#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "DeCSS.h" #define MaxKeys 1000 typedef struct { int occ; DVD40bitKey key; } KeyOcc; void Syntax(void) { printf("SYNTAX ERROR: Wrong number of parameters.\n"); printf(" DeCSSplus VOBInputFile [VOBOutputFile] [/p[ause]] [/v{0..9}] [/o[utput]] [/s]\n"); printf(" /p : Pause at the end of execution\n"); printf(" /v : Verbosity level 0..9\n"); printf(" /o : Use VOBInputFile as output if no output file given\n"); printf(" /s : Scan entier file. Default is to stop after having found 20 times the same key.\n\n"); printf(" Please make sure the file is _readable_. Use a DVD-player to\n"); printf(" remove the sector protection\n\n"); } int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { int paramPause = 0; int paramVerbose = 1; int paramOutput = 0; int paramScanAll = 0; char *paramInputFile = NULL; char *paramOutputFile = NULL; FILE *in,*out; unsigned char buf[0x800]; DVD40bitKey MyKey; int pos,BytesRead,BytesWritten,BestPLen,BestP,i,j,k,encrypted=0,filsize; KeyOcc PosKey[MaxKeys]; int RegisteredKeys = 0, TotalKeysFound = 0, StopScanning = 0; if (paramVerbose>=1) { printf(" DeCSSplus v1.0 - Decrypt without knowing the key - (c) 2000 Ethan Hawke\n"); printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } if (argc<2) { Syntax(); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } i=1; while (i<argc) { if (strncmp(argv[i],"/",1)==0) { if (strncmp(argv[i],"/p",2)==0) paramPause = 1; else if (strncmp(argv[i],"/v",2)==0) paramVerbose = atoi((argv[i])+2); else if (strncmp(argv[i],"/s",2)==0) paramScanAll = 1; else if (strncmp(argv[i],"/o",2)==0) paramOutput = 1; else { Syntax(); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } } else { if (!paramInputFile) paramInputFile = argv[i]; else if (!paramOutputFile) { paramOutputFile = argv[i]; paramOutput = 1; } else { Syntax(); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } } i++; } if (in = fopen(paramInputFile,"rb")) { pos = 0; fseek(in,0,SEEK_END); filsize = ftell(in); fseek(in,0,SEEK_SET); do { if (paramVerbose>=1 && filsize>1024*1024) printf("%.2f of file read & found %i keys...\r",pos*100.0/filsize,TotalKeysFound); BytesRead = fread(buf,1,0x800,in); if (buf[0x14] & 0x30) // PES_scrambling_control { encrypted = 1; BestPLen = 0; BestP = 0; for(i=2;i<0x30;i++) { for(j=i;(j<0x80) && (buf[0x7F-(j%i)]==buf[0x7F-j]);j++); if ((j>BestPLen) && (j>i)) { BestPLen = j; BestP = i; } } if ((BestPLen>20) && (BestPLen/BestP>=2)) { i = CSScrackerDVD(0,&buf[0x80],&buf[0x80-(BestPLen/BestP)*BestP],(DVD40bitKey*)&buf[0x54],&MyKey); while (i>=0) { k = 0; for(j=0;j<RegisteredKeys;j++) if (memcmp(&(PosKey[j].key),&MyKey,sizeof(DVD40bitKey))==0) { PosKey[j].occ++; TotalKeysFound++; k = 1; } if (k==0) { memcpy(&(PosKey[RegisteredKeys].key),&MyKey,sizeof(DVD40bitKey)); PosKey[RegisteredKeys++].occ = 1; TotalKeysFound++; } if (paramVerbose>=2) printf("\nOfs:%08X - Key: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",pos,MyKey[0],MyKey[1],MyKey[2],MyKey[3],MyKey[4]); i = CSScrackerDVD(i,&buf[0x80],&buf[0x80-(BestPLen/BestP)*BestP],(DVD40bitKey*)&buf[0x54],&MyKey); } if (RegisteredKeys==1 && PosKey[0].occ>=20) StopScanning = 1; } } pos += BytesRead; } while (BytesRead==0x800 && !StopScanning); fclose(in); if (paramVerbose>=1 && StopScanning) printf("Found enough occurancies of the same key. Scan stopped."); if (paramVerbose>=1) printf("\n\n"); } else { printf("FILE ERROR: File could not be opened. [Check if file is readable]\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } if (!encrypted) { printf("This file was _NOT_ encrypted!\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(0); } if (encrypted && RegisteredKeys==0) { printf("Sorry... No keys found to this encrypted file.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } for(i=0;i<RegisteredKeys-1;i++) for(j=i+1;j<RegisteredKeys;j++) if (PosKey[j].occ>PosKey[i].occ) { memcpy(&MyKey,&(PosKey[j].key),sizeof(DVD40bitKey)); k = PosKey[j].occ; memcpy(&(PosKey[j].key),&(PosKey[i].key),sizeof(DVD40bitKey)); PosKey[j].occ = PosKey[i].occ; memcpy(&(PosKey[i].key),&MyKey,sizeof(DVD40bitKey)); PosKey[i].occ = k; } if (paramVerbose>=1) { printf(" Key(s) & key probability\n--------------------------\n"); for(i=0;i<RegisteredKeys;i++) printf(" %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X - %3.2f%%\n",PosKey[i].key[0],PosKey[i].key[1],PosKey[i].key[2],PosKey[i].key[3],PosKey[i].key[4],PosKey[i].occ*100.0/TotalKeysFound); printf("\n"); } if (paramOutput) { if (RegisteredKeys>1) { printf(" Which stream key do you want to use (ex. 13 47 8A BC EF): "); if (scanf("%2X %2X %2X %2X %2X",&(MyKey[0]),&(MyKey[1]),&(MyKey[2]),&(MyKey[3]),&(MyKey[4]))!=5) { printf("\nNot a valid key.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } if (paramVerbose>=2) printf("Using key %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X\n",MyKey[0],MyKey[1],MyKey[2],MyKey[3],MyKey[4]); } else memcpy(&(MyKey),&(PosKey[0].key),sizeof(DVD40bitKey)); if (paramOutputFile) { if (in = fopen(paramInputFile,"rb")) { if (out = fopen(paramOutputFile,"wb")) { pos = 0; do { if (paramVerbose>=1 && filsize>1024*1024) printf("%.2f of file read/written...\r",pos*100.0/filsize); BytesRead = fread(&buf,1,0x800,in); if (buf[0x14] & 0x30) // PES_scrambling_control { CSSdescrambleSector(&MyKey,(unsigned char*)&buf); buf[0x14] &= 0x8F; } BytesWritten = fwrite(&buf,1,BytesRead,out); if (BytesWritten!=BytesRead) { printf("Could not write to output file.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } pos += BytesRead; } while (BytesRead==0x800); } else { printf("\n File could not be opened for Write.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } } else { printf("\n File could not be opened for Read/Write.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } } else { if (in = fopen(paramInputFile,"r+b")) { pos = 0; do { if (paramVerbose>=1 && filsize>1024*1024) printf("%.2f of file read/written...\r",pos*100.0/filsize); fseek(in,pos,SEEK_SET); BytesRead = fread(&buf,1,0x800,in); if (buf[0x14] & 0x30) // PES_scrambling_control { CSSdescrambleSector(&MyKey,(unsigned char*)&buf); buf[0x14] &= 0x8F; } fseek(in,pos,SEEK_SET); fwrite(&buf,1,BytesRead,in); pos += BytesRead; } while (BytesRead==0x800); } else { printf("\n File could not be opened for Read/Write.\n"); if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(1); } } } if (paramPause) { printf("Press ENTER key to continue ...\n"); getchar(); } return(0); }