NEW INFORMATION ON THE SECOND FRONT BUST ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today I recived a call from 'LES MANLEY' the former SysOp of the ex:PWA EuroHQ Second Front that recently was busted. Les Manley who was accused for giving out the new SysOp 'ICEMAN' to the federal police of sweden gave me some brand new add-on info to the subject. The PWA supplier located at Microsoft, 'DARK LORD' was recently canned from his work as his cheifs suspected him for the already mentioned illegal activity. Dark Lord who also wrote alot of textfiles concerning the busts earlier told some people that if he ever got busted he would turn 'ICEMAN' and 'LES MANLEY' over to the police and BSA. So here was maybe his chance... As Les Manley left the staff on Second Front a few months earlier he was no longer in the staff. Still the police got over to his place with a search warrant and grabbed alot of equipment from the old BBS. They also knew that he earlier had been active in operating the BBS. Probably the police was on the Second Front a long time before they actually busted it. Iceman who was picked up by the police a few days after Les Manley is still arrested until the investigation is all cleared up. When Les Manley was interogated, the police told Les Manley they got a list of pirateboards in sweden who were under investigation. They asked him what boards he used to knew but ofcourse he didn't mention any. The Judge at Obscene Phobia can feel safe, Les Manley is not into taking anyone down even if he's one of the most hated guys in Sweden. Textfiles about Les Manleys wife and Iceman are all lies and there is NO truth whatsoever in the rumours about Les Manley in cooperation with the police and taking 'ICEMAN' and Second Front down. Neither is the rumour about Les Manley sabotaging the Second Front BBS computer true. Les Manley will be accused for operating with stolen equipment. Iceman will get the same charge plus the one of running a pirateboard. Zany who someone earlier mentioned in a textfile is NOT involved in any way accoarding to Les Manley. Finally I would like to say that I have known Les Manley for over five years and I know that we all make mistakes but in this case Les Manley did NOT make the mistake, someone else did... -- MindBender 95-03-15