GEORGIA ADVANCE LEGISLATIVE SERVICE HOUSE BILL NO. 822 (AS PASSED HOUSE AND SENATE) 1991 Ga. ALS 822 1991 Ga. HB 822 SYNOPSIS: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT To amend Chapter 9 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to crimes involving forgery and fraudulent practices, so as to repeal the existing "Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act" and enact a new "Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act" to provide for legislative intent to provide for definitions to provide for criminal liability and penalties for the crimes of computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, computer forgery, and computer password disclosure to provide for civil remedies and damages to provide for venue to provide for other related matters to provide an effective date to repeal conflicting laws and for other purposes. TEXT: BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA: [*1] Section 1. Chapter 9 of Title 16 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to crimes involving forgery and fraudulent practices, is amended by repealing in its entirety Article 6, the "Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act," and inserting in its place a new Article 6 to read as follows: "ARTICLE 6 16-9-90. This article may be cited as the 'Georgia Computer Systems Protection Act.' 16-9-91. The General Assembly finds that: (1) Computer related crime is a growing problem in the government and in the private sector (2) Such crime occurs at great cost to the public, since losses for each incident of computer crime tend to be far greater than the losses associated with each incident of other white collar crime (3) The opportunities for computer related crimes in state programs, and in other entities which operate within the state, through the introduction of fraudulent records into a computer system, unauthorized use of computer facilities, alteration or destruction of computerized information files, and stealing of financial instruments, data, or other assets are great (4) Computer related crime operations have a direct effect on state commerce PAGE (5) Liability for computer crimes should be imposed on all persons, as that term is defined in this title and (6) The prosecution of persons engaged in computer related crime is difficult under previously existing Georgia criminal statutes. 16-9-92. As used in this article, the term: (1) ' Computer' means an electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high-speed data processing device or system performing computer operations with or on data and includes any data storage facility or communications facility directly related to or operating in conjunction with such device but such term does not include an automated typewriter or typesetter, portable hand-held calculator, household appliance, or other similar device that is not used to communicate with or to manipulate any other computer. (2) ' Computer network' means a set of related, remotely connected computers and any communications facilities with the function and purpose of transmitting data among them through the communications facilities. (3) ' Computer operation' means computing, classifying, transmitting, receiving, retrieving, originating, switching, storing, displaying, manifesting, measuring, detecting, recording, reproducing, handling, or utilizing any form of data for business, scientific, control, or other purposes. (4) ' Computer program' means one or more statements or instructions composed and structured in a form acceptable to a computer that, when executed by a computer in actual or modified form, cause the computer to perform one or more computer operations. The term ' computer program' shall include all associated procedures and documentation, whether or not such procedures and documentation are in human readable form. (5) 'Data' includes any representation of information, intelligence, or data in any fixed medium, including documentation, computer printouts, magnetic storage media, punched cards, storage in a computer, or transmission by a computer network. (6) 'Financial instruments' includes any check, draft, money order, note, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit or debit card, transaction-authorizing mechanism, or marketable security, or any computer representation thereof. (7) 'Property' includes computers, computer networks, computer programs, data, financial instruments, and services. (8) 'Services' includes computer time or services or data processing services. (9) 'Use' includes causing or attempting to cause: (A) A computer or computer network to perform or to stop performing computer operations PAGE (B) The obstruction, interruption, malfunction, or denial of the use of a computer, computer network, computer program, or data or (C) A person to put false information into a computer. (10) 'Victim expenditure' means any expenditure reasonably and necessarily incurred by the owner to verify that a computer, computer network, computer program, or data was or was not altered, deleted, damaged, or destroyed by unauthorized use. (11) 'Without authority' includes the use of a computer or computer network in a manner that exceeds any right or permission granted by the owner of the computer or computer network. 16-9-93. (a) Computer Theft. Any person who uses a computer or computer network with knowledge that such use is without authority and with the intention of: (1) Taking or appropriating any property of another, whether or not with the intention of depriving the owner of possession (2) Obtaining property by any deceitful means or artful practice or (3) Converting property to such person's use in violation of an agreement or other known legal obligation to make a specified application or disposition of such property shall be guilty of the crime of computer theft. (b) Computer Trespass. Any person who uses a computer or computer network with knowledge that such use is without authority and with the intention of: (1) Deleting or in any way removing, either temporarily or permanently, any computer program or data from a computer or computer network (2) Obstructing, interrupting, or in any way interfering with the use of a computer program or data or (3) Altering, damaging, or in any way causing the malfunction of a computer, computer network, or computer program, regardless of how long the alteration, damage, or malfunction persists shall be guilty of the crime of computer trespass. (c) Computer Invasion of Privacy. Any person who uses a computer or computer network with the intention of examining any employment, medical, salary, credit, or any other financial or personal data relating to any other person with knowledge that such examination is without authority shall be guilty of the crime of computer invasion of privacy. (d) Computer Forgery. Any person who creates, alters, or deletes any data contained in any computer or computer network, who, if such person had created, altered, or deleted a tangible document or instrument would have committed forgery under Article 1 of this chapter, shall be guilty of the PAGE crime of computer forgery. The absence of a tangible writing directly created or altered by the offender shall not be a defense to the crime of computer forgery if a creation, alteration, or deletion of data was involved in lieu of a tangible document or instrument. (e) Computer Password Disclosure. Any person who discloses a number, code, password, or other means of access to a computer or computer network knowing that such disclosure is without authority and which results in damages (including the fair market value of any services used and victim expenditure) to the owner of the computer or computer network in excess of $ 500.00 shall be guilty of the crime of computer password disclosure. (f) Article not Exclusive. The provisions of this article shall not be construed to preclude the applicability of any other law which presently applies or may in the future apply to any transaction or course of conduct which violates this article. (g) Civil Relief Damages. (1) Any person whose property or person is injured by reason of a violation of any provision of this article may sue therefor and recover for any damages sustained and the costs of suit. Without limiting the generality of the term, 'damages' shall include loss of profits and victim expenditure. (2) At the request of any party to an action brought pursuant to this Code section, the court shall by reasonable means conduct all legal proceedings in such a way as to protect the secrecy and security of any computer, computer network, data, or computer program involved in order to prevent possible recurrence of the same or a similar act by another person and to protect any trade secrets of any party. (3) The provisions of this article shall not be construed to limit any person's right to pursue any additional civil remedy otherwise allowed by law. (4) A civil action under this Code section must be brought within four years after the violation is discovered or by exercise of reasonable diligence should have been discovered. For purposes of this article, a continuing violation of any one subsection of this Code section by any person constitutes a single violation by such person. (h) Criminal Penalties. (1) Any person convicted of the crime of computer theft, computer trespass, computer invasion of privacy, or computer forgery shall be fined not more than $ 50,000.00 or imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both. (2) Any person convicted of computer password disclosure shall be fined not more than $ 5,000.00 or incarcerated for a period not to exceed one year, or both. 16-9-94. For the purpose of venue under this article, any violation of this article shall be considered to have been committed: (1) In the county of the principal place of business in this state of the owner of a computer, computer network, or any part thereof and, PAGE (2) In any county in which any person alleged to have violated any provision of this article had control or possession of any proceeds of the violation or of any books, records, documents, or property which were used in furtherance of the violation and, (3) In any county in which any act was performed in furtherance of any transaction which violated this article and, (4) In any county from which, to which, or through which any use of a computer or computer network was made, whether by wires, electro-magnetic waves, microwaves, or any other means of communication." [*2] Section 2. This Act shall become effective on July 1, 1991. [*3] Section 3. All laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act are repealed. SPONSOR: Representatives Walker of the 115th, Coleman of the 118th, Murphy of the 18th and Buck of the 95th