TUCoPS :: Crypto :: pgpfaq.txt

Frequently asked questions about PGP encryption

          *** Frequently Asked Questions about PGP ***
                    Andre Bacard, Author of>
                   [Version January 11, 1995]
     This article offers a nontechnical overview of PGP to
     help you decide whether or not to use this globally
     popular computer software to safeguard your computer
     files and e-mail. I have written this especially for
     persons with a sense of humor. You may distribute this
     (unaltered) FAQ for non-commercial purposes.
What is PGP?
     PGP (also called "Pretty Good Privacy") is a computer
     program that encrypts (scrambles) and decrypts
     (unscrambles) data. For example, PGP can encrypt "Andre"
     so that it reads "457mRT&%$354." Your computer can
     decrypt this garble back into "Andre" if you have PGP.
Who created PGP?
     Philip Zimmermann <prz@acm.org> wrote the initial
     program. Phil, a a hero to many pro-privacy activists,
     works as a computer security consultant in Boulder,
     Colorado. Phil Zimmermann, Peter Gutmann, Hal Finney,
     Branko Lankester and other programmers around the globe
     have created subsequent PGP versions and shells.
     PGP uses the RSA public-key encryption system. RSA was
     announced in 1977 by its inventors: Ronald Rivest of MIT,
     Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, and
     Leonard Adelman of USC. It is called "RSA" after the
     initials of these men. PGP also employs an encryption
     system called IDEA which surfaced in 1990 due to Xuejia
     Lai and James Massey's inventiveness.
Who uses PGP encryption [or other RSA-based systems]?
     People who value privacy use PGP. Politicians running
     election campaigns, taxpayers storing IRS records,
     therapists protecting clients' files, entrepreneurs
     guarding trade secrets, journalists protecting their
     sources, and people seeking romance are a few of the law
     abiding citizens who use PGP to keep their computer files
     and their e-mail confidential.
     Businesses also use PGP. Suppose you're a corporate
     manager and you need to e-mail an employee about his job
     performance. You may be required by law to keep this e-
     mail confidential. Suppose you're a saleswoman, and you
     must communicate over public computer networks with a
     branch office about your customer list. You may be
     compelled by your company and the law to keep this list
     confidential. These are a few reasons why businesses use
     encryption to protect their customers, their employees,
     and themselves.
     PGP also helps secure financial transactions. For
     example, the Electronic Frontier Foundations uses PGP to
     encrypt members' charge account numbers, so that members
     can pay dues via e-mail.
     Thomas G. Donlan, an editor at BARRON'S [a financial
     publication related to THE WALL STREET JOURNAL], wrote a
     full-page editorial in the April 25, 1994 BARRON'S
     entitled "Privacy and Security: Computer Technology Opens
     Secrets, And Closes Them."
     Mr. Donlan wrote, in part:
          RSA Data Security, the company founded by the
          three inventors, has hundreds of satisfied
          customers, including Microsoft, Apple, Novell,
          Sun, AT&T and Lotus. Versions of RSA are
          available for almost any personal computer or
          workstation, many of them built into the
          operating systems. Lotus Notes, the network
          communications system, automatically encrypts
          all it messages using RSA. Other companies
          have similar products designed around the same
          basic concept, and some versions are available
          for free on computer bulletin boards.
     Donlan continues:
          Without security, the Internet is little more
          than the world's biggest bulletin board. With
          security, it could become the information
          supermarket of the world. RSA lets people and
          banks feels secure putting their credit-card
          numbers on the public network. Although it
          still  seems that computers created an age of
          snoopery, the age of privacy is at hand.
Aren't computers and e-mail already safe?
     Your computer files (unless encrypted) can be read by
     anyone with access to your machine. E-mail is notoriously
     unsafe. Typical e-mail travels through many computers.
     The persons who run these computers can read, copy, and
     store your mail. Many competitors and voyeurs are highly
     motivated to intercept e-mail. Sending your business,
     legal, and personal mail through computers is even less
     confidential than sending the same material on a
     postcard. PGP is one secure "envelope" that keeps
     busybodies, competitors, and criminals from victimizing
I have nothing to hide. Why do I need privacy?
     Show me a human being who has no secrets from her family,
     her neighbors, or her colleagues, and I'll show you
     someone who is either an extraordinary exhibitionist or
     an incredible dullard.
     Show me a business that has no trade secrets or
     confidential records, and I'll show you a business that
     is not very successful.
      On a lighter note, a college student wrote me the following:
     "I had a part-time job at a dry cleaner. One day I
     returned a diamond ring that I'd found in a man's coat
     pocket to his wife. Unfortunately, it was NOT her ring!
     It belonged to her husband's  girlfriend. His wife was
     furious and divorced her husband over this incident. My
     boss told me: 'Return jewelry ONLY to the person whose
     clothes you found it in, and NEVER return underwear that
     you find in pockets!' Until that moment, I thought my
     boss was a finicky woman. But she taught me the need for
     Privacy, discretion, confidentiality, and prudence are
     hallmarks of civilization.
I've heard police say that encryption should be outlawed because
criminals use it to avoid detection. Is this true?
     The next time you hear someone say this, ask him if he
     wants to outlaw the likes of Thomas Jefferson, the
     "Father of American Cryptography."
     Many governments, corporations, and law enforcement
     agencies use encryption to hide their operations. Yes, a
     few criminals also use encryption. Criminals are more
     likely to use cars, gloves, and ski-masks to evade
     PGP is "encryption for the masses." It gives average law
     abiding citizens a few of the privacy rights which
     governments and corporations insist that they need for
How does PGP work?
     PGP is a type of "public key cryptography." When you
     start using PGP, the program generates two "keys" that
     belong uniquely to you. Think of these keys as computer
     counterparts of the keys in your pocket. One PGP key is
     SECRET and stays in your computer. The other key is
     PUBLIC. You give this second key to your correspondents.
     Here is a sample PUBLIC KEY:
Version: 2.7
     Suppose the PUBLIC KEY listed above belongs to you and
     that you e-mail it to me. I can store your PUBLIC KEY in
     my PGP program and use your PUBLIC KEY to encrypt a
     message that only you can read. One beauty of PGP is that
     you can advertise your PUBLIC KEY the same way that you
     can give out your telephone number. If I have your
     telephone number, I can call your telephone; however, I
     cannot answer your telephone. Similarly, if I have your
     PUBLIC KEY, I can send you mail; however, I cannot read
     your mail.
     This PUBLIC KEY concept might sound a bit mysterious at
     first. However, it becomes very clear when you play with
     PGP for awhile.
How safe is PGP? Will it really protect my privacy?
     Perhaps your government or your mother-in-law can "break"
     PGP messages by using supercomputers and\or pure
     brilliance. I have no way of knowing. Three facts are
     certain. First, top-rate civilian cryptographers and
     computer experts have tried unsuccessfully to break PGP.
     Second, whoever proves that he or she can unravel PGP
     will earn quick fame in crypto circles. He or she will be
     applauded at banquets and attract grant money. Third,
     PGP's programmers will broadcast this news at once.
     Almost daily, someone posts a notice such as "PGP Broken
     by Omaha Teenager." Take these claims with a grain of
     salt. The crypto world attracts its share of paranoids,
     provocateurs, and UFO aliens.
     To date, nobody has publicly demonstrated the skill to
     outsmart or outmuscle PGP.
Is PGP available for my machine?
     Versions are available for DOS and Windows, as well as
     various Unixes, Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, OS/2, and
     CompuServe's WinCIM & CSNav. Many persons are working to
     expand PGP's usability. Read the Usenet alt.security.pgp
     news group for the latest developments.
Are these versions of PGP mutually compatible?
     Yes. For example, a document encrypted with PGP on a PC
     can be decrypted with someone using PGP on a Unix
     As of September 1, 1994, Versions 2.6 and higher can read
     previous versions. However, pre-2.6 versions can no
     longer read the newer versions. I strongly recommend that
     everyone upgrade to Versions 2.6.2 or 2.7.
Where do I get PGP?
     For computer non-experts, the easiest way to get PGP is to
     telephone ViaCrypt (a software company) in Phoenix, Arizona at
     (602) 944-0773.
     PGP is available from countless BBSs (Bulletin Board
     Systems) and ftp ("File Transfer Protocol") sites around
     the world. These sites, like video stores, come and go.
     To find PGP, here are two options: 1) Learn how to use
     ARCHIE to search for files on the Internet. 2) Read
     BOARDWATCH magazine to find the BBSs in your area.
How expensive is PGP?
     The PGP versions that you will find at BBSs and ftp sites
     are "freeware." This means that they are free. People
     from New Zealand to Mexico use these versions every day.
     Depending on where you live, this "freeware" may or may
     not violate local laws.
     I use PGP Version 2.7 which is distributed by ViaCrypt in
     the United States [see below].
Is PGP legal in the United States?
     Yes. MIT's PGP Version is licensed for non-commercial use. You
     can it from ftp sites or BBSs. ViaCrypt's PGP Version is
     licensed for commercial use. You can get it from ViaCrypt.
     +++ Important Note +++. It is illegal to export PGP out of the
     United States. Do not even think of doing so! To communicate
     with friends in, say, England, have your friends get PGP from
     sources outside the United States.
What is a PGP digital signature?
     At the end of this document, you will see a PGP
     signature. This "digital signature" allows persons who
     have PGP and my PUBLIC KEY to verify that 1) I, Andre
     Bacard, (not a SPORTS ILLUSTRATED superstar pretending to
     be me!) wrote this document, and 2) Nobody has altered
     this text since I signed it.
     PGP signatures might be helpful for signing contracts,
     transferring money, and verifying a person's identity.
How difficult is it to learn PGP?
     PGP has around two dozen commands. It is a relatively
     easy program to learn.
Where can I learn more about the PGP and related subjects?
     The following News Groups are a good place to start:
        [to hear about electronic privacy issues]
        [to learn everything known about PGP]
        [to keep abreast of legal & political changes]
Anything else I should know?
     YOUR privacy and safety are in danger! The black market
     price for your IRS records is $500. YOUR medical records
     are even cheaper. Prolific bank, credit and medical
     databases, the Clipper Chip Initiative, computer matching
     programs, cordless & cellular phone scanners, Digital
     Telephony legislation, and (hidden) video surveillance
     are just a few factors that threaten every law abiding
     citizen. Our anti-privacy society gives criminals and
     snoops computer data about YOU on a silver platter.
     If you want to protect your privacy, I urge you to join
     organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation
     <membership@eff.org> and Computer Professionals for
     Social Responsibility <info@cpsr.org>.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Andre Bacard              Bacard wrote "The Computer Privacy
Box 3009                  Handbook: A Practical Guide to E-Mail
Stanford, CA 94309        Encryption, Data Protection, and PGP
abacard@well.com          Privacy Software" [for novices/experts]
Introduction written by Mitchell Kapor, Chairman, Electronic
Frontier Foundation and Founder of Lotus 1-2-3.
      * Book Available February 1995. Write for details. *
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Version: 2.7
  *** Frequently Asked Questions About Anonymous Remailers ***
                     Andre Bacard, Author of
                   [Version January 11, 1995]
     This article offers a nontechnical overview of anonymous
     remailers to help you decide whether to use these
     computer services to enhance your privacy. I have written
     this especially for persons with a sense of humor. You
     may distribute this (unaltered) FAQ for non-commercial
What is an anonymous remailer?
     An anonymous remailer (also called an "anonymous server")
     is a free computer service that privatizes your e-mail.
     A remailer allows you to send electronic mail to a Usenet
     news group or to a person without the recipient knowing
     your name or your e-mail address.
Why would YOU use remailers?
     Maybe you're a computer engineer who wants to express
     opinions about computer products, opinions that your
     employer might hold against you. Possibly you live in a
     community that is violently intolerant of your social,
     political, or religious views. Perhaps you're seeking
     employment via the Internet and you don't want to
     jeopardize your present job. Possibly you want to place
     personal ads. Perchance you're a whistle-blower afraid of
     retaliation. Conceivably you feel that, if you criticize
     your government, Big Brother will monitor you. Maybe you
     don't want people "flaming" your corporate e-mail
     address. In short, there are many legitimate reasons why
     you, a law abiding person, might use remailers.
How does a remailer work?
     Let's take an example. A popular Internet remailer is run
     by Johan Helsingius, President of a Helsinki, Finland
     company that helps businesses connect to the Internet.
     His "an@anon.penet.fi" addresses are common in
     controversial news groups. Suppose you read a post from
     a battered woman <an123@anon.penet.fi> crying out for
     help. You can write her at <an123@anon.penet.fi>.
     Helsingius' computer will STRIP AWAY your real name and
     address (the header at the top of your e-mail), replace
     this data with a dummy address, and forward your message
     to the battered woman. Helsingius' computer will notify
     you of your new anonymous address; e.g.,
     <an345@anon.penet.fi>. You can use Helsingius' free
     service to forward letters to anyone, even to persons who
     do not use his service. His computer sends each user
     detailed instructions about his system.
Are there many remailers?
     Currently, there are roughly a dozen active, PUBLIC
     remailers on the Internet. (Undoubtedly, there are many
     PRIVATE remailers that restrict who may use them.)
     Remailers tend to come and go. First, they require
     equipment and labor to set up and maintain; second, they
     produce zero revenue.
Why are remailers free?
     There is a simple answer. How can remailer administrators
     charge people who want maximum privacy? Administrators
     can't ask for a Visa number or take checks.
Why do people operate remailers, if not for money?
     People set up remailers for their own personal usage,
     which they may or may not care to share with the rest of
     us. Joshua Quittner, co-author of the high-tech thriller
     MOTHER'S DAY, interviewed Mr. Helsingius for WIRED
     magazine. Helsingius said:
          "It's important to be able to express certain
          views without everyone knowing who you are.
          One of the best examples was the great debate
          about Caller ID on phones. People were really
          upset that the person at the receiving end
          would know who was calling. On things like
          telephones, people take for granted the fact
          that they can be anonymous if they want to and
          they get really upset if people take that
          away. I think the same thing applies for e-
          "Living in Finland, I got a pretty close view
          of how things were in the former Soviet Union.
          If you actually owned a photocopier or even a
          typewriter there you would have to register it
          and they would take samples of what your
          typewriter would put out so they could
          identify it later. That's something I find so
          appalling. The fact that you have to register
          every means of providing information to the
          public sort of parallels it, like saying you
          have to sign everything on the Net. We always 
          have to be able to track you down."
What makes an "ideal" anonymous remailer?
     An "ideal" anonymous remailer is: (a) Easy to use. (b)
     Run by a reliable individual whose system actually does
     what it promises. In addition, this person should have
     the computer expertise to take prudent steps to safeguard
     your privacy from civilian or government hackers. (c)
     Able to forward your messages in a timely manner. By
     "timely" I mean minutes or hours. (d) Holds your messages
     for a RANDOM time before forwarding them. This time lag
     makes it harder for snoops to link a message that arrives
     at, say, 3:00 P.M. with a message that leaves your
     machine at, say, 2:59 P.M. (e) Permits (better yet
     encourages!) PGP encryption software. If a remailer does
     NOT permit PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), reasonable people
     might assume that the remailer administrator enjoys
     reading forwarded mail.
What makes a responsible remailer user?
     A responsible user: (a) Sends text files of a reasonable
     length. Binary files take too much transmission time. (b)
     Transmits files selectively. Remailers are NOT designed
     to send "You Can Get Rich" chain letters or other junk
Who are irresponsible remailer users?
     Here is a quote from one remailer administrator:
     "This remailer has been abused in the past, mostly by
     users hiding behind anonymity to harass other users. I
     will take steps to squish users who do this.  Lets keep
     the net a friendly and productive place.... Using this
     remailer to send death threats is highly obnoxious.  I
     will reveal your return address to the police if you do
     Legitimate remailer administrators will NOT TOLERATE
     harassment or criminal activity. Report any such
     incidents to the remailer administrator.
How safe are anonymous remailers? [for paranoids only :-)]
     For most low-security tasks, such as responding to
     personal ads, remailers are undoubtedly safer than using
     real e-mail addresses. However, all the best made plans
     of mice and men have weaknesses. Suppose, for example,
     that you are a government employee, who just discovered
     that your boss is taking bribes. Is it safe to use an
     anonymous remailer to send evidence to a government
     whistleblower's e-mail hot line? Here are a few points to
     (a) The person who runs your e-mail system might
     intercept your secret messages to and from the anonymous
     remailer. This gives him proof that YOU are reporting
     your corrupt boss. This evidence could put you in danger.
     (b) It is possible that the anonymous remailer is a
     government sting operation or a criminal enterprise,
     designed to entrap people. The person who runs this
     service might be your corrupt boss' partner.
     (c) Hackers can do magic with computers. It's possible
     that hackers have broken into the remailer (unbeknownst
     to the remailer's administrator) and that they can read
     your messages at will.
     Hard-core privacy people do not trust individual
     remailers. These people write programs that send their
     messages through several remailers. This way only the
     first remailer knows their real address, and the first
     remailer cannot know the final destination of the e-mail
     message. In addition, they PGP encrypt all messages.
Where can I learn more?
     Go to the Usenet news group ALT.PRIVACY.ANON-SERVER. Pay
     special attention to posts by Raph Levien, "The Remailer
Where can I get a list of current remailers?
     Raph Levien [see above] generously runs a remailer
     pinging service which collects details about remailer
     features and reliability. To read Levien's data, finger:
     There is also a Web version of the same information, at:
     In addition, Raph Levien <raph@kiwi.cs.berkeley.edu>
     regularly posts his "List of Reliable Remailers" at
Anything else I should know?
     YOUR privacy and safety are in danger! The black market
     price for your IRS records is $500. YOUR medical records
     are even cheaper. Prolific bank, credit and medical
     databases, the Clipper Chip Initiative, computer matching
     programs, cordless & cellular phone scanners, Digital
     Telephony legislation, and (hidden) video surveillance
     are just a few factors that threaten every law abiding
     citizen. Our anti-privacy society gives criminals and
     snoops computer data about YOU on a silver platter.
     If you want to protect your privacy, I urge you to join
     organizations such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation
     <membership@eff.org> and Computer Professionals for
     Social Responsibility <info@cpsr.org>.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Andre Bacard              Bacard wrote "The Computer Privacy
Box 3009                  Handbook: A Practical Guide to E-Mail
Stanford, CA 94309        Encryption, Data Protection, and PGP
abacard@well.com          Privacy Software" [for novices/experts]
Introduction written by Mitchell Kapor, Chairman, Electronic
Frontier Foundation and Founder of Lotus 1-2-3.
      * Book Available February 1995. Write for details. *
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Version: 2.7

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