>From: padgett@tccslr.dnet.mmc.com (A. PADGETT PETERSON, P.E., INFORMATION SECURITY (407)826-1101) To: "kammer@micf.nist.gov"@UVS1.dnet.mmc.com, "crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov"@UVS1.dnet.mmc.com Subject: Clipper/Capstone Key Escrow Management re: maintaining Clipper/Capstone key confidentiality Recently in an E-Mail conversation with Dorothy Denning a thought occured to me concerning a means to avoid the key-management problems inherant with authorized wiretaps. Since this has been one of the apparent stumbling blocks concerning the issue and since Mrs. Denning indicated that this possibility had not come up in her conversations with NSA/NIST, the current "call for comments" seemed to be an appropriate time to present my concept formally. The objection seems to have been primarily that if the keys are released for a particular chip or chips so that a properly ordered wiretap may take place, would not the keys (and the chips) have to be considered comprimised thereafter ? My concept is simply that the keys are never distributed to outside parties. Instead, on presentation of a properly approved wiretap order, the requesting agency receives a special complementary Clipper chip to that mentioned in the order that is configured for "receive only". The chip is then used by the requesting agency for the duration of the tap and is required to be returned to the escrow agency on expiration of the warrant. Utilizing this concept three advantages accrue: 1) Since the keys are never divulged, confidentiality is restored once the wiretap chip is returned to the escrow agency. 2) Since the wiretap chip is unique and identifiable hardware, full accountability is maintained. 3) Since the wiretap chip is "receive only", a recording of the encrypted transmission might be admissable as part of the "chain of evidence" as only the original Clipper could have produced it. Note: while I have discussed the first two points before, I believe this is the first public mention of the third possibility. Respectfully, A. Padgett Peterson, P.E. From forman@cs.washington.edu Thu May 13 12:29:49 1993 Received: from june.cs.washington.edu by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA03876; Thu, 13 May 93 12:29:41 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 13 May 93 09:29:41 -0700 Received-Date: Thu, 13 May 93 12:29:41 EDT Received: by june.cs.washington.edu (5.65b/7.1ju) id AA23713; Thu, 13 May 93 09:29:41 -0700 Date: Thu, 13 May 93 09:29:41 -0700 >From: forman@cs.washington.edu (George Forman - GHF) Return-Path: <forman@cs.washington.edu> Message-Id: <9305131629.AA23713@june.cs.washington.edu> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Cc: forman@cs.washington.edu Subject: RE: 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICIES AND SOCIAL/PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES RE: 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICIES AND SOCIAL/PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES ================================================================ (Certainly others have submitted these ideas, so I'll be very terse.) #1. I believe no attempt should be made to limit domestic use of strong encryption techniques. (One cannot legislate that all communication be intelligible to the government. Such laws cannot be enforced. Information can be sent in many subtle ways. Only the good guys and the dumb bad guys will comply.) #2. While I think "key escrow cryptography" is interesting technology (and perhaps useful within some businesses), I do not believe it should be adopted as a national standard. (Its costs and risks outweigh its practical benefit. Consider #1 above. Also, power corrupts-- the escrowed keys will be the subject of many attacks; consider the complexity and cost of maintaining nearly infinitely many keys forever. And how hard will it be for the FBI to obtain the right escrow keys if a bad guy is using several stolen phones, and perhaps encrypting his e-mail messages with standard encryption programs available on BBSs and the Internet?) #3. I think the details of any nationally adopted encryption scheme should be published. (I think publishing the details of the encryption system has a great benefit-- lots of people who care will proof read it and test its robustness. Having only a few great minds proof it isn't as good as having a lot of people beat on it.) Thank you for your effort to collect responses, George Forman PhD candidate, Univ of Washington, Seattle From tad@ksr.com Thu May 13 12:52:06 1993 Return-Path: <tad@ksr.com> Received: from hopscotch.ksr.com by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA03910; Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:00 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:37 EDT Received-Date: Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:00 EDT Received: from ksr.com (frankenstein.ksr.com) by hopscotch.ksr.com with SMTP id AA28692; Thu, 13 May 1993 12:51:42 -0400 Received: from foramena.ksr.com by ksr.com (4.0/SMI-3.2) id AA11458; Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:39 EDT Received: by foramena.ksr.com (4.1/KSR-2.0) id AA02284; Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:37 EDT Date: Thu, 13 May 93 12:52:37 EDT >From: tad@ksr.com Message-Id: <9305131652.AA02284@foramena.ksr.com> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Subject: Clipper chip review I wish to add my voice to the NIST review of the Clipper/Capstone proposal. I welcome the opportunity to do so electronically. The Clipper Chip proposal seems to have value by establishing a standard. However, it destroys that value through the secrecy of the algorithm, the lack of a software implementation (which is required to retain that secrecy), and the government access to decryption. I, as a citizen, would not use any encryption which as weak as this scheme appears. Better schemes, and better implementations exist in the open market. I believe that the best approach for the federal government is to relax the export criteria for encryption devices. The Clipper Chip comes through as a waste of time and money. Jeff Deutch Computer Engineer Kendall Square Research Corp. (tad@ksr.com) (Affiliation given for identification purposes only.) From john_fletcher@lccmail.ocf.llnl.gov Thu May 13 16:45:40 1993 Return-Path: <john_fletcher@lccmail.ocf.llnl.gov> Received: from ocfmail.ocf.llnl.gov ([]) by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA06513; Thu, 13 May 93 16:45:34 EDT Posted-Date: 13 May 1993 13:41:19 U Received-Date: Thu, 13 May 93 16:45:34 EDT Received: from lccmail.ocf.llnl.gov by ocfmail.ocf.llnl.gov (4.1/SMI-4.0) id AA07003; Thu, 13 May 93 13:45:30 PDT Message-Id: <9305132045.AA07003@ocfmail.ocf.llnl.gov> Date: 13 May 1993 13:41:19 U >From: "John Fletcher" <john_fletcher@lccmail.ocf.llnl.gov> Subject: Cryptographic Issue Stateme To: "Crypto Issue" <crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov> Subject: Time:13:16 OFFICE MEMO Cryptographic Issue Statement Date:5/13/93 Just by following the specifications published and widely available in FIPS PUB 46, I personally programmed a C-language DES subroutine package in about one week. Subsequently I located a similar package developed in Austrailia and available over the Internet. I then found a DES program printed on page 506 of the book "Computer Networks" (2nd edition) by Andrew S. Tanenbaum. These are just three examples illustrating that the DES "cat" is "out of the bag" and available to anyone. In view of this, I believe that the export ban on DES is counter-productive. It is so clearly ineffective in limiting access to DES that it comes across as just foolish. My fear is that foolish regulations tend to reduce respect for all regulations, even the ones that are well-founded. That is, I fear that there are those who might conclude that there are no secrets worthy of containment when they see efforts expended to contain what is so clearly not a secret, and I fear that they may act on that conclusion. From BDCARRD1%BUDGET.BITNET@ENH.NIST.GOV Fri May 14 14:20:27 1993 Return-Path: <BDCARRD1%BUDGET.BITNET@ENH.NIST.GOV> Received: from ENH.NIST.GOV by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10161; Fri, 14 May 93 14:20:21 EDT Posted-Date: 14 May 1993 14:04:22 -0400 (EDT) Received-Date: Fri, 14 May 93 14:20:21 EDT Received: from BUDGET.BITNET (MAILER@BUDGET) by ENH.NIST.GOV (PMDF #2824 ) id <01GY62TS7P9C002LWL@ENH.NIST.GOV>; Fri, 14 May 1993 14:20:16 EDT Received: from BUDGET (BDCARRD1) by BUDGET.BITNET (Mailer R2.10 ptf000) with BSMTP id 5675; Fri, 14 May 93 14:05:03 EDT Date: 14 May 1993 14:04:22 -0400 (EDT) >From: David Carroll <BDCARRD1%BUDGET.BITNET@ENH.NIST.GOV> Subject: Comment on Legal and Constitutional Issues To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Message-Id: <01GY62TS7P9E002LWL@ENH.NIST.GOV> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Comments: Converted from PROFS to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2X I would like to comment on the proposals concerning the Clipper Chip with respect to the related area of Legal and Constitutional Issues. I have worked in a variety of positions in the computer field including technical support of security software and management of a data security department. I have also completed part of a doctoral program in Inform- ation Science with a concentration in Information Policy. Finally, I am an active citizen with a strong love of the Bill of Rights. I am very concerned that our government should presume to reserve the ability to gain access to our communications. If two individuals today spoke a language that police eavesdroppers did not understand, they ought not to be compelled to explain what the language was so that the police could decipher their conversations. I believe that the case of encryption is similar. If individuals are able to encrypt their communications securely so that only they hold the key, then government must do without that information. Any other rule would be a form of a priori self-incrimination which would make a mockery of the Fifth Amendment. The case with respect to the Fourth Amendment is similar. Even given a legal search warrant, the police are not guaranteed that they will find the evidence they seek. If the target of their search has hidden the evidence very well, the search may fail. The target person cannot be compelled to tell them where the evidence is. I see encryption as similar to a physical hiding of potential evidence. Giving government the key would be tantamount to telling the police where to find the evidence, and compelling people to provide that key would be unconstitutional. If the Clipper Chip is only one option and people are free to use any other hardware or software encryption, then it would not be a threat to civil liberties. It would also be of questionable value. I urge a policy that would remove the NSA from any dominant role in determining civil liberties questions, something that agency has proven itself totally incapable of understanding. I urge a policy that would preserve privacy and freedom from government interference, even if this means that law enforcement must find other ways to gain evidence. Thank for the opportunity to express my opinion on this important public policy issue with which I am concerned both professionally and personally. I give permission to reproduce this comment in any format. I also make the standard disclaimer that these are my opinions alone. David G. Carroll 1092 Van Antwerp Rd. Schenectady, NY 12309 (518) 377-9384 (Home - weekdays aft. 6pm EDT or weekends) From mrosing@igc.apc.org Sat May 15 11:16:19 1993 Return-Path: <mrosing@igc.apc.org> Received: from cdp.igc.org by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA13703; Sat, 15 May 93 11:16:04 EDT Posted-Date: Sat, 15 May 93 08:16:12 PDT Received-Date: Sat, 15 May 93 11:16:04 EDT Received: by igc.apc.org (4.1/Revision: 1.85 ) id AA04916; Sat, 15 May 93 08:16:12 PDT Date: Sat, 15 May 93 08:16:12 PDT >From: Mike Rosing <mrosing@igc.apc.org> Message-Id: <9305151516.AA04916@igc.apc.org> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Subject: Crypto Issue Statement Cc: eff@eff.org Cryptographic Issue Statement Howdy, The purpose of this statement is to address some of the issues raised by the Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board from my personal perspective. As I am not yet a professional cryptographer I will leave the details for others and attempt to focus on civil liberties and privacy issues. The whole issue presented by the Skipjack algorithm with key escrow reminds me of a line in Lau Tzu's "Tao Te Ching": the more rules and regulations a government creates, the more clever the people become. The United States government has told the American people "trust us" for many years. They gave us Viet Nam, the War on Drugs, and an invasion at Waco. Very few sane people trust the U.S. government. While the majority of the population is ignorant of what cryptography can do for them, the people government wants to catch (terrorists and drug dealers for example) are well aware of how to keep a secret. It is impossible to give government access to all private encrypted transmissions. There are enough clever people in the U.S. who can develop mathematical algorithms for encryption which can be put into computers for easy use. Will the government decide to outlaw "strong crypto" because it defeats their ability to crack it? If not, will the government take a recorded encryption and force the creator of the record to divulge the key? This would be an exception clause to the 5th amendment, but there are so many exceptions to the Bill of Rights today that the majority of the populace won't notice. I ask these questions because I am working on a strong crypto system that I believe I can sell to big business. It will work with software or hardware. It should be straight forward to encrypt conversation before it goes to the Skipjack routine in the newly proposed escrow system. People will then know that even if the government is listening to their conversation, it will be very difficult to crack. I'm sure there is a market for such a device. I have the feeling that it really doesn't matter what any private citizen thinks about the key escrow scheme. To keep our privacy we are simply going to have become more clever. Keeping the algorithm secret and then saying "there is no back door" and expecting people to believe it is wishful thinking. To be blunt, the whole thing stinks. From what I know about government bureaucracy, this committee is nothing but window dressing. You can't actually do anything about the introduction of the escrow technology system, except slow it down by a few months. Will you have the courage to say this in your final report? Does any government employee know how to tell the truth? You are going to read and hear many arguments against this technology for the obvious reason that it gives too much power to government. The people who really need security will bypass this technology for something they can trust. What does the government do then? If you really want to accomplish something, allow private citizens such as myself to play with the Skipjack algorithm and the escrow chip. When several thousand individual citizens have played with the device and algorithm there will be a level of trust built up. The "back door" we fear may be there, but it might be so hard to use that we could be certain that only the NSA has the resources to use it. Without this level of trust, there is little point in introducing this technology. If people can't trust their government, all the other issues are secondary. Patience, persistence, truth, reality: dvader@hemp-imi.hep.anl.gov Dr. mike home: mrosing@igc.org IMI, P.O. BOX 2242, Darien IL 60559 phone: 708-859-0499 From mrnoise@econs.umass.edu Wed May 19 14:05:32 1993 Return-Path: <mrnoise@econs.umass.edu> Received: from POBOX.UCS.UMASS.EDU by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA02699; Wed, 19 May 93 14:05:22 EDT Posted-Date: 19 May 1993 14:05:09 -0400 (EDT) Received-Date: Wed, 19 May 93 14:05:22 EDT Received: from titan.ucs.umass.edu by POBOX.UCS.UMASS.EDU (PMDF #2573 ) id <01GYD1QUXJ8W00N6OJ@POBOX.UCS.UMASS.EDU>; Wed, 19 May 1993 14:05:12 -0400 Received: by titan.ucs.umass.edu (5.65/DEC-Ultrix/4.3) id AA13647; Wed, 19 May 1993 14:05:10 -0400 Date: 19 May 1993 14:05:09 -0400 (EDT) >From: "Mr. Noise" <mrnoise@econs.umass.edu> Subject: NIST Open Meeting To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Cc: mrnoise@titan.ucs.umass.edu (Mr. Noise) Message-Id: <9305191805.AA13647@titan.ucs.umass.edu> Content-Type: text Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21] Content-Length: 2898 * Permission granted to reproduce this message in any medium * To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the recent proposals to establish a "key escrow" system and on the public availability of strong cryptography in general. I am a graduate student in the Economics department at UMASS-Amherst as well as a partner in Brazerko Communications, a small company started this year in Connecticut to provide electronic communications services in New London County. I am writing to you, therefore, both as an a citizen concerned with his right to privacy and as someone concerned with the effect of government regulation in the rapidly-expanding electronic communications sector. As a citizen, I hold dear my rights to free speech and privacy, and I am proud of America's rich heritage of liberty. Naturally, I recognize the government's legitimate need to impinge on that liberty when the nation's security is at stake, but too often in our history the liberty of the citizenry has been infringed on a flimsy pretext. By making it costly for the government to violate our privacy, the public availability of strong cryptography will ensure that the government obtains access to our private communications only when there is a clear need. In my estimation, this added liberty is surely worth the costs in increased difficulties for law enforcement. We must also ask ourselves who would be harmed by legislation restricting the availability of strong cryptography or eroding its security through a "key escrow" system. Clearly, criminals will not be harmed, but rather the average, law-abiding citizen. Just as a ban on small arms would leave law-abiding citizens unable to defend themselves against gun-weilding criminals, so too would restrictions on cryptography leave them defenseless against those who would lawlessly invade their privacy. The ability to communicate securely over the growing electronic network is also important to industry. If firms can conduct their business securely on the public network, they will take advantage of the opportunities for increased productivity it affords, engendering growth throughout the economy. This is especially important in our global economy, where the worldwide communications network allows companies to expand overseas with relative ease. Not only must encryption be made available for public use, it must be allowed to cross political boundaries. While the government's proposal would provide the needed security in theory, I am sure that others will write in to suggest why public registry of keys makes the proposal flawed in the real world. Only individual citizens and firms can provide security for themselves. A technology as important as cryptography cannot be left to the vagaries of the public sector. Yours, Robert Szarka (For verification or further comment: 1-203-886-6294, voice) From pcw@access.digex.net Tue May 25 14:59:24 1993 Return-Path: <pcw@access.digex.net> Received: from access.digex.net by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA01394; Tue, 25 May 93 14:59:16 EDT Posted-Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 14:59:10 -0400 Received-Date: Tue, 25 May 93 14:59:16 EDT Received: by access.digex.net id AA18141 (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov); Tue, 25 May 1993 14:59:10 -0400 Date: Tue, 25 May 1993 14:59:10 -0400 >From: Peter Wayner <pcw@access.digex.net> Message-Id: <199305251859.AA18141@access.digex.net> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Raymond Kammer NIST Dear Mr. Kammer: I'm filing my comments to NIST Clipper Chip. I would like the opportunity to testify at your meeting on either June 2,3 or 4th. Thank you for taking the time to solict public comment on the chip. -Peter Wayner Comments on the National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) Proposed Encryption Chip with Key Escrow. Peter Wayner Permission is granted to freely distribute this text. Abstract: My comments are limited to the practical problems involving pure hardware solutions. I feel that such systems are unwieldy, expensive and not easily retrofitted into machines that are already in service. More importantly, the key escrow system adds an additional weakness that if compromised, could render the standard obsolete. If such a "Digital Pearl Harbor" occured, the country would be without secure channels until all of the hardware in the country could be replaced and this could easily take over 1 year. Introduction: My comments are limited to the practical problems involved in implementing a hardware- based encryption standard for the country. I believe that specialized hardware is an unnecessarily expensive and overly complicated approach for providing solid encryption capabilities and these costs will deter people from adopting the standard. More importantly, these high costs and the general inflexibility would prevent the US from having a quick response in the event that the key escrow system became compromised. Although it is hard to estimate the true effect that the NIST chip could have on the price of telephones and computers, it is possible to make ballpark guesses. Manufacturers like Sun Microsystems and IBM multiply the cost of a part by about 4 to determine the impact of adding that part to the final price of the machine. This would mean that a chip that cost $25 would add about $100 to purchasers cost. This rule of thumb includes the cost of adding extra inventory, reworking the assembly lines, re-engineering circuit boards, re- programming system software, training support staff, re-writing manuals and other extraneous tasks that are not directly related to the cost of the part. Some low-end PC manufacturers are able to use lower multiples because they provide less support and assistance for the final customer. More importantly, they use very standard designs with off-the-shelf chipsets that are optimized to make cheap computers available to all. At this time, though, the chipsets are not designed to allow for an encryption "co- processor" and adding the chip could be more expensive. For this reason, I feel that that the chip could also add $100 to the price of off-the-shelf PCs-- an amount that is almost 10% for many models. The cost of adding the chip to any of the existing computers, though, could be much more expensive. The chip would need to be mounted on an expansion board that fits into computers. The cost for this board would need to be about $100 to cover the costs of marketting, packaging and stocking the product. Some computers, however, do not have expansion slots and others have all of their expansion slots filled up already. Computer manufacturers routinely survey users to discover how many cards they use so the computers can be built with the minimum necessary slots. In time, there would be enough space for a NIST encryption chip card, but until then many users would have trouble adding the chip to their current system. The high cost is bound to slow the adoption of the standard because the risk of data insecurity is nebulous and illformed. Will they be willing to pay extra for this security? Will American people be willing to add the chip to their home phones to protect themselves from evesdroppers listening for their credit card numbers? The problems are severe, but people often don't protect themselves until it is to late. If the cost is significant, then many people will certainly balk at the added cost and slow if not stop the development of the standard. A Cheaper Solution Naturally, every new feature is going to cost something. But the fact is that encryption does not need to cost this much money if it is accomplished in software. It could be almost free. A student on summer vacation can turn out a system that lives in the public domain. There is ample evidence that people are willing to do this. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a system that Phil Zimmerman developed on his own and gave to the world. NIST could easily pay someone to generate a public-domain software version for general distribution if it wanted to provide the lowest cost standard for the people. There is already ample evidence that software solutions succeed and hardware solutions do not. Several corporations including Cryptech and AMD have manufactured fast DES chips for years. Yet, the chips are rarely found in many applications. Public domain implementations of DES accomplish much of the DES encryption which is done in this country. I think that most people would agree that a secure standard for data encryption is necessary to the country's economic health. For this reason, I believe that a free software implementation is the best way to achieve this goal. Cost will not prevent people from adopting the software. The Telephone Problem Perhaps the best example of the cost of converting a $25 chip into a markettable product is the AT&T secure phone announced on the same day as the NIST chip. It was priced at over $1000. Certainly, some of this cost covers the extra electronics to process the voice, but the need to mark up products to pay for the work is still evident. The price on these phones is sure to drop as the market grows more mature, but it should be obvious that the market won't grow substantially until the price drops more. The Government may be able to afford these rates, but even the average corporation cannot. The cost of adding secure encryption to handheld market is more difficult to estimate. Here size, weight and power consumption are just as important as price and an extra chip adds to each of these problems. Cellular companies currently aim to manufacturer devices at a price point of $100/unit in wholesale costs. The NIST chip would mark up the price by at least 25%, drop the battery life, increase the weight and add to pocket bulge. These are not positive effects on a product.Yet, digital cellular phones and digital cordless phones are perhaps the most important market for a secure encryption device because the signals travel over the airwaves. As before, all of the work of the Clipper chip could be accomplished in software. Many of the current digital cellular phones use highly-integrated Digital Signal Processing computers that both control the phone and handle the signalling chores. Adding encryption to a phone can be done by merely instructing the programmer to add an additional function. The cost per unit is minimal and the extra feature does not affect the power consumption. There is no doubt that most people would rather have a software solution. "Digital Pearl Harbors" The Key Escrow system allows the law enforcement agencies to access the content of a signal when they are duly authorized. The NIST plan requires that the key be split up and held by two separate agencies. This is both a concession to those who fear abuse and a good safety procedure. But we must remember Ben Franklin's admonishment that "three can keep a secret if two are dead." Does NIST have plans for replacing the chips throughout the country if the key escrow services are compromised? Although I realize that serious precautions will be taken to protect the keys, I hope that NIST realizes their value. The Russians were able to obtain the secrets of the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb for very little money. There have been several high-profile spy cases involving cryptographic information. The intelligence community recognizes the need to keep information compartmentalized and to frequently change codes and ciphers but there are still breaches of security. This system, however, is barely compartmentalized. Criminals are becoming increasingly adept with technology. One group placed a fake Automated Teller Machine in a Mall and used it to steal account information which they later used to make fake withdrawls. Many crimes like this will be possible in the future and I have little doubt that the escrowed keys will have much more value than the atomic secrets. The cost of replacing all of the NIST chips around the country would be prohibitive. What would happen if the FBI discovered that two people in the different escrow agencies succumbed to bribery? Would NIST announce a recall of all encryption chips? What would they use to replace the chips? It could take 6 months to design and fabricate a new chip in sufficient quantities. There are at least 250 million phones around the country and 50 million computers. Even if each computer and phone had a zero insertion force sockets that made exchanging the chips easy, the cost to the country would be over $7 billion dollars at $25 a chip. A software solution, on the other hand, could be changed very quickly in the event of a compromise. Many companies that manufacture virus software include provisions for delivering updates whenever a new virus is discovered. The solution often travels substantially faster than the virus itself because people are able to download the anti-virus from bulletin boards. The military and the intelligence community routinely change their cipher systems because they know that mistakes can be made and leaks can emerge in even the best system. The economic health of the country is resting, in some part, on the success of large, broadly implemented encryption systems. Many foreign companies pay princely sums for American technology. They routinely pay sums that are 10 times larger than the largest offered by the old Soviet Union. Can we be certain that two escrow agencies are going to be any more secure than the atomic scientists or the intelligence community? Conclusions The NIST system is too expensive and too unwieldly for general use. NIST would be better advised to develop a standard implemented in software that could be made available to all at no cost. It could be essentially free and much less prone to dangerous interruptions of services in case the system was compromised. From upsetter@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu Tue May 25 20:25:09 1993 Return-Path: <upsetter@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu> Received: from hub.ucsb.edu by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA01716; Tue, 25 May 93 20:24:55 EDT Posted-Date: Tue, 25 May 93 17:25:01 PDT Received-Date: Tue, 25 May 93 20:24:55 EDT Received: from mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu by hub.ucsb.edu; id AA26554 sendmail 4.1/UCSB-2.0-sun Tue, 25 May 93 17:25:24 PDT for crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Message-Id: <9305260025.AA26554@hub.ucsb.edu> Received: by mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu ( id AA25644; Tue, 25 May 93 17:25:02 -0700 >From: Jason Hillyard <upsetter@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu> Subject: Cryptographic Issue Statement To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Date: Tue, 25 May 93 17:25:01 PDT Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] This submission is for the NIST's Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board hearing on the Clipper Chip. It is my understanding that submissions must be received by May 27 and that hearing will be held on June 2-4. I can be contacted at this Internet address or via the information given at the end of this submission. Jason Hillyard ----------------------------- On June 5, 1991, Philip Zimmerman released a computer program called PGP to the world. PGP, which stands for "Pretty Good Privacy", is an encryption program, a bunch of bits and bytes which Zimmerman himself calls "guerrilla software". It was written in response to what he perceived as a threat to our privacy-- the proposed Digital Telephony legislation pushed by the FBI and the Department of Justice. This software engineer decided to take direct action. He wrote a high quality encryption program and gave it away for free. Today there are versions of PGP available for all kinds of computers, from Macs to VAX, and programmers all over the world are working on future versions. Zimmerman's actions can be seen as a strong affirmation that cryptography has gone public. What was once the exclusive domain of the NSA and military signal intelligence experts has become a thriving field of academic inquiry, and it has been for twenty years. Now encryption is starting to hit the street. Our personal computers are perfectly capable of providing us with the type of communications security once reserved for the military and intelligence communities. The digital telecommunications networks we will become personally acquainted with in near future will also provide more opportunities for the public use of encryption. Recently, however, there has been a growing public debate about how strong encryption technology should be and who should be able to use it. One major player in this debate is the federal government. Different gears in the federal machine are squeaking for different reasons. The executive branch wants to build its "information infrastructure". The FBI wants to keep its ability to easily eavesdrop on telephone conversations. The NSA must preserve its position as supreme code maker and code breaker. In the past few years a new brand of civil libertarian has also vigorously joined the debate. Public-interest groups such as the EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation) and CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility) seek to ensure our privacy and civil liberties are not compromised by new technologies. They are challenging the government's attempt to influence the public use of encryption. I would also like to introduce a third player in the debate-- the "technicians". These are the computer scientists and engineers who develop, design, and implement encryption systems. As the ones who will actually be building the encryption and telecommunication systems of the future, we have a unique position to take a leading role in the debate. Rather than blindly accept government standards and regulations, we should examine the issues and decide for ourselves how encryption technology should be used. FREEDOM TO COMMUNICATE The fundamental question boils down to this: How much access should the government have to our personal communications? This presents a trade- off between the obligations of the government to protect national security and the rights of the citizens to privacy and free speech. Proponents of government control insist restrictions on encryption technology are necessary to conduct lawful investigations of terrorists, drug dealers, and gangsters. Opponents cry out that any restrictions intrude on our right to privacy and right to free speech. These arguments are currently being made in the debates on encryption technology and the Digital Telephony proposal. I tend to side with the freedom of speech argument-- but with a twist. The real issue at stake is communication. Simply put, we should have the freedom to communicate, in any way we wish by whatever medium we wish. If that means communicating so nobody else can understand us, so be it. This is not about restricting freedom of speech. As the proponents of government control point out, there are restrictions on our freedom of speech. People cannot make slanderous or libelous remarks. There are laws against "obscenity". But restrictions on freedom of speech deal with speech which can be understood- - the restrictions are based on content. What about speech which nobody, except the parties who are speaking, can understand? How in the world could that speech be restricted for it's content? It can't. Restrictions on encrypted speech would prevent speech simply because it had the potential to be obscene, the potential to be libelous, the potential to be a threat to national security. The idea of the government restricting speech simply because it has the potential to be dangerous is a drastic expansion of government power. Restrictions on encryption technology, whether by export control or government-influenced standards essentially result in restrictions on encrypted speech. DEMAND A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD Many people won't agree with me-- but that's fine. As technicians we should examine the issues and decide for ourselves how encryption technology should be used. Upon making that decision, we can design systems to deal with the issues and satisfy the needs of the public. If one engineer wants to design an escrowed key system, that's fine. If another wants to design a highly secure system, that's fine. However, the federal government is ready to decide for us what kind of communication systems we must design. That is why we must take a stand and demand what I call a "level playing field" when it comes to communication technology. The technology we design should be built to meet the specifications of those who use it. The purpose of the technology should not be manipulated for the political benefits of a few, as the Digital Telephony proposal would do. Communication networks should be designed to facilitate communications between interested parties. They should not be designed to facilitate communications between interested parties and provide the cops lawful access to those communications. Encryption systems should be designed to provide the best security possible for a given application. They should not be designed to provide the best security possible, but no security when law enforcement has warrant to tap the line. The law enforcement agencies have no place in demanding special consideration when it comes to developing or providing communications technology for the public. The government should also realize that changes in technology will change the way law enforcement does its job. That's the way the game will be played on the level playing field. Our access to technology is based on how much time, money, and skill we have available. The FBI should and does use the technology it feels necessary to do its job better. And hey, the drug dealers also use technology: fast cars, cellular telephones, beepers. But should we not develop certain benign technologies simply because the bad guys will use them? That's a decision the engineers should make, not the government. STANDARDIZE IT Given this, industry should take the initiative to design and develop authentication and encryption products to meet public demand. They could start by developing some international standards. Interestingly, the government always seems to be there when encryption standards are developed. This is not true for other telecommunications standards. What normally happens is that a standards organization, such as the International Telecommunications Union or the International Standards Organization, gets together and decides on the specifications for a proposed standard. Then various companies go to work on their various solutions and propose them to a committee. After a debate, the committee decides on a standard. The government never plays a part. But for some reason, the NIST and the NSA feel they have been given the authority to develop encryption standards. They were involved in the design of Data Encryption Standard and the Digital Signature Standard. Now the NSA helped design the Clipper Chip. This leads to possible conflicts of interest, since the NSA is tasked with making codes for public use as well as breaking codes. But the government involvement is totally unnecessary. Sure, the government should make its own standards for government communications. But it's about time for industry to develop their own authentication and encryption standards and implement these standards, without any meddling from the government. Even if the export restrictions persist, international industry standards would encourage international development. If U.S. companies can't provide secure products for Americans, we could get compatible products from other countries. Or better yet, multinationals like Motorola or AT&T could develop standard encryption devices overseas, for overseas markets as well as domestic markets. ENCRYPTING THE FUTURE Unfortunately, I believe it would be very difficult for the technicians to accomplish this in the present political climate. One engineering professor I spoke with suggested it would be even more difficult to create an international encryption standard, since foreign governments would have similar motivations to repress encryption technology. However, as engineers and computer scientists, we should exercise our professional authority on the technical issues and get involved in the policy debate. It's about time cryptography was treated as a science and not a secret. It's about time the use of cryptography was treated as a telecommunications issue, not a national security issue. As technicians, we will be the ones building the communication systems, and we have the final say if we wish to take a stand. Jason Hillyard 5/25/93 P.O. Box 14685 Santa Barbara, CA 93107 805-968-1771 From floydf@iphase.com Thu May 27 00:21:41 1993 Return-Path: <floydf@iphase.com> Received: from iphase.com by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10073; Thu, 27 May 93 00:21:26 EDT Posted-Date: Wed, 26 May 93 23:21:10 CDT Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 00:21:26 EDT Received: from wildcat.iphase.com by iphase.com (4.1/1.34) id AA18150; Wed, 26 May 93 23:21:11 CDT Received: by wildcat.iphase.com (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA02679; Wed, 26 May 93 23:21:10 CDT Date: Wed, 26 May 93 23:21:10 CDT >From: floydf@iphase.com (Floyd Ferguson) Message-Id: <9305270421.AA02679@wildcat.iphase.com> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Subject: CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICIES AND SOCIAL/PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov 26 May 1993 ISSUE: CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICIES AND SOCIAL/PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES The April 16th announcement of the President's Clipper and data encryption initiative was followed immediately by an electronic storm of discussion, much focused on the secrecy of the Skipjack algorithm, the lack of details about the escrow mechanism, seasoned with the usual blend of wild speculations and paranoiac guesses. Buried under all this noise, the silent, classified Presidential Directive initiating a comprehensive inquiry into related public policy issues lay largely unmentioned, apparently unnoticed. As distance related cost factors of carried telecom traffic drop, network-related products seem destined to take the same price plunge seen in recent past with both micro-processors and mass-storage. The results? As network technology becomes a commodity item, used by millions, for thousands of different purposes, more and more of us will move more of our personal and business connections from the familiar physical world of smell and sight to the new digital realms of electronic mail, remote logins, video conferencing, and a host of services and products not yet conceived. >From the standpoint of public and social policy, Clipper (the silicon plus the secret policy development) suffers one fundamental defect: by shrouding policy issues regarding privacy protection, encryption, and law enforcement in secrecy, through use of secret Presidential Directive, and by failing to disclose the particulars of the proposed key escrow mechanisms beyond vague affirmations placing everything in the Attorney General's hands, this initiative substantially diminishes the openness, the vitality and the good will required to develop a robust, valuable and productive public digital network, that would rank with our voice telephone network, our public transport system, and our numerous public utilities as the best in the world. Today's digital pathways truly form a frontier; services are primitive, reliability and availability remain poor, and only a few elite corners of society benefit from the power provided by the new digital networks. If (not when) tomorrow's digital highways extend these benefits to many, maybe most, these new citizens of the digital realms will find their digital identity, their personal network "face", as it were, tied to their key, which allows them to communicate with others securely and privately, and to establish those firm personal identities necessary for productive social and commercial interaction. Under the Clipper initiative, the sole responsibility is placed with the Attorney General to make arrangements to hold these keys, and to determine the legal procedures by which those keys can be obtained by governmental agencies. The preservation and integrity of my digital identity appears to be a secret! Who keeps the keys, why, how, when, where? These questions remain not only unanswered, but unasked. As a user of a digital service, I may not be happy about using a secret encryption device delivered from the government to the public on a silicon platter. I may be unhappy paying more than I would need to were the process to be open to the optimizations available in a competitive environment. But, I absolutely will not ever place the integrity of my digital identity solely, unconditionally, and irrevocably in the hands of a single, centralized agent, particularly if that agent happens to bear the wealth, the power, and the weight of the State. Legitimate arguments can be advanced for preserving the technology of encryption a secret: none can be made for keeping secret the mechanisms of key registry. This is not a technological issue: I "own" my personal identity more truly than I own any other merely material thing; and can also assess and manage personal risks associated with my use of publicly provided services. I, and a hundred million other Americans, users of cars and highways, owners of homes, shops and small businesses, daily manage personal risk, selecting insurance providers, making payments always and claims occasionally, while understanding little or none of the technical details of the provided service. But, we have choices, and our ability to freely choose allows us to freely use valuable shared resources, like our physical transportation network, to both contribute to our personal and family well-being, as well as the shared good of society, while managing personal risks incurred. We need that same freedom of choice in the emerging digital realm. Society has as much legitimate interest in the regulation of crypto-technology in the new digital networks as it does in regulating the insurance industry, the use and operation of the telephone system, and the public highways. Social structures and policy bodies have evolved to address those needs. Certainly the tasks of regulating publicly available encryption for use with a national digital infrastructure will require different forms and pose different challenges than the regulation of other products available to individual users. But, this task is not insurmountable, nor is it primarily technological. It should not be initiated solely (and secretly) at the hands of the Attorney General, or of any other agency of the Executive branch. It should involve, and does require, the participation and involvement of the citizens affected, and both deserves and requires the public attention and debate possible through our duly elected public legislators. This is not a technological issue: we share words to communicate, not only with each other but with all who speak our language, those present, and those past who formed our words and minds and voices. Words are not private, but by their exchange become part of our common human inheritance. Secrets shared are no longer secrets, but secrets encrypted build a wall between those with the key and those without. Sometimes these walls can protect us, allowing us to traverse digital ways safely, engaging in human discourse and activities not possible were each word visible and observed. But, these walls can also conceal, allowing some to prey on others with diminished fear of detection and reprisal. Highways and roads, too, are subject to the same ambivalence; they can be used or abused, but, in order to be useful, they must be regulated. No one would want to drive to work on a freeway system without rules; likely no one could. Cryptography provides a powerful tool to tame today's wild electronic frontier. By shrouding the social and policy issues in secrecy the Clipper initiative moves further from this goal, and obstructs many possible paths of progress. As the rest of the world moves away from centralized economic planning and modes of government that reduce personal freedom and the resulting healthy diversity, it is critical that the legitimate interests, needs, and capacities of the public sector be accommodated in this debate. The Clipper initiative must be opened to public debate. Key escrow is fundamental to personal identity in the new digital world: the public must participate in the discussion, the debate, and ultimately, through their duly elected legislators, in the formulation of effective, equitable policy and law, prior to the implementation of such policy by executive agency. Floyd Ferguson Concerned citizen floydf@iphase.com From sgs@grebyn.com Thu May 27 00:35:45 1993 Return-Path: <sgs@grebyn.com> Received: from grebyn.com (leviticus.grebyn.com) by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10095; Thu, 27 May 93 00:35:33 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 00:35:27 -0400 (EDT) Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 00:35:33 EDT Received: by grebyn.com (4.1/SMI-4.1/ccg.7.2.91) id AA11018; Thu, 27 May 93 00:35:28 EDT >From: sgs@grebyn.com (Stephen G. Smith) Message-Id: <9305270435.AA11018@grebyn.com> Subject: Clipper Comments To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 00:35:27 -0400 (EDT) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL21] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Length: 8153 Cryptographic Issue Statements Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board Technology Building, Room B-154 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD, 20899 In answer to your request for comments on the issues raised by the "Clipper chip": I see a number of very disturbing aspects of the "Clipper" announcement. Others will probably comment on the Constitutional problems in the assumption that the Government has the right to tap telephones at will, and the legal and ethical problems of a secret sole-source contract award for a system that is potentially extremely lucrative. I will limit my comments to a couple of technical issues, with a postscript on some wider implications. TECHNICAL ISSUES: Is the system secure? The first and biggest problem with the Clipper technology is that it is classified. There is simply no way to verify that the chips do what is claimed for them, or even if they do anything at all. In the absence of any real review of the algorithms, systems, or chip designs, we naturally tend to assume the worst. I am not qualified to comment on the cryptographic algorithms used in the "Clipper" and "Capstone" chips, even if they weren't classified. However, it is a truism that a secure *algorithm* does not insure a secure *system*. The problems that I see with the system are: A. The Man in the Middle. Take two Clipper chips. Connect them back-to-back, so that the "clear" output of one feeds into the "clear" input of the other. Add some signal processing "glue" to pass dialing and routing information around the Clippers. Take the resulting assembly and insert into a phone line, either by actually cutting the wires or by fooling around with the switch. We now have the following arrangement: +---+ +---+ +---+ | A | ------- | M | ------- | B | +---+ +---+ +---+ At the start of a call, A dials B's number. M routes this information directly to B. A then initiates the key exchange supposedly with B, but actually with M. M, sensing that this is an encrypted call, begins negotiating a key exchange with B. At this time, A and B assume that they are negotiating with each other, when they are actually both negotiating with M. When the key exchange is complete, A sends encrypted data to B. M decrypts the data, reads it, re encrypts it, and sends it to B. This method is completely general and can be used against any "zero knowledge" system. M needs no knowledge of the cryptosystems in use, and only needs to tell the difference between normal routing signals and encrypted data. Supposedly, the Bell Atlantic systems that are the first to use the Clipper have a display that shows the session key that is currently in use. I rather doubt this, as you don't normally want your session key where anybody can see it. In use, supposedly, A reads off the key to B. If the key doesn't match, then there is a "man in the middle." In reality, I doubt that users would take the trouble to read off a long (20 digits?) number every time they make a call. In any case, if Clipper or something similar comes into widespread use, I foresee the "back-to-back" chips taking over the niche currently occupied by the "two alligator chips and a headset" tap that will work on current non digital telephones -- simple, cheap, effective, and illegal. How can we keep the "man in the middle" out of things? With only two stations and no prior arrangement between A and B, we can't. There must be some prior arrangement between A and B. This can be provided automatically by a third party. See Internet RFC 1421 for an example of a system that uses this approach. B. Back Doors These could be cleared up by releasing the algorithms and chip design for public review. The proposed system of key escrow makes decoding of encrypted conversations a very tedious process. I find it very difficult to believe that law enforcement agencies would be willing to put up with it. This leads to speculations about a "back door" that would allow those who know it to decrypt any message they wanted, without touching the escrowed keys. The simplest way of compromising the Clipper would be to subvert the key exchange. The "man in the middle" (above) would take an active part in the negotiations to determine the secret session key. This would make the "man in the middle" undetectable even in the unlikely event that the two users read the "keys" off to each other. An example of a protocol that this would work on might be: A sends B the public part of a public key cipher. B uses this key to encrypt a randomly chosen secret session key. B sends the encrypted key to A, A deciphers the secret key, and they both use it to encrypt further communications. With the man in the middle, M intercepts A's key and passes M's own key to B. B uses M's key to encrypt a secret key. M decrypts the key, re encrypts it with A's public key, and sends it on to A. All three are now using the same key. Can this happen in Clipper? We can't know as long as the algorithm and the chip design are classified. It would likely be hidden in circuitry purported to provide "conference calling." Are there other ways of doing it? We can't know. WIDER IMPLICATIONS The Clipper appears to be an attempt by the Government to insure that it will always be able to tap telephones and other forms of electronic communications at will. We remember the abuses of J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, John Mitchell, and Ed Meese. Are they the worst that the United States will ever have? We would be foolish to assume so. The implication that I have seen is that the Government intends to require that anyone doing "sensitive" business with the Government will be required to use Clipper, and no other form of communications data security. This will presumably generate a large enough installed base of "secure" telephones that no competing "commercial-only" standard can survive. (It will also generate windfall profits for the companies making the equipment. That, I am sure, is somebody else's argument.) If the Government were interested only in official Government business, it could simply require a centralized key distribution facility, as is currently done with classified communications. This would be much easier than the rigmarole with "key escrow," but it would probably not be acceptable for business use. For me, the final nail in the Clipper's technical coffin is that it is not being cleared for use with classified data. If it's that good, why won't the Government use it? The Clipper concept is flawed technically, but it is probably the only way that the Government can even attempt to maintain "universal tappability" of all telephones. Systems that are more secure lose the "universal tappability." Even with Clipper, someone who didn't want to be tapped could simply "pre encrypt" the data before feeding it into the Clipper chip. The fact that the data is encrypted could not even be *detected* without a court order. Let it go. The advantages of solidly secure communications far outweigh the rather dubious advantages of phone taps. At the beginning of the twentieth century, a criminal could only get far away from the scene of the crime by taking a train. Trains and train stations are rare and easily watched by law enforcement officers. The advent of the automobile meant that a criminal could commit a crime and be far away by the time the crime was discovered. Would we have a better society today if the growth of the automobile had been "managed" to the benefit of law enforcement? Somehow, I doubt it. The current computer revolution is at least as much of a change as the introduction of the automobile. Attempts to "manage" it for the temporary advantage of a narrow group of people are simply doomed. -- Steve Smith Agincourt Computing sgs@grebyn.com (301) 681 7395 "Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction has to make sense." From djw@eff.org Thu May 27 12:54:41 1993 Return-Path: <djw@eff.org> Received: from eff.org by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10654; Thu, 27 May 93 12:54:33 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 12:59:53 -0500 Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 12:54:33 EDT Received: from [] (jackson.eff.org) by eff.org with SMTP id AA01012 (5.65c/IDA-1.5/ident for <crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov>); Thu, 27 May 1993 12:56:07 -0400 Message-Id: <199305271656.AA01012@eff.org> Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 12:59:53 -0500 To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov >From: djw@eff.org (Daniel J. Weitzner) Subject: Comments of the Electronic Frontier Foundation May 27, 1993 Before the COMPUTER SYSTEM SECURITY AND PRIVACY ADVISORY BOARD Technology Building, Room B-154 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 COMMENTS OF THE ELECTRONIC FRONTIER FOUNDATION Regarding Key Escrow Chip Cryptographic Technology and Government Cryptographic Policies and Regulations The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) commends the Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board for offering the public the opportunity to comment on developments in cryptography and communications privacy policy. Recent Administration proposals, including use of the Clipper Chip and establishment of a government-controlled key escrow system, raise questions that cut to the core of privacy protection in the age of digital communication technology. The questions noted by the Advisory Board in its Notice of Open Meeting (58 FR 28855) reflect a broad range of concerns, from civil liberties to global competitiveness. The Digital Privacy and Security Working Group -- a cooperative effort of civil liberties organizations and corporate users and developers of communication technology which is chaired by the EFF -- has also submitted over one hundred questions to the Administration. (These questions are being submitted to the Advisory Board under separate cover on behalf of the Working Group.) That there are so many questions demonstrates the need for a comprehensive review of cryptography and privacy policy. We are encouraged that the Administration has expressed a willingness to undertake such a review. However, it has become clear that plans for rapid introduction of the Clipper Chip could unacceptably distort this important policy review. The Administration has made not secret of the fact that they hope to use government purchasing power to promote Clipper as a de facto standard for encryption. With Clipper on the market, the policy process will be biased toward a long-term solution such as Clipper with key escrow. Moreover, the rush to introduce Clipper is already forcing a hasty policy review which may fail to provide adequate public dialogue on the fundamental privacy questions which must be resolved to reach a satisfactory cryptography policy. Based on the depth and complexity of questions raised by this review, EFF believes that no solution, with Clipper Chip or otherwise, should be adopted by the government until the comprehensive cryptography review initiated by the Administration is complete. EFF is a nonprofit, public interest organization whose public policy mission is to insure that the new electronic highways emerging from the convergence of telephone, cable, broadcast, and other communications technologies enhance free speech and privacy rights, and are open and accessible to all segments of society. In these comments, we will elaborate on questions 1, 2, and 3 listed in the Advisory Board's Notice. We offer these comments primarily to raise additional questions that must be answered during the course of the Administration's policy review. A. WILL PARTICULAR ENCRYPTION TECHNOLOGIES BE MANDATED OR PROSCRIBED?: A THRESHOLD QUESTION Unraveling the current encryption policy tangle must begin with one threshold question: will there come a day when the federal government controls the domestic use of encryption through mandated key escrow schemes or outright prohibitions against the use of particular encryption technologies? Is Clipper the first step in this direction? A mandatory encryption regime raises profound constitutional questions, some of which we will discuss below. So far, the Administration has not declared that use of Clipper will be mandatory, but several factors point in that direction: 1. Secrecy of the algorithm justified by need to ensure key escrow compliance: Many parties have already questioned the need for a secret algorithm, especially given the existence of robust, public-domain encryption techniques. The most common explanation given for use of a secret algorithm is the need to prevent users from by-passing the key escrow system proposed along with the Clipper Chip. If the system is truly voluntary, then why go to such lengths to ensure compliance with the escrow procedure? 2. How does a voluntary system solve law enforcement's problems? The major stated rationale for government intervention in the domestic encryption arena is to ensure that law enforcement has access to criminal communications, even if they are encrypted. Yet, a voluntary scheme seems inadequate to meet this goal. Criminals who seek to avoid interception and decryption of their communications would simply use another system, free from escrow provisions. Unless a government-proposed encryption scheme is mandatory, it would fail to achieve its primary law enforcement purpose. In a voluntary regime, only the law-abiding would use the escrow system. B. POLICY CONCERNS ABOUT GOVERNMENT-RUN KEY ESCROW SYSTEM Even if government-proposed encryption standards remain voluntary, the use of key escrow systems still raises serious concerns: 1. Is it wise to rely on government agencies, or government-selected private institutions to protect the communications privacy of all who would someday use a system such as Clipper? 2. Will the public ever trust a secret algorithm with an escrow system enough to make such a standard widely used? C. CONSTITUTIONAL IMPLICATIONS OF GOVERNMENT CONTROLS ON USE OF ENCRYPTION Beyond the present voluntary system is the possibility that specific government controls on domestic encryption could be enacted. Any attempt to mandate a particular cryptographic standard for private communications, a requirement that an escrow system be used, or a prohibition against the use of specific encryption algorithms, would raise fundamental constitutional questions. In order to appreciate the importance of the concerns raised, we must recognize that we are entering an era in which most of society will rely on encryption to protect the privacy of their electronic communications. The following questions arise: 1. Does a key escrow system force a mass waiver of all users' Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination? The Fifth Amendment protects individuals facing criminal charges from having to reveal information which might incriminate them at trial. So far, no court has determined whether or not the Fifth Amendment allows a defendant to refuse to disclose his or her cryptographic key. As society and technology have changed, courts and legislatures have gradually adapted fundamental constitutional rights to new circumstances. The age of digital communications brings many such challenges to be resolved. Such decisions require careful, deliberate action. But the existence of a key escrow system would have the effect of waiving this right for every person who used the system in a single step. We believe that this question certainly deserves more discussion. 2. Does a mandatory key escrow system violate the Fourth Amendment prohibition against "unreasonable search and seizure"? In the era where people work for "virtual corporations" and conduct personal and political lives in cyberspace, the distinction between communication of information and storage of information is increasingly vague. The organization in which one works or lives may be constitute a single virtual space, but be physically dispersed. So, the papers and files of the organization or individual may be moved within the organization by means of telecommunications technology. Until now, the law of search and seizure has made a sharp distinction between, on the one hand, seizures of papers and other items in a person's physical possession, and on the other hand, wiretapping of communications. Seizure of papers or personal effects must be conducted with the owner's knowledge, upon presentation of a search warrant. Only in the exceptional case of wiretapping, may a person's privacy be invaded by law enforcement without simultaneously informing the target. Instantaneous access to encryption keys, without prior notice to the communicating parties, may well constitute a secret search, if the target is a virtual organization or an individual whose "papers" are physically dispersed. Under the Fourth Amendment, secret searches are unconstitutional. 3. Does prohibition against use of certain cryptographic techniques infringe individuals' right to free speech? Any government restriction on or control of speech is to be regarded with the utmost scrutiny. Prohibiting the use of a particular form of cryptography for the express purpose of making communication intelligible to law enforcement is akin to prohibiting anyone from speaking a language not understood by law enforcement. Some may argue that cryptography limitations are controls on the "time, place and manner" of speech, and therefore subject to a more lenient legal standard. However, time, place and manner restrictions that have been upheld by courts include laws which limit the volume of speakers from interfering with surrounding activities, or those which confine demonstrators to certain physical areas. No court has ever upheld an outright ban on the use of a particular language. Moreover, even a time, place and manner restriction must be shown to be the "least restrictive means" of accomplishing the government's goal. It is precisely this question -- the availability of alternatives which could solve law enforcement's actual problems -- that must be explored before a solution such as Clipper is promoted. D. PUBLIC PROCESS FOR CRYPTOGRAPHY POLICY As this Advisory Board is well aware, the Computer Security Act of 1987 clearly established that neither military nor law enforcement agencies are the proper protectors of personal privacy. When considering the law, Congress asked, "whether it is proper for a super-secret agency [the NSA] that operates without public scrutiny to involve itself in domestic activities...?" The answer was a clear "no." Recent Administration announcements regarding the Clipper Chip suggest that the principle established in the 1987 Act has been circumvented. For example, this Advisory Board was not consulted with until after public outcry over the Clipper announcements. Not only does the initial failure to consult eschew the guidance of the 1987 Act, but also it ignored the fact that this Advisory Board was already in the process of conducting a cryptography review. As important as the principle of civilian control was in 1987, it is even more critical today. The more individuals around the country come to depend on secure communications to protect their privacy, the more important it is to conduct privacy and security policy dialogues in public, civilian forums. CONCLUSION The EFF thanks the Advisory Board for the opportunity to comment on these critical public policy issues. In light of the wide range of difficult issues raised in this inquiry, we encourage the Advisory Board to call on the Administration to delay the introduction of Clipper-based products until a thorough, public dialogue on encryption and privacy policy has been completed. Respectfully Submitted, Electronic Frontier Foundation eff@eff.org +1 202-544-9237 Jerry Berman Executive Director jberman@eff.org Daniel J. Weitzner Senior Staff Counsel djw@eff.org From djw@eff.org Thu May 27 12:55:14 1993 Return-Path: <djw@eff.org> Received: from eff.org by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10665; Thu, 27 May 93 12:55:06 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 13:00:07 -0500 Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 12:55:06 EDT Received: from [] (jackson.eff.org) by eff.org with SMTP id AA01027 (5.65c/IDA-1.5/ident for <crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov>); Thu, 27 May 1993 12:56:21 -0400 Message-Id: <199305271656.AA01027@eff.org> Date: Thu, 27 May 1993 13:00:07 -0500 To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov >From: djw@eff.org (Daniel J. Weitzner) Subject: Digital Privacy and Security Working Group Comments The Digital Privacy and Security Working Group, whose members are listed below, submitted the following questions to the Clinton Administration regarding Clipper and Cryptography Policy. The Working Group hereby submits this set of questions for the consideration of the Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board. Members of the Digital Privacy and Security Working Group: abcd, The Microcomputer Industry Association Advanced Network & Services, Inc. American Civil Liberties Union Apple Computer, Inc. AT&T Business Software Alliance Cavanagh Associates, Inc. Cellular Telephone Industry Association Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Computer & Business Equipment Manufacturers Association Computer & Communications Industry Association Crest Industries, Inc. Digital Equipment Corporation EDUCOM Electronic Frontier Foundation Electronic Mail Association Hewlett-Packard Company IBM Information Technology Association of America Information Industry Association International Communication Association Iris Associates Lotus Development Corporation McCaw Cellular Communications MCI Microsoft Corporation National Association of Manufacturers Oracle RSA Data Security, Inc. Software Publishers Association Sun Microsystems, Inc. Telecommunications Industry Association Toolmaker, Inc. Trusted Information Systems United States Telephone Association Work Group Questions: ISSUES AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ADMINISTRATION'S CLIPPER CHIP PROPOSAL A. Process by Which the Proposal Was Developed 1. Why the secrecy in which the encryption code scheme was developed? Were any members of the computer, communications, or security industries consulted? Were any privacy experts consulted? Has the Justice Department or the White House Office of Legal Counsel considered the constitutional implications? 2. The Administration's announcement implies that a policy review on encryption has been commenced; but at the same time, it appears that a decision has already been reached to support the Clipper proposal or some other key-escrow scheme. Is any review of the Clipper chip itself now underway? What progress has been made? When will this expedited review be complete? 3. What role has the National Security Agency played in the development and selection of the Clipper Chip and key escrow system? What will NSA's role be in the deployment and evaluation of the system? Are these roles consistent with the principle of civilian control of computer security, as required by the Computer Security Act of 1987? 4. What efforts are underway to improve the government's ability to decrypt non-Clipper algorithms which are likely to be used by criminals? Can the government decrypt all commercially available hardware sold domestically and abroad? If not, wouldn't it be a better policy to direct U.S. resources in that direction instead of the Clipper approach? 5. What percentage of the 800 to 900 annual Title III interceptions encounter encrypted communications? What percentage of law B. Secrecy of the Algorithm 11. Will the Clipper proposal have the same degree of public review that other NIST standards, senforcement encountered encryption is estimated to be Clipper as opposed to the other encryption schemes? Is this a solution in search of a problem? 6. Did the government consider commercially-available encryption schemes and reject them? If so, why were they rejected, and is that analysis available? If not, why not? 7. Capstone is the successor to Clipper with the addition of public key exchange and digital signature capabilities. Is Clipper just an intermediate step before Capstone is released? Why did the White House press release not mention Capstone? 8. How will this relate to the FBI's Digital Telephony Proposal? Has the Administration committed to supporting, discarding or reintroducing the proposal in a new form? 9. What is the history of the proposal? How long has this been under consideration? 10. How long has the Clipper Chip and escrow concept been in development? Which agency originated these concepts? uch as DSS have gone through? 12. How can the public trust the security and reliability of an algorithm that is kept classified? 13. If American firms are not able to have their encryption experts examine the algorithm, how can they be sure that there is no "trap door" that would allow any Clipper Chip security system to be overridden? Dr. Kammer of NIST has said that "respected experts from outside the government will be offered access" to the algorithm. How do interested parties go about obtaining this access to the classified material about the Clipper algorithm and participate in the analysis of the design to search for trap doors and other weaknesses? What specific reports from this process will serve to reassure users regarding the integrity of the Clipper Chip? 14. What will be the consequence if the algorithm is published? Will it become less secure? If publication (i.e., de-classification) would make it less secure, how secure can it be? 15. If the Clipper Chip is too weak to protect classified government communications, why should it be used for sensitive proprietary private sector communications? 16. Executive Order 12356 has procedures on classification and declassification of information. Is the algorithm being classified under the framework of this order? What agency is in charge of classification/ declassification? 17. How much effort has the government put into the design and cryptoanalysis of the Clipper Chip as compared to the public analysis of the Data Encryption Standard during the last 16 years? 18. Is the Skipjack algorithm being used by the Clipper Chip derived from codes used in the management of our nuclear arsenal? Is this why the algorithm is being kept secret? If this is so, why are we using this secret system for a dubious commercial standard? If there is a national security justification to avoid having this encryption technique revealed, why risk compromising it by integrating it into publicly distributed products? 19. If the algorithm is classified, how will it be legal to distribute the chips to users not qualified to handle classified encryption equipment? This seems contrary to Facility Security Clearance procedures and the Personal Security Clearance requirements of DoD 5220.222-M, Industrial Security Manual for Safeguarding Classified Information. 20. Is it illegal to reverse engineer the Clipper Chip? If it were reverse engineered, would it then be illegal to reveal the algorithm? C. Voluntariness of Clipper System 21. Will this system be truly voluntary? If so, won't criminals and terrorists just use some other type of encryption? 22. If the use of the Clipper Chip is "voluntary," why would any party desiring privacy or secrecy of communications use it, knowing that the US. government has a process to allow decryption? If the Administration's ultimate goal is to ban other forms of encryption for use domestically, what is the legal basis for such an approach? 23. Isn't the Administration doing more than "encouraging" use of Clipper? (E.g., discontinuing DES at the end of the current certification cycle, directing NIST to adopt Clipper as a Federal standard, and maintaining export restrictions on hardware/software using different algorithms?) 24. Does the government have any plans to campaign for the implementation of the Clipper Chip as a standard for data cryptography? 25. What impact will the introduction of Clipper have on the market for other encryption technologies? Will the government otherwise try to discourage other cryptographic mechanisms from being marketed domestically and abroad? 26. Isn't the government dictating the design of technology into commercial products rather than allowing market demand to dictate? 27. What prevents a sender of information from encrypting with secure, easy to obtain software using DES or RSA algorithms before sending data through a channel encrypted with the Clipper system? 28. Would the Administration ever consider making the Clipper Chip or other key escrow system mandatory? D. Key Escrow System 29. How can the government assure us that the keys held in escrow are not compromised? What public or private agencies have sufficient integrity and public trust to serve as escrow agents? 30. How can the public be sure that keys will only be revealed upon proper warrant? Will there be clerks who actually operate the equipment who could get anyone's keys? Or will judges have personal keys, which would be directly authenticated to the escrow agents' equipment that protects the users' keys? 31. Once the keys are obtained from the escrow holders, is it envisioned that electronic surveillance can be done "real-time," or will recording and post-processing be required? 32. To hear both sides of a conversation, does law enforcement need the keys of both participants? 33. After law enforcement has properly obtained a pair of unit keys from the escrow agents and conducted a wiretap, will the keys be "returned" to the agents? What safeguards exist to prevent law enforcement from re-using the keys without authorization in the future? 34. Once in possession of the unit keys, can the government pretend to be ("spoof") the original unit owner? 35. What is the smallest number of people who would be in a position to compromise the security of the system? 36. Can an escrow agent exercise discretion in the release of key information? E.g., can they refuse an inappropriate request? (Phone companies ensure that court orders are facially valid.) Can they publicize an inappropriate request? Can they tell the person whose communications were intended to be violated? 37. Who will be responsible for auditing the escrow process and the use of revealed keys? 38. How will the government ensure that unanticipated uses of the escrow database are prevented in the long term? (E.g., the Census database was supposed to stay confidential for 75 years, but was released during World War Two to allow Japanese-Americans to be imprisoned without cause. What protections are in place to make sure that this never happens again? 39. What happens when one discovers that the keys have been captured through theft? How difficult would it be to change keys? What is done in the meanwhile? How difficult is it to reprogram the chip, or do you need a replacement? 40. If the chip can be reprogrammed, how do you prevent covert changes that will not be discovered until authorization to tap is received and execution of the warrant is forestalled? 41. It appears that once a given chip has been compromised due to use of the escrowed keys, the chip and the equipment it is used in are vulnerable forever. Is there any mechanism or program to re-key or replace compromised hardware? Is there any method for a potential acquiring party to verify whether the keys on a given chip have been compromised? Who should bear the cost of replacement or re-keying of compromised hardware? 42. What safeguards will be used when transporting the escrow keys? 43. What are the national security implications of widespread deployment of Clipper? Does it make our communications more susceptible to disruption or jamming? 44. Doesn't the two-escrowee approach make these locations targets of opportunity for any party or foreign government that wants to gain access to sensitive US. information? If an escrow location is compromised, all chip data contained there is compromised. Wouldn't these locations also become targets of opportunity for any criminal or terrorist organization that wanted to disrupt US. law enforcement? What back-up or physical security measures are envisioned? If multiple copies are kept, doesn't this increase the threat of compromise? E. Choice of Agents for the Keys 45. Who will be the agents for the keys? How secure will they be from the outside and from the inside? What is the cost of maintaining the escrow system? Who will pay? Who will profit? 46. When will the escrow agents be announced? Will there be a process to allow input into the selection of these individuals/agencies? 47. Although it has been reported that the escrow holders will not be the FBI, DoD, CIA or NSA, is it envisioned that one or both of the escrow locations will be non-government entities? Can one or both be private parties? What will the process be to determine what private party will be awarded the contract for key holder? 48. Can the set of escrow agents be changed after the initial selection? How can the government be prevented from moving the escrow contract to a more pliable escrow agent, if one of the agents stands up against the government for the rights of the people whose keys they are protecting? 49. Will escrow agents be immune from prosecution during their term of office, like Members of Congress, the President, and Justices of the Supreme Court? If not, what will prevent the government from harassing the agents during a dispute with the Justice Department? 50. Will there be a mechanism for particular people to keep their keys out of the key escrow database, or to obtain Clipper Chips with keys that have not been escrowed? (E.g. Judges, law enforcement officers, NSA officials, the President, etc.) F. Level of Security of Clipper Chip Encryption 51. How will the government assure American businesses that their proprietary information is not compromised? Given the extremely competitive nature of the high-tech industries, and the importance of intellectual property, how can American firms be adequately protected? 52. How will the government assure American citizens that the privacy of their electronic communications and the security of personal information that is transmitted in electronic form will all be secure under the Clipper Chip? 53. f the Administration is so confident about the level of security of the Clipper Chip scheme, why will classified information not be encrypted with it? 54. What warranty is the US. government prepared to make regarding the security of the Clipper Chip compared to other algorithms, and indemnity for failures for breaches of the algorithm, chips that are compromised due to failures in the security of the escrow system, or other failures in the Clipper approach? 55. What effect does Clipper have on other NSA and DOD programs aimed at encryption and authentication of unclassified messages (e.g., MOSAIC)? 56. If Clipper is not approved for classified traffic, what government agencies will be utilizing Clipper, and for what applications? 57. Normal security procedures involve changing cryptography keys periodically, in case one has been compromised. But the family and unit keys cannot be changed by the user. If these keys are compromised, it won't matter how frequently the user changed their session keys. Doesn't the long use of the same family and unit keys increase the likelihood that these keys will be compromised while they are still in use? Doesn't this also eliminate a significant degree of the user's control of the level of security that their his or her system provides? 58. If the government discovered that the algorithm or family key had been discovered by a foreign government or private individuals, would it tell the public that the system had been compromised? Are there plans to restore privacy and authentication if the algorithm is compromised? 59. How secure is the Clipper algorithm if it is attacked by a person with half the key? G. Level of Privacy Protection 60. Given the dramatic growth in transmission and storage of personal information in electronic form, does the Administration recognize that private individuals, as well as large organizations, need access to affordable, robust encryption systems? 61. Is law enforcement permitted to identify the specific piece of communications equipment without obtaining a warrant? If encrypted communications include the serial number ("chip family key"), will law enforcement be able to keep track of communications traffic and track private citizens without even securing the keys from the escrow agents? 62. Does the Administration believe that all household phones are going to be replaced with secure versions over some period of time? At what cost? 63. It has been impossible to keep any large collection of information completely private, including Social Security records, tax information, police files, motor vehicle records, medical records, video rentals, highly classified military information, and information on abuses of power. How will users be able to tell when this happens to the key escrow information? H. Constitutional/Legal Implications 64. Has the Administration fully considered the constitutional implications of the Clipper Chip and other key escrow systems? 65. Does forcing someone to disclose a key for future law enforcement access infringe the fundamental right against self incrimination embodied in the Fifth Amendment? 66. Does requiring key disclosure in conjunction with a particular technology violate users' right to free speech under the First Amendment? Courts frown most severely on any government attempts to compel a particular form of speech. 67. Does the escrow system violate the letter or the spirit of the Fourth Amendment protections which safeguard citizens against intrusive law enforcement practices? 68. When the Administration says "nor is the U.S. saying that 'every American, as a matter of right, is entitled to an unbreakable commercial encryption product,'" are they therefore saying the inverse, that every American is not allowed to have an unbreakable commercial encryption product? 69. Does the Administration see the need for any new legislation to implement its Clipper Chip proposal? If so, specifically identify. 70. In the event that one or more escrow keys are obtained through unauthorized means, what liability, if any, might the equipment manufacturer have to bear? 71. What will be the relationship between Federal and state law enforcement? Will the policy pre-empt state law? How will state law enforcement access the "key" system? 72. What is the statutory authority for regulation of domestic encryption? Are any of these statutes cold war relics? Should the efficacy of all statutes that effect civilian encryption be reviewed? 73. What protections do we have against blackmailing by escrow agents, or by others who have gained possession of escrowed keys? Is there civil or criminal liability for escrow agents who reveal keys illegally? 74. What is the impact on society if the right to hold a truly private conversation is withdrawn? 75. Is strong encryption technology important for protecting intellectual property in a digital network environment? I. Logistics of Chip Development and Manufacture 76. Why weren't other Chip manufacturers given the chance to bid on the chip production process? Why was the choice made to have only one manufacturer? 77. Since the Clipper Chip design data will need to be released to manufacturers, how will we be assured that this information, in itself, will not allow the user systems to be compromised? 78. What assurances will there be that the manufacturer is not keeping a record of all keys issued? 79. We have read Dorothy Denning's explanation of how the two 80-bit keys will be created in the SCIF. Is this description accurate? If not, how would this process occur? If so, is the system feasible? What will the cost be for this process and for the increased security of the involved government agents? 80. The chips will be programmed in a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). Does this suggest that the chips should at some point be classified Secret or Top Secret? What is the classification of the Clipper and Capstone chips and the Skipjack algorithm? How will these chips be declassified once leaving the SCIF? 81. Some of the press reports imply that AT&T has had access to this information in order to incorporate Clipper into some of its equipment designs. Is that implication accurate? 82. Can this scheme be implemented in software? If so, why haven't we seen information on that software? If not, were issues of how this hardware solution would affect continued use of software encryption adequately evaluated? Were the comparative costs of software and hardware encryption schemes evaluated? Is this evaluation available for analysis? 83. Current high speed DES processors have encryption rates of approximately 200 megabits per second, while the Clipper Chip has a throughput of 12.5 megabits per second. Within two to five years, 100 Mbs+ technologies, such as Fast Ethernet, FDDI and ATM, will become commonplace. How will the Clipper technology be used in environments where data is sent at 100 Mbs or faster? J. Feasibility/Implementation 84. What testing has been done to verify the ability of Clipper to work across the panoply of new emerging technologies? If the underlying digital transport protocol drops a bit or two, will that interfere with Clipper operation? How critical is synchronization of the bit stream for Clipper operation? Has this technology been tested with ISDN, TDMA, Cellular, CDMA Cellular, ATM, SONET, SMDS, etc. and other emerging technologies? What effect does Clipper have on the Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption (CAVE) algorithm? Are these differences for key generation, authentication, or voice privacy? 85. Does the Administration seek to extend the Clipper Chip proposal to the TDMA and CDMA digital cellular standards? 86. When will the government publish the various Modes of Operation and other documents for Clipper, together with a physical implementation standard (similar to the old FS-1027)? 87. Will the government consider the development of alternate sources for the chip or will vendors be limited to a single, monopoly supplier? 88. Initially, the Clipper Chip is being proposed for telephone technology, but the White House specifically mentions that the technology will be used for electronic data transmission. What is the timetable for implementing this? 89. What is the scope that the Administration envisions for the Clipper Chip's algorithm use? What about Capstone? Is it limited to choice, or does it encompass electronic mail, network encryption, security modems, long-haul bulk encryptors, video applications, computer password protection, Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems ("IVHS"), satellite communications -- both transport and control, electronic funds transfers, etc.? 90. What is the Administration's policy on other security mechanisms beyond privacy, such as message authentication codes for banking and EFT, and for integrity and digital signatures for sender authentication and non-repudiation? What is the impact on international standards such as X.500 and X.509? 91. Since Clipper, as currently defined, cannot be implemented in software, what options are available to those who can benefit from cryptography in software? Was a study of the impact on these vendors or of the potential cost to the software industry conducted? 92. What is are the success criterion for the Clipper initiative? Would the government abandon its initiative if the Clipper is shown to be unsuccessful beyond government use? 93. What is the expected useful lifetime of the Clipper technology? What do you expect will render it useless at some point? 94. Is it true that the name "Clipper Chip" is the intellectual property of another company? K. Impact on American Competitiveness 95. As the key-escrow approach is designed to ensure the ability of the American government to access confidential data, do NIST and NSA expect overseas customers (who do not have the protection of due process) to purchase the chip for data protection? 96. In testimony before the House Telecommunications Subcommittee, Mr. Kammer of NIST indicated that if he were a foreign customer, he would not purchase devices that included the Clipper Chip. Doesn't this raise serious balance-of-trade problems? 97. Will the technology, or the Chip itself, be shared with other allied governments (e.g., the UK), or will US. producers of data security products, forced by government standards to develop clipper-based products for the US. market, be permanently closed out of the overseas security market? 98. If Clipper won't be commercially accepted abroad, and export controls continue to prohibit the exportation of other encryption schemes, isn't the US. government limiting American companies to a US. market? 99. Given the restrictions on who can build Clipper devices, how will Clipper keep up with advances in semiconductor speed, power, capacity and integration? Openly available devices, such as Intel-compatible microprocessors, have seen dramatic gains, but only because everyone was free to try to build a better version. 100. Will the Clipper Chip be used nationally and internationally? How will multinational operations accommodate this new system? 101. Banking and finance are truly global today. Most European financial institutions use technology described in standards such as ISO 9796. Many innovative new financial products and services will employ the reversible cryptography described in these standards. Clipper does not comply with these standards. Will US. financial institutions be able to export Clipper? If so, will their overseas customers find Clipper acceptable? 102. If overseas companies provide systems based on algorithms that do not have key escrow schemes that encrypt faster and more securely, how will we compete internationally? We are market leaders in applications software and operating systems. our world leadership in operating systems is dependent on integrating security in internationally distributed systems. 103. Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is becoming an internationally recognized system for encrypting Electronic Mail. Would Skipjack encryption become a US. standard for encrypting electronic mail while the rest of the world used PEM? How would E-mail traffic between the US. and other countries be encrypted? L. Effect on Export Control Policy 104. In light of the Clipper initiative, will export restrictions on hardware and software encryption regimes using DES and RSA algorithms (which are widely available abroad) remain in place? 105. Will American firms be allowed to sell devices containing the Clipper Chip abroad? Under which governmental regulatory regime would exports of devices containing the Clipper Chip fall? What conditions would be applied to exports of devices containing the Clipper Chip? (E.g., would American firms be allowed to export devices to non-US. customers without the escrow requirement? If not, who would hold the keys?) 106. What governmental regulations will apply to imports of devices containing the Clipper Chip? Given that most US. companies source most customer premise equipment (e.g., telephones, fax machines, etc.) offshore, how will the logistics be handled for the export of the Clipper Chip as a component, and the subsequent import of the device containing the chip? Will the US. permit non-US. manufacturers to have the Clipper algorithm? If not, how will the Administration justify this trade barrier? 107. If the Clipper Chip cannot be reverse-engineered, and if the US. government is capable of decrypting, why would there be any reason to limit Clipper products from being exported? 108. If Clipper is allowed to be exported, does the US. government foresee a problem with other governments? Would the US. government's access to escrow keys be viewed as an exercise of extraterritorial jurisdiction? M. Implications for Installed-Base/Existing Products 109. What are the implications of NSA/NIST withdrawing the certification of DES? Although it may -- at some point in the future -- no longer be used for government purposes, that is not going to effect commercial or private users' applications of DES. What about the embedded base of DES hardware? 110. Will existing systems need to be replaced? 111. What efforts were spent to make the new encryption approach compatible with the embedded base of equipment? If DES was becoming weak (vulnerable), wouldn't merely extending the DES key length to 80 bits have solved that problem? 112. There are a number of companies that employ non-escrowed cryptography in their products today. These products range from secure voice, data, and fax, to secure e-mail, electronic forms, and software distribution, to name but a few. With over a million such products in use today, what does the Clipper scheme foretell for these products and the many corporations and individuals that are invested in them and use them? Will the investment made by the vendors in encryption-enhanced products be protected? If so, how? Is it envisioned that they will add escrow features to their products or be asked to employ Clipper? N. Process by which Input Will Be Received from Industry/Public Interest Groups 113. If the outcome of the policy review is not pre-ordained, then the process to analyze the issues and arrive at solutions would seem to need a great deal of definition. What roles have been identified for Congress, the private sector, and other interested parties? Who is coordinating the process? 114. Why does the Presidential directive on the review process remain classified? From jim@RSA.COM Thu May 27 14:32:44 1993 Return-Path: <jim@RSA.COM> Received: from RSA.COM (CHIRALITY.RSA.COM) by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10737; Thu, 27 May 93 14:32:35 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 11:31:27 PDT Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 14:32:35 EDT Received: by RSA.COM id AA22646; Thu, 27 May 93 11:31:27 PDT Date: Thu, 27 May 93 11:31:27 PDT >From: jim@RSA.COM (Jim Bidzos) Message-Id: <9305271831.AA22646@RSA.COM> To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Subject: Submission To: Cryptographic Issue Statements Computer System Security and Advisory Board Technology Building Room B-154 National Institute of Standards and Technology Gaithersburg, MD 20899 Statement of Jim Bidzos, President, RSA Data Security, Inc. Address: RSA Data Security, Inc. 100 Marine Parkway Redwood City, CA 94065 Phone: 415/595-8782 Fax: 415/595-5198 email: jim@rsa.com To Whom It May Concern: Much has been said about Clipper and Capstone (the term Clipper will be used to describe both) recently. Essentially, Clipper is a government-sponsored tamper-resistant chip that employs a classified algorithm and a key escrow facility that allows law enforcement, with the cooperation of two other parties, to decipher Clipper-encrypted traffic. The stated purpose of the program is to offer telecommunications privacy to individuals, businesses, and government, while protecting the ability of law enforcement to conduct court-authorized wiretapping. The announcement said, among other things, that there is currently no plan to attempt to legislate Clipper as the only legal means to protect telecommunications. Many have speculated that Clipper, since it is only effective in achieving its stated objectives if everyone uses it, will be followed by legislative attempts to make it the only legal telecommunications protection allowed. This remains to be seen. In light of past attempts at this type of legislation (S266 in May 1991 and the Digital Telephony Bill of 1992) one must believe the issue is being given serious consideration by law enforcement. There are a number of companies that employ non-escrowed cryptography in their products today. These products provide security for voice, data, and fax transmissions in networks all over the US. Since Clipper, as currently defined, cannot be implemented in software, what options are available to those who can benefit from cryptography in software? Will NIST state clearly that the investment these companies are making will not be threatened by legislation? In 1992, the number of deployed products licensed by RSA Data Security which use public-key went over one million. (This is he number of products, not users. There are likely more users than products.) The majority of these products use BSAFE or TIPEM, software toolkits offering DES and RSA, and no escrow features. This number will grow quickly as it does not include the RSA-enhanced Apple Macintosh OS or Novell NetWare 4.0, both of which began shipping in 1993. Apple sells millions of Macs yearly, and Novell has well over 13 million customers, most of whom will naturally upgrade to release 4. Has NIST considered and valued the impact of Clipper on the software industry? Banking and finance (as well as general commerce) are truly global today. Most European financial institutions use technology described in standards such as ISO 9796. Many innovative new financial products and services will employ the reversible cryptography described in these standards. Clipper does not comply with these standards. The basis for international commerce will be compatible communications and security systems. Will US financial institutions be able to export Clipper? If so, will their overseas customers or correspondent banks find Clipper acceptable? Will the governments of other countries allow Clipper equipment into financial institutions that, in many cases, they partially or entirely own? Why was no study of the potential impact of Clipper on US competitiveness conducted? During NIST's policy review in June 1993, they ask US industry to detail actual losses and projections due to Clipper and export controls. This is unfair. No company wants to admit publicly where and how it lost business to competition. Doing so simply provides valuable information that can be used by competitors against them again, or worse, by other competitors they haven't lost to yet. If the government holds that export controls are working, even though they don't contain the technology in the US, then let them tell us where and how they benefit from the policy, or let's begin removing the controls. If that sounds unreasonable, it's only the equivalent of their request to industry to "put up or shut up." In what must be seen as the tip of the iceberg, warning signals exist. Australia's Courier Mail reported in a lead business story on May 18, 1992 that U.S. export controls will be directly responsible for three Australian companies taking over $100 million per year in business from U.S. suppliers in Australia alone for Pay-TV systems. They report that the full amount could be billions in the emerging Pacific market for these systems. At a June 1992 conference in Washington, DC, five panelists discussed how export controls were affecting their business. One, a representative of a Fortune 5 company, described how two of their major clients were lost because adequate security could not be offered by the US company in Europe. Another panelist, representing a major computer company, described how a European company was specifically created and funded to exploit market opportunities created by US export controls. He further stated that his company had lost system sales --hardware and software-- due to their inability to provide adequate security to foreign buyers. Export controls coupled with Clipper, which puts the US at odds with the rest of the world, could cost US industry billions of dollars in lost commerce opportunities and lost jobs. Clipper will cost US industry billions of dollars, and create the potential for a national catastrophe by putting all the keys to a nationwide security system in one place. The impact of these policies and actions deserve more open study than NIST and NSA have been willing to provide. This is the problem with Clipper/Capstone. There is a presumption on the part of the government that a wiretap capability through escrowed cryptography must be protected regardless of the cost to industry. This is what we should be debating. From hanson@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov Thu May 27 15:12:55 1993 Return-Path: <hanson@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov> Received: from ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (ptolemy-ethernet.arc.nasa.gov) by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA10795; Thu, 27 May 93 15:12:46 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 12:15:07 PDT Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 15:12:46 EDT Received: from jabberwock.arc.nasa.gov by ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (4.1/) id <AA24469>; Thu, 27 May 93 12:15:07 PDT Date: Thu, 27 May 93 12:15:07 PDT >From: Robin Hanson <hanson@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov> Message-Id: <9305271915.AA24469@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov> Received: by jabberwock.arc.nasa.gov (4.1/SMI-4.1) id AA13922; Thu, 27 May 93 12:12:25 PDT To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov Cc: hanson@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov Subject: Cryptographic Issue Statement [This is an updated version of a message I sent May 13.] You have announced: "The Board solicits all interested parties to submit well-written, concise issue papers, position statements, and background materials on areas such as those listed below. ... Because of the volume of responses expected, submittors are asked to identify the issues above to which their submission(s) are responsive." My paper included below addresses this issue: 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC POLICIES AND SOCIAL/PUBLIC POLICY ISSUES ... Issues involved in balancing various interests affected by government cryptographic policies. Specifically, I examine whether government cryptographic policies intended to preserve wiretap abilities can cost phone users less than they benefit citizens seeking law enforcement. This seems unlikely. Robin Hanson ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAN WIRETAPS REMAIN COST-EFFECTIVE? by Robin Hanson hanson@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov 510-651-7483 47164 Male Terrace, Fremont, CA 94539 May 21, 1993 Distribute Freely SUMMARY: Compared to an average monthly phone bill of eighty dollars, the option to wiretap the average phone line is probably worth less than twelve cents a month to police and spy agencies. Claims that this option is worth over a dollar a month ignore the basic economics of law enforcement. Thus recently proposed government policies to preserve wiretap abilities in the face of technological change must raise phone costs by less than one part in seven hundred to be cost-effective. Why not let a market decide if wiretaps make sense? BACKGROUND Until now, telephones have happened to allow the existence of "wiretaps", cheap detectors which can pick up conversations on a phone line without the consent of either party to the conversation. And since 1968, U.S. police have been allowed to request such wiretaps from judges, and must compensate phone companies for expenses to assist a tap. Since then, law enforcement agencies have come to rely on this capability to aid in criminal investigations. However, wiretaps have become more difficult as phone companies have switched to digital technologies. And powerful new encryption technologies threaten to make truly private communication possible; a small chip in each phone could soon make it virtually impossible to overhear a conversation without a physical microphone at either end. So the U.S. government has begun to actively respond to these threats to police wiretap abilities. Regarding digital phone issues, a "FBI Digital Telephone Bill" was circulated early in 1992 [1], proposing to require all communication services to support easy wiretaps, now without compensation from the police. Each tapped conversation would have to be followed smoothly as the parties used call-forwarding or moved around with cellular phones. The data for that conversation would have to be separated out from other conversations, translated to a "form representing the content of the communication", and sent without detection or degradation to a remote government monitoring facility, to be received as quickly as the parties to the conversation hear themselves talk. Congress has yet to pass this bill. Regarding encryption issues, the White House announced on April 16, 1993 that 1) they had developed and begun manufacturing a special "wiretap" (or "Clipper") chip to be placed in future phones, instead of the total privacy chips which have been under private development, 2) they plan to require this chip in most phones the government buys, and 3) they will request all manufacturers of encrypted communications hardware to use this wiretap chip. The same day, AT&T announced it would use these chips "in all its secure telephone products". The plan seems to be to, at the very least, create a defacto standard for encryption chips, so that alternatives become prohibitively expensive for ordinary phone users, and to intimidate through the threat of further legislation. Such legislation would be required to stop privacy fans and dedicated criminals, who might be willing to pay much more to use an alternative total privacy standard. Both the specific wiretap chip design and the general algorithm are secret. Each chip would be created under strict government supervision, where it would be given a fixed indentifier and encryption key [2]. At some unspecified frequency during each conversation, the chip would broadcast its identifier and other info in a special "law enforcement field". Law enforcement officers with a court order could then obtain the key corresponding to this indentifier from certain unspecified agencies, and could thereby listen in on any future or previously recorded conversations on that phone. To date, most concerns voiced about the wiretap chip have been about its security. Encryption algorithms are usually published, to allow the absence of public demonstrations of how to break the code to testify to the strength of that code. And it is not clear what government agency could be trusted with the keys. Many suspect the government will not limit its access in the way it has claimed; the track records of previous administrations [3], and of foreign governments [4], do not inspire confidence on this point. This paper, however, will neglect these concerns, and ask instead whether this new wiretap chip, and other policies to preserve phone wiretaps, are cost-effective tools for police investigation. That is, which is a cheaper way for society to investigate crime: force phone communications to support wiretaps, or give police agencies more money to investigate crimes as they see fit? Or to put it another way, would police agencies still be willing to pay for each wiretap, if each wiretapping agency were charged its share of the full cost, to phone users, of forcing phones to support wiretaps? A recent U.S. General Accounting Office report on the FBI bill stated [1]: "[N]either the FBI nor the telecommunications industry has systematically identified the alternatives, or evaluated their costs, benefits, or feasibility." While this paper will not change this sad fact, it does aspire to improve on the current confusion. To begin to answer the above questions, we might compare the current benefits wiretaps provide to law enforcement agencies with projected costs of implementing the new wiretap chip and other wiretap policies. WIRETAP BENEFITS 1992 is the latest year for which wiretap statistics are available [5]. According to the Office of U.S. Courts, 919 wiretap installations were requested by local, state, and federal police in 1990, no requests were denied, and 846 taps were installed. 2685 arrests resulted from wiretaps started the same year, 1211 arrests came from wiretaps in previous years, and about 60% of arrests eventually lead to convictions. About 37% of wiretaps were requested by federal authorities, and 67% of state wiretaps were in New York, New Jersey, and Florida. 28 states had no wiretaps, and 10 states do not allow wiretaps. About 69% of taps were regarding drug offenses, and 10% for racketeering, and 7% for gambling offenses. Wiretaps are most useful for investigating "victimless" crimes, since victims will often give police permission to record their calls. Each wiretap installation heard an average of 1861 calls, 19% of them incriminating, among 117 people. Of 829 installations reporting costs, the average cost was $46,492. Federal taps cost about twice as much as state taps, so federal agencies paid 53% of total wiretap costs. $1.1 million was also spent following up on wiretaps from previous years. Thus a total of $40.4 million was spent on wiretaps, to obtain about 4000 arrests, at about $10,000 per arrest, or four times as much as the $2500 per arrest figure one gets by dividing the $28 billion spent by all police nationally by the total 11 million non-traffic arrests in 1987 [6]. Thus wiretaps are a relatively expensive form of investigations. 75% of the wiretaps were for phone lines (vs pagers, email, etc.), and are the focus of this paper. The $30 million per year spent on phone taps represents only one thousandth of the total police expenditures. Projecting previous trends from the 138 million phone "access" lines in the country in 1990 [6] suggests 147 million access lines in 1992. Thus about 20 cents spent per year per phone line, or about two cents a month, is spend on phone wiretaps. Since 1978, our foreign intelligence agencies have also been authorized to tap international phone calls. No statistics are published on these taps, so let us assume a similar number of "spy" wiretaps are done, giving a total of ~$60 million annually, or four cents per month per phone line spent on wiretaps. Of course the amount police spend on wiretaps is not the same as the benefits of wiretaps. How can we estimate benefits? Dorothy Denning, an advocate of both the FBI bill and the wiretap chip, claims that "the economic benefits [of wiretaps] alone are estimated to be billions of dollars per year" [7], and then refers to amounts fined, recovered, and "$2 billion in prevented potential economic loss" by the FBI from 1985 to 1991. Denning further relays fascinating FBI claims that through wiretaps "the hierarchy of organized crime has been neutralized or destabilized", and that "the war on drugs ... would be substantially ... lost" without them. Two billion dollars per year of wiretap benefit would translate to a little over a dollar a month per phone line. Denning, however, offers no support for her claims, and appears to be relaying internal FBI figures, which the FBI itself has neither revealed nor explained to the public. And the FBI is hardly a neutral party on this subject. Estimating the benefits of police investigations is not as simple as it might seem, however, and certainly requires more than adding up amounts fined or recovered. Long and well-established results in the economics of law enforcement [8] tell us to reject the notion that we should be willing to spend up to one dollar on police, in order to collect another dollar in fines or to prevent another dollar of theft. So, for example, we rightly reject IRS pleas for increased budget based solely on estimates of how many more dollars can be collected in taxes for each dollar spent by the IRS. In fact, a main reason given for using public police to investigate crime, instead of private bounty hunters, is to avoid such police overspending. In general, we deter a given class of criminals through a combination of some perceived probability of being caught and convicted, and some expected punishment level if convicted. And some crime is directly prevented, rather than deterred, through some level of police monitoring. The optimum police budget is a complex tradeoff between social costs due to the crimes themselves, the punishment exacted, and police expenses. How then can we estimate wiretap benefits? Let us assume that about the right total amount is being spent on police, and that police have about the right incentives, to spend their budget to monitor where it would help the most, and to get as many as possible of the right kinds of convictions. (If police budgets are too low, then the answer is to increase them, rather than trying to crudely subsidize any one of their expenses.) In this case the social benefit of being able to wiretap is no more than about the additional amount police would be willing to pay, beyond what they now pay, to undertake the same wiretaps (assuming this remains a small fraction of total police budgets). The benefit of wiretaps is actually less than this value, because were wiretaps to become more expensive, we might prefer to get the same criminal deterrence by instead raising punishment and lowering the probability of conviction, or perhaps we might accept a lower deterrence level, or even decriminalize certain activities. Police monitoring might be similarly adjusted. How much police would be willing to pay for each wiretap would depend of course on how what alternatives are available. If unable to wiretap a particular suspect's phone line, police might instead use hidden microphones, informants, grant immunity to related suspects, or investigate a suspect in other ways. The law requires that police requesting a wiretap must convince a judge that other approaches "reasonably appear to be unlikely to succeed if tried or to be too dangerous". But in practice judges don't often question boilerplate claims to this effect in police requests [9], and investigations often continue even after a wiretap has failed to aid an investigation. Experienced investigators advise wiretaps as a last resort, but mainly because wiretaps are so expensive. More importantly, police can also choose to focus on similar suspects who are more easily investigated without wiretaps. Most police cases are near the borderline where it is not clear that they are worth pursuing, and will be simply dropped should a more pressing case suddenly arise. Many cases reach the point where a wiretap might help, but are dropped because a wiretap seems too costly. And most cases now using wiretaps would probably be abandoned if wiretaps became dramatically more expensive. No doubt a few wiretaps are so valuable that it would have cost ten times as much to obtain similar results through other means. But on average, it is hard to imagine that police would be willing to pay more than a few times what they now pay for each wiretap. If we assume that police would on average be willing to pay twice as much for each tap, then the social benefit of phone wiretaps is about equal to the current spending level of four cents a month per phone line. If we assume that police would on average be willing to pay four times as much per wiretap, the option to wiretap the average phone would be worth twelve cents a month. A better estimate of wiretap values might come from randomly asking recent wiretap requestors whether they would have still requested that wiretap had they expected it to take twice as much labor to get the results they had expected, or three times as much, etc. The FBI will not allow such a survey by ordinary citizens, but perhaps some state police would. But until such research is done, the twelve cent figure seems a reasonably generous estimate, and the four cent figure may be closer to reality, Of course the value of the option to tap any particular phone line presumably varies a great deal from the average value. But unless the police can somehow pay only for the option to wiretap particular phone lines of its choosing, it is the average value that matters for a cost/benefit analysis. WIRETAP COSTS Let us for the moment optimistically assume that the U.S. government encryption scheme used in the wiretap chip is as secure as whatever private enterprise would have offered instead, protecting our conversations from the spying ears of neighbors, corporations, and governments, both foreign and domestic. Even so, the use of this chip, and of other policies to support wiretaps, would create many additional costs to build and maintain our communication system. Some phone companies must have perceived a non-trivial cost in continuing to support wiretaps while moving to digital phone transmissions, even when compared to the widely recognized value of staying on the good side of the police. Otherwise the police would not have complained of "instances in which court orders authorizing the interception of communications have not been fulfilled because of technical limitations within particular telecommunications networks" [1]. The wiretap chip requires extra law enforcement fields to be added to phone transmissions, increasing traffic by some unknown percentage. A special secure process must be used to add encryption keys to chips, while securely distributing these keys to special agencies, which must be funded and monitored. The chips themselves are manufactured through a special process so that the chip becomes nearly impossible to take apart, and the pool of those who can compete to design better implementations is severely limited. Private encryption systems not supporting wiretaps would require none of these extra costs. Perhaps most important, government decree would at least partially replace private marketplace evolution of standards for how voice is to be represented, encrypted, and exchanged in our future phones. It is widely believed that governments are less efficient than private enterprise in procuring products and standards, though they may perhaps perform a useful brokering role when we choose between competing private standards. How much less efficient is a matter of debate, some say they pay twice as much, while others might say they pay only 10% more. This type of wiretap support also raises costs by preventing full use of a global market for telephone systems. It pushes certain domestic phone standards, which foreign countries may not adopt, and requires the use of encryption methods known only to our government, which foreign countries are quite unlikely to adopt. In 1990, 53 U.S. phone companies had total revenues of $117.7 billion for domestic calls, $4.4 billion for overseas calls, and $4.5 billion for cellular calls [6], for a total cost of $126.6 billion dollars to run the phone system. Extrapolating recent trends suggests $138 billion for 1992, and an average monthly phone bill of $78 per line. If we generously assume that police and spies would on average be willing to pay four times as much as the ~$60 million they now spent on wiretaps annually, we find that wiretaps are not cost effective if we must raise phone costs by as much as one part in 700 to preserve wiretap abilities in the face of technological change. The twelve cents per line wiretap option value must be compared with an average seventy dollar monthly phone bill. (If we assume that police would only pay twice as much on average, then this limit falls to one part in 2300!) Dorothy Denning relays FBI claims that $300 million is the maximum cumulative development cost "for a switch-based software solution" so that phone companies can continue to support wiretaps [7]. Denning does not, however, say how long this solution would be good for, nor what the software maintenance and extra operating costs would be. And again this is a figure which the FBI itself has neither revealed nor explained to the public. If we use a standard estimate that software maintenance typically costs twice as much as development [10], and accept this FBI estimate, then total software costs would be by itself five times the above generous estimate of annual wiretap benefits. The current government contractor claims it will offer the wiretap chips for about $26 each in lots of 10,000 [2], over twice the $10 each a competing private developer claims it would charge [11] for a chip with comparable functionality, minus wiretap support. And the wiretap chip price probably doesn't reflect the full cost of government funded NSA research to develop it. If only one phone (or answering machine) is replaced per phone line every five years, the extra cost for these chips alone comes out to over 27 cents extra a month per line, or by itself more than two times a twelve cent estimated wiretap option value. Of course most phones wouldn't have encryption chips for a while, but the wiretap benefit is per phone, so this argument still applies. COMPARING BENEFITS AND COSTS Given the dramatic difference between the total cost of running the phone system and an estimated social value of wiretaps, we can justify only the slightest modification of the phone system to accommodate wiretaps. When the only modification required was to allow investigators in to attach clips to phone wires, wiretap support may have been reasonable. But when considering more substantial modification, the burden of proof is clearly on those proposing such modification to show how the costs would really be less than the benefits. This is especially true if we consider the costs neglected above, of invasions of the privacy of innocents, and the risk that future administrations will not act in good faith [3]. If consensus cannot be obtained on the relative costs and benefits of wiretaps, we might do better to focus on structuring incentives so that people will want to make the right choices, whatever those might be. Regarding phone company support for wiretaps, it seems clear that if wiretaps are in fact cost-effective, there must be some price per wiretap so that police would be willing to pay for wiretaps, and phone companies would be willing to support them. As long as the current law requiring police to pay phone company "expenses" is interpreted liberally enough, the market should provide wiretaps, if they are valuable. Monopoly market power of phone companies, or of police, might be an issue, but if we must legislate to deal with monopoly here, why not do so the same way we deal with monopoly elsewhere, such as through price regulation? Legislating the price to be zero, however, as the FBI bill seems to propose, seems hard to justify. And having each police agency pay for wiretaps, rather than all phone companies, seems fairer to states which forbid or greatly restrict the use of wiretaps. Regarding encryption chips, recall that without legislation outlawing private encryption, serious criminals would not be affected. In this case, it does not seem unreasonable to allow phone companies to offer discounts to their customers who buy phones supporting wiretaps, and thereby help that phone company sell wiretaps to police. Each phone user could then decide if this discount was worth buying a more expensive phone chip, and risking possible unlawful invasions of their privacy. Adverse selection, however, might make privacy lovers pay more than they would in an ideal world. If outlawing private encryption is seriously considered, then we might do better to instead just declare an extra punishment for crimes committed with the aid of strong encryption, similar to current extra punishments for using a gun, crossing state lines, or conspiring with several other people. As in these other situations, a higher punishment compensates for lower probabilities of convicting such crimes, and for higher enforcement costs, while still allowing individual tradeoffs regarding wiretap support. If, as seems quite possible, the stringent cost requirements described here for preserving wiretap abilities cannot be met, then we should accept that history has passed the economical wiretap by. Police functioned before 1968, and would function again after wiretaps. [1] ftp: ftp.eff.org /pub/EFF/legislation/new-fbi-wiretap-bill /pub/EFF/legal-issues/eff-fbi-analysis [2] Clipper Chip Technology, ftp: csrc.ncsl.nist.gov /pub/nistnews/clip.txt [3] Alexander Charns, Cloak and Gavel, FBI Wiretaps, Bugs, Informers, and the Supreme Court, Univ. Ill. Press, Chicago, 1992. [4] Headrick, The Invisible Weapon, Oxford Univ. Press, 1991. [5] Report on Applications for Orders Authorizing or Approving the Interception of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications, 1992, Administrative Office of U.S. Courts, Washington, DC 20544. [6] Statistical Abstract of the United States, 1992. [7] Dorothy Denning, "To Tap Or Not To Tap", Comm. of the ACM, March 1993. [8] Richard Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, 4th Ed., 1992, Chapter 22. [9] Report of the National Commission for the Review of Federal and State Laws Relating to Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance, Washington, 1976. [10] Barry Boehm, Software Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall, 1981. [11] Conversation with Steven Bryen, representative of Secure Communications Technology, 301-588-2200, April 25, 1993. No one paid Robin anything to write or research this (unfortunately :-) From Ralph.Durham@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU Thu May 27 19:11:05 1993 Return-Path: <Ralph.Durham@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Received: from Forsythe.Stanford.EDU by csrc.ncsl.nist.gov (4.1/NIST) id AA11125; Thu, 27 May 93 19:10:56 EDT Posted-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 16:10:43 PDT Received-Date: Thu, 27 May 93 19:10:56 EDT Message-Id: <9305272310.AA11125@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov> Date: Thu, 27 May 93 16:10:43 PDT To: crypto@csrc.ncsl.nist.gov >From: "Ralph Durham" <Ralph.Durham@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU> Subject: Clipper Chips! NO! Madam / Sir: RE: Clipper chip; I currently have no vested interest in the encryption of computer files or the transmission of same. Encryption technology has become a potential commodity for the masses because of the PC. Thre will be no way to stop people from encrypting their files for safekeeping of transmission should they want. This is akin to prohibition, gun laws, and drugs. This is not a policable issue. This technology, the clipper chip, will reduce our country's technological edge in this feild because it will lead to stagnation. This will drive prices up for honest people because of monopolistic encryption chips will be needed. Add to this the cost of a secure network to manufacture, program, sell, install, and keep the 2nd key required to use the system. For what? I for one would like to see a cost benefit analysis done for this issue alone. The other issue is privacy. With out the public knowing what this encryption is like and how it will be used we cannot be sure that it is really secure or needed. What precautions are going to be taken to ensure that this is the best way to encrypt data or that only law enforement can get the 2nd key for justified reasons. The way our government, and other governments, have acted in the past leaves me leary of the future. How will we be able to protect our rights and privacy. How will these keys be stored? How will access be decided? Will we have criminal charges for the unathorized use of the 2nd key. Or the data thus gained. Or the theft of keys and data? Drop this ill fated plan. Spend the money on something better for the country than the marginal, at best, law enforcement gain from this idea. Privacy issues, cost benefit, get children innoculations and adequate educations and we will have less need for a police state. Sincerely; Ralph G. Durham 104A Escondido Village Stanford, CA 94305 To: CRYPTO@CSRC.NCSL.NIST.GOV