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Hacker Scene - Females of #hack
Hacker Scene

                               Females of #HACK


 This little talk is entitled females of #hack -- not 'female hackers' and
 not 'females in search of hackers', but females of #hack. A more appropriate
 title would "what are women who are into the hacking scene really like
 like?" but this little talk is entitled females of #hack. Not female
 hackers. Definitely not 'girls in search of hackers'. These women stand on
 their own, and the reason I'm going to be sharing some of their thoughts
 with you is because I have observed a real interest in what "hacker chix".
 We're going to disspell some myths and hopefully create few new ones.

 Getting this talk together was an experience in itself. I 'put out the call'
 which consisted of... well, of a lot of questions. I asked guys 'what would
 you like to know'. Against my better judgement, I even left in some of those

 One of the first responses I got was from a guy, Redragon. Here's what he
 had to say about himself:

 FEDWAGON...uh.. I mean, ReDragon
 ReDragon poses exclusively as a man on IRC because people look differently
 upon women, and oh yeah, he IS a man. He got his eleet Apple in '84, and
 learned the ancient art of warez from his babysitter, but subsequently
 determined that warez were lame and got into real hacking. ReD is a Comp
 Sci. undergrad at the most eleet CS school in the universe, and does various
 lame computer related jobs to pay for his gambling and con habits. He is an
 eleet C programmer (and thinks C++ rox as well), and knows various other
 pointless languages. He's never been arrested, probably because he's been
 accused of being a narq as much as being a hacker (one of them is true).
 ReDragon has written the ONLY known ansi graphics based version of red dog
 (acey deucy) known to man, and a lot of other more boring stuff. He likes to
 write and rant about the demise of the hacker ethic, and thinks people that
 are hackers to make money are evil. He's got brown hair, green eyes, and
 would love for theora to pick him up.

       Best Pickup line from #hack:  EYE WUV EWE
                     Favorite Food:  Taco Bell (duh!)
                     Cons Attended:  PumpCon, SummerCon, HOPE
        Someone cool I haven't met:  Theora
             Hours on-line per day:  8
            Hours on #hack per day:  24
 Most eleet machine CERT shut down:  trad.tacobell.com
           Coolest Web page on net:  http://vivarin.pc.cc.cmu.edu/lyrics.html
                            Groups:  FEH, DART
                   Are you a chick:  Nope, but I'm in this anyhow

 I decided to leave it in because it was so funny.

 Okay, now on to the women of #hack. I've met a lot of females on IRC in the
 time I've been there. That's been a long time. How long is not important.
 I've seen some real changes in how women act and how they are treated. This
 is not going to be some long talk about psychology of female male
 interactions, sexual dynamics of hacking, or ethical models contrasted by
 kohlberg/gilligan. You can decide for yourself after hearing what some
 representative females have to say how you feel about it and if your
 judgements on 'hacker chicks' are based on reality or not, or even if you
 want them to be. Sometimes the fantasy is better, we all may agree on that!

 Ill start with a hacker who calls herself Vamprella. I was going to
 paraphrase what she told me, but realised that actually I could not say it
 any better than she had. So here in her own words:

 Hi, My name is Vamprella and I totally understand the problems that women
 have in the computing world. I am from California and there is an article in
 this month's California Computing News about women not being taken seriously
 in the computing world. The "men" of Silicon Valley are baffled as to why
 women are not getting involved in computers. It says that software and
 hardware are not aimed at women. Personally, I do not feel that women have a
 lower IQ or less of an ability to figure out mechanics. Some of my best
 girlfriends work as mechanics, construction workers, etc. Additionally, all
 of them are beautiful and not "butch". I have recently applied to UPT only
 to find that I am the first woman to apply since 1988. This statistic
 astounds me. I find the women on #hack and IRC in general are much less
 likely to get into childish matches of egos. To be a woman in this scene,
 you not only have to know what you are talking about, you have to know more
 than a man to be taken seriously. It has only been about 1 1/2 years since I
 have been involved in this area. At the 2600 meeting in NYC in Jan., my
 girlfriend and I were the only 2 women there. At the Sacramento 2600
 meetings, I am the only woman there. I am proud that you are doing a talk at
 DefCon about this subject (It is a much needed topic) and I will be more
 than happy to help you in any way possible.

 I was interested in what she had to say, so asked her the same questions I
 would later ask the others.


 What is your IRC NICK? Vamprella
 Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why?no
 How long have you been using a computer?Since I was 13
 How long have you been hacking?About 6 months, seriously
 What got you interested/started in computers/hacking? I saw the movie
 CyberPunk and I like to know things others don't. I got started by reading
 an article about Phiber Optick. The article mentioned Emmanual's radio show
 and the 2600 meeting. I happened to be in New York at the time. I missed the
 radio show by and hour but made it to the 2600 meeting. I knew about hackers
 before but that's when I became serious. Since then I have started reading,
 reading, reading.
 Are you a student, or have a job or what?I have a BA from California State
 University California, Sacramento. I started in Real Estate when I was 16.
 Now I own a distribution Company that sells SKeleteen Sodas and I also sell
 Herbal Exstacy. Though most of my income comes form the Real Estate and my
 What jewelry do you wear? I wear lots of Jewelry since my sister
 manufactures it
 Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why?I am just starting to get
 into Unix. I started with basic.
 Do you have or want a boyfriend? (the correct answer is probably
 no)Currently I do..for the first time in 5 years. Though it's only been for
 2 weeks and most don't last longer than that. It takes me about 2 weeks to
 find out how dumb they are.
 Do you run a BBS or use any BBS?I use lots of local and 800 BBs
 Have you ever been arrested? (this is a joke but you can answer if you
 want)I have never been arrested or in the back of a cop car.
 Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim?Not yet
 Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff? Yes, but I have
 never distributed them
 What colour is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know.
 Shoulder length blonde hair, green eyes, 5'6", 120 lbs. I modeled for 7
 years professionally.
 What is your favorite pickup line from #hack none of them
 What is your least favorite line from #hack too many to mention
 Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it
 scrolls? Only once
 Have you ever been mistaken for a guy? Nope
 What is your favorite fast food? I don't really eat fast food. I don't eat
 meat outside of the house. The more people who eat at Burger King,
 McDonald's...etc, the less rainforests we have
 What is your favorite drink? Stolie's Vodka
 Is there any other personal info you want to say?
 What cons have you been to? DefCon will be my first
 What cons would you like to go to? All of them
 Is there anyone you think is particularly cool that you have not met? Phiber
 Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why? No, everyone
 starts as a lamer. THough many have told me I know my shit I still consider
 myself a lamer.
 Do you like Taco Bell?Who doesn't? It fed me through college
 How many hours a day do you spend online?8-9
 How many hours a day do you spend on IRC?4-5
 How many hours a day do you spend on #hack?3-4
 Do you have a web page? If so, what is it?no, my slip acct. won't let me
 have one though I will have one in a few weeks
 Are you in any groups? I am currently trying to make a name for myself Who
 is your favorite musician or group? I like Harry Connick Jr., jazz and punk
 are my favorite.
 What is your favorite colour? black......duh
 What is your favorite book? Focault's Pendalum by Umberto Eco. It's the only
 book ever that's been hard for me to understand
 What is your favorite magazine? News and Review a liberal local rag (and
 it's free)
 What is your favorite web site? ones with real-time cameras
 How old are you, or is it nobody's business? Old enough to do Fed time
 What is your favorite food? Cheetos and Oreo's
 Are you a chick? :)

 My philosophy on hacking is that doing illegial stuff is dumb. It is
 important tofind out the problems so they can be fixed. A perfect example
 was last week. My friends and I "hacked" a candy machine by turnig it upside
 down. We left all the candy ( well, I did take a few good ones... like Rice
 Krispy Treats) with a note describing the problem with the machine. I think
 the candy vending company jsut started and if I were them, I would want to
 know the defects with my product.


 I moved from Vamprella onto Jazzy/Jazzi, who was really open with how she
 got involved in the scene. She was as open about how little she knew as
 well. She was totally honest, and straight with me. I think you can't help
 but admire her.

 > What is your IRC NICK?

 jazzy/jazzi (depending on who the fuck is using the other one: there are
 quite a few jazzy (i)'s on irc, but i am the only one on #hack (yea me.)

 > Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why?
 not really, except for when playing with people who want to be funny, but
 never to get a guy off my back, or for kicks.

 > How long have you been using a computer?
 haha...there's the personal computer for wp i have been using since i was
 12, but aside from being the home computer user everyone makes fun of,
 that's it. > How long have you been hacking?
 me hack? and that's no line!

 > What got you interested/started in computers/hacking?
 i'm not :) (i'm an idiot)

 > Are you a student, or have a job or what?
 i am ttaking abreak currently from New york University, where i attended 2
 years as an acting major...i just sort of work currently topay the bills,and
 i am auditioning for shows, hoping to get some productions (an actor on
 irc?! must be a first, esp on #hack...now you know why i am an idiot :)

 > What jewelry do you wear?
 a puzzle ring that loki gave me for cristmas (awww...)

 > Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why?
 french, latin, japanese.... (remember, I AM AN IDIOT)

 > Do you have or want a boyfriend? (the correct answer is probably no)
 haha...i have a boyfriend...i have been taken since the day i got on
 irc..which was to talk to a guy i had just met by the name of loki....when i
 went to pumpcon to meet up with him last october, albatross asked me: why
 loki? and deker said: that's one of the MANY mysteris of pumpcon...since
 then i have been dating him, and i am currently living with him in

 She was kind of embarassed about the fact that she might be considered
 'lame' by some people, but she kept on answering. It's this kind of quality
 that makes good hackers. Persistance.

 -i am just gonna skip these next questions casue i think we've covered the
 fact that umm...i wont say it..

 > Do you run a BBS or use any BBS?

 > Have you ever been arrested? (this is a joke but you can answer if you

 > Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim?

 > Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff?

 > What colour is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know.
 brown hair, brown eyes, 5' 6" ..i am not gonna disclose "all that stuff guys
 want to know" but just so you know (i am so proud of this) elite
 entity/bagelboy/dennis(slash pshyco) says i'm a hottie, so if you want to go
 by that>

 > What is your favorite pickup line from #hack
 moo (cowsaresexy)

 > What is your least favorite line from #hack
 'sup nig (or any phrase involving the word (shudder) nigger

 > Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it
 like i said, i'm an idiot :) i've done it maybe 3 times

 > Have you ever been mistaken for a guy?
 all the time...no one can figure out jazzi, which seems fairly femme to me,
 but i guess some guys use it..go figure

 > What is your favorite fast food?
 micky deez...happy meals rock ma world

 > What is your favorite drink?
 midori sours if i dare to drink alchohol, which is never...

 > Is there any other personal info you want to say?
 hey: i waer tea rose (you had perfum in the sample :) ask and i will tell ou
 just about anything you need to know with in reason

 > What cons have you been to?

 > What cons would you like to go to?
 one in the bahamas, england, paris, and beach or a good sex bar

 > Is there anyone you think is particularly cool that you have not met?
 i think the one person who has been really straight, respectful, and just a
 nice guy that i haven't met yet (i'd say you but we just met :) ) is gfm...i
 don't mean to not incluse anyone...oh: pretty much the peaople that fit the
 above description include all the people i talk to on #hack by choice...and
 there really aren't many

 > Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why?
 l0ra, cause she's a warped cookie...

 > Do you like Taco Bell?
 yes, but don't tell my boyfriend that (i am sorry, but thier soft taco
 supreme's roq!)

 > How many hours a day do you spend online?

 > How many hours a day do you spend on IRC?

 > How many hours a day do you spend on #hack?
 couldn't tell ya...i'd prob be fooling myself if i gave you an estimate

 > Do you have a web page? If so, what is it?

 > Are you in any groups?

 > Who is your favorite musician or group?
 tori amos, anything my friend josh rust puts on a mix for me (nin fan, plus
 other various wierd stuff)

 > What is your favorite colour?
 green (and the m&m thing is not a myth)

 > What is your favorite book?
 recently i read the witching hour and it roqed...but my all time favorite is
 pride and predjudice...how i ever managed to like a book from high school is
 beyond me

 > What is your favorite magazine?

 > What is your favorite web site?

 > How old are you, or is it nobody's business?

 > What is your favorite food?
 my boyfriends dick :O (did i say that?!)

 uh...hi loki!

 > Are you a chick? :)

 would i waste my time if i wasn't? ...well, probably btw, shakespeare roqs
 and i just think you need to know that...

 so now that you know everything about me, what you gonna tell me bout you :)
 (no, that wasn't a pick up line) sorry i talked so much


 The next person I thought was interesting was Ladyada. I've met her in
 Boston and we've hung out a few times. Usually shes being carried around by
 Veggie when I see her. Shes a tiny little thing, pretty as a pea in a pod
 and I wish she was my own baby girl.

 What is your IRC NICK?
 SexyLady. No, not really. Probably Lady Ada as of this. Pronounced A-da. Not
 Ah-da. You know, I do have a real name too.

 Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why?
 Hell no, I'm out to be respected!

 How long have you been using a computer?
 Hmm, well...I've been on a mac for 7 years or so, but unix? 2 years.

 How long have you been hacking?
 I'm not a hacker. You must be confusing me with someone else

 What got you interested/started in computers/hacking?
 Oh, it was probably the whole ego trip thing at first. I figured it out
 eventually. Wait, I'm not a hacker, didn't I mention that?

 Are you a student, or have a job or what?
 During the year I am a student but I work at the Agency during breaks and

 What jewelry do you wear?
 A few rings; necklaces break and bracelets jingle too much.

 Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why?
 C, Pascal, C++, Perl a little sh. I despise C++. It must die.

 Do you have or want a boyfriend?
 No, but I'd like a girlfriend.

 Do you run a BBS or use any BBS?
 There aren't any BBS's in Boston. No really. I'm not kidding. The Works
 doesn't count, anyplace where 28 year old sysops hit on me doesn't count.

 Have you ever been arrested? (this is a joke but you can answer if you want)
 No, sorry. But the FBI juvinile div. has a file on me for having Crack 4.1f
 in my home directory. God forbit, what if they had found *iss*?. (Really
 long story. Ask me sometime.)

 Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim?
 I'm not *that* super-funky-elite.

 Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff?
 On what? I'm not a hacker. I don't know how to do illegal things. Oh, well,
 I was quoted a few times in silly places.

 What colour is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know.
 Rainbow tie-dye, plaid, 85Q, Wet TShirt Contests, Spam. Respectivly.

 What is your favorite pickup line from #hack
 Hey baby, what's your protocol?

 What is your least favorite line from #hack
 'Hey, wanna be my east-coast bitch?' Or something to that extent. I think it
 was Dennis, but you know my memory.

 Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it
 No, but I have done /name *

 Have you ever been mistaken for a guy?
 Yes. They were promptly corrected

 What is your favorite fast food?
 Cheap sushi!

 What is your favorite drink?
 Papaya Punch (VeryFine)

 Is there any other personal info you want to say?
 Yes. I was not involved, no matter what you've heard

 What cons have you been to?

 What cons would you like to go to?
 None! Well, HOPE would have been fun. I'll go to any con if someone pays.

 Is there anyone you think is particularly cool that you have not met?
 X + Y. I can't say which one I'd like to see more.

 Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why?
 Yes! You! You never visit me! When are you going to get married?

 Do you like Taco Bell?
 Duh! Actually, I've never eaten there.

 How many hours a day do you spend online?
 Difficult question. The machine is on all day, but on the whole, 2-3 hours.

 How many hours a day do you spend on IRC?
 Less than one hour avg.

 How many hours a day do you spend on #hack?
 Less than 1 a week

 Do you have a web page? If so, what is it?
 No, because l0pht decided that instead of /dev/null'ing my shell, they would
 just /dev/null my directory. Brilliant guys. You know, they once cp'd /usr
 to some other drive in the background and then rm -rf'd it before checking
 to make sure cp had finished. Like I said, brilliant guys.

 Are you in any groups?
 No. Groups suck. You don't want me to babble about it now.

 Who is your favorite musician or group?
 Tori Amos is nice

 What is your favorite colour?
 The color you get by holding a cobalt-blue glass to light and looking at the
 thickest part.

 What is your favorite book?
 'Godel, Escher, Bach' of course. Did you *really* need to ask?

 What is your favorite magazine?
 'Freedom'! No, really...

 What is your favorite web site?
 I don't have a favorite, but Aleph1's is the best! (cheap plug)

 How old are you, or is it nobody's business?
 I'm jailbait, ok?

 So,what can one say about Limor, aka Ladyada?

 Limor (pronounced "Happy Fun Ball") currently struggles through work and
 school in Boston, home of excessive lameness. She isn't a hacker in the I-
 have-the-latest-senmail-exploit-and-you-don't-nyaah and keeps to programming
 and learning. Ever since a bad allergic reaction to #hack, she has kept off
 of it and feels no remorse. For fun she dresses up as a leather-toting
 dominatrix and whips freshmen at her school who try to be cool by expressing
 their lack of knowledge about technology and the net. By the way, the
 previous sentence is completely true. To really irritate her, brag about the
 groups you are in, focusing on what sites you as a whole have broken into
 (read "run scripts on") and people who's telephones you have shut off,
 accounts you have rm -rf'd and mail-spools you have distributed. She
 believes in information distribution to those who will not abuse it and the
 dwindling hacker-population willing to go out and look through code for bugs
 and then tell comp.security.*


 The next person I thought would be of particular interest was Noelle. Now,
 someone suggested I mark her section here 'This space intentionally left
 blank' or 'narks - r -us', but I figured hey, let her speak for herself.
 What I found was exactly as I had observed her to be when I've seen her on
 IRC. No, wait. She was much more forthcoming, if I may use the term, than I
 have ever observed her to be. I like her. She's pretty. She's real pretty.
 And we have the same favourite book. She sends her regrets that she was
 unable to come to DEFCON.

 ] What is your IRC NICK?

 n0e, n0el

 ] Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why?

 Yes, to see how different it was. You always hear guys whining that it's
 easier to be a female. Well, that's not always true. Females have a lot of
 bullshit to deal with seimply because they're female; accusations of
 promiscuity (why someone's sex life is an issue to computer hackers is
 beyond me), accusations of being a guy pretending to be a girl, requests for
 gifs or phone numbers, general chatter of a sexual nature that's not
 encouraged or asked for, or even appreciated. Anyways, you don't see a guy
 experiencing those things.

 ] How long have you been using a computer?

 Well, I was the first person in elementary school to get what they called a
 "computer license". So, I'd say about 13 years, off and on.

 ] How long have you been hacking?

 Only the last year and a half or so. I can't claim a lot of experience with
 hacking unrelated to work, but there's been enough of that to keep me busy.

 ] What got you interested/started in computers/hacking?

 You know the story. Only child, has a computer, spends the majority of
 his/her time alone. My parents encouraged me and sent me to computer
 programming classes (such as BASIC) because I seemed to really enjoy it.
 Hacking didn't interest me until I met hackers...

 ] Are you a student, or have a job or what?

 I'm currently unemployed and loving it.

 ] What jewelry do you wear?

 Three rings and two earrings in each ear. Silver cat ring, emerald ring,
 sapphire butterfly ring.

 ] Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why?

 I have been to lots of classes but actual application time is minimal.
 Classes include C, Ada, Cobol & Advanced Cobol, Honeywell Assembler, BASIC,
 shell programming, and JCL.

 ] Do you have or want a boyfriend?

 I have one and I want him. ;)

 ] Do you run a BBS or use any BBS?

 I used to use them, but not anymore.

 ] Have you ever been arrested? (this is a joke but you can answer if you

 Detained, yes. In a jail cell, yes. Arrested, no.

 ] Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim?

 Naw, nothing too original, just tweaking prewritten code.

 ] Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff?

 I've written a few things for Armitage's Empire Times.

 ] What colour is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know.

 Long light brown hair, green eyes, 5'6".

 ] What is your favorite pickup line from #hack


 ] What is your least favorite line from #hack

 "Can I ask you a question? How can a guy like me get to know you better?"

 ] Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it

 yeahp. :)

 ] Have you ever been mistaken for a guy?

 sure... I guess some people thing "n0el" is a male name.

 ] What is your favorite fast food?

 Taco Hell, of course!

 ] What is your favorite drink?

 Sweet tart shooter.

 ] Is there any other personal info you want to say?

 Don't believe everything you hear.

 ] What cons have you been to?

 Pumpcon the last two years.

 ] What cons would you like to go to?

 DefCon, The Con.

 ] Is there anyone you think is praticularly cool that you have not met?


 ] Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why?

 I can think of a few, but I don't want their egos to get any bigger than
 they already are, so I'll refrain from naming them.

 ] Do you like Taco Bell?


 ] How many hours a day do you spend online?

 These days, around 9 or 10. Before, 11-12.

 ] How many hours a day do you spend on IRC?

 These days, none. Before, 5-6.

 ] How many hours a day do you spend on #hack?

 These days, none. Before, 5-6.

 ] Do you have a web page? If so, what is it?

 I have one... don't wanna publicize where though. Enough people know
 already. :)

 ] Are you in any groups?

 [rypt! and k0d, MYN

 ] Who is your favorite musician or group?

 Sarah MacLachlan and the Black Crowes

 ] What is your favorite colour?

 Forest green

 ] What is your favorite book?

 The Story of O

 ] What is your favorite magazine?

 Consumer Reports, Internet World

 ] What is your favorite web site?


 ] How old are you, or is it nobody's business?


 ] What is your favorite food?

 Chargrilled steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and a bottle of Cabernet.

 ] Is there anything you would like to say to all the people at ] DEFCON


 ] Are you a chick? :)


 Okay, Ill close this up with Juliet. I thought her responses were really
 cool. I hope you will say hi to her if you see her on the net.


 What is your IRC NICK? Juliet

 Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why? Yes, to see what it was

 How long have you been using a computer? 8 years

 How long have you been hacking? 1 years, but 3 1/2 years phreaking

 What got you interested/started in computers/hacking? My mom was a computer
 programmer for grumman

 Are you a student, or have a jobor what? I go to college

 What jewelry do you wear? Classic stuff like pearls, 1940's type stuff

 Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why? COBOL, RPG II and III,

 Do you have or want a boyfriend? Kinda in an icky relationship on and off
 right now

 Do you run a BBS or use any BBS? I used to run a FOI bbs..

 Have you ever been arrested? I plead the 5th

 Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim? Nope

 Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff? In the process of
 finishing my article on scon for Sassy

 What colour is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know.
 Burgandy hair, brown eyes, asain, and stuff, short..

 What is your favorite pickup line from #hack Hey baby, can I hack root on

 What is your least favorite line from #hack Are you a chick

 Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it
 scrolls? Unfortunatly =)

 Have you ever been mistaken for a guy? I have been asked if I was a guy
 pretending to be a girl

 What is your favorite fast food? Taco Bell

 What is your favorite drink? Mountain Dew or Dr. Pepper

 Is there any other personal info you want to say? I am sick of having to
 hide my feminity to get anywhere in the scene

 What cons have you been to? Scon

 What cons would you like to go to? DefCon, HoHoCon

 Is there anyone you think is particularly cool that you have not met? Ummm
 the lead singer for Suede and Juliana Hatfield =)

 Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why? Anyone who
 calls me a whore, bitch, slut.. etc. on a conf but can't do it in person

 Do you like Taco Bell? Mexican rice roxers

 How many hours a day do you spend online? depending on the season.. end
 fall/winter/early spring about 3 hr.. in spring/summer, I get bitchy so I am
 online for like anywhere from 3-16 hrs a day =)

 How many hours a day do you spend on IRC? anywhere from 1-5 or 6

 How many hours a day do you spend on #hack? anywhere from 1-3

 Do you have a web page? If so, what is it? Nope

 Are you in any groups? Yes

 Who is your favorite musician or group? Juliana Hatfield.. I also adore
 Musicals like Les Mis..

 What is your favorite colour? Neon blue

 What is your favorite book? Garden of the Shadows

 What is your favorite magazine? Allure

 What is your favorite web site? The Broadway Home Page

 How old are you, or is it nobody's business? 16

 Whatis your favorite food? KIWI FRUIT!!!!

 Are you a chick? :) No I just like pretending =)

 Sorry theora, it took so long =)
 Hope I did it right =)

 They did it right.

 Thanks and we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

 okay, this was supposed to be the end, but guess what? i had promised to put
 grayarea in here, but her prophile arrived almost during hurricane erin. i
 had to move inland, so she missed the final cut of the paper. but, thanks to
 the miracles of technology, here it is.


 What is your IRC NICK? grayarea, taken from the name of the magazine I
 publish, Gray Areas

 Have you ever posed as a man on IRC and if so why? Yes, to be there without
 my enemies knowing it, and to see how men treat each other instead of how
 they treat females and reporters. Also sometimes when I have visited males
 who frequent #hack, they just wanted to log in normally without anyone
 knowing I was there. H0H0H0.

 How long have you been using a computer? My first computer was an Atari 800.
 I got my first IBM clone in 1991. It was a 386-33. I currently IRC from a
 Pentium laptop on a waterbed while watching a 55" TV. I also have a 486-50.
 I run Windows and am a happy user who doesn't care how much you think it

 How long have you been hacking? As one eleet said about me, I hack with
 words. I suppose I was doing that long before #hack and IRC.

 What got you interested/started in computers/hacking? I suppose video games
 got me interested in computers. It wasn't something I took seriously until I
 wanted to start a magazine and decided to try my hand at desktop publishing.
 I befriended a few hackers in the course of researching articles and, in a
 nutshell, Dispater told me about #hack and #phreak after I told him I had
 found this amazing place called IRC. I hope he doesn't regret it now .

 Are you a student, or have a job or what? I publish a magazine called Gray
 Areas which covers everything illegal, immoral and/or controversial. One of
 the many subjects we cover is computer crimes. Thus my presence here.

 What jewelry do you wear? I own way more than I wear. I usually wear a
 Mickey Mouse wristwatch which plays the theme to "It's A Small World" as
 well as six rings. Two of them are gaudy lucite pieces from the 1960's which
 have many colors in them which change when they attract light. Three are
 gold and involve Brazilian gemstones. I also wear a necklace which matches
 one of the rings. I have a passion for astrology and so the last ring has
 all of the zodiac signs on it. I also wear lots of Venetian glass and long
 earrings best suited to a female at least a foot taller than I.

 Do you program? If so, what languages, if not why? I don't program but had
 to do simple BASIC and key punch card programs in school. I haven't found
 anything I needed to have for my work that wasn't already written by someone
 else. Since I do not hack, programming is only of marginal interest to me. I
 prefer to converse.

 Do you have or want a boyfriend? (the correct answer is probably no) I am
 presently dating someone from #hack. Bet you'd like to know who . We've
 managed to keep it a secret from every single person on #hack for months!
 Besides him, I have only dated/slept with one other hacker. The rumors about
 Wing, Erik Bloodaxe and C-Curve are all false.

 Do you run a BBS or use any BBS? I don't call any BBSs at the moment
 although I am welcome back to UPT whenever I have time to call out. I really
 like ezines and text files so feel free to email me anything you think I
 might have missed seeing.

 Have you written any good scripts or proggies that you want to claim? Nope,
 I really have no use for them. I could get anything I wanted by asking for
 it. Someone made me a program to strip characters out of IRC logs and
 someone tweaked my IRC notify list so it did stuff IRC did not automatically
 do. I don't really have much use for anything more sophisticated.

 Have you written any T-Files or done any magazine stuff? Besides my work in
 Gray Areas, I have been interviewed in Cult of the Dead Cat and Empire Times
 and have been published in Phrack, Computer underground Digest and Cult of
 the Dead Cat. I am so eleet that u4ea made a fake electronic version of Gray
 Areas and tried to hurt me and my friendship with a hacker known as Merc
 with it. It backfired on him as I got some subsciptions from it. H0H0H0.

 What color is your hair, eyes, and all that stuff guys want to know. I have
 brown hair, brown eyes and big tits. Unlike some of my female cohorts on
 #hack, I don't drop guys to date their best friends, prefer to be their
 ex-girlfriend after I got them interested, or fuck them and dump them. I
 don't give them herpes either. Let the buyer beware. H0h0h0.

 What is your favorite pickup line from #hack? Rush2's offer to come use his
 hottub (the first time he ever spoke to me) was very tempting until I heard
 his age. People who log me and then use the lines to seduce me later has
 proven kinda eleet too. H0H0H0.

 What is your least favorite line from #hack? Fuz's unwanted messages with a
 sexually harassing invitation to drive to Virginia right this minute, at 3
 a.m. or so, to go down on him.

 Have you ever hit /list by mistake and had to sit for 15 minutes while it
 scrolls? By mistake? no. On purpose? Yes. Sometimes it is FAR more amusing
 than the convo on #Hack. For a bunch of the most creative young minds
 gathered in one place at one time, #hack often leaves much to be desired.

 Have you ever been mistaken for a guy? yes, IRC is genderless until you
 expose yourself or are exposed. I've been mistaken for a bot too. H0H0H0.

 What is your favorite fast food? I live to eat sushi, but if it HAS to be
 fast food, then McDonald's Filet of Fish served Plain.

 What is your favorite drink? Pink lemonade, milk shakes and, if you were
 referring to alcohol, Sloe Gin Fizz.

 Is there any other personal info you want to say? I'd like to greet a bunch
 of people, but they've all either recently been arrested or are about to be,
 so I'd better not.

 What cons have you been to? PumpCon II, HoHoCon 1993, CFP 94, Defcon II,
 HOPE, PumpCon III, HoHoCon 1994. I also attend COMDEX, PC Expo, E3, etc. as
 well as some 2600 meetings.

 What cons would you like to go to? Well, I was sorry not to be invited to
 the private con Tabas and crew went to in Oregon. But I sure wasn't after
 they all got raided and it turned out the whole con had been watched.

 Is there anyone you think is particularly cool that you have not met? There
 are lots of people I haven't met like Kevin Mitnick, Corrupt, Phiber Optik,
 etc. I wouldn't know if they were cool or not until I'd had sushi with them.
 This would be a good place to note I have taken the sushi virginity of at
 least 50 hackers, all of whom could have eaten dinner more cheaply with
 someone else instead. I've had lots of hackers to my house and because of my
 magazine and my honesty I have met several hackers that NO ONE else on #Hack
 has met. Several retired hackers still talk to me but not to anyone else in
 the computer underground.

 Is there anyone you want to dis publicly? If so, who and why? Gentry who is
 so lame he told #hack after HOPE that he spent the weekend avoiding having
 me see what he looked like. Like I cared until he made an issue of it. He
 then avoided me at a 2600 meeting in DC and told people I'd write about him
 in my magazine if I saw his ugly face. He flatters himself. Erik Bloodaxe
 should be dissed for not letting me speak at this year's SummerCon. He said
 my speech at HoHoCon had been disgusting. He must have forgotten my speech
 predicted the Feb. 22 busts on December 31st and that after I talked about
 Bloodaxe's email being on UPT and how cool UPT was, Bloodaxe applied for an
 account there for the first time ever and was so proud of it he mentioned
 being on there in the latest issue of Phrack. I also want to dis Dark
 Tangent who told me I couldn't speak at DefCon because I wasn't cool enough
 to have spoken at SummerCon. Therefore I boycotted both cons. I don't know
 why I polarize people so but I do know that every male journalist who wants
 to speak is allowed to do so.

 Do you like Taco Bell? No, and I don't pretend to because it's cool on
 #hack. It's interesting people eat sushi with me at ten times the price.
 Mexican food is my least favorite and thus Taco Bell holds zero interest.

 How many hours a day do you spend online? The longest I was ever on #hack at
 once was 19 hours and periods of 12-15 hours have been common at times. I
 spend most of my online time on #Hack with the exception of when I am
 reading email or mudding.

 Do you have a web page? If so, what is it? It's in progress. I have a flyer
 up about the magazine on MOD's official page.

 Are you in any groups? I'm the unofficial NSA groupie (referring to the long
 disbanded hacking group, not the agency) because I got friendly with a few
 of their members and I've heard the feds think I am in Posse simply because
 I am friendly with a few of their members too. I've thought about starting
 BOD (Bitchez of Doom) as a joke since there are so many haxorettes around
 these days.

 Who is your favorite musician or group? Jefferson Airplane, Grateful Dead,
 Doors, Janis Joplin and almost anyone else from that time period.

 What is your favorite colour? purple

 What is your favorite book? Alice In Wonderland

 What is your favorite magazine? I receive about 700 paper magazines a month.
 Besides Gray Areas I enjoy reading Iron Feather Journal, 2600, Screw, Monk
 and lots of others.

 What is your favorite web site? I haven't seen all that many yet. The MOD
 one of course. Aleph1's was awesome but his list is quite incomplete as he
 stopped updating it. Iceman had a few articles I had not seen elsewhere.
 TK's was good too.

 How old are you, or is it nobody's business? 37

 What is your favorite food? sushi


 Aleph One / aleph1@underground.org
 Last modified Aug 25, 1995.

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