TELECOM Digest Sat, 31 Mar 90 19:05:00 CST Special: LoD in Trouble! Inside This Issue: Moderator: Patrick A. Townson Legion of Doom Indictments (Chicago Members) [Mik own --------------------------------------------------------------------- >From: Mike Godwin wat.c.teasedu!mnemonic@cs.utexas.edu> Subject: Legion of Doom Indictments (Chicago Members, Jolet hutown Dae: 1 Mar 90 22:37:33 GMT Reply-To: Mike Godwin <walt.cc.utexas.edu!mnemonic@cs.utexs.ed> Oraniztion TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas The following is the text ofthe fderalindicmentsof th Chicago Jolnet members. Secret Service jurisdiction to investigation hese aleged ompute-relatd offeses comes from 18 USC 1030, the general computer-fraud statute --it's prvided i sectio (d) uner thisstatute. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHER DISRICT OF LLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION ) UITED STATS OF AMERCA ) v. ) No ____________________ ) Violations: Title 8, United RBERT J. RIGS, also knon ) Sates Code, ections as Robert Johnson, also ) 1030(a)(6(A) and 2314known as Prohet, and ) CRAIGNEIDORF, also known ) as Knigh Lightning ) CONT ONE he SPECIAL APRIL 1987 GRAND JUY charges: PROPERTYINVOLVED 1. At all time relevant herein, enhance 911 (E911) wasthe national coputerized telepone service proram for handlin emergency calls to he police, fire,ambulance and emrgency services n most municipalties in the Unitd States. Dialig 911 provided th public immediateaccess to a municpality's Public Sfety Answering Pont (PSAP) hrough the use of omputerized all roting. The E911 sysem also automaticaly provided the reipien of an emergency cal with the telephon number and locatio identification of he emergency caller 2. At all time relevant herein, th Bell South Telephon Company and its subidiaries ("Bell outh) provided telepone services in the nne state area includig Alabama, Mississipp, Georgia, Tnnessee, entucky, Louiana {sic}, North Caroina, South Carolina an Florida. 3. At ll timesrelevant herei, the E91 system of Bell South as described in the tex of a computerized fileprogam known as the Bel Souh Standard Practice 660-25-104SV Control Office - 1 - Administratioof Enhanced 911 Services or Special and Major Accont Centers date March,198 ("E911 Practice"). Th E91 Practice was a highl proprietary and closely hld computerized tex file blonging to the BellSouth Tlephone Company andstored on the company's AIMX computer in Atanta, Georga. The E911 Pracice describd the computerizd control and maintainence {ic} of the E91 system and caried warning otices that it as not to be isclosed outside Bell South o any of it subsidiaries excep under writen agreement. COMPUTER HACKERS 4. Atall times relevant heren, compter hackers were indiviual invlved with the unauthorized acces ofcomputer systems by variousmean. 5. At all times relvantherein, the Legion of Doom (LOD)ws a closely knit group of compue hackers involved in: . Disrupting telecommunication y entering computrzed telephone switches and changn the routing n th circuits of the computerized switches. b Sealing proprietary compter souce code and iformatin from companies and individals tha owed the cod and information. c. Steaing and modifying credit iformation n individual maintained in credit bueau computers - 2 - d. Fraudulenty obtaining money and roperty from companies b altering the coputrized information used bythe companies. e. Disseminatng information wit espect to their methods f attacking computers o other computer hacers inan effort to avoidthe focus of law enforcemen agencies and teecommunicationsecurity expets. 6. A all times relevant herein RBERT J. RIGGS,defendant heein, was a membe of the LOD. 7. At al times relevant herein CRAIG NEDORF, defendnt herein,was a publisher and eitor of a coputer hackr newletter {sic} known as "PHRACK" 8.At all tmes relevant herein, a pubic access omputer ulletin board system (BBS) was locate in Lockort, Ilinois which provided computer torage sace an electronic mail services to its users. he LocportBBS was also used by computer hacker as a ocaton for exchanging and developing software tols orcomputer intrusion, and for receiving anddistibting hacker tutorials and other information. E-MAIL 9. At alltis relevant herein electronic mail (e-mail) was a puterized method for sending communications and fs between individual computers on various compterntworks. Persons who sent or received e-mail wee ietified by an e-mail address, similar to aposta adress. Although a person may have more than - 3 - one e-mai addres, eac e-mail address identified a person uniqely. Th messge header of an e-mail message dentifiedboth th sender and recipient of the e-mail mssage andthe dat the was {sic} message sen. 10.Beginningin or about September, 1988, the eact date bein unknow to the Grand Jury, ad continuing ntil the reurn date of this indictment, atLockport, in he NorthernDistrict of Illiois, Eastern Diision, and elewhere, RBERT J. RIGGS, lso known as Robert Johnsn, also known as Prophe, and CRAIG NEIORF, aso known as Knight ightning, defendants erein, together wit others known anduknown to the Grand Juy, devised and inteded to devise and prticipated in a schem and artifice todefaud and to obtain mney and other things f value by meansof false and fraudulentpretenses andrepresenations, well knoing at the time that suh pretenses, epresentations and promiss were fale when made. OBJECT OF FRAUD SCEME 1. The object of the fraud cheme ws to steal the E91 Practice ext file from the computersof BellSouth Telephone Company thoug {si} the use of false and raudulet pretenses and representatios an to conceal all indications tha he text file had been stolen andto thereafter publish the inforaion about the E911 Practice textfle in a hacker publication for isemination. - 4 - OPERATION OF FRAUD SCHEME 2 It was part of the fraud schme tat the defendant NEIDORF ould an did advise the defendant RIGGSthathe had assembled a group f compuer hackers for the pupose of ditributing computer information 3. It was further par of the sceme that the defedant RIGGS wold and did steal sensitive prprietary Bll South informaton files inclding the E911Practice text fie by gaining remote unauthorzed access tocomputers of he Bell South Teephone Copany. 14. It as further part of the schee that the defenant RIGGSwould and did disguse an conceal the theft of he E911 Practice text filefrom Bell South TelphoneCompany by removing al ndications of his unauthoized access into Bell Souh computers and by usigaccount codes of legitiat Bell South users to disgise his authorized use o the Bell South compute. 15. It was furher pat of the scheme that RIGS would and did transfe in interstate commerc a stoen E911 Practie text fil from Atlanta, Georgia o Lockport, Illinois trough the use of an iterstate cmputer daa network. 16. It was further prt of the scheme thatdefendant RIGGS woul and did storethe tolen E911 Practic text file on a compuer bulletin board sytem in Lockport, Ilinois. 17. Iwas further part of te scheme that defendnt NEIDORF, utilizig a computer at th University of Misouriin Columbia, Missour would and did receve a copy of the solen E911 text fie - 5 - from deendant RIGGS throuh the Lockport coputer bulletin bard system throgh the use of a interstate computr data network. 18. It was frther part of te scheme that efendant NEIDORF woud and did edit an retype the E911Practice text fle at the requst of the defndant RIGGS in order to cnceal the sourceof the E911 Pratice text fileand to prepar it for publcation in a computer hacker nesletter. 9. It was furter part of th scheme thatdefendant NIDORF would and did transfer the stlen E911 Practce text file hrough the ue of an intrstate comuter bulletin board system used by defenant RIGGS in ockport, Illnois. 20. It wasfurther prt of the scheme that the defendants RIGGS an NEIDORF woud publish iformation o other cmputer hckers which could be used to gain unauthorized accss to emergncy 911 coputer sysems in te Unite States and thereby disrupt or halt 911 service in portons of theUnited Sttes. 22. I was frther a part of the scheme that the defendants would and didmisrepresnt, concal, andhide, nd case to be misrepresented, concealed and hidden the purposes of ane{sic} th acts dne in urtheanceof the fraud scheme, and would and did use coded language and other mens to aoid deectio andappehension - 6 - by law enforcement authoritis and o othrwis prvie security to the members of the fraud scheme. 23. In or about December, 188, a Locpor, nthe Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, and elsewhere, RBERTJ. IGSalso known as Robert Johnson, also known as Prophet, defendnt erifor the purpose of executing the aforesaid scheme, did knowingly transmit and cause to be tranmity means of a wire communication in interstate commerce certain signs, signals and sounds, namely: transfer of a E911 Practice text file from Decatur, Georgia to Lockport, Illinois. In volaio Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343. - 7 - COUNT TWO The SPECIAL APRIL 1987 GRAND JURY further charges: 1. The rand ury ealegsand incorporates by reference the allegations of paragraphs 1 through 22 of Coun One o thisInditmet s though fully set forth herein. 2. On or about January 23, 1989, at ockport in th Nortern istict of Illinois, Eastern Division and elsewhere, ROERT J. RGGS, alo know as Robert Johnson, also known as Prophe, and CRIG NEIORF, lso known as Knight Lightning, the defendnts herein for the urposes f execuing th aforesaid scheme did knowingly transmit and cause to b transmitte by means f a wire ommunicaion in nterstate commerce certain signs, signals and souns, namely: adata transfr of a E91 Practicetext fil from Decatur, Georgia to Lockport, Illinois,an edited andretyped E911Practice tet file fro Columbia Missouri, to Lockport, Illinois. n violation ofTitle 18, Unied States Coe, Section 343. - 8 - COUNT TREE TheSPECIAL APRI 1987 GRANDJURY further charges: 1.The Grand Jury ralleges and incrporates by reerence the alegations of aragraphs 1 through 22 ofCount One of thisindictment as thugh fully set frth herein. 2. In or aout December, 1988, t Lockport, in theNorthern Districtof Illinois, Easern Division, ad elsewhere, ROBERT J. RIGGS, aso known as RobertJohnson, also nown as Prphet, and CRAIG NEIDOR, also known as Knght Lightning, efendnts herein, did transort and cause to be ransported in intertate commerce fromDecatur, Georgia,o Lockport, Illinois, computerized text fie with a value of $5000 or more, namely A Bell outhStandard Practice BSP) 660-225-104SV- Cotrol Office Admiistration of Enhance 911 Servies for Spcial Servces and Major Account Cnters dated March, 198; valued at apprximatey $79,449.00 he defendats then and there knowin the same to have been tolen, converted, and akn by fraud; I violaion of Title 18, United Sates Code, Section 2314. - 9 - COUNT FOUR The SPECIAL APRIL 198 GRAND JURY furtherchargs: 1. The Grand uy realleges and incorporaes by reference the allegaions of paragraps 1 throuh 22 of Count one o thisIndictment as though flly set forth herein. 2. On or abou January 23, 989, at Lockport in the Nrthern District of llinois, Eastern Division, ad elsewher, ROBERT J. IGGS, also knwn as Robert Johnson, also known as Propet, and CRIG NEIDORF, aso known as nigh Lightning, defendants hrein, dd transport and causeto be tranported in interstate commerce fo Columbia, Missouri, to Lockprt, llinois, a computerized txtfile ith a value of $5,000 or more, aely: An edited Bell oth Standard Practice (BSP) 66-225 104SV- Control Offce Aministration of Enhanced 911 Services for Special Servie and Major Account Centers dated March, 1988; valued atapprximately $79,449.00. the defenats, then and there knowng the sam to have been stolen, conveted, an taken by fraud; In vioatio of Title 18, Unitd States Code Section 2314. - 10 - COUNT IVE The SPCIAL APRIL 1987 GRAND JRY further chrges: 1. The Grand ury reallees and icorporates by refernce the allegations o paragraphs 1 though 22 of Count One ofthis Indictmet a though fully set fort herein. 2. O or about December,1988, at Lockport, inthe Northern Ditict of Illinois, Easter Division and elswhere, ROBERT J. RIGGS,also known as Robert Johson, also known as Propet, and CRAG NEIDORF, lso known as Knght Lightning, the defendans herein, knowigly and wth intent to defaud, trafficked i informatio through which a computer may b accessed witout autorization and by suchconduct affecte interstae commerce; In violation of itle 18, Unted Sates Code, Section 1030(a)6)(A). - 11 - OUNT SIX The SPECIAL APRI 1987 GRANDJURY urther charges: 1. The Grand Jury eallege nd incorporates by reference the allgations o paagraphs 1 through 22 of Count One of this Idictmt as though fully set forth herein. 2. In rabout January, 1989, at Lockport, in the Northr Dstrict of Illinois, Eastern Division and elewher ROBERT J. RIGGS, also know as Robert Johnson, also known as Prophet, and CRAIG IDORF, also known as Knight igting, the defendants herein, knowingly ad with ited to defraud, trafficked in information thrugh whh a computer may be accessed withoutauthorizaton ad by such conduct affected interstate comerce; In violation of Title 18, Unitd States Cod, Secton 1030(a)(6)(A). 12 COUNT SEVEN TheSPECIAL APRIL 1987 GRAND JURY furter charges: 1 The Grand Jury reallges and incorportes by refrence the allegations of paragrphs 1 through 2 of Cout One of this Inictment as though ully set forh herein. 2. In or abot February, 1989 at Lockpot, in the Nrthern District of Ilinois, Easter Division and elsewhere, OBERT J. RIGS, als known as Robert Johnon, also known as Prophet and CRAIG NEIDORF, als known as Knight Ligtning, the defendantsherein, knowiglyand with intent to defaud, trafficked in iformation throug which a computer may beaccessed wthout auhorization and by sch conduct affected inerstate commece; In violation of itle 18 United State Code, Section 130(a)(6)(A). A TRUE BILL: _______________________________ F O R E R S O N ______________________________ UNITED STATES ATTONEY -1 - ============END============= (transcribedfr TELECOM Digest by) Mike Godin, T Law School mnemonic@ccf.ccutexas.edu mnemonic@walt.cc.txas.edu (512) 346-4190