TUCoPS :: Cyber Culture :: efflogos.asc

- Logos from back issues of EFFector Online, the Electronic Frontier Foundation newsletter, and a net.xmas.card we sent out in '93, our BBS screen, and other sources. godwin* - pictures of EFF Online Counsel, Mike Godwin

[Logos from back issues of EFFector Online, the Electronic Frontier
Foundation newsletter, and a net.xmas.card we sent out in '93, our BBS
screen, and other sources.]

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    |                                                                   |
    |                                          000000000                |
    |                      ________________ 000000| __|0000             |
    |  The                |       ___________|0000| |000000000          |
    |                     |      |     00000000000| __0000000000        |
    |  Electronic         |      |____000000000000|_|000000000000       |
    |                     |       ___________|0000000000000000000       |
    |  Frontier           |      |    000000000000| __|0000000000       |
    |                     |      |_____00000000000| |00000000000        |
    |  Foundation         |__________________|0000| __00000000          |
    |                                       000000|_|000000             |
    |                                          000000000                |
    |                                                                   |
    |    Protecting your rights to privacy, free expression online,     |
    |   and encryption; working for Open Platform data infrastructure   |
    |                                                                   |

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