TUCoPS :: Cyber Culture :: acy01012.txt

More cyberpunk

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|                                                                      |
|              THE UNOFFICIAL FAQ FOR alt.cyberpunk (part 2/2)         |
:::::updated:  1Jan93

|   1-10.  ALT.CP.FAQ.(1/2)
|     11.  Recommended Reading (books)
|     12.  Recommended Reading - Mirrorshades Group (short stories)
|     13.  Recommended Reading - Mirrorshades Group (interviews, critical works)
|     14.  Recommended Reading (zines and other)
|     15.  Recommended Viewing (movies)
|     16.  What is CyberPunk music?  (w/ suggested-listening lists)

|  11.  Recommended Reading (books)

Comics/Anime/Graphic Novels
American Flagg
Appleseed (also OAV)
Black Magic (also OAV "Black Magic M-66")
The Dark Knight Returns
Dirty Pair
Dominion (also OAV series: "Tank Police")
Elektra Assasin
Hard Boiled
Give Me Liberty
Judge Dredd
Marshall Law
Puma Blues
Video Jack

                Be aware that this is a very large selction of books which
   Books:       may not all be cp but which do contain elements which lean
                in that direction.. some predate cp and other types materials
                are included which may fall on the fringe of the genre or may
                be closer to (post)apocalypse..or may otherwise interest you.

Acker, Kathy - Blood and Guts High School
             - Empire of the Senseless

Bachman, Richard - The Running Man

Bagdikian, Ben H. - The Media Monopoly (nonfiction)

Ballard, J.G. - The Atrocity Exhibition
              - Crash

Barnes, Steven - Gorgon Child
               - Streetlethal

Bear, Greg - Blood Music
           - Eon
           - Beyond Heaven's River
           - Psychlone
           - Strength of Stones
           - The Wind from a Burning Woman (collection)

Belsito, Peter, Ed. - Notes from the Pop Underground  (nonfiction)
                      [interviews with SRL, Robert Anton Wilson, etc]

Benedikt, Michael - Cyberspace: First Steps. (nonfiction)
Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man
               - Computer Connection
               - Golem 100
               - Stars My Destination

Betancourt, John Gregory - Johnny Zed
                         - Rememory

Blankenship, Loyd (Steve Jackson Games) - GURPS Cyberpunk.  (RPG, guide to CP)
Bova, Ben - Cyberbooks

Brand, Stewart - The Media Lab (at MIT) (nonfiction)

Brunner, John - The Shockwave Rider
              - Stand on Zanzibar
              - The Jagged Orbit
              - The Sheep Look Up
              - The Stone that Never Came Down

Bull, Emma - Bone Dance

Burgess, Anthony - A Clockwork Orange.
Burroughs, William S. - Interzone
                      - Naked Lunch
                      - Ticket That Exploded
                      - The Third Mind
                      - Cities of the Red Night
                      - Nova Express

Butler, Jack - Nightshade

Cadigan, Pat - Indigo
             - Mindplayers
             - Patterns (collection)
             - Synners
             - Fools
             - Parasite (work in progress)

Carlisle, Anne - Liquid Sky

Chandler, Raymond - The Big Sleep

DeBrandt, Don H. - Quicksilver Screen

Delany, Samuel - Dahlgren
               - Babel 17
               - Nova

DeLillo, Don - White Noise

Denning, Peter J. (ed. ACM) - Computers Under Attack:
                                 Viruses, Worms, Hackers (nonfiction)

Denton, Bradley - Wrack'n'Roll

Dick, Phillip K. - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (Blade Runner)
                 - Flow My Tears the Policeman Said
                 - Vulcan's Hammer
                 - We Can Remember It For You Wholesale
                 - A Scanner Darkly

Drexler, Eric- Engines of Creation. Nanotechnology. (nonfiction)
Effinger, George Alec - A Fire in the Sun
                      - When Gravity Fails
                      - The Exile Kiss

Farren, Mick - The Long Orbit
             - Vickers

Faust, Clifford - A Death of Honor
                - The Company Man

Fjermedal, Grant - The Tomorrow Makers (nonfiction)

Ford, John - Web of Angels

Foster, Alan Dean - Cyber Way

Gardner, Howard - New Minds Science (cognitive science - nonfiction)

Garreau, Joel - Edge City (nonfiction -- the real Sprawl in LA)

Gerrold, David - When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One

Green, Terrence M. - Barking Dogs

Guscott, John Patrick (ed?) - Technophilia 93 (some kind of resource book?)
                            (forthcoming - contact by341@cleveland.freenet.edu)

Hafner, Katie with John Markoff - Cyberpunk:  Outlaws and Hackers.. (nonfiction)
Hamit, Francis &  Wes Thomas - Virtual Reality: Adentures in Cyberspace
Hand, Elizibeth - Winterlong

Harrison, Harry - Make Room! Make Room!
                - The Turing Option  (coauthored with Marvin Minsky)

Hawke, Simon - Psychodrome

Heinlein, Robert - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
                 - Notebooks of Lazarus Long
                 - Stranger in a Strange Land
                 - Time Enough for Love
Hooper, Judith - Would the Buddha Wear A Walkman?  Catalogue of consciousness.
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
               - Brave New World Revisted
Jeter, K.W. - Death Arms
            - Dr. Adder
            - Farewell Horizontal
            - The Glass Hammer

Kadrey, Richard - Metrophage

Krueger, Myron W. - Artificial Reality    (nonfiction)
                  - Artificial Reality II (nonfiction)
Laidlaw, Marc - Nutrimancer
              - Kalifornia
              - Neon Lotus

Landreth, Bill - Out of the Inner Circle.  (Hacking - nonfiction)

Leary, Timothy - Info-psychology
               - Neuropolitique

Lem, Stanislaw - Memoirs Found In a Bathtub

Lewitt, S. N. - Dancing Vac

Levy, Steven - Hackers.  (Origins of hackers - nonfiction)
Leyner, Mark - My Cousin My Gastroenterologist
             - Et tu, Babe

Littell, Jonathan - Bad Voltage

Maddox, Tom - Halo

Martin, George R. R. - The Armageddon Rag

Mason, Lisa - Archane

McAffrey, Larry - Storming the Reality Studio.  (Cyberpunk & postmodern fiction)
                        (contains fiction and nonfiction)
                - Wounded Galaxies (interviews with SF people)

Milan, Victor - The Cybernetic Samurai
              - The Cybernetic Shogun

Minsky, Marvin - Society of Mind (nonfiction)
               - The Turing Option (co-authored with Harry Harrison)

Moran, Daniel Keys - Armageddon Blues
                   - Emerald Eyes
                   - The Long Run
                   - The Last Dancer (forthcoming)
Moravec, Hans - Mind Children [future/AI] (nonfiction ?)

Newman, Kim - The Night Mayor

Olsen, Lance - William Gibson  (overview of WG's works & cp phenomenon)

Orwell, George - 1984
Parsegian, V. Lawrence - This Cybernetic World.  (Cybernetics - nonfiction)
Parfrey, Adam - Apocalypse Culture. (Pomo/industrialism - nonfiction)
Penley, Constance - (ed.) Technoculture

Platt, Charles - The Silicon Man.
Pynchon, Thomas - Vineland
                - Gravitys rainbow
                - The Crying of Lot 49

Quarterman, John S. - The Matrix.  (Computer Networks)
Quick, W.T. - Dreams of Flesh and Sand
            - Dreams of Gods and Men
            - Singularities
            - Systems
            - Yesterdays Pawn

Queen MU - (ed.) MONDO 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge

Re/Search - Industrial Culture Handbook.  (Industrial musicians profiles)
          - Modern Primitives
          - PRANKS!
R.U. Sirius - (ed.) Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to the New Edge

Rheingold, Howard - Virtual Reality.  (nonfiction)

Ross, Andrew - Strange Weather: culture, science, and technology in the age
                of limits (nonfiction?)
             - (ed.) Technoculture

Rucker, Rudy - Software
             - Wetware
             - The Secret of Life
             - Masters of Space and Time
             - White Light

Ryan, Thomas - The Adolescense of P1
Shepard, Lucius - Green Eyes
                - Life During Wartime

Shiner, Lewis - Frontera
              - Deserted Cities of the Heart
              - Slam
              - When the Music's Over (this is not cp.. its sf dedicated to
                peace... profits donated to Greenpeace.)

Shippey, Tom (ed.) - Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative
                     (collection of 17 essays)

Shirley, John - A Song Called Youth
                - Eclipse
                - Eclipse Corona
                - Eclipse Penumbra
              - Transmaniacon
              - Heatseeker (collection)
              - City Come A'Walkin'
Sieber, Ulrich - International Handbook on Computer Crime (nonfiction)

Slusser, George (ed.) - Fiction 2000: Cyberpunk and the Future of Narrative
                        (collection of 17 essays)

Spinrad, Norman - Russian Spring
                - Bug Jack Baron
                - Little Heros
                - Other Americas (collection)
                - Science Fiction in the Real World

Stephenson, Neal - Snow Crash.
                 - Zodiac (enviromental type book - not cp)
Stoll, Clifford - The Cuckoo's Egg.  (Hacking - nonfiction)
Stone, Robert - Dog Soldiers

Sturgeon, Theodore - More Than Human
Swanwick, Michael - Vacuum Flowers
                  - In the Drift
                  - Stations of the Tide
                  - Gravity's Angel (forthcomming)(collection)

Thomas, Thomas T. - Me

Tiptree, James - The Girl Who Was Pluged In (novella)

Toffler, Alvin - Future Shock.   (Social Change - nonfiction)
               - The Third Wave. (Social Change - nonfiction)
               - PowerShift      (nonfiction)

Turkle, Sherry - The Second Self: Computers & the Human Spirit
Varley, John - The Ophiuchi Hotline

Vinge, Joan - Catspaw
            - Psion

Vinge, Vernor - Marooned Across Realtime
              - True Names
              - Across Realtime
                ( The Peace War, The Ungovernable, Marooned Across Realtime )

Watkins, William John - The Centrifugal Rickshaw Dancer
                      - Going to See the End of the Sky

Weaver, Michael D. - Mercedes Nights

Whole Earth Catalog - Essential Whole Earth Catalog.
                    - Signal, Communications for the Information Age.
Williams, Jon Walter - Hardwired
                     - Voice of the Whirlwind
                     - Angel Station
                     - Facets
                     - Silop System
                     - Aristoi

Wilson, Robert C. - Memory Wire

Wingrove, David - Chung Kuo (series, 7part?)
                        Chung Kuo I: The Middle Kingdom
                        Chung Kuo II: The Broken Wheel
                        Chung Kuo III: The White Mountain

Womack, Jack - Ambient
             - Terraplane
             - Heathern
Zahn, Timothy - Cobra
              - Cobra Bargain
              - Cobra Strike

|  12.  Recommended Reading - Mirrorshades Group
|    (individual short stories or part of anthologies)

Gibson, William -
        "Fragments of a Hologram Rose," UnEarth Publ., 1977. [first publication]

        "Johnny Mnemonic," _Omni_, May 1981, p56(8).

        "Gernsback Continuum," _Universe 11_ (doubleday anthology), 1981.

        "The Belonging Kind," _Shadows 4_ (anthology), 1981. [coauth. - Shirley]

        "Hinterlands," _Omni_, October 1981, p104(10).

        "Burning Chrome," _Omni_, July 1982, p72(9).

        "Red Star, Winter Orbit," _Omni_, Jl'83, p84. [coauthored - Sterling]

        "New Rose Hotel," _Omni_, July 1984, p46(5).

        "Dogfight." _Omni_, July 1985, v7n10, p44. [coauthored - Swanwick]
        "Hippie Hat Brain Parasite,"  _Semiotext(e)_ SF, Vol.V, issue 2 (No.14),
        1989, p109(4).

        "The Angel of Goliad," _Interzone_, ??. [coauthored - Sterling]

        "Skinner's Room," _Omni_, November 1991, v14n2, p56(8).

Maddox, Tom -  [with comments by Tom]
        "The Mind like a Strange Balloon," _Omni_, June, 1985, p60.  First
        published story, first introduction of characters who later appear
        in "Snake Eyes" and _Halo_.

        "Snake-Eyes," _Omni_, April, 1986, p44.  Also in _Mirrorshades_ and
        Gardner Dozois's _Best of the Year in Science Fiction, 1986_ (the
        last one done by Bluejay, I believe, and so difficult to find).

        "Spirit of the Night," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, September, 1987.
        For the completist:  an earlier version of the story was translated
        into French as "Gaia de Silicium" and published in _Demain les Puces_,
	ed. Patric Duvic, pub. Denoel.

        "The Robot and the One You Love," _Omni_, Mr'88, p42(6).  In some ways
        my favorite story--very hard-boiled.  Soon to be in an _Omni Book of
	Science Fiction_.

        "In a Distant Landscape," _Mississippi Review 47/48_, 1988.  A piece
         that later appeared in _Halo_, considerably rewritten.

        "Burning, Burning," _Qunata_, F'91, v3n1. [First chapter to _HALO_]

        "Baby Strange," _Omni_, Ap'89, v11n7, p70(6).

        "Gravity's Angel," _Omni_, forthcoming.

Rucker, Rudy -
        "Storming the Cosmos," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Dec'85, p?.
        [coauthored - Sterling]

        "Rapture in Space," _Semiotext(e)_ SF, Vol.V, issue 2 (No.14),
        1989, p91(10).

Shiner, Lewis -
        "Deserted Cities of the Heart," _Omni_, Feb'84, p68.

        "Till Voices Wake Us," _The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction_,

        "Mozart in Mirrorshades," _Omni_, S'85, p68. [coauthored - Sterling]

        "Rebels," _Omni_, ????, ????, p65(7).

        "The Gene Drain,"  _Semiotext(e)_ SF, Vol.V, issue 2 (No.14),
        1989, p193(11).

Shirley, John -
        "Freezone," _Eclipse_

        "The Belonging Kind," _Shadows_, n4, 1981. [coauthored - Gibson]

        "Triggering," _Omni_, January 1982, p54(7).

        "Six Kinds of Darkness," _Semiotext(e)_ SF, Vol.V, issue 2 (No.14),
        1989, p61(10).

Sterling, Bruce -
        "Swarm," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Ap'82, p?.

        "Spider Rose," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Aug'82, p?.

        "Spook," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Ap'83, p.

        "Cicada Queen," _UINVERSE 13_, 1983.

        "Red Star, Winter Orbit," _Omni_, Jl'83, p84. [coauthored - Gibson]

        "Twenty Evocations," _Interzone_, Spring 84, p?.

        "Sunken Gardens," _Omni_, June '84, p59.

        "Telliamed," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, S'84, p?.

        "Dinner in Audoghast," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, My'85, p?.

        "Mozart in Mirrorshades," _Omni_, S'85, p68. [coauthored - Shiner]

        "Green Days in Brunei," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Oct'85.

        "The Compassionate, the Digital," _Interzone_, Winter'85/86.

        "Storming the Cosmos," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_ , Dec'85, p?.
        [coauthored - Rucker]

        "The Beautiful and the Sublime," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Jun'86.

        "Flowers of Edo," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, My'87, p?.

        "The Little Magic Shop," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, My'87.

        "The Gulf Wars" _Omni_,  Feb'88, p53(9).

        "Our Neural Chernobyl," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Jun'88.

        "Dori Bangs," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Sept'89, p??.

        "The Sword of Damocles," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Feb'90.

        "The Shores of Bohemia," _UNIVERSE 1_ (eds - Silverberg, Haber), 1990.

        "Hollywood Kremlin," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Oct'90.

        "We See Things Differently," _Semiotext(e)_ SF, Vol.V, issue 2 (No.14),
        1989, p27(17).

        "Jim and Irene," _When the Music's Over_ (ed-Shiner), 1991.

        "The Moral Bullet," _Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine_, Jl'91, p?.
        [coauthored - John Kessel]

        "The Unthinkable," _Fantasy & Science Fiction_, Aug'91, p?.

        "Are You For 86?," _Globalhead_, 1992.

        "The Unfolding," _Interzone_, date??, p???. [coauthored - Shirley]

        "The Angel of Goliad," _Interzone_, ?? . [coauthored - Gibson]

        "Sacred Cow," _OMNI??_, date??, p??.

|  13.   Recommended Reading - Mirrorshades Group
|       (interviews and critical pieces by/about them)
                    [in no particular order]

"Cobra, She Said:  An Interim Report on the Fiction of William Gibson," Tom
        Maddox, _Fantasy Review_, April, 1986. [Republished in _The Year in
        Criticism, 1986_, along with several other reviews of _Neuromancer_.]

"The Wars of the Coin's Two Halves:  Bruce Sterling's Shaper/Mechanist
        Narratives," Tom Maddox, _Mississippi Review 47/48_, 1988, p237(8),
        reprinted in _Storming the Reality Studio_, edited by Larry McCaffrey.

"Spy Stories:  the Life and Fiction of John LeCarre," Tom Maddox, _Wilson
        Quarterly_, Autumn, 1986.

"After the Deluge:  Cyberpunk in the '80s and '90s," Tom Maddox, _Thinking
        Robots, an Aware Internet, and Cyberpunk Librarians_, Bruce Miller ed.,
        from a meeting of the Library and Information Technology Association in
        San Francisco, during 1992 American Library Association Conference.

"The Two Sides of Tom Maddox:  A Mail Inteview,"  _Virus 23_, No. 0, 1989, p36.

"Queen Victoria's Personal Spook, Psychic Legbreakers, Snakes and Catfood:  An
        Inteview with William Gibson and Tom Maddox," _Virus 23_, No. 0, 1989
        p28.  [interesting Canadian 'zine]

"Interview with William Gibson", Takayuki Tatsumi, _SF Eye_, Vol.1, No.1.

"Future Shockers:  Clive Barker and William Gibson," Maitland McDonagh, _Film
        Comment_, Jan-Feb 1990, v26n1, p60(4). [one of the best synopsis of
        his film stuff I have found..worth checking out]

"Hack to the Future," Darren P. McKeeman, _Compute!_, Nov 1991, v3n11, p160(1).
        [this is a Sterling interview of some sort]

"The King of Cyberpunk," Victoria Hamburg, _Interview_, Jan 1989, p84.
        [WG Interview.]

"William Gibson Interview," _High Times_, Nov 1987.

"An Interview with William Gibson", Larry McCaffery, _Mississippi Review_, 1988,
        v16.2-3, p217(20).

"William Gibson Interviewed," Doug Walker, _Impulse_, Winter 1989.

Gibson Interview, Glenn Grant, _SF Eye_, Winter 1991, n8, p39.

"The Culture of Cyberspace, An interview with William Gibson," Leanne Harper,
        _Bloomsbury Review_, vol. 8, issue 5.

"Letter from Bruce Sterling," _REM_, April 1987, n7, p4(4).

"Cyberpunk Era," _Whole Earth Review_, Summer 1989, n63, p78(5). [WG cut-up
        Interview - collage of other interviews]

"Rocket Radio," William Gibson, _Rolling Stone_, June 15 1989, p85-87.

Gibson Article of some sort, New York Times Mag, March 24 1991.

"The Charisma Leak: a conversation with William Gibson and Bruce Sterling,"
        Daniel Fischlin, Veronica Hollinger, and Andrew Taylor, _Science Fiction
        Studies_, 1992, v19, p1(16).

"Cyberspace '90: scifi writer William Gibson explores the final frontier: Infor-
        mation," William Gibson, Oct 15 1990, p107(2).

"The Rise of Cyberpunk," Mikal Gilmore, _Rolling Stone_, December 4 1986, p77+.
        [discussion of cp and first(?) mention of Neuromancer film]

"Giving the C-word the Slip: Lewis Shiner Interview," _bOING bOING_, No.8,
        Carla Frauenfelder, pp19-24.

Gibson Interview, J. Hanna and J. Nicholas, _Interzone_, Autumn 1985, n13.

Stering Interview, D. Pringle and A. Robertson, _Interzone_, Spring 1986, n15.

"The New Science Fiction," Bruce Sterling, _Interzone_, Autumn 1986?, n16.

"Hackers in Slackertown: An interview with Bruce Sterling," Jon Lebkowsky,
        _bOING bOING_, No.9, pp15-18.

John Shirley Interview, Richard Kadrey, _Interzone_, Autumn 1986, n17.

"Transcendence Through Detournement in William Gibson's Neuromancer," Glenn
        Grant, _Science Fiction Studies_, 1990, v17, p41(8).

"The Future of a Commodity: Notes Toward a Critique of Cyberpunk and the Infor-
        mation Age." Terence Whalen, _Science Fiction Studies_, 1992, v19, p75+.

"Is Cyberpunk a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?," Samuel R. Delany, _Mississippi
        Review_, 1988, v16.2-3, p28(8).

"Elements of a Poetics of Cyberpunk," Brian McHale, _Critique_, Spring 1992,
        Vol. XXXIII, No.3, pp149-175.

"Cyberpunk: Preparing the Ground for Revolution or Keeping the Boys Satisfied,"
        Nicola Nixon, _Science Fiction Studies_ , 1992, Vol 19, Pt 2, p219(17).

"Cyberpunk and Neuromanticism," Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr., _Mississippi Review_,
        1988, v16.2-3, p266(13).

"The Arc of Out Destruction:  Reversal and Erasure in Cyberpunk," Neil
        Easterbrook, _Science Fiction Studies_, 1992, v19 p378(17).

[The following are other Sterling nonfiction/criticism without documentation:]
        CHEAP TRUTH (.. for those who have really read this far -- I have them
                     .tar.Z'd in the new ftp)
        Six Interzone columns
        Six F&SF columns (?)
        SF EYE columns
        DETAILS  Hacker piece
        DETAILS Haruki Murakami piece
        Preface to BURNING CHROME by William Gibson
        Introduction to PATTERNS by Pat Cadigan
        Introduction to SPASM: THE SOUND OF VIRTUAL REALITY by Arthur Kroker
        MONAD piece "Precessing the Simulacra for Fun and Profit"
        NYRSF Womack review
        NY TIMES op-ed piece  "Get the Bomb Off My Back"
        NEWSDAY drug piece
        "Glamor Machines" in COMPUTERWORLD
        WHOLE EARTH REVIEW  pieces: "The Obsolete Body" forum"
        WHOLE EARTH REVIEW  "Shout Sister Shout"
        "No Climate, Just Weather" in CEO INTERNATIONAL
        MONDO interview

|  14.  Recommended Reading (Zines and Other Sources)

[NOTE: Only those pubs with a (*) have actually been seen by me...
 the others are just directly lifted from posts or zine reviews, I mention this
 because I plan to start adding some new zines who's quality I am unaware]

Beyond Cyberpunk (a 5.5M HyperCard Stack)
 Eastgate Systems               The Computer Labs       bOING bOING
 PO Box 1307                    Rt.4, Box 54C           11288 Ventura Blvd #818
 Cambridge, MA  02238           Louisa, VA 23093        Studio City, CA 91604
 800.562.1638                   703.527.6032 (Fax)      818.980.2009 (Voice)
 617.924.9044                   800.xxx.xxxx (?)        818.908.0902 (Fax)
 617.923.4575 (fax)

        - This is a hypertext resource guide to cyberpunk. A demo of this is
          available for anon ftp - check archie. Runs on a mac with HyperCard
          2.0. There has been reviews of it in M2K & BB among other places.

        - "multimedia database of books, movies, comics, zines, games, and art
           from the leading edge of the high-tech underground"

Black Ice
 P.O. Box 1069
 Brighton  BN2 4YT

        - "I haven't seen a copy, but the advertising is slick, and the contents
        sound like stuff many of us here like to talk about.."
               [ taken from whitaker@eternity.demon.co.uk in xtropy-L ]

        - Delve into the magazine that brings you a fluid window to the future.
        Offering an oblique angle to current news and media, *Black Ice* looks
        behind the scenes at the ideas and people creating the technology that's
        impacting on today's world.  Regular contents include:

        Virtual reality / Smart drugs / Computer sub cultures / Future media
        Underground science / Quantum mechanics /Weird art and Avant garde fashion

bOING bOING  (*** Note:  NEW address ***)       (*)
 11288 Ventura Blvd, #818
 Studio City, CA 91604
 818.908.0902 (Fax)

        - $4 an issue, $14 for 4 issues
        - Cyberpunkish neurozine discussing wierd tech, mind-hacking, etc..
        - Home of the 5.5meg HyperCard Stack "Beyond Cyberpunk"
        - Recent issues have included articles by/interviews with:
                Lewis Shiner, Rudy Rucker, Bruce Sterling, Dan Joy (editor of
                PHIKAL), Antero Alli, Richard Kadrey...etc
        - Bruce Says in an interview "I think people oughtta read bOING-bOING"
          and I have to second that sentiment - Get it!

 PO Box 64
 Brewster, NY   10509

        - hacking, cyberpunks, technology, culture
        - $10 a year

Edge Detector   [New Address] (*)
 Glenn Grant
 PO Box 36, Station H
 Montreal, Quebec
 Canada H3G 2KS
        -  $3/issue(?) Cp-ish SF zine by a Canadian up 'n coming author who

EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought   - Editor: Max More.     (*)
 P.O. Box 57306
 Los Angeles, CA 90057-0306
 Tel/fax: 213-484-6383

        - EXTROPY: The Journal of Transhumanist Thought is a journal of ideas,
        dedicated to discussing and developing themes in the following areas:
                        [very long list clipped]
               +  Transhumanism and futurist philosophy
               +  Life extension, cryonics, and physical immortalism
               +  Artificial intelligence and personality uploading
               +  Smart drugs and other intelligence increase technologies
               +  Nanotechnology applications
               +  Memetics (information in evolutionary terms)

        - EXTROPY is published twice per year USA: $9 Canada and Mexico: $10,
        Overseas: $15 (airmail) / $11 (surface). Foreign orders in U.S. dollars

 co/Robert Derek
 200 Market st. #a-21
 email: rderek@world.std.com        fluxu8@well.sf.ca.us

        - " I publish a zine called FLUX that deals with futurism,
        cyberculture, psychoactives and psychedelics, life ext., nanotech,
        etc.  Always in need of submissions, suggestions, articles and
        ideas, and of course subscription requests. Mondo devoid of gloss!"

Forbidden Knowledge
 Darren Smith
 BOX 770813
 Lakewood, OH  44107

        - "Cyberpunk Newsletter - It is a very informatable GUTS TO TELL
         ALL newsletter.  In addition to VR, Hacking, Phreaking, etc.. It tells
         how to beat all systems from removing cancellations from postage
         stamps to voting more than one time in an election!  It cost $18 a
         year/$24 overseas." [cj137@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jack Jeffries)]

 Lisa Palac, editor
 1095 Market Street
 San Francisco, CA 94103

        - "In the same vein as MONDO, check out FUTURE SEX. Glossy cybersex,
        MONDO with nudity, some interesting articles (Kadrey on VR), some good
        photos. The second issue should be out in the states sometime in
        November. The first was okay, but sexist and kinda limited (so many
        possibilites for cybersex, and it barely touched on them), but the editor
        has promised much better for the second." [cabal@sabrina.dei.unipd.it]
        (Gianluca Donato 342139/IF)

 P.O. box 22953
 THE NETHERLANDS        info@hacktic.nl

       - Hack-Tic is a paper magazine, almost entirely in Dutch. It appears very
       irregularly and costs 40 guilders for ten issues if you live in holland.
       Outside of Holland or Belgium, the rate is 30 US$, or 40 US$ for airmail.

       - " Hack-Tic deals with things that are of interest to the hacker and
       phone-phreak subcultures. Every issue contains at least a few hints and
       tips useful to those that want to make the most out of their computers,
       modems and the like. If you like soldering together your own little
       projects: so do we!"
                        Payment within Holland:
       Maak 40 gulden over op girorekening 6065765 o.v.v. van je naam en adres
                        Outside Holland:
       We accept NO CHEQUES, NO MONEY ORDERS and NO POSTAL CHEQUES. Just plain
       old DEAD PRESIDENTS. Dealing with the dutch banking system is why!

Intertek:  The Cyberpunk Journal   (***New Address***)  (*)
 Steve Steinberg
 13 Daffodil Lane
 San Carlos, CA  94070

        - Formerly Frank Drake's W.O.R.M
        - Covers areas of hacking, cyberspace, interviews, etc.
        - Now $4.00 an issue - $14 for 4 issues
        - Current Issues include:
                Vol3.1: The Hacker Issue
                Vol3.2: The Ethics Issue
                Vol3.3: Virtual Communities

Interzone       (*)
 217 Preston Drove
 Brighton  BN1 6FL, UK
 Phone: 0273-504710

        -  $27/6 issues or $52/year (12issues) in USA
        -  Quite a decent SF mag (if a bit $$) that gets some really good
           stuff by the likes of Sterling and Gibson and many other talented
           authors. Bruce writes critical commentaries semi-regularly.

Mondo 2000      (*)
 PO Box 10171
 Berkeley, CA    94709
 415.845.9018 (phone)
 415.649.9630 (fax)

        - Definitive guide to all things cyberpunk and some things not
          *the* cyberpunk quarterly-bible should be available at any decent
        - was Reality Hackers and High Frontiers
        - Subscription:  $21 for 5 issues (published quarterly)

        - R.U. Sirius and Queen Mu have assembled _Mondo 2000: A User's Guide to
          the New Edge_. It is something of an introductory course on Mondo -
          Mondo 101, if you will. It also includes the "Mondo Shopping Mall,"
          a catalog of products on "the leading edge of the technological and
          cultural movements" that Mondo 2000, the magazine, reports on.
          [Computer NewsLink newsletter]

Science Fiction Eye     (*)
 PO Box 18539
 Asheville, NC   28814

        - SF/CP magazine, contains a regular article by Bruce Sterling
         which could be considered a pseudo-official arm of the cyberpunk
         literary movement. Sometimes really good stuff.
        - 3 issues $10, 6 issues $18, back issues available

Science Fiction Studies         (*)
 Arthur B Evans
 East College/ DePauw University
 Greencastle IN  46135-0037  USA

        - A Canadian literary type zine that has had some good literary
          criticism on the subject of cyberpunk (although they don't always
          see cp in a good light, most of the negative criticism of it is
          presented in an semi-intelligent albeit occasionally long-winded
          manner...you know academia!)
        - $15/yr US, $17(CDN) in Canada, $16.50(US) elsewhere. Checks to:
          SF-TH Inc.

2600: The Hacker Quarterly      (*)
 PO Box 752
 Middle Island, NY 11953
 Office: 516.751.2600
 Fax:    516.751.2608
 2600@well.sf.ca.us        emmanuel@mindvox.phantom.com

        - $21/ year (quarterly) or $4/issue at your local newstand
        - Hacking computers, phones and anything else they get
          their hands on
        - These guys are one of the longest lived, best hack/phreak mags out
          there. and there are meetings held in 6 cities in the US on the
          first friday of the month: New York, Washington DC, Chicago,
          St. Louis, Los Angeles, San Fransisco.

 VIRUS 23        (*)
 Box 46
 Red Deer, ALBERTA

        -" full of Hilbert Space and Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth and the
        New Age and strange drugs and shamanism and more. They cover cyberpunk
        and Crowley with equal elan...reprint the weirder bits of mainstream
        news they run across...discuss the joys of fake news, throwing their own
        memes into the growing pool of disinformation that surrounds us."
        [Mike Gunderloy & Cari Goldberg Janice, _The World of Zines_]

        - VIRUS 23 No. $ (that's right, homeboy, "$", not "4") is now available
        from A.D.o.S.A., the Alberta Department of Spiritual Affairs:
          + the Generation X/Slacker/twentysomething meme
          + weird Canadian films and filmmakers    + vampires and worse things
          + cutting edge new music                 + (post)cyberpunk
          + Strange fiction                        + Even stranger poetry
          + Newage (rhymes with...)                + Memes
        [Darren Wershler-Henry @ Sonic Interzone <sizone!virus23@ee.ryerson.ca>]

 Bolzanova 7
 110 00 Praha 1
 Phone:  +42 2 22-47-53
 Fax:  +42 2 26-72-75

        - The cover price is 40 Kcs. per copy ($1.50 - a steal for this much
          magazine), and it comes out twice a year.
        - "This is a really really really neat publication, sort of like
           Semiotext(e) or Re:Search, with a bold/wild graphic style. The
           current issue is 160-pages" [antenna@well.sf.ca.us]
        - Blumfeld (editor) explained in a follow-up letter , VOKNO is for
            "...Czechs with interests about marginals, edges, fringes,
            alternatives in culture, philosophy, art, music, literature,
            films, ecology, trends and tendencies in thinking...  We don't
            need, as I think, surface of freedom."

Whole Earth Review      (*)
 PO Box 38
 Sausalito, CA   94966-9932
 (Whole Earth runs The Well [Whole Earth Lectronic Link] - well.sf.ca.us)

        - Combines new age, techno-culture, california fads, etc.
         should be available at any decent newsstand
        - $20 year for subscriptions

Former zines that may be of interest
       - High Frontiers
       - Reality Hackers
       - Cheap Truth
       - W.O.R.M.

|  15.  Recommended Viewing (movies)
        Blade Runner is generally regarded as *the* Cyberpunk movie.
The book title is "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?" by Philip K. Dick.
This movie was really the first of the cyberpunk genre and has generated
quite a following.

[phaedrus@unkaphaed.UUCP adds:]
        Those with access to laserdisc players should check out the Criterion
      version of Blade Runner, with letterboxing and all the neat-o stuff on the
      last side (mostly still frames).

        Blade Runner groupies will be undoubtedly thrilled to learn that,
      according to today's [27 Aug] Globe and Mail (Toronto-based Canadian
      newspaper), the infamous director's cut of Blade Runner will be
      showing at the Festival of Festivals, Toronto's modestly-named annual
      film festival.

As of September 11 the rumors of a Directors Cut of BR were finally put to rest.
It was nationally released in theatres around the US. I am unsure if it has/will
be released overseas.

Also check out:
Aeon Flux (anime)
Akira (anime)
Alien[s, s^3] (sci-fi)
Blade Runner (science fiction)
Brazil (science fiction/fantasy)
Circuitry Man
A Clockwork Orange (science fiction)
Cyberia on U-Network (music, animation)
Cyberpunk (Intercon productions) (documentary)
Cyberpunk (animated)
Cyberspace, Power and Culture (documentary)
Hardware (science fiction)
La Femme Nikita (punkish drama)
The Lawnmower Man (science fiction/fantasy)
Max Headroom (science fiction)
eMpTV's Buzz (documentary/soundbytes)
eMpTV's Liquid Television (anime/animated)
anything by Psychic TV (Genesis P-Orridge) (music)
Repo Man (drama)
2600's Hacking Video (featured on 'Now It can Be Told')(documentary)
Sneakers (vaguely cp'esque) (drama)
SRL Videos from AMOK:
        - A Bitter Message of Hopless Grief
        - A Scenic Harvest from the Kingdom of Pain
        - Virtues of Negative Fascination
        - The Will to Provoke - An Account of Fantastic Schemes for
        Initiating Social Improvement
        - Baited Trap
Terminator[, 2] (sci-fi)
THX 1138 (science fiction)
Total Recall (science fiction)
Tron (science fiction/fantasy)
Until the End of the World
Videodrome (sci-fi/horror)
Video Toaster Demo Tape (computer graphics)
Virtual Reality 1991 (documentary)
WAX - or The Discovery of Television Among the Bees
      (email [David Blair] artist1@rdrc.rpi.edu for info or see ftp site)
Wax Trax Promotional Sampler Video (music)
War Games (drama)

|  16.  What is Cyberpunk Music?
        Every once in a while, inevitably, this thread shows its face on
alt.cp.  There is *NO* set definition of Cyberpunk music, though certain
categories of music are generally "preferred":  punk, industrial, techno.
        What follows is a list of *suggested* musicians from the various
categories (classical is not included, neither is country - sorry, they should
David Bowie
The Doors
Robert Fripp
Grateful Dead
Stuart Hamm
Information Society (Hack)
Pink Floyd
Thomas Dolby
Ultravox (Midge Ure)
Velvet Underground
Neil Young (the unrelease cp/computer-experiment thing he did awhile back)
Frank Zappa
Industrial/Goth/etc. [for discussion of this try rec.music.industrial]
Braindead Sound Machine
Cabaret Voltaire
Nick Cave
Einsturzende Neubauten
Front 242
Frontline Assembly
Jesus and Mary Chain
Richard H Kirk
MC 900 Ft. Jesus
Meat Beat Manifesto
The Mission
Nine Inch Nails
Nitzer Ebb
Gary Numan
Psychic TV
Renegade Soundwave
Rise Robot Rise
Sisters of Mercy
Skinny Puppy
Throbbing Gristle

Manchester/Madchester/Overground Dance/Shoegazer/etc.
Art of Noise
Depeche Mode
Happy Mondays
Primal Scream
Soup Dragons
Stone Roses
New Age/Experimental/Experimental Jazz/etc.
Laurie Anderson
Cocteau Twins
Dead Can Dance
Brian Eno
Tangerine Dream
Gary Thomas
Punk/Thrash/Hardcore/Grindcore/Harder stuff/etc.
Bad Brains
Black Flag
Dead Kennedys
Dinosaur, Jr.
Husker Du
Public Image Limited
Rollins Band
Sex Pistols
Sonic Youth
Disposable Heroes of HipHoprisy
PM Dawn
Public Enemy
A Tribe Called Quest
Urban Dance Squad
Bob Marley
Ziggy Marley
Jacob Miller
Peter Tosh
Techno/Rave/Club/Underground Dance/House/Amibent House/etc.
808 State
Fortran 5
New Order

-------------------------[END ALT.CP.FAQ]------------------------------

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