THIS EXCERPT IS FROM MONDO 2000 MAG #7 FALL 89 MONDO 2000: Do hackers consider themselves as a counterforce to greed? BILL ME TUESDAY: Yes, and it would be reasonable to assume that there are 20,000 hackers out there, and that, collectively, they have more power than all the governments. M2: Through their ability to control the computer systems of the planet. BMT: Hackers are anarchists. Governments are institutionalized, regimented, bureaucratic systems. DR. EXPANSION: The fall of cultural structures remind me of a phenomenon in virology called "onco-viruses." When an organism reaches a certain level of deterioration or illness, viruses spontaneously appear in in the system and take it apart. Agents of decay that serve to disassemble the system so that a new order can form. This is one of the many roles hackers seem to play with respect to social institutions such as the government or legal system. BMT: Death viruses. Oh!! If you think about how governments and societies at large are dependant on computers, hackers have taken over the world. M2: You say hackers have taken over the world? BMT: Hackers have the world. As things get out of hand, there are several thousand hackers out there who will take action... If you don't already know about it, Mondo 2000 is a kool mag... get it at any bookstore on Telegraph in Berkeley. So what do you think... I think that with such collective power, if we get collective, we should put the world on trial... BURN IN HELL, OR WHEREVER YOU WANT, BUT PLEASE, BURN!!! MOURNBLADE ..................