TUCoPS :: Cyber Culture :: http_err.txt

HTTP Error Codes, or a date with a web server

HTTP v1.1 Error Codes Satire by t-Omicr0n <tvb71@hotmail.com>
Check out http://t-Omicr0n.hexyn.be/ for more funny stuff.

- Hey girl, feel like chatting ?
402 Payment Required
- Oh, ic. Well, do you take a check ?
406 Not Acceptable
- Hmm. Creditcard ?
202 Accepted
- Ok well my number is 4064 310 605 243 and it expires at 05/02
100 Continue
- Thx. So how are you ?
304 Not Modified
- Do you live at home ?
301 Moved Permanently
- Why did you move ?
409 Conflict
- That's to bad. Do you have a husband ?
410 Gone
- Are you over him ?
102 Processing
- Let's talk about something else.
200 OK

- Can I touch your boobs ?
403 Forbidden
- I have an 20'' penis you know...
414 Request-URI Too Large
507 Insufficient Storage
413 Request Entity Too Large
- Naaah I'm just kidding you, it's only 6''.
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
411 Length Required
417 Expectation Failed
- Why don't you take it up the ass ?
422 Unprocessable Entity
502 Bad Gateway
303 See Other
- Ok, gimmie a blow job then.
503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
- Why's that ?
415 Unsupported Media Type
- Wanna do it doggy style ?
405 Method Not Allowed
- Then you'll have to make another entrance.
201 Created
- What ? Did you like, drill a hole in your stumach ?
206 Partial Content
302 Found
- Damn your sick.
- ...
- Coooooooool. :)
- So how's the hole going ?
423 Locked
407 Proxy Authentication Required
- What ? So how am I supposed to open it ?
305 Use Proxy
- I don't have a that, you look for it.
404 Not Found
- Yo bitch, wanna marry me ?
400 Bad Request
- Ok you're right.
- Miss, I love you, will you marry me ?
300 Multiple Choices
- Yes or no ?
401 Authorization Required
- Oh so I have to ask your father about it ?
506 Variant Also Negotiates
- I see. How about your mother ?
424 Failed Dependency
500 Internal Server Error
- I know it wasn't healthy drilling a hole in your belly !
412 Precondition Failed
- Quick, look for bandages in your medical kit.
204 No Content
- You mean it's empty ?!
- Well I guess your fucked... 
- Are you dying ?
101 Switching Protocols
- You mean like, going to heaven ?
- How does it look like ?
203 Non-Authoritative Information
- Damn.
603 Don't curse in front of a computer.
- Huh ?

-- t-Omicr0n @ http://t-Omicr0n.hexyn.be/

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