Vulnerability pgp Affected PGP Description Cryptologists from Czech company ICZ detected serious security vulnerability of an international magnitude. A bug has been found in worldwide used security format OpenPGP. The bug can lead to discovery of user's private keys used in digital signature systems. OpenPGP format is widely used in many applications used worldwide, including extremely popular programs like PGP(TM), GNU Privacy Guard, and others. The bug detection comes on the right time, as Philip Zimmermann, the creator of PGP program, has left Network Associates, Inc. and aims to boost OpenPGP format in other products for privacy security on Internet. From the scientific point of view, the discovery goes far beyond actual programs - it has wider theoretical and practical impact. A slight modification of the private key file followed by capturing a signed message is enough to break the private key. These tasks can be performed without knowledge of the user's passphrase. After that, a special program can be run on any office PC. Based on the captured message,the program is able to calculate the user's private key in half a second. The attacker can then sign any messages instead of the attacked user. Despite of very quick calculation, the program is based on a special cryptographic know-how. DSA and RSA keys are reportedly equally vulnerable. The technical paper is at: http://www.i.cz/en/pdf/openPGP_attack_ENGvktr.pdf (PDF, 100 KB) "The attack to private signature keys in OpenPGP format, PGPTM program and other OpenPGP based applications" here: http://www.i.cz/pdf/pgp/OpenPGP_Attack_ENGfinal.ppt (PPT, 81 kB) ICZ's scientists' reactions to criticsm and FAQ http://www.i.cz/en/onas/ohlasy.html - Attackers have to diddle the secret key. - Does *not* work with commercial PGP 7.0.3 w/RSA keys (unknown about earlier). - Does work with all DSA keys and RSA keys in GPG. They found a way how to calculate victims private key from victims encrypted private key file and at least one signad message (signed by that private key). It takes small modification of private key file and about half a second of calculation on commom PC. So to succesfully perform attack their way, you have to: 1) obtain victims private key file 2) obtain at least one message signed by above key 3) have knowleddge and tools those ICZ folks have 4) apply 3 on 1 and 2 Attack takes advantage of missues of crypto algorithms when encrytping private key. They claim OpenPGP spec is responsible for that missuse. Solution Nothing yet.