#!/usr/bin/perl -w ##################################### # appendX 0.3 # Written by Michael Bauer <mihi@ch3cooh.org> ##################################### use strict; no strict 'refs'; use vars qw(%params %commands %options); #params contains all parameters of #the command-line and is Global. %commands=(append=>'append', extract=>'extract', restore=>'restore', help=>'help', -a=>'append', -e=>'extract', -r=>'restore', -h=>'help'); sub filesize{ my @a=stat($_[0]); my $size=$a[7]; return ($size); } sub append{ open (FILE, $params{infile}) or die $params{infile}; binmode FILE; my ($bluff, $num, @buff); $num=500; while ($num==500){ $num=read (FILE,$bluff,500); push @buff,$bluff; } close (FILE); open (FL, ">$params{outfile}")or die $params{outfile}; binmode FL; print FL @buff; print STDERR "Your ... please:\n"; my @text=<stdin>; if ($params{strip_pgp}) {@text=strippgp(@text);}; print FL @text; close (FL); my $length=filesize($params{outfile})-filesize($params{infile}); open (FL, ">>$params{outfile}"); binmode FL; my $h=sprintf("%10x",$length); print FL $h; close (FL); } sub sizeoftext { open (FILE,$_[0]) or die $_[0]; binmode FILE; seek FILE,-10,2 or die "Seek"; my ($he,$dd); if (10 !=read FILE, $he ,10) { die "read";}; close (FILE); my @he=split '',$he; foreach (@he) { if ($_ eq ' ') { $dd.='0'; } else { $dd.=sprintf("%x",hex($_)); } } return hex($dd); } sub extract { my $text; my $size=sizeoftext($params{infile}); open (FILE, "$params{infile}"); seek FILE,-10-$size,2; read FILE,$text,$size; if ($params{strip_pgp}) {print "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n"; print "Version: apX 0.3\n"; print "Comment: see http://unet.univie.ac.at/~a9900470\n"; }; print $text; if ($params{strip_pgp}) { print "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n"; }; close (FILE); } sub help { print "appendX 0.3 \n"; print "syntax apX [command] [option] [infile] [outfile]\n"; print "Commands are: "; foreach (keys %commands) {print "$_ " if ($_ !~ /-/)}; print "\n"; print "Options:\n"; print "\t-s strips/adds the pgp header (can be combined with -e or -a)\n"; print "written by mihi, i don't care what you use it for\n"; print "ABSOLUTLY NO WARRANTIES OF WHAT THIS SKRIPT DOES OR DOESN'T\n"; } sub restore { open (FL,">>$params{infile}"); binmode FL; truncate FL, filesize($params{infile})-sizeoftext($params{infile})-10; close FL; } sub strippgp { my @ret; foreach (@_){ if (($_ !~ "-----")and ($_ !~ "omment:") and ($_!~ "ersion:")){ push(@ret,$_); } } return @ret; } # main my ($op); if (!$ARGV[0]) {help; exit;}; my $command=shift; while ($op=shift){ #here the params are read in if ($op eq "-s" ){ $params{strip_pgp}=1; } elsif (!$params{infile}) {$params{infile}=$op} elsif (!$params{outfile}) {$params{outfile}=$op} elsif ($op eq "-h") {help; exit;} } if ($commands{$command}) { if (((!$params{infile}) and ($commands{$command} ne 'help')) or ((!$params{outfile}) and ($commands{$command} eq 'append')) ) { print "Specify Infile or infile and outfile\n"; help; exit(0); } my $cmd=$commands{$command}; &$cmd(%params); } else { print "Unknown command:$command\n"; }