DarkStorm's Book of Compiled Articles on Destruction, Crime, and Other Illegal Acts "Are You Ready For A Good Time?" Version II.IX May 1991 Page i Pretext: The author and co-authors of this document, and authors of the enclosed articles take absolutely no responsibilyity for the actions taken by the readers of this file. The readers are assumed to be of whole mind and competancy, so as not to warrant the punishment of anyone for committing any act herein described. This file was composed as a documentary article, and in no way reflects the author's views on law enforcement, its officers, or its purpose. This article is an informative look at the other side. The readers do not have to nor are expected to take part in any of the acts herein described. Inside this file one will find many detailed descriptions on how to get anything you ever wanted for free, how to make others pay for your goodies, how to destroy any thing and anyone at will, and how to reek havoc upon the populus. The author does not condone this sort of action, and suggests that those who really want to do this should read no further, and go see a doctor. Those who shun the thought of my even compiling this file should stop fucking reading this and delete it, since it won't do well sitting next to all your other pristine files on how to track hackers, and how to protect yourself from setting eyes upon pornography(*). I hereby denounce this article and have decided to delete it from my drive, hopefully before I get the urge to upload it to the unsuspecting populus. Those concerned with my actions, rest your eyes, type: DEL DARK19-?.TXT <CR> at the DOS prompt, and get some sleep. Now that those assholes are gone, everyone else come back, all others should read on(including the guys I told to see a doctor). Enjoy this documentation, it is the result of many sleepless nights, many hours of downloading, buffering, and CHATs to get the necessary information for you all. By the time you read this I will probably have about 40-60k more of texts to add to the file, as I have sitting in front of me a few articles on jailbreak, car theft, atombombs (<--most humorous article, a must read.), radar guns, unemployment checks while you still have a job, free food, anti-police warfare, phreaking(@), knife fighting, the making of viruses (comes complete with a starter kit/file) etc. I'm sure you'll all enjoy these, but for now, just read the ones here, it will take you long enough as it is. (*) oh yeah, PORNOGRAPHY--->definition--from 'porno-graphos' Greek or something for 'the writing of the prostitutes'. Nice writing I assume. (@) There are some articles on phreaking here, but I have more.... Page ii Pretext ------- (cont.) Read the articles carefully on phreaking and on hacking, it is important that you do not get caught trying out any of these things. There are some non-hacker/pirate articles here, such as the noise filter to rid yourself of linenoise forever, but I felt it was important to the hacker, and even to the amatuer. Most all of the articles enclosed can be done with little expended money, some more than others. The only articles that do not say how to build them, such as the HBO decoder and the RADAR jammer are stored as .ZIP files in the DRKSTRM?.ZIP. These are for you to read, and decide whether or not you want to spend the money to get them. I would assume that the guys have been shut down, so I have been looking for a replacement for the RADAR text (I already have a couple of HBO texts on how to make em.) The only other stuff in here that claims to tell how to build something that doesn't is the couple of articles on Blue Boxing, (#'s 1-3), they are VERY informative to the newcomer, and I left them ther for the reading, besides, the texts on how to build the Pearl Box and a bunch of others will allow you to make the Blue Box tones. Some of my own advice for you: Make the Gold Box, NEVER EVER make a Blotto Box, unless you wish to get a lawsuit shoved so far up your asshole that you'll be tasting it in your mouth for years to come. And unless you're extrememely demented, don't make a Urine Box. I am looking for the file "Jane's All The World's Boxes", if anyone has it, please upload it to any BBS I'm on, I would like to include it in my next issue of DRKSTRM. It has many many more boxes that are not listed here, nor anywhere else to my knowledge. (To the authors of Jane's ATWB, I only plan to use a few of the better ones, I will not include it all.) [Still looking....] The HBO file on page 123 works great. I use it now, and it's fine. Also, if you have any intention of doing anything mentioned in this documnet, read the articles on it carefully. As in the instance of the two Carding texts, the first says how to do it, but yet, if you read the second one, you will realize that had you tried it now, you would probably be sitting in a dingy cell with a big Samoan named Biff who wants to make you his wife. Go nuts! Have a Hell of a time! Page iii Table of Contents ----- -- -------- Subject: Page(s): ------- ------- Pretext................................................ii-iii Table of Contents......................................iv-vi Special Thanks To:.......................................vii Preaking and Hacking: Bell Trashing.......................................1-2 Blue Boxing.........................................3-5 Better Homes and Blue Boxing File #1................6-8 Better Homes and Blue Boxing File #2................9-15 Better Homes and Blue Boxing File #3...............16-20 Red Boxing...........................................21 Hacker's Atlas (By: The Wyvern)....................22-26 How To Build Various Boxes: Noise Filters......................................27-29 Neon Box.............................................30 White Box..........................................31-32 Black Box..........................................33-35 Urine Box..........................................36-37 Blotto Box.........................................38-40 Beige Box..........................................41-44 Aqua Box...........................................45-48 Cheese Box File #1...................................49 Cheese Box FIle #2...................................50 Brown Box..........................................51-52 Gold Box...........................................53-54 Crimson Box........................................55-56 Pearl Box..........................................57-58 Silver Box.........................................59-61 Red Box..............................................62 Green Box............................................63 The Book of Unlawfuls (By: Shadowspawn): Section I -- Bombs.................................64-65 Section II -- Hacking................................66 Lock Picking: Combination Locks..................................67-68 Door Knobs....(2 Files)............................69-75 Padlocks.............................................76 Weird Drugs.............................................77-78 House Breaking............................................79 Demolition Files (By: King Arthur): Number 1...........................................80-81 Number 2...........................................82-84 Page iv Table of Contents ----- -- -------- (cont.) Subject: Page(s): ------- ------- Bombs + Chemicals: House-Hold Equivelences for Chemicals..............85-86 Misc. Compounds (By: The Prowler)..................87-88 Black Powder.......................................89-90 Fire Bombs, Napalm, etc............................91-92 Nitrogylcerine.....................................93-94 Misc. Demolitions, Flares, Fuels, etc.............95-101 Moltov Cocktail.....................................102 The Anarchist's Micro-Cookbook (By: Maelstrom).........103-105 Cars: How to Hotwire a Car................................106 How to Fuck one up..................................107 Terror/ism: Electronic Terrorism..............................108-110 Harmless Terror...................................111-112 Carding: Carding Text #1...................................113-114 New Info on Carding...............................115-119 Free Shit: Change..............................................120 Postage...........................................121-122 HBO.................................................123 HBO Revised.........................................123b HBO + Free PAY TV.................................124-128 Cable TV Hacking.................................128b-128 3-Way Teleconferencing..............................129 Horses..............................................130 Frequencies: Bugs, Taps, Mikes.................................131-132 Federal Frequencies...............................133-136 Code Words........................................137-138 Common 10 Codes (ie; 10-4)..........................139 Quick Notes on Frequencies..........................140 Info on Hacking/Pirate Groups: Information on Hacker Groups......................141-142 Electronic Hacker Magazines.......................143-144 Printed Hacker/CU Magazines.......................145-146 Misc. Catalogs on Crime/CU/Hacking etc............147-151 Page v Table of Contents ----- -- -------- (cont.) Subject: Page(s): ------- ------- Info on Haking/Pirate Groups: (cont.) Hacker BBS's etc....................................152 The Butler's Disclaimer.............................153 Last Minute Additions: Excerpts from 'Steal This Book': People's Chemistry...........................154-155 Fuses..........................................156 Coin/Bill Fraud..............................157-158 Free Calls/Elimentary Red Boxing...............159 Enclosure Notes: Enclosed Hz-Generator and Misc. Texts...............160 One Final Note to All From DarkStorm................161 Page vi Special Thanks To: ----------------- BAH, JDS, Andersen, Streak, Gunner, McCarthy, Flare, Starburst (AKA Mark Taverns), and Hayes. \______Not his real name boys, a handle OK? He's insane, not Stupid. An Extra Note of Thanks: ----------------------- To the United States of America, for allowing me the freedom of expression, that of speech, and that of the press, which thus granted me the right to publish this article. (Sort of.) {Not like I wouldn't have published it if it were illegal} But thanks anyway; it's the thought that counts. One Last note (I Hope) ---------------------- Most of the BBS numbers have been left attached to the files, that is, accept for the Police Station, which I think only appears once, but no matter, you can still call most of these BBS's even if all their articles are not properly denoted. You can find most of these articles, plus many more on any of the BBS's mentioned in this file, and on many others not mentioned here. Many good BBS's have message sections devoted to Law and Lawlessness. Oh Yeah -- ---- Almost forgot, this is a fairly good size article, so you might want to use a Search program, or one with a Search (and replace) key in it. Search in the forward direction from the Table of Contents for 'Page ###' and it will get you there faster than you can. In my next issue, or in a few at least, I will divide it up a bit so you can load some of it, or discard or whatever to make it better for you. (Did it this time....) Page vii The Book Of The Unlawfuls By: Shadowspawn The Police Station 612-934-4880 -=] Section I [=- -=] Bombs [=- --- ----- --- House Hold equivalants ----- ---- ----------- Name Equivalant ---- ---------- acetic acid vinegar aluminum oxide alumia aluminum potassium sulfate alum aluminum sulfate alum ammonium hydroxide ammonia carbon carbonate chalk carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid calcium hypochloride bleaching powder calcium oxide lime calcium sulfate plaster of paris carbonic acid seltzer ethylene dichloride dutch fluid ferric oxide iron rust glucose corn syrup graphite pencil lead hydrochloric acid muriatic acid hydrogen peroxide peroxide lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetrooxide red lead magesium silicate talc magesium sulfate Epsom salts naphthalene mothballs phenol carbolic acid potassium bicarbonate cream of tarter potassium chromium sulfate chrome alum potassium nitrate saltpeter sodium dioxide sand sodium bicarbonate baking soda sodium borate borax sodium carbonate washing soda sodium choride salt sodium hydroxide lye sodium silicate water glass Page 64 sodium sulfate glaubers' salt sodium thiosulfate photographers hypo sulferic acid battery acid sucrose cane sugar zinc choride tinner's fluid ------------ -------------- -=] Smoke Bomb [=- --- ----- ---- --- Mix: 4 parts sugar 6 parts potassium nitrate Heat: over low flame till melts stir well, then pour into container. Before it soldifies, put a few matches in for fuses. *One pound of this stuff will fill a block nicely with a thick cloud of white smoke* -=] Generic bomb [=- --- ------- ---- --- 1) Aquire a glass container 2) Put in a few drops of gasoline 3) Cap the top 4) Now turn the container around to coat the inner surfaces and then evaporates 5) Add a few drops of potassium permanganate (<-Get this stuff from a snake bite kit) 6) The bomb is detonated by throwing aganist a solid object. *AFTER THROWING THIS THING RUN LIKE HELL THIS THING PACKS ABOUT 1/2 STICK OF DYNAMITE* Page 65 -=] Section II [=- -=] Hacking [=- --- ------- --- -=] Conferance calls [=- --- ---------- ----- --- *I recomend that you do this local* To make a conference call with as many people you want, just call the operator ("0") and say "Hello, I'd like to make a conference call." Then give the (first) Names (not pirate names, ether) and the phone #'s of the people you want to call And she'll do it.(hint: make sure that the people you are callin are expecting it. because its damn annoying to be talking to 3 people and having the third be busy for the whole time -=] Charge-a-call phones [=- --- ------------- ------ --- On a charge-a-call phone (there blue but dont have any coin slots) take a hex wrench (with a hole in the middle) and remove the screw in the middle for an extention! -=] Free calls [=- --- ---- ----- --- From a pay phone, (the kind that gives you a dial tone AFTER you put in the dime) and drop in your dime. Then dial the #, then put another dime in! It'll come back out when you finish your call. {What!?!?! Some one tell me if he's serious!} Page 66 [ Utopia Bbs: (213) 556-8629 ] {=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=} {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} Picking Combination Locks {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} Written by: The Byte Byter {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} The writer of this text file takes <all> resp- {=--=} {=--=} onsibility for what this text file is used for.{=--=} {=--=} Hopefully it will only be used for illegal pur-{=--=} {=--=} poses cuz i can't think of a reason it can be {=--=} {=--=} used for legally. Well, on with the text file. {=--=} {=--=} {=--=} {=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=}{=--=} Ok, so ya say ya wanna learn how to pick combination locks...This text file should help you. As a matter of fact, if ya do it right, it will help you. First of all, let me tell you about the set-up of a lock. When the lock is locked, there is a curved piece of metal wedged inside the little notch on the horseshoe shaped bar that is pushed in to the lock when you lock it. To free this wedge, you must(must is a word used to much) you usually(that sounds much better) have to turn the lock to the desired combination and the pressure on the wedge is released therefore letting the lock open. I will now tell you how to make a pick so you can open a lock without having to waste all that time turning the combination (this also helps when ya don't know the combination to begin with). First of all, ya need to find a hairpin. What's a hairpin? Well, just ask your mom. She will have one. If she asks what its for, say ya gotta hold something together... If she says use a rubberband or use a paperclip, tell her to Fuck Off and Die and then go to the store and rip off a box of 50 or so. Ok, enough stalling (yea, i was stalling). Once you have your hair pin (make sure its metal), take the ridged side and break it off right before it starts to make a U-turn onto the straight side. The curved part can now be used as a handle. Now, using a file, file down the other end until it is fairly thin. You should do this to many hairpins and file them so they are of different thicknesses so you can pick various locks. Some locks are so cheap that ya don't even have ta file! But most are not. Ok, now you have a lock pick. Now if ya haven't figured it out, here's how ya use it. Page 67 You look at a lock to see which side the lock opens from. If you can't tell, you will just have to try both sides. When ya find out what side it opens from, take the lock pick and stick the filed end into the inside of the horseshoe-shaped bar on whichever side the lock opens from. Now, put pressure on the handle of the lock pick (pushing down, into the crack) and pull the lock up and down. The lock will then open because the pick separated the wedge and the notch allowing us thieves to open it. Don't say bullshit until you've tried it. because i have gotten lots of beer money from doin' this to fellow students' gym lockers. Also, this technique works best on American locks. I have never picked a Master lock before because of the shape a pressure of the wedge but if anyone does it, let me know how long it took. Also, the Master lock casing is very tight so ya can't get the pick in. So, if you're locking something valuable up, use a Master, cuz at least ya know I won't be picking it and I'm sure there aren't that many that could. And when i say pick, i don't mean lighting a stick of dynamite next to the lock, picking is opening a lock without using force, making a substitute key, etc... If any of you believe that this information is not sufficient for picking an American lock, or any other kind besides Master, leave me a message at /\/\etalland 1 (503) 538-0761. This concludes my text file on picking combination locks. My next text file will probably be "Picking key locks". See ya later. The Byte Byter ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ||| |||| ||||| ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ''' '''' ''''' Page 68 This text file was written on 06/21/85. ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ ][ BROUGHT TO YOU BY ][ ][ COMPUTER PIRATES OF UTAH ][ ][ COURTESY OF THE SAFEHOUSE ][ Ya it's in all CAPS. ][ (801)-264-8201 ][ I got sick of trans- ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ lating. [+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] I did put it to 80 [+] [+] columns though, 'stead [+] L O C K P I C K I N G [+] of the lame 40 columns [+] [+] which takes up too much [+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] paper when printed and [+] [+] read. [+] WRITTEN BY: DARC DEATHE [+] -=+ DarkStorm +=- [+] [+] [+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+][+] THIS TUTORIAL WILL DEMONSTRATE HOW TO "PICK" A PIN TUMBLER LOCK. USE OF THIS MATERIAL IS FOR LOCKSMITHS ONLY, ANY USE OF THIS INFORMATION FOR ILLEGAL PURPOSES IS FORBIDDEN AND AGAINST THE LAW. (AS LONG AS WE ARE AT IT, DO YOU WANT TO BUY SOME LAND IN FLORIDA?) IN ORDER TO PICK A PIN TUMBLER LOCK, YOU WILL REQUIRE FOUR ITEMS: A LOCK, YOU, A PICK, AND A TENSION WRENCH. YOU CAN USSUALLY GET THESE AT A LOCKSMITH STORE, IF YOU CAN NOT FIND ONE NEAR YOU THERE WILL BE AN ADDRESS AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE THAT YOU CAN ORDER THEM FROM. HERE IS AN ILLUSTRATION OF A PICK AND A TENSION WRENCH: ________/ !________ PICK TENSION WRENCH MOST PEOPLE KNOW OF THE NEED FOR THE PICK, BUT HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE WRENCH IS FOR. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT AND WITHOUT IT IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO PICK A LOCK. Page 69 IN ORDER TO PICK A LOCK, WE MUST COUNT UPON THE IMPERFECTION OF THE LOCK. BEFORE WE LOOK AT HOW TO ACTUALLY PICK THE LOCK, WE WILL LOOK AT THE PARTS OF IT AND HOW THE IMPERFECTION PART FITS IN. HERE IS A DISSASSEMBLED LOCK: / / / / \ \ \ \ SPRINGS -> / / / / \ \ \ \ _ _ _ _ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! DRIVERS ->! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !_! !_! !_! !_! _ _ ! ! _ ! ! BOTTOM PINS ->! ! ! ! _ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ _____________________ ! : : : : : : : : ! HOUSING ->! : : : : : : : : ! ! : : : : : : : : ! !___: :_: :_: :_: :___! ! : : : : : : : : ! PLUG ->! : : : : : : : : ! !______________________! ! ! ! ! ! ! !_____________________! ___ / \ ! !__ _ _ ! \__ / \_/ \__ ! \/ \ \__/------------------- <- KEY WHEN YOU INSERT A KEY INTO A LOCK, THE BOTTEM PINS ARE PUSHED UP, AND IF IT IS THE PROPER KEY, THE TOPS OF THE BOTTOM PINS WILL MATCH WITH THE SPOT WHERE THE PLUG AND HOUSING MEET, THUS ALLOWING YOU TO TURN THE PLUG, AND OPEN THE DOOR, ETC.. WHEN YOU INSER THE KEY, THE BOTTOM PINS GO INTO THE VALLEYS OF THE KEY, THUS MEANING THAT THE KEY MUST HAVE THE RIGHT HEIGHT VALLEYS TO MAKE THE LOCK OPEN. PRETTY ELEMENTRY, RIGHT? WELL NOW WE CAN MOVE ON TO HOW TO PICK A LOCK. Page 70 IN ORDER TO PICK A LOCK WE (AS I SAID BEFORE) DEPEND ON THE INACCURACY OF THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS. THE FIRST THING TO DO IS TO INSERT THE TENSION WRENCH INTO THE LOCK AND APPLY A SLIGHT PRESSURE TO THE LEFT (OR RIGHT IF YOU WISH) SO THAT IF YOU COULD LOOK INSIDE THE LOCK AT WHERE THE PLUG AND THE HOUSING WOULD MEET, IT WOULD LOOK LIKE THIS: ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !*!<----Spring ! !*! ! __________! !*! !___________ __________ !*! ____________ ! !*!! PLUG ! !_!! ! _ ! ! !*!<-----Pin ! \_/! NOW A SLIGHT PRESURE IS ON THE PINS. BECAUSE THE PINS CAN NOT BE PRODUCED EXACTLY THE SAME, THERE IS ONE PIN WHICH IS THE WIDEST AND THERE FORE HAS MORE TENSION ON IT, AND ONE WHICH IS THE THINNEST AND HAS ALMOST NO PRESSURE ON IT. WE NOW USE THE PICK TO >GENTLY< PUSH EACH PIN UP (AND TRY TO FEEL IT WHEN YOU LET IT DOWN) UNTIL WE FIND WHICH IS THE TIGHTEST ON AND WHICH IS LOOSEST. GETTING THE FEEL FOR THIS IS THE HARDEST PART OF LOCK PICKING. NOW THAT YOU HAVE FOUND THE LOOSEST ONE, GENTLY PRESS IT UPWARD UNTIL YOU FEEL A SLIGHT REDUCTION IN TENSION ON THE TENSION WRENCH. THIS WILL HAPPEN WHEN THE TOP OF THE BOTTOM PIN BECOMES EVEN WITH THE JUNCTION OF THE PLUG AND THE HOUSING. DO NOT RELEASE ANY TENSION FROM THE WRENCH NOW! THE DRIVER WILL NOW BE TRAPPED IN THE HOUSING AS ILLUSTRATED HERE: (DON'T I DRAW PRETTY) ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !*! ! ! !*! ! ___________! !_! !___________ _______________ ___________ ! !*! ! PLUG ! !*! ! ! \_/ ! ! ! NOW YOU CONTINUE THIS PROCESS WITH EACH OF THE PINS UNTIL YOU WORK YOUR WAY UP TO THE ONE THAT IS WIDEST. WITH SOME PRACTICE YOU CAN GET FAIRLY FAST AT THIS. I SUGGEST PRACTICING ON A FOUR PIN TUMBLER LOCK THAT IS BOUGHT FROM A HARDWARE STORE, THE CHEAPER THE BETTER. Page 71 I WOULD LIKE TO DISCUSS A PATICULAR CONFIGURATION OF THE PINS NOW THAT MAY PRESENT A PARTICULARLY HARD JOB TO PICK. THIS IS GRAPHICLY SHOWN HERE BY THE TWO MIDDLE PINS: !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !_! !*! !*! !*! _ !*! !_! !*! !*! !_! _ !*! !*! _ !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !_! !*! !*! !*! _ !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! !*! \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_______________ WHEN YOU TRY TO PUSH THE 2ND PIN FROM THE LEFT UP, YOU WILL UNAVOIDABLY BE PUSHING THE ONE IN FRONT OF IT UP BE- CAUSE OF IT'S LONG BOTTOM PIN. THE ONLY SOLUTION FOR THIS IS TO GET A SPECIAL PICK THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS: \ \ _______________ \_/ THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH THIS IS THAT IT IS HARD TO INITIALLY DETECT. THE REASON THAT IT MAKES IT HARDER IF IT IS NOT IMMEDIETLY APPERANT IS THAT YOU UnAVOIDABLY PUSH THE 3RD PIN FROM THE LEFT UP INTO THE HOUSING, GETTING IT JAMMED: ! !*! ! HOUSING ! !_! ! ! _ ! ! !*! ! __________! !*! !________ ___________ !*! ________ !!*!! PLUG !!*!! !\_/! Page 72 I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO ADDRESS A TECHNIQUE CALLED RAKING. IT USES A TOOL LIKE THIS: \/\/\/\___________ BASICLY YOU "RAKE" IT BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE PINS, HOPING THAT COMBINED WITH THE TENSION IT WILL GIVE YOU THE RIGHT COMBINATION. THIS WAY HAS BEEN KNOWN: FAST SOMETIMES, BUT IS NOT VERY RELIABLE, AND I WOULD SUGGEST LEARNING TO ACTUALLY "PICK" THE LOCK. EARLIER I PROMISED AN ADDRESS TO ORDER LOCKSMITHING MATERIALS FROM, SO HERE IT IS: Garrison Protective Electronics PO Box 128 <--Dropped to lower case to Kew Gardens, New York, 11415 stand out better. SOURCES: PERSONAL PRACTICE AND MANY EXCELLENT BOOKS FROM MENTOR PRESS, IF YOU WOULD LIKE THEIR CATALOG, SEND A Self- Addressed-Stamped-Envelope TO: The Intelligence Library Mentor Publications <--Ditto here. 135-53 Northern Blvd. Flushing, NY 11354 AND ASK FOR ANY INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE INTELLIGENCE LIBRARY. THIS CONCLUDES OUR EXTRAORDINAIRELY GRAPHIC ARTICLE ON LOCK PICKING. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, LEAVE E-MAIL FOR -- Darc Deathe -- ON MOST NATIONAL BBS'S. Edited by : Quasimoto Re-Edited by : Dark Star Re-Hashed by : DarkStorm Page 73 [ Utopia Bbs: (213) 556-8629 ] ]]]]]]]]]]#[[[[[[[[[[ ]] LOCK PICKING [[ ]] BY [[ ]] ^^^NIGHTWING^^^ [[ ]]]]]]]]]]#[[[[[[[[[[ SO YOU WANT TO BE A CRIMINAL. WELL, IF YOU ARE WANTING TO BE LIKE JAMES BOND AND OPEN A LOCK IN FIFTEEN SECONDS, GO TO HOLLYWOOD BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY PLACE YOUR GONNA DO IT. EVEN EXPERIENCED LOCKSMITHS CAN SPEND 5 TO 10 MINUTES ON A LOCK IF THEY'RE UNLUCKY. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR EXTREMELY QUICK ACCESS, LOOK ELSEWHERE. THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS WILL PERTAIN MOSTLY TO THE "LOCK-IN-KNOB" TYPE LOCK, SINCE IT IS THE EASIEST TO PICK. IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT DEMAND, I WILL LATER WRITE A FILE DISCUSSING THE OTHER FORMS OF ENTRANCE, INCLUDING DEAD-BOLT FIRST OF ALL, YOU NEED A PICK SET. IF YOU KNOW A LOCKSMITH, GET HIM TO MAKE YOU A SET. THIS WILL BE THE BEST POSSIBLE SET FOR YOU TO USE. IF YOU FIND A LOCKSMITH WILLING TO SUPPLY A SET, DON'T GIVE UP HOPE. IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR OWN, IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A GRINDER (YOU CAN USE A FILE, BUT IT TAKES FOREVER.) THE THING YOU NEED IS AN ALLEN WRENCH SET (VERY SMALL). THESE SHOULD BE SMALL ENOUGH TO FIT INTO THE KEYHOLE SLOT. NOW, BEND THE LONG END OF THE ALLEN WRENCH AT A SLIGHT ANGLE..(NOT 90 DEG.) IT SHOULD LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS: #1 \\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (THIS IS THE HANDLE \\\ THAT WAS ALREADY \\\ (HERE.) \\\ \\\ \\\ NOW, TAKE YOUR PICK TO A GRINDER OR A FILE AND SMOOTH THE END (#1) UNTIL IT'S ROUNDED SO IT WON'T HANG INSIDE THE LOCK. TEST YOUR TOOL OUT ON DOORKNOBS AT YOUR HOUSE TO SEE IF IT WILL SLIDE IN AND OUT SMOOTHLY. Page 74 NOW, THIS IS WHERE THE SCREWDRIVER COMES IN. IS IT SMALL ENOUGH FOR IT AND YOUR PICK TO BE USED IN THE SAME LOCK AT THE SAME TIME, ONE ABOVE THE OTHER ? LETS HOPE SO, BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY WAY YOUR GONNA OPEN IT. IN THE COMING INSTRUCTIONS, PLEASE REFER TO THIS CHART OF THE INTERIOR OF A LOCK: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| K # # # # # # | E # # # # | Y * * | H * * * * * * | O | L | E XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| #= UPPER TUMLER PIN *= LOWER TUMLER PIN X= CYLINDER WALL (THIS IS A GREATLY SIMPLIFIED DRAWING) THE OBJECT IS TO PRESS THE PIN UP SO THAT THE SPACE BETWEEN THE UPPER PIN AND THE LOWER PIN IS LEVEL WITH THE CYLINDER WALL. NOW, IF YOU PUSH A PIN UP, ITS TENDANCY IS TO FALL BACK DOWN, RIGHT ? THAT IS WHERE THE SCREWDRIVER COMES IN. INSERT THE SCREWDRIVER INTO THE SLOT AND TURN. THIS TENSION WILL KEEP THE "SOLVED" PINS FROM FALLING BACK DOWN. NOW, WORK FROM THE BACK OF THE LOCK TO THE FRONT, AND WHEN YOU'RE THROUGH..... THERE WILL BE A CLICK, THE SCREWDRIVER WILL TURN FREELY, AND THE DOOR WILL OPEN. DON'T GET DISCOURAGE ON YOUR FIRST TRY! IT WILL PROBABLY TAKE YOU ABOUT 20-30 MINUTES YOUR FIRST TIME. AFTER THAT YOU WILL QUICKLY IMPROVE WITH PRACTICE. THIS IS BY NO MEANS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY OF ENTERING A HOUSE. IF YOU WOULD LIKE ANOTHER ITEM OR TWO DEVOTED TO THESE OTHER WAYS, LET THE SYSOP KNOW. Page 75 Displaying LOCKPICK.DOC: +==========================================+ + BE A LOCKPICK, GET INTO PADLOCKS + + "HOW TO CRACK A PADLOCK" + +==========================================+ I must attribute this message/file to reading I have done from another files about this, and some methods that I have made up on my own. This method has been only assured with "Master" padlocks. They are a very common padlock.. This might only work on those, but who knows.. First, pull the lock down, not so much as that it is impossible to turn, but just enough to be able to do the following: Turn the knob around clockwise (to the right) until you feel a small, small resistance which will last 2-3 numbers on the dial long. You might try doing this a few times to find the exact number that it does this on, and not to be mistaken with another. Now, add 5 to the number you have gotten. Guess what? You have the first number in the combonation! There are a few mehods to get the next number. I will tell you both, one method, is very quick, but not always 100% reliable. The other is very difficult. QUICK METHOD: This method will get the last two numbers in the combination in one step. --First, turn right and stop on the first number you got. Then, turn left and stop on the first number again. Continue turning to the left to the next marked number. This means that the dial goes by five, and if your first number is 18, go to the 20.. Then turn to the dial to the right again, while pulling down on the lock (as hard as you pull to unlock it if you have the right combo), and keep turning to the right until you get to the 2nd number you've tried. If it doesn't unlock, go on to the next marked number on the dial. (For instance, you're first number is 18, you tried 20 past right, it doesn't work, then try 25.) Keep doing this until eventually you unlock it, or it doesn't work. The most times that you would have to do this is about 8. HARD, BUT NEVER FAILS METHOD: As in above, turn right to your first number, and then turn left until you get your first number again. Begin pulling down on the lock again, and trying to feel for a little resistance. If it is very stiff, you probably have the second number. If it is weak, then continue turning. You should try 2 or 3 times to make sure you get the same results. After you think you've got the second number, turn back to the right, while pulling down on the lock between tries of oh, say every 3 numbers, and eventually, CLICK, it will open. //=DISCLAIMER: I am not held responsible for the use of this information. This is for, let's say, basic knowledge... Let's say, if you ever forget your combonation, or it is very important you get into another lock. This file/message has been brought to you by MASTER MICRO! Page 76 Wierd Drugs By: Pa Bell Bananas: 1. Obtain 15 pounds of ripe yellow bananas 2. Peel all and eat the fruit. Save the peelings 3. Scrape all the insides of the peels with a sharp knife. 4. Put all the scraped material in a large pot and add water. 5. Boil 3 or 4 hours until it has attained a solid paste considtency. 6. Spread paste onto cookie sheets and dry in ofen for about 20 minutes. This will result in fine black powder. Usually one will feel the effects after smoking three to four cigarettes. Cough syrup: mix robitussion a-c with an equal amount of ginger ale and drink. The effects are sedation and euphoria. Never underestimate the effects of any drug! You can OD on cough syrup! Toads: 1. Collect five to ten toads, frogs will not work. The best kind are tree toads. 2. Kill them as painlessly as possible, and skin immediately. 3. Allow the skins to dry in a refrigerator for four to five days, or until the skins are brittle. 4. Now crush the skins into powder and smoke. Due to its bad taste you can mix it with a more fragrent smoking medium. Page 77 Nutmeg: 1. Take several whole nutmegs and grind them up in an old grinder. 2. After the nutmegs are ground. Place in a mortar and pulverize with a pestle. 3. The usual dosage is about 10 or 15 grams. A larger dose may produce excessive thirst,anxiety,and rapid heart beat, but hallucinations are rare. {Hallucinations maybe rare, but it does happen.} {PS- To get hallucinations you must eat something like 30g, which is extremely close to a lethal dose. If you die from this one, I didn't tell you to do it.} Peanuts: 1. Take 1 pound of raw peanuts (not roasted) 2. Shell them, saving the skins and discarding the shells. 3. Eat the nuts. 4. Grind up the skins and smoke them. Page 78 How to Break In to a House By: Jim Meeker Okay You Need: 1. Tear Gas or Mace{Use the Mace from MISC. COMPOUNDS} 2. A BB/Pelet Gun 3. An Ice Pick 4. Thick Gloves What You Do Is: 1. Call the ###-#### of the house, or ring doorbell, To find out if they're home. 2. If they're not home then... 3. Jump over the fence or walk through gate (whatever). 4. If you see a dog give him the mace or tear gas. 5. Put the gloves on!!!!!!! 6. Shoot the BB gun slightly above the window locks. 7. Push the ice-pick through the hole (made by the BB gun). 8. Enter window. 9. FIRST...Find the LIVING ROOM. (they're neat things there!). 10. Then goto the Bed-room to get a pillow case. Put the goodies in the pillow case. 11. Get out <-* FAST! -*> Notes: You should have certian targets worked out (like computers, Radios, Ect.,Ect.). Also <-* NEVER *-> Steal from your own neigborhood. If you think they have an alarm...<-* FORGET IT! *->. Page 79 Demolition Article #1 By: King Arthur Like all chemists I must advise you all to take the greatest care and caution when you are doing this. Even if you have made this stuff before. This first article will give you information on making nitroglyerin, the basic ingredient in a lot of explosives such as straight dynamites, and geletin dynamites. --------------------------------------- Making nitroglycerin --------------------------------------- 1. Fill a 75-milliliter beaker to the 13 ml. Level with fuming red nitric acid, of 98% pure concentration. 2. Place the beaker in an ice bath and allow to cool below room temp. 3. After it has cooled, add to it three times the amount of fuming sulferic acid (99% h2so4). In other words, add to the now-cool fuming nitric acid 39 ml. Of fuming sulferic acid. When mixing any acids, always do it slowly and carefully to avoid splattering. 4. When the two are mixed, lower thier temp. By adding more ice to the bath, about 10-15 degrees centigrade. (Use a mercury-operated thermometer) 5. When the acid solution has cooled to the desired temperature, it is ready for the glycerin. The glycerin must be added in small amounts using a medicine dropper. (Read this step about 10 times!) Glycerin is added slowly and carefully (i mean careful!) Until the entire surface of the acid it covered with it. 6. This is a dangerous point since the nitration will take place as soon as the glycerin is added. The nitration will produce heat, so the solution must be kept below 30 degrees centigrade! If the solution should go above 30 degrees, immediately dump the solution into the ice bath! This will insure that it does not go off in your face! 7. For hte first ten minutes of nitration, the mixture should be gently stirred. In a normal reaction the nitroglycerin will formas a layer on top of the acid solution, while the sulferic acid will absorb the excess water. Page 80 8. After the nitration has taken place, and the nitroglycerin has formed on the top of the solution, the entire beaker should be transferred slowly and carefully to another beaker of water. When this is done the nitroglycerin will settle at the bottem so the other acids can be drained away. 9. After removing as much acid as posible without disturbing the nitroglycerin, remove the nitroglycerin with an eyedropper and place it in a bicarbonate of soda (sodium bicarbonate in case you didn't know) solution. The sodium is an alkalai and will nuetralize much of the acid remaining. This process should be repeated as much as necesarry using blue litmus paper to check for the presence of acid. The remaining acid only makes the nitroglycerin more unstable than it already is. 10. Finally! The final step is to remove the nitroglycerin from the bicarbonate. His is done with and eye- dropper, slowly and carefully. The usual test to see if nitration has been successful is to place one drop of the nitroglycerin on metal and ignite it. If it is true nitroglycerin it will burn with a clear blue flame. ** Caution ** nitro is very sensative to decomposition, heating dropping, or jarring, and may explode if left undisturbed and cool. Page 81 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Demoltion Article #2 By: King Arthur I have decided to skip the article on mercury fluminate for a while and get right into the dynamite article. Dynamite is nothing more than just nitroglycerin and a stablizing agent to make it much safer to use. For the sake of saving time, I will abbreviate nitroglycerin with a plain NG. The numbers are percentages, be sure to mix these carefully and be sure to use the exact amounts. These percentages are in weight ratio, not volume. ------ ------ no. ingredients amount --------------------------------------- #1 NG 32 sodium nitrate 28 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 29 {Note: Use NG From the chapter on how to build it.} guncotten 1 <--- Nitrocellulose {Have fun trying to find it!} #2 NG 24 I am contemplating writing, potassium nitrate 9 or adding a chapter on how sodium nitate 56 to make the stuff, it's woodmeal 9 only slightly difficult. ammonium oxalate 2 #3 NG 35.5 potassium nitrate 44.5 woodmeal 6 guncotton 2.5 vaseline 5.5 powdered charcoal 6 #4 NG 25 potassium nitrate 26 woodmeal 34 barium nitrate 5 starch 10 #5 NG 57 potassium nitrate 19 woodmeal 9 ammonium oxalate 12 guncotton 3 Page 82 #6 NG 18 sodium nitrate 70 woodmeal 5.5 potassium chloride 4.5 chalk 2 #7 NG 26 woodmeal 40 barium nitrate 32 sodium carbonate 2 #8 NG 44 woodmeal 12 anhydrous sodium sulfate 44 #9 NG 24 potassium nitrate 32.5 woodmeal 33.5 ammonium oxalate 10 #10 NG 26 potassium nitrate 33 woodmeal 41 #11 NG 15 sodium nitrate 62.9 woodmeal 21.2 sodium carbonate .9 #12 NG 35 sodium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 1 #13 NG 32 potassium nitrate 27 woodmeal 10 ammonium oxalate 30 guncotton 1 #14 NG 33 woodmeal 10.3 ammonium oxalate 29 guncotton .7 potassium perchloride 27 #15 NG 40 sodium nitrate 45 woodmeal 15 Page 83 #16 NG 47 starch 50 guncotton 3 #17 NG 30 sodium nitrate 22.3 woodmeal 40.5 potassium chloride 7.2 #18 NG 50 sodium nitrate 32.6 woodmeal 17 ammonium oxalate .4 #19 NG 23 potassium nitrate 27.5 woodmeal 37 ammonium oxalate 8 barium nitrate 4 calcium carbonate .5 Page 84 HouseHold Chemicals Household equivalants for chemicles It has come to my attention that m any of these chemicles are sold under brand names, or have household equivalants. here is a list that might help you out. acetic acid vinegar aluminum oxide alumia aluminum potassium sulfate alum aluminum sulfate alum ammonium hydroxide ammonia carbon carbonate chalk calcium hypochloride bleaching powder calcium oxide lime calcium sulfate plaster of paris carbonic acid seltzer carbon tetrachloride cleaning fluid ethylene dichloride Dutch fluid ferric oxide iron rust _Just buy graphite at the glucose corn syrup /Hardware store, it's used graphite pencil lead/ to lube locks and such. hydrochloric acid muriatic acid_ Extremely diluted hydrogen peroxide peroxide \_/ lead acetate sugar of lead lead tetrooxide red lead magnesium silicate talc magnesium sulfate Epsom salts naphthalene mothballs phenol carbolic acid potassium bicarbonate cream of tartar potassium chromium sulf. chrome alum potassium nitrate saltpeter sodium dioxide sand sodium bicarbonate baking soda sodium borate borax sodium carbonate washing soda sodium chloride salt sodium hydroxide lye sodium silicate water glass sodium sulfate glauber's salt sodium thiosulfate photographer's hypo sulferic acid battery acid sucrose cane sugar zinc chloride tinner's fluid Page 85 Keep this list handy at all times. If you can't seem to get one or more of the ingredients try another one. If you still can't, you can always buy sm all amounts from your school, or maybe from various chemical companies. When you do that, be sure to say as little as possible, if during the school year, and they ask, say it's for a experement for school. Page 86 Misc. Compounds By: The Prowler <-> Mace Substitute <-> 3 PARTS: Alchohol 1/2 PARTS: Iodine 1/2 PARTS: Salt Or: 3 PARTS: Alchohol 1 PARTS: Iodized Salt (Mortons) It's not actual mace, but it does a damn good job on the eyes... <-> CO2 Canister Bomb <-> Take a Co2 canister and cut the top almost off but leave a little to form a hinge. Let out the Co2 and insert a M80 into it. Insert fuse throught hole in top. Close the top by welding or epoxy glue. When ready to ignite just light... Pretty neat eh? <-> Unstable Explosives <-> Mix solid Nitric Iodine with househould ammonia. Wait overnight and then pour off the liquid. You will be left with a muddy substance. Let this dry till it hardens. Now throw it at something!!!! <-> Jug Bomb <-> Take a glass jug, and put 3 to 4 drops of gasoline into it. Then put the cap on, and swish the gas around so the inner surface of the jug is coated. Then add a few drops of potassium permanganate solution into it and cap it. To blow it up, either throw it at something, or roll it at something. Page 87 <-> Hindenberg Bomb <-> Needed: 1 Balloon 1 Bottle 1 Liquid Plumr 1 Piece Aluminum Foil 1 Length Fuse Fill the bottle 3/4 full with Liquid Plumr and add a little piece of aluminum foil to it. Put the balloon over the neck of the bottle until the balloon is full of the resulting gas. This is highly flammable hydrogen. Now tie the baloon. Now light the fuse, and let it rise. When the fuse contacts the balloon, watch out!!! {Bullshit, it's nothing. Try something better, use better chemicals etc. You can make some nice stuff with gases.} Page 88 How to Build Black Powder By: Mr. Byte-Zap Black powder can be prepared in a simple, safe manner. It may be used as blasting or gun powder. Material required: Quantity: ----------------- -------- potassium nitrate --- granulated --------- 3 cups wood charcoal --------- powdered --------- 2 cups sulfur ---------------- powdered --------- 1/2 cup alcohol - (whiskey, rubbing alcohol) ----- 5 pints Water ------------------------------------ 3 cups heat source 2 buckets -- each 2 gallon capacity, at least one of which is heat resistant (metal, ceramic, etc.) Flat window screening ------- at least 1 ft. Square large wooden stick cloth ----------------------- at least 2 ft. Square note: the above amounts will yield 2 ounds of black powder. However, only the ratios of the amounts of the ingredients are important. Thus, for twice as much black powder, double all quantities used. Procedure: --------- 1) place alcohol in one of the buckets 2) place potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur in the heat resistant bucket. Add 1 cup water and mix thoroughly with wooden stick until all ingredients are dissolved. 3) Add remaining water (2 cups) to mixture. Place bucket on heat source and stir until small bubbles begin to form. Caution: do not boil mixture. Be sure all mixture stays wet. If any is dry, as on sides of pan, it may ignite. 4) Remove bucket from heat and pour mixture into alcohol while stirring vigorously Page 89 5) let alcohol stand about 5 minutes. Strain mixture through cloth to obtain black powder. Discard liquid. Wrap cloth around black powder and squeeze to remove all excess liquid. 6) Place screening over dry bucket. Place workable amount of damp powder on screen and granulate by rubbing solid through screen note: if granulated particles appear to stick together and change shape, recombine entire batch of powder and repeat steps 5 & 6. 7) Spread granulated powder on flat dry surface so that layer about 1/2 inch is formed. Allow to dry. Use radiator , or direct sunlight. This should be dried as soon as possible, preferably in one hour. The longer the drying period, the less effective the black powder. Caution: remove from heat as soon as granules are dry. Black powder is now ready for use. Page 90 Fire Bombs, Napalm etc. By: Lex Luthor FIREBOMBS Most fire bombs are simply gasoline filled bottles with a fuel soaked rag in the mouth (the bottle's mouth, not yours). The original Molotov cocktail, and still about the best, was a mixture of one part gasoline and one part motor oil. The oil helps it to cling to what it splatters on. Some use one part roofing tar and one part gasoline. Fire bombs have been found whcih were made by pouring melted wax into gasoline. NAPALM About the best fire bomb is napalm. It has a thick consistancy, like jam and is best for use on vehilces or buildings. Napalms is simply one part gasoline and one part soap. The soap is either soap flakes or shredded bar soap. Detergents won't do. The gasoline must be heated in order for the soap to melt. The usual way is with a double boiler where the top part has at least a two-quart capicity. The water in the bottom part is brought to a boil and the double boiler is taken from the stove and carried to where there is no flame. Then one part, by volume, of gasoline is put in the top part and allowed to heat as much as it will and the soap is added and the mess is stirred until it thickens. A better way to heat gasoline is to fill a bathtub with water as hot as you can get it. It will hold its heat longer and permit a much larger container than will the double boiler. NOTE: Anyone who lives after trying this, drop me a note, I want to shake your hand. Page 91 MATCH HEAD BOMB Simple safety match heads in a pipe, capped at both ends, make a devestating bomb. It is set off with a regular fuse A plastic Baggie is put into the pipe before the heads go in to prevent detonation by contact with the metal. Cutting enough match heads to fill the pipe can be tedious work for one but an evening's fun for the family if you can drag them away from the TV. FUSE IGNITION FIRE BOMB A four strand homemade fuse is used for this. It burns like fury. It is held down and concealed by a strip of bent tin cut from a can. The exposed end of the fuse is dipped into the flare igniter. To use this one, you light the fuse and hold the fire bomb until the fuse has burned out of sight under the tin. Then throw it and when it breaks, the burning fuse will ignite the contents. WHAT!?!? Page 92 How to Make Nitroglycerin By: Karl Marx CH2ONO2 ! 3/2 N2 + 3 CO2 CHONO2 ----------> + ! Ignition 5/2 H2O + 1/4 O2 CH2ONO2 (How Nitro explodes--note that the byproducts are nothing but nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water and oxygen) Nitroglycerin [heretofore Nitro] is a very powerful high- explosive. I am not sure who invented it but he probably didn't-- the first person to make it probably blew himself up and his freind got the info off his notes. Well anyway, the next best thing to Nitro is TNT which is ten times harder to make but also ten times safer to make. If you can't use common sense then dont even TRY to make this stuff--a few drops can be lethal under certain circumstances. To make Nitro: == ==== ====== Mix 100 parts fuming nitric acid (for best results it should have a specific gravity of 50 degrees Baume') with 200 parts sulphuric acid. This is going to be HOT at first--it won't splatter if you pour the nitric INTO the sulphuric but don't try it the other way around. The acid solutions together can disolve flesh in a matter of seconds so take the proper measures for God's sake!!! When cool, add 38 parts glycerine as slowly as possible. Let it trickle down the sides of the container into the acids or it won't mix thourily and the reaction could go to fast--which causes enough heat to ignite the stuff. Stir with a **GLASS** rod for 15 seconds or so then CARFULLY pour it into 20 times it's *VOLUME* of water. It will visibly precipitate immediatly. there will be twice as much Nitro as you used glycerin and it is easy to separate. Mix it with baking soda as soon as you have separated it-- this helps it not to go off spontainously. Page 93 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: NOTES: Parts are by weight and the Baume' scale of spicific gravity can be found in most chem. books. You ca get fuming nitric and sulfuric acids wherever good chemicals or fertilizers are sold. It is positivly *STUPID* to make more than 200 grams of Nitro at a time. When mixing the stuff wear goggles, gloves, etc. When I first made the stuff I had the honor of having it go off by itself (I added too much glycerine at a time.) I was across the room at the time, but I felt the impact--so did the table it was on as well as the window it was next to--they were both smashed by only 25 grams in an open bowl. Oh, yes, glycerine you can get at any pharmacy and you need an adult signature for the acids. Any bump can make Nitro go off if you don't add the bicarbonate of (baking) soda--but even with that, if it gets old I wouldn't play catch with it. Once you have made the Nitro and saturated it with Bicarb. you can make a really powerful explosive that won't go off by itself by simply mixing it with as much cotton as you can and then saturating that with molten ((parifine--just enough to make it sealed and hard. Typically, use the same amounts (by weight) of each Nitro, cotton and parifine. This, when wrapped in newspaper, was once known as "Norbin & Ohlsson's Patent Dynamite," but that was back in 1896. Page 94 I Zoxxon take no responsibility for the use of these items stated herewithin. This textfile is presented for informational use only. The comments are added to most of the things i have attempted. All of the origional authors names have been deleted for privacy. All telephone numbers have been deleted also in order to preserve secrecy. Some articles are from the ill-fated, "THE POLICE STATION" BBS Homemade Bombs (Just the way Mom used to make 'em) Explosive Devices An anarchist's beginning guide to explosives! (or how to get back at those neighbors who told you to turn your stereo down by blowing em up!) 1.Quickie... Take organic pool chlorine and mix it with vegetable shortening and put it someplace you don't like. It reacts by itself to produce a very noxious white smoke and heat. *make sure you are not around because the fumes are harmful to your health. 2.A pipe bomb (dangerous) Take a pipe, crimp (closed at one end) and pack it 3/4 full of paraffin (or any other semi-solid with about the same basic chemical structure), poke a number of holes through the length of the paraffin. On top of this put a very thin steel (or other metal of that sort) wafer, make double damn sure** that it fits tightly all the way around. On top of this put some high concentration HCL (or similar acid). Close the top now, stand it on end (paraffin end down), and get the fuck away. You should have about 2-5 minutes depending on the thickness of the wafer. Watch out for shrapnel. *sure you will..more like 5-30 seconds. better to use a vial on the bottom ,stand the pipe upright, tie a string around it and pull from far away. 3. Snowball... Take ammonium iodide, flour, & water and form this into a snowball. Leave this 'snowball' somewhere where it will do neat stuff when it dries out. (substituting some magnesium flash powder for some (not all) of that flour helps things a bit.) Page 95 4.Fire bomb.. Take carbon disulfide and dissolve white phosphorous in it. Put it in a stoppered bottle and throw it at something you would like to see on fire. When the CS2 evaporates, it leaves a film of P on what ever it hits, and it starts a fire with the solvent vapors. 5. Light bulb bomb (click...booom!) Take a light bulb (brass based preferably so you can solder the wires back when you are done) Unsolder the two wires that are soldered to the brass (one at the center of the base and one on the edge). Remove the base, taking care not to damage the bulb or filament, then take a pair of needle nosed pliers and snap the glass nipple that is now exposed. Fill bulb (not completely),via the hole you just made, with gasoline. Plug hole with silicone or something. Put the base back on, resolder the wires, screw into light fixture (with power off of course!), turn on light...booom! *easier to use a mini-power-drill. EXPLOSIVE INFO WHEN PETROLEUM JELLY AND POTASSIUM CHLORATE ARE MIXED IN A ONE TO ONE RATIO BY WEIGHT, IT MAKES A TOTALLY SAFE WET COMPOUND BUT WHEN DRIED IT BECOMES HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE AND SHOCK SENSITIVE. *store in oil. MIX 3 GRAMS OF POTASSIUM IODIDE AND 5 GRAMS OF IODINE IN A BEAKER WITH 50 ML OF WATER. THEN ADD 20 ML OF AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE [AMMONIA WATER 10%]. FILTER THIS SUBSTANCE AND THE RESULTING SOLID IS CALLED NITROGEN TRIIODIDE. WHEN THIS IS WET IT IS SAFE,BUT WHEN DRY BECOMES VERY EXPLOSIVE AND SHOCK SENSITIVE. *a feather will set it off!! Page 96 Common Rocket Fuel ------------------ Materials: 1.) Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) or "Saltpeter". 2.) Sugar (Powdered is the best) Procedure: 1.) Mix the two together 1/2 Nitrate and 1/2 Sugar 2.) Take an old cooking pan, and melt the two together. There is NO way for it to ignite.(*BULLSHIT!) 3.) It should turn into a fudgey looking compound. Pour this compound into a rocket engine such as a cardboard tube, and set a fuse into the compound and let the compound harden. * it is easier to use dry mixed.(Good for smoke also) Chlorate Mixtures ----------------- NOTE: The main ingredient for this experiment is potassium or sodium chlorate. Both of these will do equally well. However,both may prove difficult to find. Probably the only way to get it would be to order it through a chemical supply house. Materials: ---------- 1) Potassium chlorate or sodium chlorate. 2) Powdered charcoal 3) Powdered aluminum 4) Sulfur Procedure: ---------- NOTE: There is no set procedure for making chlorate mixtures. The only special thing ABOUT chlorate mixtures is that they have a chlorate in them. Experiment with diffiernt proportions of each of the ingredients.All of the chlorate mixtures I made had no set procedure and I just experimented with the proportions of each of the ingredients. Most of your mixture, however, should be potassium chlorate or sodium chlorate. 1) Make sure that you mix the sulfur and charcoal and aluminum first. You may grind these in a mortar and pestal to get a good mix of these ingredients. 2) Add potassium chlorate or sodium chlorate. Mix them VERY CAREFULLY in the mortar and pestal. DO NOT GRIND the mixture once the chlorate has been added or it will ignite and burn the shit out of you. 3) You now may use the mixture for whatever you want to. Chlorate mixtures are some of the best compositions there are and, in my experiences, they are the best except for model rocket propellant (procedure for making this is given later). Page 97 ' Green Goddess ' ----------------- Materials --------- 1.) Zinc (Zn) <---NOTE: This is not the same as Znc Oxide! 2.) Sulfur (S) Procedure --------- 1.) Mix the two together 1/2 and 1/2. 2.) MAKE SURE that you mix them very well. The best way to do so, is to put the mixture in a jar with a lid and shake it up for 15-60 seconds, until it is all a grayish color. 3.) To ignite, use magnesium and a blow torch (*matches don't work). WARNING,this burns very very quickly, and produces smoke. Also it burns at a fairly high temperature(*about 600 deg. fah.). It will surprise you when it ignites. There will be a delay, and then all of a sudden, it will flash up, and is capable of burning the hell out of you. Nitrate Compound ---------------- Materials --------- 1.) Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) 2.) Aluminum Powder (dust) 3.) Sulfur (S) Procedure --------- 1.) Take 2 Tablespoons KNO3 2.) 2 Tablespoons AL 3.) 1/2-1 Tablespoon S 4.) Mix and shake, until all is one solid color. Silver-grey. 5.) You can light this with a fuse or throw a match into it to light. You may experiment with the ratios. Here are a few tips: a.) To make more smoke add more sulfur to the mixture. b.) To make it burn slower, add more Potassium Nitrate. c.) To make it burn faster, add more Aluminum Dust. Page 98 Ok guys, it's me again with another cool one... The Missile Launcher. It's really simple to make, all you need is: 1 empty can (gasoline can preferable) some gasoline a paper bag aluminum foil Now, just cut a piece out of the paper bag about the size of your can. Roll it up cigar-style and tape the very ends to keep it in the same shape. Now, take you're missile, and stick about 3/4ths of it in a pool of gasoline, and let it soak up a little while. Now, on the upper limit of where the gas hit (the gas-line I suppose you could call it) rip a small piece almost completely off, and bend it out. That is your fuse. Ok, now put aluminum foil on the top. The amount of foil that you put on determines the range of the missile. The more the shorter...Makes it easier to aim.. Now you're ready. Put the missile in the hole in the gas can, so that the fuse is light-able, and light it. Stand back, it makes a bit of noise... For sum real phun, put a bit of impact explosive in the nose... *how that one works i have no idea..mine just burnt up... This is really easy. Just get a few bottles of rubber cement and pour a line of it up to a wall and up the wall. Then, light it and watch! Great phun. <<-----Lame! While on the subject of light bulbs, why not apply this to a car? 1] Take a hand drill or grind stone and make a hole at the base of the bulb. 2] Fill the bulb with amonium nitrate, black powder, potassium chlorate, or any explosive material. Result: When the victim turns on his/her headlights, you get a fireworks show. Page 99 How to have phun with someone else's car. If you really detest someone, and I mean detest, here's a few tips on what to do in your spare time. Move the windshield wiper blades, and insert and glue tacks. The tacks make lovely designs. If your "friend" goes to school with you, just before he comes out of school. Take a lighter and put it directly underneath his car door handle. Wait...Leave...Listen. When you hear a loud "shit!", you know he made it to his car in time. *variation: use dry ice in winter.. Remove his muffler and pour approximately 1 Cup of gas in it. Put the muffler back, then wait till their car starts. Then you have a cigarette lighter. A 30 foot long cigarette lighter. This one is effective, and any fool can do it. Remove the top air filter. That's it! Or a oldie but goodie: sugar in the gas tank. Stuff rags soaked in gas up the exhaust pipe. Then you wonder why your "friend" has trouble with his/her lungs. Here's one that takes time and many friends. Take his/her car apart then break into thier house and reassemble it, in their living or bedroom. Phun eh? If you're into engines, say eeni mine moe and point to something and remove it. They wonder why something doesn't work. Page 100 Pool Phun --------- First of all, you need know nothing about pools. The only thing you need to know is what a pool filter looks like. Second, dress casual. Preferably, in black. Visit your "friends" house, the one whose pool looks like fun!!) Then you reverse the polarity polarity of his/her pool, by switching the wires around. They are located in the back of the pump. This will have quite an effect when the pump goes on. In other words. Boooooooooooommm! Thats right, when you mix + wires with - plugs, and vice- versa, the 4th of july happens again. Not into total destruction??? When the pump is off, switch the pump to "backwash". Turn the pump on and get the phuck out! When you look the next day, phunny. The pool is dry. If you want permanent damage, yet no great display like my first one mentioned, shut the valves of the pool off. (There are usually 2) One that goes to the main drain and one that goes to the filter in the pool. That should be enough to have one dead pump. The pump must take in water, so when there isn't any... Practical jokes: These next ones deal with true friends and there is *no* permanent damage done. If you have a pool, you must check the pool with chemicals. There is one labeled orthotolidine. The other is labeled alkaline (ph). You want orthotolidine. (It checks the chlorine). Go to your local pool store and tell them you're going into the pool business, and to sell you ortho- tolidine (a CL detector) Buy this in great quantities if possible. The solution is clear. You fill 2 baggies with this chemical. And sew the bags to the inside of your suit. Next, go swimming with your friend! Then open the bags and look like you're enjoying a piss. Anyone there will turn a deep red! They will be embarrassed so much, especially if they have guests there! Explain what it is, then add vinegar to the pool. Only a little. The "piss" will disappear. Page 101 Ye Olde Moltov-Cocktail: % <--Wick (dipped in gasoline) %% _%_ I---I <---Cap Liquor __ I % I (or Gasoline) \ / \ \ \ /--Bottle (obviously) / \-> \ / I_______I<-/ I The I ICoktailI Label ----> Iof the I I World i I-------i i_______i A simple moltov for all of you. One special note. I suggest using gas instead of liquor for the cocktail, seeing as how one can make for himself much better cocktails. Very Simple bomb. Just light and throw. There are many variations to this, which are in phile #2. -Galin {Special note.... I tried to get you his 'phile #2', but I have not found it anywhere. Anyone who has it should contact me, or add it to a copy, Just put it in the zip along with the rest of the file.} Page 102 The Anarchist's Micro Cookbook by: MAELSTROM (A Book of simple bombs for the average, and unscientific kid.) Matchbomb: Tin foil, matches (wooden or paper), fuse Cut off the sulfur tops of the matches. Put them on the tin foil. Pack tightly. Put the fuse into the middle of the bomb, and pack very tightly. If not packed enough, you will only get a flame thrower. With 3000 match heads, you will get a six foot flame if not packed enough. Otherwise it will explode, sending flames in every direction. Variations of the Matchbomb: Ping-pong bomb: Ping-pong ball, matches, fuse Follow same directions as matchbomb, but put the match heads into a ping-pong ball. (Put a hole in it with an awl.) Stuff in the match heads. Then add the fuse. Average ping-pong ball takes over 100 match heads. When lit, throw, will explode in air if packed tight, otherwise, only a small meltdown will occur. A well packed ping-pong bomb will explode sending a shower of flame and match heads for over 25 ft. The shell of the ping-pong ball will be set aflame and will melt to whatever it hits. Jar bomb: Babyfood jar, matches, fuse, cap Ditto of matchbomb. Pack tight, etc. Put hole in top of cap with awl, and set in the fuse about 1/4 inch into the match heads. Normal size jar will hold over 2900 match heads. Pack them until they will not pack tighter. Light fuse and throw, or run. When matches catch, will blow the jar to shreads. Do not stand too close, or you will get the shrapnel upside your head. Page 103 Shellbomb: Bullet, fuse, pliers, drill, hammer, nail Remove the bullet from the live shell with the pliers. Point away from yourself, just in case you screw up too badly. Save the bullet for other bombs, etc. Pour the blackpowder onto a table top, paper cup, napkin, or other. Strike the back of the bullet shell with the nail and hammer to set it off. Now take the drill and drill a hole in the back of the shell. Refill with the blackpowder. Crimp end with pliers. Put fuse in hole. Light and throw. Explosion will shatter the shell, tearing it to pieces and sending shrapnel everywhere. Enjoy it, but do not get hit. this will ruin the fun. Variation of Shellbomb: Same as shell bomb, but leave the blackpowder in the shell, and just add the fuse to the open end, and then crimp a bit less tightly. Light and throw etc. Works basically the same way, just a faster version. Simple bomb: Balloon, blackpowder (1 lb), fuse, duct tape, BB's Fill balloon with blackpowder. Put fuse into open end of balloon. Wrap balloon tightly with duct tape. Put some BB's in between layers of duct tape. Do about 3 or 4 layers. Light and enjoy. Do not stand too close: BB's fly fast and hard. For any of these bombs, add some smokepowder from smoke bombs to make it more noticable. Add some copper fillings, or powder for a green flame, or magnesium ribbon for a blinding flash of white light. Page 104 To finish off I will throw in the infamous Maltov-Cocktail. Moltov-Cocktail: Whiskey bottle, cap, tampon, copper wire, gasoline Drink the whiskey first. Ok, now you can begin. Fill the bottle with gasoline, and screw on its cap. next dip the tampon, yes, a tampon(or a cotton ball for those of you who are wimps) in gasoline. Wrap the copper wire around the neck of the whiskey bottle, securing the tampon in place. Light the tampon and throw. If the cap is on well, then you can hold it for as long as necessary, the cocktail will not explode until the glass shatters. Variation of Moltov-Cocktail: Same as above, but fill the bottle with styrofoam after drinking the whiskey. Then fill with gasoline and proceed as planned. The styrofoam will melt when the bottle explodes, and will remain molten for a few seconds before hardening again. This is extremely painful if it gets on you, and will usually cause third degree burns. Can be used to take out wooden buildings or other substances which require a long heating before combustion. The styrofoam will burn for a while hot enough to ignite most wood structures. Have a hell of a time, and remember, there's nothing wrong with what you are doing, 'til you get caught. cc Page 105 How to Hotwire a Car By: The Marauder The easiest way is to just get under the dashboard and start crossing wires. Of course this could short out the entire electrical system so there is a better way. When you get in the car, look under the dash. If it's enclosed then don't bother. Most new cars are like this unfortunately. However you could cut through the dash. If you do cut just do it near the ignition. Once you get behind or near the ignition, look for two red wires. In older cars this was the standard color code. If they aren't there you'll just have to try whatever else you can find. Pull out the two wires and cross them. The car should start. Page 106 CARS AND LIGHTBULBS etc You wanna fuck up someones car try putting a cup of sugar in the gas tank or a raw egg. The sugar seizes the engine bigtime! I dunno what the egg does but once some dickless asshole put one in our gas tank and we had to get the tank removed to get it out. It looked like an Omelette.. Take the bottom of the light bulb off very carefully (*heat it up with a blowtorch to expand it) and make sure you do not destroy any wires...You should now have the metal part it one hand and the glass part in another. Put the metal one down. Fill bottom of bulb with gunpowder and then put water on top. when putting the metal back in, be sure that the filament, the part that lights up, touches both the water and the powder. When someone turns on the light...hahaha... Also try the same thing, but stop at the part where you put in the stuff...Buy a size A Rocket engine, and hook it up with the igniter hooked to the wires on the filament...Point it down,and they'll get a surprise when someone turns on the light! Ok, like I saw the ol' light bulb bomb trick done in this cool movie,'The Soldier'...The commie bad guy snuck into the CIA director's office,and took the glass part off the light bulb. He filled the glass part with gasoline (or some flammable stuff) and liquid soap to have the fire stick to the guy. He glued it back together, and when he turned on the light... Page 107 Electronic Terrorism By: King Tut It starts when a big, dumb lummox rudely insults you. Being of a rational, intelligent disposition, you wisely choose to avoid a (direct) confrontation. But as he laughs in your face, you smile inwardly---your revenge is already planned. Step 1: follow your victim to his locker, car, or house. Once you have chosen your target site, lay low for a week or more, letting your anger boil. Step 2: in the mean time, assemble your versatile terrorist kit(details below.) Step 3: plant your kit at the desig- nated target site on a monday morning between the hours of 4:00 am and 6:00 am. Include a calm, suggestive note that quietly hints at the possibility of another attack. Do not write it by hand! An example of an effective note: "don't be such a jerk, or the next one will take off your hand. Have a nice day." Notice how the calm tone instills fear. As if written by a homicidal psychopath. Step 5: choose a strategic location overlooking the target site. Try to position yourself in such a way that you can see his facial contortions. Step 6: sit back and enjoy the fireworks! Assembly of the versatile, economic, and effective terrorist kit #1: the parts you'll need are: 1) 4 aa batteries 2) 1 9-volt battery 3) 1 spdt mini relay (radio shack) 4) 1 rocket engine(smoke bomb or m-80) 5) 1 solar ignitor (any hobby store) 6) 1 9-volt battery connector Page 108 step 1: take the 9-volt battery and wire it through the relay's coil. This circuit should also include a pair of contacts that when separated cut off this circuit. These contacts should be held together by trapping them between the locker,mailbox, or car door. Once the door is opened, the contacts fall apart and the 9-volt circuit is broken, allowing the relay to fall to the closed postion thus closing the ignition circuit. (If all this is confusing take a look at the schematic below.) Step 2: take the 4 aa batteries and wire them in succession. Wire the positive terminal of one to the negative terminal of another, until all four are connected except one positive terminal and one negative terminal. Even though the four aa batteries only combine to create 6 volts, the increase in amperage is necessary to activate the solar ignitor quickly and effectively. Step 3: take the battery pack (made in step 2) and wire one end of it to the relay's single pole and the other end to one prong of the solar ignitor. Then wire the other prong of the solar ignitor back to the open position on the relay. Step 4: using double sided carpet tape mount the kit in his locker, mailbox, or car door. And last, insert the solar ignitor into the rocket engine (smoke bomb or m-80). Page 109 Your kit is now complete! ---------><--------- I (CONTACTS) I I I I --- (9 VOLT) I - (BATTERY) I --- I I I (COIL) I ------///////------- /----------- / I / I / I (SWITCH) I I I I I I I I I --- (BATTERY) I - ( PACK ) I --- I I I I ---- ----- I I * (SOLAR IGNITOR) Page 110 Harmless Terror By: The Prowler To all those who do not wish to inflict bodily damage on their victems but only terror. These are weapons that should be used from high places. 1) The flour bomb. Take a wet paper towel and pour a given amount of baking flour in the center. Then wrap it up and put on a rubber band to keep it together. When thrown it will fly well but when it hits, it covers the victim with the flower or causes a big puff of flour which will put the victim in terror since as far as they are concerned, some strange white powder is all over them. This is a cheap method of terror and for only the cost of a roll of paper towels and a bag of flour you and your friends can have loads of fun watching people flee in panic. 2) Smoke bomb projectile. All you need is a bunch of those little round smoke bombs and a wrist rocket or any sling-shot. Shoot the smoke bombs and watch the terror since they think it will blow up! 3) Rotten eggs (good ones) take some eggs and get a sharp needle and poke a small hole in the top of each one. Then let them sit in a warm place for about a week. Then you've got a bunch of rotten eggs that will only smell when they hit. 4) Glow in the dark terror. Take one of those tubes of glow in the dark stuff and pour the stuff on whatever you want to throw and when it gets on the victim, they think it's some deadly chemical or a radioactive substance so they run in total panic. This works especially well with flower bombs since a gummy, glowing substance gets all over the victim. Page 111 5) Fizzling panic. Take a baggie of a water-baking soda solution and seal it. (Make sure there is no air in it since the solution will form a gas and you don't want it to pop on you.) Then put it in a bigger plastic bag and fill it with vinegar and seal it. When thrown, the two substances will mix and cause a violently bubbling substance to go all over the victim. Page 112 Carding ------- First of all, for those of you who do not know exactly what carding is, well, it is the illegal use of credit cards for the purchase of items using them. This can be very useful. Especially when you are out of work such as I am. This file is of course not for the professional carder, but for the beginner who does not know how to obtain or use a credit card to his/her advantage. Ok, the first thing you have to do is obtain a card from somewhere. The best way is to go to your local supermarket or any store that uses credit cards. Then, you watch them take out the trash. After they have taken the trash out then you go over when the coast is clear and search through their trash. I know that it can get messy, but don't conplain, jut think of the nice things that you will be able to get out of it in the future. You are looking for carbons that they run te cards through. Then, you take those home and write down the name, card number, and the experation date and the type of card that it is (Mastercharge, Visa, American Express, etc.) You make sure that you have cards with a good date on it. Next comes the good part, the ordering. All you do when orderin is that you call up a mail-order and then you tell them what you want and your card number, and then they will ask for the place to send it to. Here comes the hardest part. Here are some of your options of places to send it. 1) To a vacant house, apartment. 2) To a friend that will deny it ever arived when they inquire about it 3) To someones housee that you do not know. Let us examine these options in detail. 1) Sending to a vacant house or apartment. This is done by giving the address of the vacant house/apartment. Them, when it arives UPS and the mail man will leave it on the front porch or bushes. Then you just go by the house and pick it up. You must take into account tat the possibility that someone may move into the house/apartment. 2) Sending to a friend and having him deny that it arived. You abribe your friend to pick up the packages when they arive at his/her house and then he gives them to you. Then, when the fuzz comes along to grab the guy eho it got sent to your friend (and parents who never saw him get it or it come) will deny it. And the fuzz won't mess with them any more. They will axamine the other possibilitys. Page 113 3) Ok, you find some nice older people that don't know you and that you do not live around. Then, you order the stuff you want and send it to that house. You call the people and make up an origanal story of how they got the wrong address and they already sent it and ask to pick it up when it arrives. Make sure not to give them your real name, address, phone number, etc.... And the other way of obtaining a credit card is to get it from a Elite board. This is not the best way, since this way the card is usually overdrawn by the time you get it. Anothr way to card and my favorite is to use the T.R.W. credit information system. This is only if you have a good password, if you do not or do not have a file explaining it do not call it. IF you make mistakes they do trace ! Here is a number for T.R.W. /--Why not use the Blue Boxing [408] 280-1901 <-/ file to call here? Look for one in your area with your dialer or consult your local sysop or Elite board. For futher info on T.R.W. consult a file called T.R.W. information that is around some places. Ask for it at your local good bbs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Stupid disclaimer: I disclaim any of the above, I plee temperary insanity! This was intended only for the knowledge for future reference. This file does not approve or condon the use of credit cards for illegal uses. Merely to inform such as Newsweek informs on cocaine, but does not condon it's use. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >>> I Repeat that this file was written with the complete novice in mind!!! I plee temperary insanity! This was intended only for the knowledge for future reference. This file does not approve or condon the use of credit cards for illegal uses. Merely to inform such as Newsweek informs on cocaine, but does not condon it's use. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ABOVE DISCLAIMER IS A LOAD OF BULLSHIT! <--{To whoever wrote this {article, this line {has a nice effect! Page 114 * R e n e g a d e L e g i o n * Carding in the '90s by The Knight The Night Elite BBS (617)623.7151 (RL HeadQ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3/17/91 It used to be that a person could steal a carbon and find a house that no one was occupying during the day, stick up a 'Please leave package' note, and your package would be there the next day via overnight delivery. This, of course no longer works almost at ALL anymore unless your in a relatively unpopulated state. And, you'll need a lot more information than a carbon can give you to even get it mailed. I have outlined a step by step carding method that HAS WORKED for me and has ALWAYS gotten stuff through to the drop every attempt. I will go through each step THOROUGHLY as if you were a COMPLETE beginner to carding just in case you ARE. 1........Gathering Card Information The first step is getting credit card #'s. The BEST way I have found to do this is to use CBI. You will need to get the following info from CBI: Page 115 Credit card # Name of bank Social Security # Address FULL name After you get that information from CBI, it is neccessary to call information and get the persons REAL phone #. This will NOT be used, but you'll need it just in case, I'll explain later. 2........Setting up The setup part is fairly easy, and this involves a slight change from past methods of carding. As a 'Phone number you can be reached at', You must provide a Direct Dial VMB. So a Direct Dial VMB which will pick up with YOUR greeting is a must. This will impersonate a home answering machine. Change the greetin to "Hello, I can not answer your call...." etc. Last of all, Have ALL information ACCESSABLE and EASY to find. Tips: - Run the card through a CC Checker for $1 if you got the CC from CBI. Example: 800-554-2265 Bank : 1067 # Merchant: 52 # Type : 10 # (MC) 20 # (Visa) Amount : 100# ($1.00) Exp.date: 0193 (1/93, make it up,the exp. date is NEVER checked) - DON'T use American Express, they always call the owner's number EVEN if you tell them your not at home! 3........Ordering This is when you actually PLACE the call. You MUST stay calm and relax. Tell them what you want to order, the key is to pretend like the person with the card is YOU. Play actor, ASK about prices FIRST, and DON'T overdo it from one place. Example: Just order a loaded 486 with a 200 Mb hard drive, DON'T go and say "Yeah, can I have a gig on that?" Page 116 Then, just order! When it comes to credit card time, remember these: - Do NOT order it OVERNIGHT, Send it 3rd day or something, I used the same VMB for 2 months before the police got around to shutting it down. Overnight delivery is a flag for them now. - If they ask for "the number on the back of the card" or "The issuing bank" (If CBI didn't give you the issuing bank, or you didn't know what the initials were) say: "Well, I'm not looking at my card right now." If you need to, use phrases like: "My card is in my wallet in the car, I REALLY don't have time to go dig it out right now. IS THIS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!?" They HATE that phrase and I usually get a turnaround of 80% saying, no sir, never mind. The Key is, ACT LIKE YOU HAVE A DATE IN 25 MINUTES DOWNTOWN, in other words, act rushed and pissed off. MOST BUSINESSMEN ARE, Don't kiss their asses because businessmen don't!! - Your VMB is your ANSWERING MACHINE, if they catch the difference in area code of VMB and Billing address, tell them its your summer house or relatives house, but DON'T BRING IT UP. - If they ask for # at Billing address, give them the REAL #, they will check with Information only, but be sure to emphasize that the number you gave them for the billing address is NOT the number your at! Make SURE you say you can be contacted at the VMB number for the next week or so. - If they tell you they can't ship to a different address than the billing address, stand FIRM, say "Is there ANY way I can change this? Can you call my bank or something?!!?" Sound ANNOYED, DON'T give up and in about 40% of my calls, the person changed their mind. - Do NOT check your VMB every 10 minutes, that looks weird. - DO NOT even TRY to get HST's, those are flagged UP the BUTT, and I'd GUESS that soundblasters will be soon. Page 117 - Tell them you NEED the stuff delivered on X day, and INSIST, KEEP insisting! Make SURE. Tell them, "I need to do work on XX and I want the machine then" - If you are sending a LOT of machines etc. to ONE drop, Make the package ATTENIONED to John Smith or whoever, have ALL the packages addressed to the same person. Tell them your sendin it to a business associate, relative, wife, whatever. We don't need the stuff flagged down at Fed Ex. The key phrase is "I really don't have time for this" And remember: YOUR the CUSTOMER, they don't know you AREN'T the card holder, for christ sake, ACT LIKE IT!! DON'T take second rate service!! 4........Drops The drop is very important nowadays, you can NOT just leave a note, so don't even bother. 4 methode 1. Vacant House Method Put blankets up on windows in house and sit in and sign for packages. This method, works, and there are no future problems. FUTURE problems, they MAY not beleive you live there etc. so this method is a BIT risky 2. Freind's house - Robbed method Tell a freind to sign at HIS house, then call the police at 6.00pm and say "I JUST came home and my door was ajar and some lights were on, I Don't think anything was stolen, but what should I do?" Make sure ALL stuff is cleared out and its safer if the person doesn't even have a computer. When the police come by asking about packages on X day, bring up your break in. To be safer, send something one day late and refuse to sign for it and bring it up to the police. Page 118 3. Freind's house - Vacant method Sign for the stuff at a freind's house, GET IT OUT, and when the police come say " I was on vacation for 3 weeks, I don't know ANYTHING about packages" There's NOTHING they can do, and your set. The advantages to the last 2 methods are: You won't get bored if nothing comes You won't get caught breaking & Entering You won't get caught by Fed ex guy and not get stuff I have done #2 AND #3 with success, so it CAN be done. Extra tip: Try US Mail, they haven't caught on yet to the drop deal! Have fun and don't get caught! - - RL Page 119 %%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::%% %% Coin Changer Fraud %% %% Written by- Electronic Rebel %% %%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::%% %%Lost City of Atlantis........215-844-8836 300/12/24 35 Meg%% %%Infinity's Edge..............805-683-2725 300/1200 10 Meg%% %%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::%% Have you ever seen one of those really big changer machines in airports, laundrymats or arcades that dispense change when you put in your 1 or 5 dollar bill? Well then, here is an article for you. 1) Find the type of change machine that you slide in your bill length wise, not the type where you put the bill in a tray and then slide they tray in!!! 2) After finding the right machine, get a $1 or $5 bill. Start crumpling up into a ball. Then smooth out the bill, now it should have a very wrinkly surface. 3) Now the hard part. You must tear a notch in the bill on the left side about 1/2 inch below the little 1 dollar symbol (See Figure). 4) If you have done all of this right then take the bill and go out the machine. Put the bill in the machine and wait. What should happen is: when you put your bill in the machine it thinks everything is fine. When it gets to the part of the bill with the notch cut out, the machine will reject the bill and (if you have done it right) give you the change at the same time!!! So, you end up getting your bill back, plus the change!! It might take a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, you can get a lot of money! !--------------------------------! ! ! ! (1) /-------\ (1) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Pic. ! ! ! (1) /\ \-------/ (1) ! ! !! ! !-----/ \-----------------------! \-------Make notch here. About 1/2 " down from (1) P.S. Sorry for the "text work" but you should be able to get a good idea. If not, I can be reached on Infinity's Edge bbs. Have fun! Call The Works BBS-1600+Textfiles!-[914]/238-8195-300/1200 Always Open Page 120 Free Postage!! By: TAP Magazine The increasing cost of postage to mail letters and packages is bringing down our standard of living. To remedy this deplorable situation, some counter control measures can be applied. For example, if the stamps on a letter are coated with Elmer's Glue by the sender, the cancellation mark will not destroy the stamp: the Elmer/s drives to form an almost invisible coating that protects the stamps from the cancellation ink. Later, the receiver of the letter can remove the cancellation mark with water and reuse the stamps. Furthermore, ecological saving will also result from recycling the stamps. Help save a tree. The glue is most efficently applied with a brush with stiff, short bristles. Just dip the brush directly into the glue and spread it on evenly, covering the entire surface of the stamp. It will dry in about 15 minutes. For mailing packages, just follow the same procedure as outlined above; however, the package should be weighed and checked to make sure that it has the correct amount of postage on it before it is taken tothe Post Office. Removing the cancellation and the glue from the stamps can be easily accomplished by soaking the stamps in warm water until they float free from the paper. The stamps can then be put onto a paper towel to dry. Processing stamps in large batches saves time too. Also, it may be helpful to write the word 'Elmer' at the top of the letter (not on the envelope) to cue the receiving party in that the stamps have been protected with the glue. We all know that mailing packages can be expensive. And we also know that the handicapped are sometimes discriminated against in jobs. The Government, being the generous people they are, have given the blind free postal service. Page 121 Simply address you envelope as usual, and make one modification. In the corner where the stamp would go, write in (or stamp) the words 'FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND". Then drop you package or letter in one of the blue fedral mailboxes. DO NOT TAKE THE LETTER TO THE POST OFFICE, OR LEAVE IT IN YOUR MAILBOX. Sounds very nice of the government to do this, right? Well, they aren't that nice. The parcel is sent library rate, that is below third class. It may take four to five days to send a letter to just the next town. This too is quite simple, but less effective. Put the address that you are sending the letter to as the return address. If you were sending a $20 donation to the pirate's Chest, you would put our address (po box 644, lincoln ma. 01773) as the return address. Then you would have to be carless and forget to put the stamp on the envelope. A nice touch is to put a bullshit address in the center of the envelope. Again, you MUST drop the letter in a FEDRAL mailbox. If the post office doesn't send the letter to the return address for having no stamp, they will send it back for the reason of "No such address". Example-- Pirates Chest P.O. Box 644 Lincol, Ma. 01773 Tom Bullshit 20 Fake Road What Ever, XX 99851 One last thing you might try doing is soaking a cancelled stamp off of an envelope, and gluing it onto one you are sending. Then burn the stamp, leaveing a little bit to show that there was one there. Page 122 Displaying HBO.DOC: ///PAY TV DECODER PLANS/// MATERIALS REQUIRED: 1 - Radio Shack mini-box ( #270-235) 1 - 1/4 watt resistor, 2.2k-2.4k ohm (RS #271-1325) 1 - 75pf-100pf variable capacitor (Hard to find) 2 - F61a chassis-type coaxial connectors (RS #278-212) 12" - No. 12 solid copper wire 12" - RG59 coaxial cable ///INSTRUCTIONS/// 1. Bare a length of No. 12 gauge solid copper wire and twist around a 3/8" nail or rod to form a coil of 9 turns. Elongate coil to a length of 1 1/2" inches and form right angle bends on each end. 2. Solder the varible capacitor to the coil. It doesn't matter where you solder it, it still does the same job. The best place for it is in the center with the adjustment screw facing upward Note: When it comes time to place coil in box, the coil must be insulated from grounding. This can be done by crazy-glueing a piece of rubber to the bottom of the box, and securing the coil to it. 3. Tap coil at points 2 1/2 turns from ends of coil and solder to coaxial chassis connectors, bringing tap leads through holes in chassis box. Use as little wire as possible. 4. Solder resistor to center of coil and ground other end of resistor to chassis box, using solder lug and small screw. 5. Drill a 1/2" diameter hold in mini-box cover to permit adjustment of the variable capacitor from the outside. Inspect the device for defects in workmanship and place cover on mini-box. Tighten securely. 6. Place device in line with existing cable on either side of the coverter box and connect to television set with the short piece of RG59 coaxial cable. Set television set to HBO channel. 7. Using a plastic screwdriver (non-metalic) adjust the varible capacitor until picture tunes in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!!! Page 123 Press S to Stop, P to Pause. With most of the cable companies scrambling their signals on most all new and some old channels I thought I'd update and revise my first version (1.0) of Pay Tv Decoder Plans. Due to different scrambling systems, you might find it neccesary to change the range and values of the variable capacitator. I've also added a wiring diagram to help you with designing the circut. If you have any questions just leave a message on the board listed at the end of the article. (Tom) Hackerman ///PAY TV DECODER PLANS/// Version 2.0 ///MATERIALS REQUIRED:/// 1 - Radio Shack mini-box ( #270-235) 1 - 1/4 watt resistor, 2.2k-2.4k ohm (RS #271-1325) 1 - 75pf-100pf variable capacitor (Very hard to find) 2 - F61a chassis-type coaxial connectors (RS #278-212) 12" - No. 12 solid copper wire 12" - RG59 coaxial cable ///INSTRUCTIONS/// 1. Bare a length of No. 12 gauge solid copper wire and twist around a 3/8" nail or rod to form a coil of 9 turns. Elongate coil to a length of 1 1/2" inches and form right angle bends on each end. 2. Solder the varible capacitor to the coil. It doesn't matter where you solder it, it still does the same job. The best place for it is in the center with the adjustment screw facing upward Note: When it comes time to place coil in box, the coil must be insulated from grounding. This can be done by crazy- glueing a piece of rubber to the bottom of the box, and securing the coil to it. 3. Tap coil at points 2 1/2 turns from ends of coil and solder to coaxial chassis connectors, bringing tap leads through holes in chassis box. Use as little wire as possible. Page 123b 4. Solder resistor to center of coil and ground other end of resistor to chassis box, using solder lug and small screw. Diagram: Your circut and design should look something like this: ------------------------- ! ! ! ! ! C ! ! -----------F16a G 2.2k O -- ! N----\/\/\--- Vc ! D 1/4w I -- ! ! -----------F16a ! L ! ! ! ! ! ------------------------- 5. Drill a 1/2" diameter hold in mini- box cover to permit adjustment of the variable capacitor from the outside. Inspect the device for defects in workmanship and place cover on minibox. Tighten securely. 6. Place device in line with existing cable on either side ofthe coverter box and connect to television set with the short pieceof RG59 coaxial cable. Set television set to HBO channel. 7. Using a plastic screwdriver (non-metallic), adjust the varible capacitor until picture tunes in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!!! Have fun... (Tom) Hackerman O S U N Y B B S (914) 725 - 4060 _ _ | (_><_) And if you enjoyed this Text-file, Call: \________[]_____ The Works "914's Text-file BBS" (914)/238-8195 _\ 300/1200 N81 1200 only from 6:00p to 12:00mid ____________ \>\ 10 Megabytes on-line Anti-RBBS and Networks / > \ SysOps: Jason Scott & Terror Ferret | ======= (900) Text-files on-line! Press [Enter] to continue: Page 123c ..Digital Logic Data Service.. -=+*> The Stone Ship AE/BBS/Gaming System * 312-772-0347 <*+=- Captured From The Ripco BBS <> 528-5020 <> 4/9/88 most of you are a bit in left field about this cable shit... some of the methods brought up are really out of date especially with the systems around the chicago area. a few explainations are in order i guess... first off, the bit about tuning your tv up or down one channel is valid but i doubt if any systems in the country are still using it. in that type of system none of the channels are scrambled, only locked out. most of these systems were 35 channel or less and used a converter which had no remote control. the idea was simple, the box the company supplied you with had a tuning pot or slug for each channel. if you ordered basic service, the company simply re-tuned all the pay channels off band somewhere. if you changed serviced and wanted one of the pay channels, either they sent out a new box or sent someone out to re-tune the old one. turning the tv up or down one channel would work but its a whole lot easier to get a cable ready tv. the companies got smart to this and started to use devices called traps and filters. traps are small round cylinders which do what the name implies, they trap one or a band of channels. they are made up of a simple combination of coils and capacitors which are tuned to block out certain frequencies. thus if the company wanted to lock out channel 23, a channel 23 trap would be installed somewhere between the pole and the customers house. it should be noted that in some areas all the premium channels are together, lets say starting with channel 30 and going through channel 36. in this case if the subscriber elects not to take any of those channels, a single filter is installed to block out all 7 channels. the simpliest way around a trap is just to remove it. the two problems with this are 1) since the trap is gone, if the company checks or does an install in the area and finds it missing, they'll just stick another one in. 2) traps usually have collar locks on them meaning you can sit there all day turning it but it'll never back out. footnotes to this are 1) if the trap is removed, opened then modified and re-installed, it will remove problem 1. 2) the collar lock tools are avaiable from major electronic distributors. Page 124 filters look similar to traps but work opposite meaning they have to be in the line to get the channel. usually you can tell if you need a filter if you have one or more channels which 'beep' in the sound and have bars running through the picture. this beep and bar shit is injected into the cable channel and the filter removes it via a deep notch, narrow band filter. all of the above is a breif explanation of the older systems out there. take note that none of those systems really scramble anything, just either hide the channels, block them or inject noise to stop common tv and vcr's from getting the signal. it should also be noted that most systems today do not used the above methods exclusively. most systems use some kind of scrambling but many use combinations of different things. one example is chicago cable which services the south and east areas of chicago. on thier system, the 5 pay channels are setup so that 2 of them are trapped, 1 requires a filter and the other 2 are scrambled by a encoding method called scientific atlanta. one point to keep in mind is that the chicago cable company does not use what is called 'an addressable system' at the current time. i'll explain this later along with some notes on group w's system. in general some other things to keep in mind are besides the beep and bar method, you will always get audio from a scrambled channel. basically what i am saying is that the audio is never altered in any encoding technique. the exception to this could be a decoder known as the oak sigma which is rumored to have a digital encoding scheme similar to the type used on satellite. in any cable system there is always a way around it. in larger more up to date systems like group w of chicago, it is easier to order the equipment needed than try to screw around with their box. one warning in order is that whatever you buy may become junk soon and there is always the possiblity of a mail order rip-off. cable companies are always working around ways to stop the cheaters. what worked for years could easily become a boat anchor at the push of a button. group w uses a system which is quite common in many areas of the country. it is an addressable system, quite sophisicated. the actual encoding technique however is rather stone age and there are many ways around it. here is an explanation on the addressable system..... in the last message i brought up the older systems and how if the customer wanted to change service the company would have to replace or modify the box. in an addressable system this is no Page 125 longer needed. each box contains what would be easiest to explain as a computer in it. there is a cpu, rom and ram. each box also contains an electronic serial number programmed in by the company. in the cable system itself there is a special data carrier buried in the spectrum somewhere. in group w's system the carrier (i think) is at around 106.5 mHz which by chance is in the normal FM band. another words if you detach the cable from your box and hook it up to a normal FM radio, tune the dial down around 106-107, you should hear something similar to a modem carrier. this carrier instructs the cpu for a particular box on how to operate. think of the system as a 'chat line'. the data is sent to all boxes at the same time but only the one with the serial number its looking for will respond. this is why the person who said to change your service then take the box to a friends house won't work. it doesn't matter where the box is hooked up on the system, the point is if its hooked up at all, it'll get the message. another feature of the addressable system is that each channel can be controlled independant of the others. each channel on the system has something called 'tag data' which is a set of bytes creating an electronic signature unique for that channel. the tags are usually 4 bytes. thus hbo could have something like 1010 while showtime is 1100 and so on. these tags are actually what controls what you watch. when you first get service the box is usually 'open' meaning all services are available then in a day or 2 (sometimes less) you loose all the channels except what you pay for. when the box is addressed for the first time, a 'look-up' table is established. this table, stored in ram, contains all the tag codes you are authorized to watch. when you go to a channel, the box looks at the table and sees if it can find a match within the table. if it finds one, you get to watch, if not it either goes to snow or jumps to a different channel. this is why group w offers pay per views and chicago cable does not. since chicago cable uses a non-addressable system, there is no way for them to control the boxes besides sending someone out. this may change. on group w when you order a PPV or change service, your box is once again addressed and a new table is setup. no one is needed to come out to your place. now you have to understand that the addressing system is far more complex and is really a bitch to get around. another feature of it is that things just don't happen once. there is a function called 'global addressing' which is a set of data sent to all Page 126 boxes. these globals are not for any one box in particular but for all authorized boxes on line. global takes care of you guys that think by changing service then unplugging the box for a couple days will give you free service. globals are usually sent several times a day and many occasions, all the time during normal business hours. another good feature of this is even if you block the data carrier, the box will go dead by itself. it needs the global just to run normally. another words you need the global to keep the box running but if you get one and the company is supposed to change your service, you'll get knocked out anyway. damned if you do, damned if you don't i suppose. a few footnotes again... yes the model 450 they use can be jumped out however the information is illegal so don't bother to ask. the turn on method is not 100% anyway and fucks up the regular channels. plus if you plan on returning the box, they'll know you have been in there. for those of you that have the tempation on opening things... don't bother with the pioneer boxes group w also uses on thier system. they have a tamper switch in them which will kill the box 100%. the only way to get it restarted is to return it but they'll know why the box went dead. there is an error code the cpu puts out. by the way the programming port on the pioneer is on the bottom under that small peice of plastic. summing all of this up, if you really have to cheat the system the best way is to order the stuff you need. radio-electronics and nuts & volts magazine have many ads from companies that supply tricked out equipment, usually the same stuff the companies use. many of these companies are rip offs. the larger ones that take out full or half page ads usually are not but there is always the chance. the other point to keep in mind is that the stuff may not work in the first place. rumor has it that group w at least is changing the system so that all non-authorized boxes on line will go bad. things heard from thier southern area seem to point that this is true. the funny thing about stealing cable is that you have to spend some money to do it. it seems to me if you can afford it, you might as well pay for it. the $250 or so bucks you spend for that pirate box buys a shitload of programming for the next couple years, without the worry of chucking the box because they jammed it. Page 127 this and the last 2 messages are just an intro and some of the information does not apply to other cable systems. maybe one of these days i'll write a file about it but not now. there are at least 8 major encoding systems out there, each one unique and with the posibilty of combining 2 or more onto a single system, it gets complicated. general questions are welcome but anything going over the line to actually breaking the law is out. all information provided above is available from different publications and public domain sources. Dr. Ripco Page 128 **************************************** _________________ Cable tV Pirating / Capitalized for\ / to make it easier \ N Part 1 \ to be read / \by all those with/ I Composed by: / BAD \ / eyes! \ K Logic God \ Just Do It! / \_________________/ E **************************************** Today I will cover the most commonly used method of cable scrambling, that of inband gated sync. For the more comatose of you, I will now present a brief discription of how it works and why it is so commonly used. The simplest first: It is often used because the boxes are so damn cheap. The gated sync unscramblers do not even require a tuner, the whole process is done semi-passively and requires no internal connections to the tV. Hence, an easy way out for the Cable Companies who insult you by thinking all its subscribers are average DOLTS, not requ- iring thier attention. (hmm...Ma Bell must have thought that way once <koff koff> chuckle...) The basic workings of the gated sync are as follows: First, I must define a sync pulse. It is a part of the tV's video signal which lines the signal up, /-----------/ {HEY, Nike, nice way to spell TV.}----/ causing it to come out all nice and neat so you see a good picture. What gated sync does is to remove that portion of the signal, and transmit it on a subcarrier with the rest of the signal. This results in the scrambled mess you see when you desperate ones try to watch the Playboy Channel and your parents haven't subscribed to it. Now, keep in mind, the sync portion of the signal is not distorted at all, but merely transmitted on a slightly diverted frequency. Thus, it remains in time with the rest of the signal, and needs only to be recombined with the rest of the signal. This is much simpler than it may seem. All the circuit must be able to do is to recieve the sync pulses, and retransmit them on the original frequency, where they will be lined up properly. "But" You may say, "Isnt that rather diffiult?" not at all, my friends. Think of your video modulator: It must transmit the entire signal, and it is only about 2" X 1" X 1". The recieving is simple: The reciever doesn't need to be able to change channels-the cable companies need only have thier unscram- blers set for the channel the box recieves on, because that is the only one it will be necessary to unscramble. will be using. Page 128b How to figure out if you have gated sync ---------------------------------------- Scrambling: ----------- This method of scrambling is characterized by correct sound, and a picture that is allllmoooost normal, if you could just get the vertical hold to work a little more. If you want to be 100% sure, call up your Cable Co's Customer Help Line and ask. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I called Century Cable in Calif. for the Pope, and it worked for me. Just play it cool and say "What kind of scrambling method are you using?" and I they should give it to you. {Tell them yer from some BS company, and tell them yer taking a survery if they won't tell you. Have a little story ready just in case, but they gave it to me alright (Thanks much!)} Incidentally, Century Cable does use gated sync, for anyone in California who happens to read this. Places to get gated sync units: ------------------------------- Well, the best place to look is in the back of electronics magazines- not the idiot ones like Popular Elec- tronics (does it even still exist?) but the dedicated electronics ones- like Radio-Electronics (best) or 73, the Amateur Radio Technical Journal. Here is an address which I got out of; Radio Electronics, August 1985, p.110: Gated Sync: Kit form, all parts, instructions, very good, $39. Write to: J&W Electronics, Inc. P.O. Box 800 Mansfield, MA 02048 Fone: 1-800-227-8529 (Orders) 617-339-5372 (Tech. Info) *************************************** Look for Part II Soon, Covering Over-The-Air Pay tV. Later on, Logic God. ////////\\\\\\\\\\ / Lookee here, \ Call K.A.O.S.: 215-465-3593 / \ / Part II \ ---==>>Have Fun!<<==-- / \ / Is it soon enough\ *************************************** / for you? \ Page 128c /////////\\\\\\\\\\\ Pirating Cable tV Part 2 Composed by: Logic God *************************************** Today we will discuss over the Air Pay tV scrambling. This is used widely in many areas without Cable, and all of the systems in use use essentialy the same system, that of SSAVI scrambling. Discussion of SSAVI scrambling: SSAVI stands for Suppressed Sync, Audio Video Inversion. This method of encoding video transmissions was devel- oped by the Zenith Radio Corporation, who manufactures the vast majority of legal unscramblers used today with this method. suffice to say, SSAVI is the Anti Christ of Cable Pirates. The system in- volves several less sophisticated methods combined to produce a severely scrambled signal which is very difficult to decode without the proper hardware. (IE, a real box.) It is illustraed by the name: Suppressed Sync: This is the method dis- cussed in part 1 of this series, only worse. The sync portion of the signal is not transmitted on an audio subcarrier, but in lines 1-14 of the picture information which are not seen on the screen. Hence, the box must be able to isolate the first 14 lines of video and extract the information from them. Audio: The audio is transmitted on a subcarrier in a similar fashion as the sync pulses in part 1. If you will Remember, the audio was normal in the suppressed sync method. Video Inversion: The video signal is randomly inverted at the scrambling stage, resulting in a Negative picture when the signal is inverted. (yes, like a camera negative.) The indicator for wether the upcoming frame of video will be inverted is also sent in the first 14 lines of video, allowing the box to begin inverting the signal before you see it. All of these little bits of evilness exist independently of each other. The signal may have all, none, or any comb- inationof these things. Because of this, the box must be very intelligent. also, because the box is used so widely, it must have a tuner, allowing your local transmitter to select what Page 128d channel they are using by tuning the box before they give it to you. All this makes for a real fun time when you go to unscramble your signal. Box Thoery: The suppressed sync signal is transved from the first few lines of video mitted normally in the first few lines of video, which, incidentally, are transmitted normally. The box 'sees' these 14 normal sync pulses, and calibrates itself to reproduce these sync pulses for the rest of the frame of video. It then inserts these pulses where they are needed in the signal to produce a normal picture. Thus recalibration every frame is necessary, though. Sync pulses occur over 500 times every second, and if the clock were not constantly revamped, it could get out of sync (oh god) with itself. Audio: The audio is transmitted on a subcarrier deviated about 15khz. All the box does to the audio is retransmit the audio on the proper frequency. Video Inversion: The video signal is randomly inverted, but the mode (inverted vs. normal) can only be switched between frames, not between fields, making the job of detection and reinversion slightly easier. The box looks at a portion of line (2, I think) and based on the logic level at a certian point in this line of video, the box reroutes the signal through an operational amplifier's inverting input. as a result, a signal recieved inverted is now correct, and a frame of video 'seen' as normalis not routed through the inverter, and sent straight to the RF modulator, which retransmits the corrected signal to the tV set, usually on channel 3. Physical description of the Zenith SSAVI Decoder: The box is approx. 11" by 7", and about 2.5" tall, including rubber feet. It has a round vertical travel pushbutton switch in the rear left top corner, and in a small metal label on the top center of the box is engraved Zenith SSAVI-1 about 1.5" by .75". There are 3 Female F Connectors on the left rear, and a 3 pin power connector on the bottom right rear. the case is brown, with a wood grained strip running around the horizontal center. a rather formidable device. Some intresting features of the SSAVI system: (when used by the pay-tv companies, koff koff) Because of the extreme to which the scrambling of the signal is taken, the system provides more security against the casual basement cable wizard than any of the other systems in use today, save those now being implemented by various satellite transmitters. These are really mean: Digital Video Transcription, fluctuating transmission frequency, and other fun stuff. but that is Page 128e another file, coming later. In addition to the complexity of the scrambling, Each box is given its own internal id number, allowing each box to be addressed by the transmitter and shut off in the event a customer does not pay his bill. In addition, each box contains a firmware code which is constantly being compared to that transmitted by the station. Hence, a stolen box wold not work in another city, where it cannot be turned off by the normal method due to the fact that some one may already be using a box containing the same security code. There are several more codes stored in the box: Those which determine the services to which a subscriber is entitled. (such as optional sporting events, nite life, etc.) These codes are stored in a volitile memory powered by a rechargeable battery, To allow reprogramming from the station. This also means that if the box is stolen and/or left unpowered for several days, the battery will run down and the authorization codes will be lost. Well, as usual, where there is security, there will be security breakers, and this is no exception. Talk to these people about getting your own SSAVI box: Video Electronics 3083 Forest Glade DR. Windsor, Ontario N8R 1W6 Fone: 519 944 6443 AccorDing to them, the box also works with SSAVI cable systems. This is the real thing, made by Zenith. Why do you think you have to get it through Canada? Channels these people guarantee the SSAVI box to work on: Ann Arbor 31, Baltimore 54, Wash. D.C. 50, Chicago 66, Dallas 27, Minneapolis,St Paul 23, San Jose 48, St. Louis 30, Tulsa 41, Boston 27. Well, there you have it. They want $130 for the box, and with a $21/month fee it will pay for itself in 6 months. Have a good time. {{Or you can use the Carding files, and get it for free!}} Logic God Page 128f *************************************** Coming Soon: #3 Cable Converters Call: K.A.O.S.:215 465 3593 For questions, I can be reached at these (among others) boards. -=>Later<=- *************************************** Pirating Cable t.V. #3 ___________ / \ Composed by: \Pretty damn/ / fast, eh?\ Logic God \___________/ ***Cable Converters*** *************************************** First, a plea. I need a <real> recipe for Nitrous Oxide. (laughing gas.) if anyone knows where I can get one, or has a file on "how to", !Please! contact me at K.A.O.S.-215- 465-3593, or leave it on a few of the more popular AE lines. thank you. ************************************** Cable Converters:Required knowledge. ------------------------------------ 1. Most scrambled cable channels are transmitted either between channel 13 and channel 14 ('midband' transmitting) or below channel 2 ('superband' transmitting. thus, if you recieve the cut rate bottom of the line cable service (such as the 3 networks and a few community stations) you may never even get a chance to see the scrambled channels, let alone try to unscramble them. Hence, we usher in the <<cable converter>>. These are nothing new or illegal, mind you, they can be purchased at Radio Shack. They were originally intended for the video cassette recorder owner (that is, the ones that are sold on the open market.) His rented cable converter and unscrambler, usually combined in the same tV top box, were busy faithfully Page 128g unscrambling and converting to channel 3 the program he was currently watching. However, if he wanted to tape something on an !un!scrambled channel that was transmitted in the midband or superband mode, he was up shit creek, because he had no way to get the signal down to a frequency his tV or VCR could recieve. But if he hooked up his little Radio Shack Converter, Presto! He was set. 2. Now is a good time to make clear an important point. Cable converters do !not! unscramble a scrambled signal, they merely move it tou with 'cable ready' TVs think you're home free now, eh? no. While a cable ready TV will let you view any mid and superband channels that you may unknowingly recieve, the scrambled ones are still scrambled. So what do you need now? An unscrambler, of course. *************************************** 4. It may be necessary to explain what is actually happening in your boxes that you rent from the Cable Co. thus: ----- If you have bothered to pay extra for any scrambled channels, you are given an unscrambler and converter by the Cable Co. For which you gladly pay rent in addition to your cable fee. This is usually a brown box that comes in several styles, expounded upon below: Digital with remote: A small box upon your tV, with a digital display of the channel you are watching. You have a trusty remote, and zap away at will. Knob style: A box or non-wireless remote with a large knob on it. It, of course, selects what channel you are watching. Switchboard style: A 9" x 5" (or so) board with several 3 position vertically moving switches. What the Hell do these do? You'll never guess. The kind without any switches: (now how will I operate my digital watch?) This is called a block converter. more on these later. *************************************** What is going on: Ahhh, the good part. What happens here is this: No matter what system you have (except for the last- ignore that for now.) in some way you select a channel. The cable converter runs off, finds this channel, and yanks it down to channel 3 (or 2, or 4, whatever your cable co. uses.) where your tV is waiting for it. (yes, Page 128h thats why you put your tV on the same channel and change channels with the knob, remote, or whatever.) Now, if it's a scrambled channel, and you are authorized to recieve it, the signal is rerouted through a small unscrambler. (a note: cable scrambling methods are piddly little hindrances; for a real bitch of a scrambler see the SSAVI system, explained in part 2.) The signal is again spat out at channel 3, and your tV glows happily away, displaying your mid or superband channel. 5. At this point, a question may by nudging around your temporal lobes now. Something along the lines of " How do I get cable tV without paying for it, Dammit??" {{{NO FUCKING SHIT, i WAS WAITNG FOR YOU TO GET TO THIS!!}}} Well, here we go. You look up that place I mentioned in part II. (address & phone# at end) Just fork over your $130 (or someone else's credit card) and get one of these nifty little unscramblers. Now, mind you, the cable co. wants it's (your?) money more than you think, and will be rather upset if they find you doing any of this shit, so take care. Here's how to hook up your un- scrambler: First, adjust the unscrambler to recieve the channel your tV is set on to recieve a signal fron the cable box. Next, sendthe output of the real box to the unscrambler, and the output of the unscrambler to the tV. you're all set! Just sit back and watch those porn flicks pour in. 6. If you change channels with your tV set, and you don't have a box, get a cable converter and an unscrambler. Your service is too basic to rate a converter, so you have to get one. Just make sure it has some sort of channel selector on it-all selected channels must be output on the same channel so the unscrambler can unscramble them. Sorry. *************************************** 7. How to make this much easier on yourself: There is a much easier way to do all of this shit, but you sacrifice ease for legality. That is, even though what you would have done if I wasn't telling you this was illegal, this is more illegal. But let's be realistic- does anyone give a shit of any size whatsoever? NO. Of course not. Therefore: ---------- Beating the Cable Co. at thier own game is easier than you would think. Firstly, call up your Cable Co.'s Customer (hee hee) Service number, and tell them what optional channels you currently subscribe to, and ask them if you would have to get a new box if you wanted to add some channels. Chances are they will say no, because most of the boxes have a small computer in them which Page 128i can be told over the cable what you are authorized to recieve, (neat, huh?). This is the same computer which decides wether the channel you want to watch gets sent to the unscrambler portion of the box or not. So if they say no, you're in good shape. If they say yes, you are in a little bit better shape than if they say no. ifthey say no, this means they change your authorizations inside the box by changing hardware- that is, connecting sets of wires. How to change your authorizations:(yay) First, the hardware boxes-they're easier. According to some people I've talked to, the cable companies get highly (very) pissed off if you play with thier boxes, so you have to get hold of one they don't know you have- remember, they will want your rented box back when you move and will get unhappy if you have been monkeying with it. Getting a box: A. Steal One. B. Say somebody stole yours, your dog shat upon it, or whatever. C. Find some unethical person (druggie) who will sell his for a few bucks. Changing a hadware box: 1. Open the box without destroying it. This can be a real challenge sometimes. While at the Sheraton Washington (Wash, D.C.) attending the model un last year, I stole one from someone's room and tried to get it apart for about an hour so we could watch the flicks thst night- I gave up, got drunk, and threw it out of a window-no, it didn't break. (yes, incidentally, for anyone in the Wash, D.C. area, there is one in every room of the Sheraton Washington. good point- Ritzy hotels are great places to get those boxes.) 2. Look for a small set of sockets, such as an integrated circuit socket without a chip in it. It will have wires in it instead. If you can't find one of those, look for a dip switch-these are the same size as an integrated circuit, fit in an IC socket, and have the same number of switches on it as pins on one side of the IC socket. 3. Try to correspond the wires or the positions of the switches with the channels you pay for. These wires or switches are how the box is programmed- Try turning all of the switches on, and putting all of the wires in, and see if you get more channels. Conversely, try removing wires and turning switches off. Page 128j *************************************** Cable Programmed Boxes: ----------------------- These are a bit more difficult. you have to try to seperate the three sections- computer, reciever(conveter) and unscrambler. when you isolate the computer section, just bypass it com- pletely. Find the output of the converter and the input of the unscrambler and just hook them together. As you can probably see, this just does not permit the computer to have a say in what gets unscrambled-incidentally, This will work for the hardware boxes, but it is usually pretty easy to find the little wiring panel/switchboard and you do not have to figure out what is what inside the unscrambler. *************************************** Well, I hope this helps, and if you desperately need to ask a question, you can get me at: K.A.O.S.-215 465 3593 The Church AE-215 386 0350 PW Ataru and I will be glad to answer. *************************************** Here's the address I promised: Unscramblers ------------ Warning: This unscrambler will not work with those channels that make that obnoxious beeping noise. This is a gated sync un- scrambler. To find out if this will work in your area, get that good 'ol cust.service number and call and ask if they use suppressed horizontal sync as thier scrambling method. Yes, they will tell you. J & W Electronics, Inc. Mansfield, MA 02048 Fone:1-800-227-8529 (Orders) 617-339-5372 (Tech Info) Page 128k ************************************** Well, thank you for sitting through 350 lines of my ravings. If you download this, please give it to all. Up with the individual! *************************************** Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to kick back and smoke a Marlboro. -=> Good Luck. <=- *************************************** Page 128l Displaying CALL3.TXT: 3 WAY PHONE CALLS! [1] You will need two diff. lines for this plan. Go and open the green box outside your house, or open your phone. Take off both boxes covering the wires. [2] Take the Green and Red from each box and attach a wire to each of these. One wire to the Green wire and one wire to the Red. Same on the other box. [3] You should have 4 wires (2 for each box) Then get a two way switch with two terminals. Hook the two Green wires to one side and the Red wires to the other side. Then, when you switch the switch you should hear a dial tone and then just dial out and you will be able to talk to two people at one TYME. Page 129 Look, A free Horsie! ----- - ---- ------- Adopt-A-Horse In order to control the population of wild horses and burros grazing on public land, the U.S. Department of the Interior offers these animals for adoption to qualified applicants. For further information and adoption applications contact: Adopt-A-Horse, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. Page 130