>From: ldetweil@teal.csn.org (L.Detweiler) >Newsgroups: alt.security.pgp,talk.politics.crypto,sci.crypt,alt.politics.datahighway >Subject: YELSIN BANS CRYPTO >Date: 22 Apr 1995 01:20:40 GMT >Message-ID: <3n9ll8$s88@news-2.csn.net> > > >To: cypherpunks@toad.com >Subject: English translation of Yeltsin's decree banning cryptography in Russia >From: dlv@bwalk.dm.com (Dr. Dimitri Vulis) >Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 22:38:03 EDT I've recently received from Igor Semenyuk a file that purports to be President Yeltsin's decree forbidding the use of cryptography in the Russian Federation. My English translation thereof is interspersed with the original Russian text (coded in KOI-7, prefixed with >'s). >iSTO^NIK > "rOSSIJSKAQ GAZETA", N 68, 06.04.95 Source: _Rossiyskaya Gazeta_ #68, April 6, 1995. >sTATUS DOKUMENTA > dejstwuet Document status: IN FORCE >tEKST DOKUMENTA Document text: > prezident rossijskoj federacii THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION > ukaz > OT 3 APRELQ 1995 G. N 334 DECREE of April 3, 1995, #334 > o merah po sobl`deni` zakonnosti w oblasti > razrabotki, proizwodstwa, realizacii i |kspluatacii > {ifrowalxnyh sredstw, a takve predostawleniq > uslug w oblasti {ifrowaniq informacii ON MEASURES TO OBSERVE LEGALITY IN THE AREA OF DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION OF ENCRYPTION FACILITIES, AS WELL AS PROVISION OF SERVICES IN THE AREA OF DATA ENCRYPTION > w CELQH OBESPE^ENIQ BEZUSLOWNOGO ISPOLNENIQ zAKONA rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII "o FEDERALXNYH ORGANAH PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I > INFORMACII", A TAKVE USILENIQ BORXBY S ORGANIZOWANNOJ > PRESTUPNOSTX@ I POWY[ENIQ ZA]I]ENNOSTI INFORMACIONNO - > TELEKOMMUNIKACIONNYH SISTEM ORGANOW GOSUDARSTWENNOJ WLASTI, > ROSSIJSKIH KREDITNO-FINANSOWYH STRUKTUR, PREDPRIQTIJ I ORGANIZACIJ > POSTANOWLQ@: For the purposes of assuring definite compliance with the Russian Federation Law "On Federal Structures of Government Communication and Information", as well as intensifying the struggle against organized crime and increasing the security of the information and telecommunication systems used by the state bodies, Russia's credit and financial structures, enterprises and organizations, I decree: > 1. pRIDATX pROGRAMME SOZDANIQ I RAZWITIQ > INFORMACIONNO-TELEKOMMUNIKACIONNOJ SISTEMY SPECIALXNOGO NAZNA^ENIQ > W INTERESAH ORGANOW GOSUDARSTWENNOJ WLASTI STATUS PREZIDENTSKOJ > PROGRAMMY. cENTRU PREZIDENTSKIH PROGRAMM aDMINISTRACII pREZIDENTA > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII SOWMESTNO S fEDERALXNYM AGENTSTWOM > PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII OBESPE^ITX EE DORABOTKU I REALIZACI@. The program of creation and development of the special-purpose information and telecommunications system in the interests of state bodies is to be given the status of Presidential Program. The Center for Presidential Programs of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation together with the Federal Agency for Governmental Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation are to ensure its updating and implementation. > 2. zAPRETITX ISPOLXZOWANIE GOSUDARSTWENNYMI ORGANIZACIQMI I > PREDPRIQTIQMI W INFORMACIONNO-TELEKOMMUNIKACIONNYH SISTEMAH > [IFROWALXNYH SREDSTW, WKL@^AQ KRIPTOGRAFI^ESKIE SREDSTWA > OBESPE^ENIQ PODLINNOSTI INFORMACII (\LEKTRONNAQ PODPISX), I > ZA]I]ENNYH TEHNI^ESKIH SREDSTW HRANENIQ, OBRABOTKI I PEREDA^I > INFORMACII, NE IME@]IH SERTIFIKATA fEDERALXNOGO AGENTSTWA > PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII, A TAKVE RAZME]ENIE GOSUDARSTWENNYH ZAKAZOW NA > PREDPRIQTIQH, W ORGANIZACIQH, ISPOLXZU@]IH UKAZANNYE TEHNI^ESKIE I > [IFROWALXNYE SREDSTWA, NE IME@]IE SERTIFIKATA fEDERALXNOGO > AGENTSTWA PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII. Prohibit the use of encryption facilities in information and telecommunications systems by state organizations and enterprises, including cryptographic facilities for ensuring information authenticity (digital signature), and shielded(?) equipment for information storage, processing and transmission, unless such facilities have a certificate of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian federation, as well as prohibit the placement of state orders with enterprises and organizations using such equipment and encryption facilities not having a certificate of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation. > 3. pREDLOVITX cENTRALXNOMU BANKU rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII I > fEDERALXNOMU AGENTSTWU PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI > pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII PRINQTX NEOBHODIMYE MERY W > OTNO[ENII KOMMER^ESKIH BANKOW rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII, UKLONQ@]IHSQ > OT OBQZATELXNOGO ISPOLXZOWANIQ IME@]IH SERTIFIKAT fEDERALXNOGO > AGENTSTWA PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII ZA]I]ENNYH TEHNI^ESKIH SREDSTW HRANENIQ, > OBRABOTKI I PEREDA^I INFORMACII PRI IH INFORMACIONNOM > WZAIMODEJSTWII S PODRAZDELENIQMI cENTRALXNOGO BANKA rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII. Require the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation to take the necessary measures against the commercial banks of the Russian Federation that evade the required use of shielded(?) equipment for information storage, processing and transmission having a certificate of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation during their information exchanges with divisions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. > 4. w INTERESAH INFORMACIONNOJ BEZOPASNOSTI rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII I USILENIQ BORXBY S ORGANIZOWANNOJ PRESTUPNOSTX@ > ZAPRETITX DEQTELXNOSTX @RIDI^ESKIH I FIZI^ESKIH LIC, SWQZANNU@ S > RAZRABOTKOJ, PROIZWODSTWOM, REALIZACIEJ I \KSPLUATACIEJ > [IFROWALXNYH SREDSTW, A TAKVE ZA]I]ENNYH TEHNI^ESKIH SREDSTW > HRANENIQ, OBRABOTKI I PEREDA^I INFORMACII, PREDOSTAWLENIEM USLUG W > OBLASTI [IFROWANIQ INFORMACII, BEZ LICENZIJ, WYDANNYH fEDERALXNYM > AGENTSTWOM PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII W SOOTWETSTWII S zAKONOM rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII > "o FEDERALXNYH ORGANAH PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII". In the interests of the information security of the Russian Federation and intensifying the struggle against organized crime, prohibit the activity of legal and physical persons connected to the development, production, implementation and operations of encryption facilities, as well as shielded(?) equipment for information storage, processing and transmission, without linceses issued by the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Russian Federation Law "On Federal Structures of Government Communication and Information". [Note: legal person = organization] > 5. gOSUDARSTWENNOMU TAMOVENNOMU KOMITETU rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII > PRINQTX MERY K NEDOPU]ENI@ WWOZA NA TERRITORI@ rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII [IFROWALXNYH SREDSTW INOSTRANNOGO PROIZWODSTWA BEZ > LICENZII mINISTERSTWA WNE[NIH \KONOMI^ESKIH SWQZEJ rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII, WYDANNOJ PO SOGLASOWANI@ S fEDERALXNYM AGENTSTWOM > PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII. The State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation is to take measures for banning the importation to the territory of the Russian Federation of encryption facilities manufactured abroad without a licence of the Ministry of External Economic Ties of the Russian Federation issued in coordination with the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation. > 6. fEDERALXNOJ SLUVBE KONTRRAZWEDKI rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII I > mINISTERSTWU WNUTRENNIH DEL rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII SOWMESTNO S > fEDERALXNYM AGENTSTWOM PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI > pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII, gOSUDARSTWENNOJ NALOGOWOJ SLUVBOJ > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII I dEPARTAMENTOM NALOGOWOJ POLICII rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII OSU]ESTWLQTX WYQWLENIE @RIDI^ESKIH I FIZI^ESKIH LIC, > NARU[A@]IH TREBOWANIQ NASTOQ]EGO uKAZA. The Federal Counterintelligence Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation together with the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Taxation Service of the Russian Federation, and the Department of Taxation Police of the Russian Federation implement the identification of the legal and physical persons violating the requiements of this Decree. > 7. pREDLOVITX gENERALXNOJ PROKURATURE rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII > USILITX PROKURORSKIJ NADZOR ZA SOBL@DENIEM zAKONA rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII "o FEDERALXNYH ORGANAH PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I > INFORMACII" W ^ASTI RAZRABOTKI, PROIZWODSTWA, REALIZACII I > \KSPLUATACII [IFROWALXNYH SREDSTW, A TAKVE PREDOSTAWLENIQ USLUG W > OBLASTI [IFROWANIQ INFORMACII W rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII, PODLEVA]IH > LICENZIROWANI@ I SERTIFIKACII fEDERALXNYM AGENTSTWOM > PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII. Reqire the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation to strengthen the enforcement of compliance with the Russian Federation Law "On Federal Structures of Government Communication and Information" with respect to the development, production, implementation and use of encryption facilities, as well as to the provision of services in the area of data encryption in the Russian Federation that are subject to licensing and certification by the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation. > 8. sOZDATX fEDERALXNYJ CENTR ZA]ITY \KONOMI^ESKOJ INFORMACII > PRI fEDERALXNOM AGENTSTWE PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI > pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII (W PREDELAH [TATNOJ ^ISLENNOSTI > \TOGO aGENTSTWA), WOZLOVIW NA NEGO RAZRABOTKU I REALIZACI@ > KOMPLEKSNYH PROGRAMM OBESPE^ENIQ BEZOPASNOSTI \KONOMI^ESKOJ > INFORMACII ROSSIJSKIH KREDITNO-FINANSOWYH I DRUGIH \KONOMI^ESKI > ZNA^IMYH STRUKTUR STRANY. Create the Federal Center for Protection of Economic Information of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation (within that Agency's staff), charging it with the development and implementation of overall programs for assuring the safety of the economic information of Russia's credit and financial and other economically significant structures of the country. > gENERALXNOMU DIREKTORU fEDERALXNOGO AGENTSTWA > PRAWITELXSTWENNOJ SWQZI I INFORMACII PRI pREZIDENTE rOSSIJSKOJ > fEDERACII W 2-MESQ^NYJ SROK UTWERDITX POLOVENIE OB UKAZANNOM > CENTRE. The General Director of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information of the President of the Russian Federation is to approve a charter of said center within 2 months. > 9. nASTOQ]IJ uKAZ WSTUPAET W SILU SO DNQ EGO OPUBLIKOWANIQ. This Decree is in force since the day of its publication. > pREZIDENT > rOSSIJSKOJ fEDERACII > b.elxcin President of the Russian Federation B.ELTSIN - --- <a href="mailto:dlv@bwalk.dm.com">Dr. Dimitri Vulis</a> ------- End of Forwarded Message