TUCoPS :: Truly Miscellaneous :: cdc_013.txt

NPA List by Franken Gibe

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             GIBE's HANDY GUIDE TO NORTH AMERICAN NUMBERING PLAN AREAs                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
             A reference file that today's active phreak cannot afford                       to be without. Provides quick call-destination information,
             when only the NPA is known. A fun and exciting file
             for the whole family.

                   Courtesy of High Priest and Scribe, F. Gibe                  

                      >>> A CULT Publication......1987 <<<                                              -cDc- CULT OF THE DEAD COW -cDc-                        _______________________________________________________________________________
      Numbering Plan Area (NPA): a geographic division within which
      telephone directory numbers are subgrouped. A 3-dig., N0/1X
      or NXX code is assigned to each NPA, where N = any digit 2-
      9, 0/1 = 0 or 1, and X = any digit 0 through 9.
   NPA      Location               NPA      Location
   ~~~      ~~~~~~~~               ~~~      ~~~~~~~~
   ---      --------               201      New Jersey (Newark)
   202      Washington, D.C.       203      Connecticut
   204      Manitoba (Canada)      205      Alabama
   206      Washington (Seattle)   207      Maine
   208      Idaho                  209      California (Fresno)
   212      New York (City)        213      California (L.A.)
   214      Texas (Dallas)         215      Pennsylvania (Philly)
   216      Ohio (Cleveland)       217      Illinois (Springfield)
   218      Minnesota (Duluth)     219      Indiana (South Bend)
   ---      --------               301      Maryland
   302      Delaware               303      Colorado
   304      West Virginia          305      Florida (Miami)
   306      Saskatchewan (Canada)  307      Wyoming
   308      Nebraska (N. Platte)   309      Illinois (Peoria)
   312      Illinois (Chicago)     313      Michigan (Detroit)
   314      Missouri (St. Louis)   315      New York (Syracuse)
   316      Kansas (Wichita)       317      Indiana (Indianapolis)
   318      Louisiana (Shreveport) 319      Iowa (Dubuque)
   ---      --------               401      Rhode Island
   402      Nebraska (Omaha)       403      Alberta (Canada)
   404      Georgia (Atlanta)      405      Oklahoma (Oklahoma City)
   406      Montana                407      ?
   408      California (San Jose)  409      Texas (Galveston)
   412      Pennsylvania (Pitts)   413      Massachusetts (western)
   414      Wisconsin (Milwaukee)  415      California (San Francisco)
   416      Canada (Toronto)       417      Missouri (Springfield)
   418      Quebec                 419      Ohio (Toledo)
   ---      --------               501      Arkansas
   502      Kentucky               503      Oregon
   504      Louisiana (N. Orleans) 505      New Mexico
   506      New Brunswick (Canada) 507      Minnesota (Rochester)
   508      ?                      509      Washington (Spokane)
   512      Texas (San Antonio)    513      Ohio (Cincinnati)
   514      Canada (Montreal)      515      Iowa (Des Moines)
   516      New York (Hempstead)   517      Michigan (Lansing)
   518      New York (Albany)      519      Ontario (Canada)
   ---      --------               601      Mississippi 
   602      Arizona                603      New Hampshire
   604      British Columbia       605      South Dakota
   606      Kentucky (Louisville)  607      New York (Binghampton)
   608      Wisconsin (Madison)    609      New Jersey (Trenton)
   612      Minnesota (-apolis)    613      Canada (Ottawa)
   614      Ohio (Columbus)        615      Tennessee (Nashville)
   616      Michigan (G. Rapids)   617      Massachusetts (Bahstin)
   618      Illinois (Centralia!)  619      California (San Diego)
   ---      --------               701      North Dakota
   702      Nevada                 703      Virginia (Arlington)
   704      North Carolina         705      Ontario (Canada)
   706      NW Mexico              707      California (Santa Rosa)
   708      ?                      709      Newfoundland (Canada)
   712      Iowa (Council Bluffs)  713      Texas (Houston)
   714      California (Orange)    715      Wisconsin (Eau Claire)
   716      New York (Buffalo)     717      Pennsylvania (Harrisburg)
   718      New York (City)        719      ?
   800      INWATS                 801      Utah
   802      Vermont                803      South Carolina
   804      Virginia (Richmond)    805      California (Bakersfield)
   806      Texas (Cow Hell)       807      Ontario (Canada)
   808      Hawaii                 809      Puerto Rico/Bahamas/etc.
   812      Indiana (Evansville)   813      Florida (Ft. Myers)
   814      Pennsylvania (Altoona) 815      Illinois (Rockford)
   816      Missouri (Kansas City) 817      Texas (Ft. Worth)
   818      California (L.A.)      819      Quebec (Canada)
   ---      --------               901      Tennessee (Memphis)
   902      Nova Scotia            903      Mexico
   904      Florida (Jacksonville) 905      Mexico City
   906      Wisconsin              907      Alaska
   908      ?                      909      ?
   912      Georgia (Savannah)     913      Kansas (Topeka)
   914      New York (White Plain) 915      Texas (Sweetwater)
   916      California (Sacramento)917      ?
   918      Oklahoma (Tulsa)       919      North Carolina (Raleigh)
Th-th-that's all, kiddoes. By the way, the cities which I've put in 
parentheses by several of the states are meant to give you some idea,
geographically, where the NPA in question falls. Those states listed
alone have but one NPA. -->> If you are able to provide locations
for those NPA's that I could not, please drop me a line on Demon Roach.

 (c)1987  cDc communications  by Franken Gibe                         0/0/87-13
 All Rights Worth Shit

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