Taken from: Maclean's Magazine, January 17, 1994. Cover: Inside Internet The `Net' is crammed with scholary and scientific data, public records, recipies, weather reports, airline schedules - and endless chatter. Every day, an estimated 300 gigabytes of data - the equivalent of a half million 250-page books - pour through the U.S. section of Internet, the huge computer network that links universities, research institutions, government agencies and businesses around the world. Last week, Maclean's Science and Technology Editor Mark Nichols, a newcomer to computer networks, explored the "Net" and its various new groups, where debates and discussions take place. His report: --------- In the news group called alt.out-of-body, a conversation is going on about whether people who crave so-called out-of-body experiences are flirting with satanism. "Yes, this is satanic," a participant insists. "If you do this, you are opening yourself up for all sorts of demonic spiritual activity in your life." In alt.conspiracy.jfk, another group is obsessively arguing about who really shot the 35th president of the United States. In soc.culture.canada, someone has put forward the idea that ketchup-flavored potato chips are a unique Canadian contribution to junk food. A discussion develops about salt-and-vinegar flavored chips: are they a Canadian or a British invention? On and on it goes, an endless flow of chatter on a network packed with a mind-numbing assortment of conversation and information. Lodged in the system are huge amounts of environmental, medical, scholary and scientific data, government documents and public records, recipes, airline schedules, weather reports, the full texts of the Bible, the Torah and the Koran and a Star Trek archive at the University of Nebraska. A good place to begin exploring is in a section called Usenet, the gateway to Internet's estimated 7,000 news groups, or discussion forums. After consulting an index, the Internet user can gain access to any news group from science to sports, Spanish culture to soap operas, by typing an abbreviated title such as comp.videodisc or rec.auto.antique. In addition to the formidable list of mostly serious subjects, Internet users over the years have built up a roster of "alternative" groups. In the alt. news groups, discussions are uninhibited, frequently zany and sometimes raunchy. In alt.sex, where 1,341 messages were posted in a recent five-day period, the talk featured a male participant's tale of masturbating in a mall, an appeal by an Ottawa-area photographer for a nude female model ("the body will be used as a design element forming a landscape") and a young woman's request for advice on oral sex techniques (she is told to "enlist the help of someone more experienced to discuss it with. In person would be best.") A more sedate Internet region can be reached through the Gopher system, a type of index that lets users browse through the resources avaliable at hundreds of universities and institutions. There are gophers - reached by making a selection on a gopher menu - for the U.S. Library of Congress, for the United Nations, for scores of U.S. and Canadian universities and even for whole regions of the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, S outh America and the Pacific. If someone needs a text avaliable at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, this is the way to find it. For the nonscientific, there is a rich trove of knowledge and entertainment. Users can consult their horoscope, check on the weather anywhere in the world or play electronic games. A database at England's University of Manchester contains plot summaries, cast lists and details for more than 6,500 pre-1986 movies. The music library at the University of California at Santa Barbara lists thousands of recommended classical music compact-disc recordings. With the right equipment - a software item called a sound car - users can receive digitized music from a number of on-line sources and play it through their computers. All kinds of images, from paintings to antique automobiles, are also avaliable - as well as pornographic pictures. In a typical news group posting, an Internet user recently advised: "If you are interested in sexy Oriental girls' pictures, please send your e-mail address to me." Elsewhere on Internet, lovers of literature can tap the resources of the University of Minnesota's Project Gutenberg, which is making the texts of thousands of literary classics avaliable on-line. Among the books already in the system: Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim and Herman Melville's Moby Dick. If, after spending time immersed in Great Literature, the user craves more frivolous diversion, the tantalizing titles of as-yet unexplored alternative groups - alt.beer, alt.romance, alt.showbiz.gossip - may beckon across the extraordinary electronic universe that is Internet.