


    ASB99-08 paper by Cold Fusion describes what to do.

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