TUCoPS :: Truly Miscellaneous :: govnums.txt

Want to SE or hack someone/something in the US Government? Here's a huge list of names/numbers/addresses that you will find helpful

Attorney General Addresses:

    Usdojatr.Website@justice (Rebecca Gitenstein).usdoj.gov, ANTITRUST@FTC.gov, isp@fcc.gov,
   rhundt@fcc.gov, sness@fcc.gov, jquello@fcc.gov, consumerline@ftc.gov, Bdelange@ag.state.id.us,
 enforcement@sec.gov, acushmac@oag.state.va.us, EMikell@oag.state.va.us, bedgemon@oag.state.va.us,
          rchong@fcc.gov, emessitt@oag.state.va.us, mlewis@FTC.gov, antitrust@usdoj.gov,
           NAVERITT@FTC.GOV (Neil Averitt), President@whitehouse.gov, crc@ftc.gov,
           internet@graywolf.ftc.gov, uce@ftc.gov, jhiatt@ago.state.nm.us, wathab@tiac.net,
     Kbivens@ag.state.id.us, Alance@ag.state.id.us, cullen@oag.state.va.us, fseales@oag.state.va.us,
    kbivens@ag.state.id.us, Alance@ag.state.id.us, JWISE@fcc.gov (Janice Wise), LapinsA@sec.gov,
     FCCINFO@fcc.gov, AStrickland@ago.state.nm.us, comment@boston.com, h_bray@globe.com,
                    hertz@boston.com, bosfeed@globe.com, ombud@globe.com 

President = President@whitehouse.gov
Anti-trust Department of Justice = antitrust@usdoj.gov
Greg Parisi FCC Chong = Greg Parisigparisi@fcc
John Reed Stark = ENFORCEMENT@sec.gov
FCC = isp@fcc.gov
FCC Chair Reed Hundt = rhundt@fcc.gov 
FTC Consumer Response Ctr = crc@ftc.gov
FTC Matt Lewis = mlewis@FTC.gov
FCC Com Rachelle Chong = rchong@fcc.gov
FCC Com Susan Ness = sness@fcc.gov
FCC Comm James Quello = jquello@fcc.gov 
FTC = consumerline@ftc.gov
ID AG = Bdelange@ag.state.id.us
SEC = enforcement@sec.gov
VA AG Anne Marie Cushmac = acushmac@oag.state.va.us
VA AG Elizabeth Mikell = EMikell@oag.state.va.us
VA AG Betty Edgemon = bedgemon@oag.state.va.us
VA AG Esther Messitt = emessitt@oag.state.va.us

Anti-trust Division Department of Justice 888-736-5287 e-mail = antitrust@usdoj.gov 

Alabama Bill Pryor Attorney General of Alabama Office of the Attorney General 11 South Union Street
Montgomery AL 36130 Telephone: 334-242-7300 Facsimile: 334-242-7458 

Dennis Wright Assistant Attorney General of Alabama Office of the Attorney General State House 11
South Union Street Montgomery AL 36130 Telephone: 334-242-7463 Facsimile: 334-242-2433 

Arizona Grant Woods Attorney General of Arizona 1275 West Washington Street Phoenix AZ 85007
Telephone: 602-542-4266 Facsimile: 602-542-4085 

Ms. Sydney Davis Chief Counsel, Consumer Protection Office of the Attorney General 1275 West
Washington Street Phoenix AZ 85007 Telephone: 602-542-7701 Facsimile: 602-542 4377 

Arkansas Winston Bryant Attorney General of Arkansas Office of the Attorney General 200 Catlett-Prien
Building, 323 Center Street, Ste 200 Little Rock, AR 72201-2610 Telephone: 501-682-2007 Facsimile:

Kay Gilbrech Barton Deputy Attorney General of Arkansas Office of the Attorney General 200
Catlett-Prien Building, 323 Center Street, Ste 200 Little Rock, AR 72201-2610 Telephone: 501-682-6150
Facsimile: 501-692-8118 

California Dan Lungren Attorney General of California 1515 K Street Sacramento, Calif 95814 P.O. Box
944255 Sacramento, Calif. 94244-2550 Telephone: 1-916-445-9555 Facsimile: 1-916-323-5340 

California Albert N. Shelden Deputy Attorney General of California Office of the Attorney General 110
West A Street, Suite 1100 San Diego CA 92101 Telephone: 619-645-2089 Facsimile: 619-645-2062 

Colorado Ms. Gale A. Norton Attorney General of Colorado 1525 Sherman Street, 5th Floor Denver CO
80203 303-866-3617 303-866-5691 

Garth Lucero Deputy Attorney General of Colorado Office of the Attorney General 1525 Sherman Street,
5th Floor Denver CO 80203 Telephone: 303-866-5079 Facsimile: 303-866-5691 

Colorado Jan Michael Zavislan 1st Assistant Attorney General of Colorado Office of the Attorney General
1525 Sherman Street, Fifth Floor Denver CO 80203 Telephone: 303-866-3613 Facsimile: 303-866-5691 

Connecticut Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut Attorney General of Connecticut PO Box 120, 55 Elm
Street Hartford, CT 06141-0120 Telephone: 203-566-5374 Facsimile: 10288-1-203-523-5536 

Neil G. Fishman Assistant Attorney General of Connecticut MacKenzie Hall, 110 Sherman Street
Hartford, CT 06105 Telephone: 203-566-5374 Facsimile: 203-523-5536 

Connecticut Robert Langer Assistant Attorney General of Connecticut MacKenzie Hall, 110 Sherman
Street Hartford, CT 06105 Telephone: 203-566-5374 Facsimile: 203-523-5536 

Connecticut Steven M. Rutstein Assistant Attorney General of Connecticut MacKenzie Hall, 110 Sherman
Street Hartford CT 06105 Telephone: 860-566-5374 Facsimile: 860-523-5536 

Delaware Mrs. Jane Brady of Delaware Attorney General Carvel State Office Building 820 North French
Street, 4th Floor Wilmington DE 19801 Telephone: 302-577-8400 Facsimile: 302-577-6630 

Mary McDonough Deputy Attorney General of Delaware Consumer Protection Unit Carvel State Office
Building, 820 North French Street, 4th Floor Wilmington DE 19801 Telephone: 302-577-8600 Facsimile:

District of Columbia Karen Edwards D. C. Department of Consumer Affairs Regulatory Affairs 614 H
Street, NW Washington DC 20001 Telephone: 202-727-7770 Facsimile: 202-727-7666 

Federal Leslie Byrne, Director U S Office of Consumer Affairs 750 17th Street, NW, 6th Floor
Washington DC 20006 Telephone: 202-395-7900 Facsimile: 202-395-7901 

Neil Averitt Federal Trade Commission Washington, DC 20580 Telephone: 202-326-2885 Facsimile:
202-326-2884 Ms. Janice Wise Commissioner's Office The Federal Communications Commission 1919
M Street NW Washington, DC 20554 Telephone: 202-418-1000 Facsimile: 202-418-2821
JWISE@fcc.gov (Janice Wise) 

Mr. S. Ness Commissioner The Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street NW Washington,
DC 20554 Telephone: 202 418 1000 Facsimile: 202-418-2821 e-mail: sness@fcc.gov 

Mr. J. Quello Commissioner The Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street NW Washington,
DC 20554 Telephone: 202 418 1000 Facsimile: 202-418-2821 e-mail: jquello@fcc.gov 

Mr. _ Rhundt Commissioner The Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street NW Washington,
DC 20554 Telephone: 1-888-225-5322 Facsimile: 202-418-2821 e-mail: rhundt@fcc.gov 

Ms. R. Chong Commissioner The Federal Communications Commission 1919 M Street NW Washington,
DC 20554 Telephone: 1-888-225-5322 Facsimile: 202-418-2821 Telephone: 1-888-225-5322 

Federal Matt Lewis Consumer Response Center Federal Trade Commisson CRC H-130, 600
Pennslyvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20580 Telephone: 202-326-3128 Facsimile: 202-326-2012 

Federal Paul Raynes, Director Division of Federal/State Relations, Regional Operations Food and Drug
Administration 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12-07, Parklawn Building Rockville MD 20857 Telephone:
301-443-3360 Facsimile: 301-443-2143 

Federal John Reed Stark Special Counsel for Internet Projects Mail Stop 4-5, 450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20549 ENFORCEMENT@sec.gov 

Federal Director Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division Suite 1176, 75 Spring Street SW Atlanta, GA
30303 Telephone: 404-331-7100 Facimile: 404-331-7110 Web page: http:_www.usdoj.gov/ 

Federal Kathleen Rittner Federal/State Liaison Officer Federal Trade Commission 6th & Pennsylvania
Ave., NW. Washington, DC 20580 Telephone: 202-326-2498 Facsimile: 202-326-2050 

Federal Luis E. Rumbaut, Director Consumer Affairs Section Office of the Corporation Counsel 441 4th
Street NW Washington, DC 20001 Telephone: 202-727-3500 Facsimile: 202-727-6546 

Federal Jodie Bernstein, Director Bureau of Consumer Protection Federal Trade Commission 6th &
Pennsylvania Ave, N W Washington DC 20590 Telephone: 202-326-3238 Facsimile: 202-326-2050 

Federal Juanita Yates, Director Division of Public Liaison U S Office of Consumer Affairs 750 17th
Street, NW, Suite 700 Washington DC 20006 Telephone: 202-395-7900 Facsimile: 202-634-4135 

Florida Robert Butterworth Attorney General of Florida The Capital Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
Telephone: 850-487-1963 Facsimile: 850-487-2564 

Florida Robert Butterworth Attorney General of Florida PL 01, The Capital Tallahassee, FL 32399
Telephone: 850-488-2526 Facsimile: 850-488-5106 

Florida Jack A. Norris Jr. Chief of Special Prosecutions Office of the Attorney General 110 SE 6th Street,
The 110 Tower Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Telephone: 954-712-4600 Facsimile: 954-712-4706 


Jim Hurt Executive Assistant Counsel Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs 2 Martin Luther King, Jr.
Drive Suite 356, East Tower Atlanta GA 30334 Telephone: 404-656-1762 Facsimile: 404-651-9018 

Georgia Helen O'Leary Senior Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 40 Capitol
Square, S.W. Atlanta GA 30334-1300 Telephone: 404-656-3337 Facsimile: 404-651-6341 

John Smith, Counsel & Division Director Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs 2 Martin Luther King,
Jr. Drive Suite 156, East Tower Atlanta GA 30334 Telephone: 404-656-1762 Facsimile: 404-651-9018 

Hawaii Margery S. Bronster of Hawaii Attorney General of Hawaii 425 Queen Street Honolulu, HI 96813
Telephone: 808-586-1500 Facsimile: 808-586-1239 

Jo Ann M. Uchida, Director Office of Consumer Protection Department of Commerce & Consumer
Affairs 235 South Beretania St, Ste. 801 Honolulu HI 96813 Telephone: 808-586-2636 Facsimile:

Hawaii Ted Gamble Clause, Deputy Attorney General Commerce and Economic Development Division
Office of the Attorney General 425 Queen Street Honolulu HI 96813 Telephone: 908-596-1180 Facsimile:

Idaho Alan G. Lance Attorney General of Idaho PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720 Telephone:
208-334-2400 Facsimile: 208-334-2530 e-mail: kbivens@ag.state.id.us e-mail: Alance@ag.state.id.us 

Brett DeLange Unit Chief, Consumer Protection Unit Office of the Attorney General PO Box 83720 Len
B Jordan Bldg., Lower Level 650 West State St Boise, ID 83720-0010 Telephone: 208-334-4114
Facsimile: 208-334-2830 e-mail: Bdelange@ag.state.id.us 

Illinois James E. Ryan Attorney General of Illinois State of Illinois 500 South Second Street Springfield, IL
62708 Telephone: 217-782-1090 Facsimile: 217-782-7046 

Katie Tennant, Consumer Advocate Office of the Attorney General State of Illinois 100 West Randolph
Street Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: 312-814-3000 Facsimile: 312-814-3806 

Charles G. Fergus Chief, Consumer Fraud Bureau Office of the Attorney General 100 West Randolph
Street, 12th Floor Chicago IL 60601 Telephone: 312-914-4714 Facsimile: 312-814-2593 

Deborah Hagan Consumer Fraud Bureau, Southern Region Office of the Attorney General 500 South
Second Street Springfield IL 62706 Telephone: 217-782-9021 Facsimile: 217-782-1097 

Indiana Jeffrey A. Modisett Attorney General of Indiana 402 West Washington Street, Fifth Floor
Indianapolis IN 46204 Telephone: 317-232-6201 Facsimile: 317-232-7979 

Lisa R. Hayes, Chief Counsel Division of Consumer Services Office of the Attorney General Indiana
Government Center South, Fifth Floor 402 West Washington Street Indianapolis IN 46204 Telephone:
317-232-6205 Facsimile: 317-233-4393 

Iowa Thomas Miller Attorney General of Iowa 1300 East Walnut Des Moines, IA 50319 Telephone:
515-281-5164 Telephone: 515-281-4209 

Bill Brauch Special Assistant Attorney General Director of Consumer Protection Hoover State Office
Building, Second Floor Des Moines, IA 50319 Telephone: 515-281-5926 Telephone: 515-291-6771 

Kansas Carla Stovall Attorney General of Kansas 301 SW Tenth Street Topeka, KA 66612-1597
Telephone: 785-296-2215 Facsimile: 785-296-6296 

C. Steven Rarrick Deputy Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 301 SW Tenth Street, Judicial
Building Topeka, KA 66612-1597 Telephone: 785-296-3751 Facsimile: 785-291-3699 

Kentucky Albert B. Chandler, III Attorney General of Kentucky State Capitol Building Frankfort KY
40601 Telephone: 502-696-5389 Facsimile: 502-564-8310 

Todd E. Leatherman Director, Consumer Protection Office of the Attorney General Post Office Box
2000, 1024 Capital Center Drive Frankfort KY 40601-9204 Telephone: 502-696-5389 Facsimile:

Louisiana Richard Piuieyoub Attorney General of Louisiana PO Box 94095 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095
Telephone: 504-339-5190 Facsimile: 504-342-8703 

Tamera R Velasquez Chief, Consumer Protection Section Office of the Attorney General Department of
Justice, PO Box 94095 Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Telephone: 504-342-9639 Facsimile: 504-342-9637

Maine Andrew Ketterer Attorney General of Maine Office of the Attorney General 6 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333 207-626-8800 207-626-8849 

Stephen L. Wessler Assistant Attorney General Director, Public Protection Unit State House Building,
Station 96 Augusta ME 04333 Telephone: 207-626-8800 Facsimile: 207-626-8828 

Maryland J. Joseph Curran Attorney General of Maryland Office of the Attorney General 200 Saint Paul
Place Baltimore, MD 21202 Telephone: 410-576-6300 Facsimile: 410-576-7003 

Maryland Don Mauiski, Mediator Consumer Protection Division Office of the Attorney General, State of
Maryland 200 Saint Paul Place Baltimore, MD 21202 Telephone: 410-576-6510 Facsimile: 410-576-7040 

Maryland Honorable Ann Brown, Chairwoman Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East-West
Highway, Room 724 Bethesda, MD 20814-4408 Telephone: 301-504-0213 Facsimile: 301-504-0121 

Pamela Gilbert, Executive Director Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East-West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814-4409 Telephone: 301-504-0550 Facsimile: 301-504-0234 

Ross Koeser, Federal State Liaison Consumer Product Safety Commission 4330 East-West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814-4408 Telephone: 301-504-0789 Facsimile: 301-504-0354 

Maryland William Leibovici Assistant Attorney General of Maryland Chief, Consumer Protection Division
200 Saint Paul Place, 16th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202-2202 Telephone: 410-576-6557 Facsimile:

Massachusetts Scott Harshberger Attorney General of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, MA
02108-1698 Telephone: 617-727-2200 Facsimile: 617-727-6016 

Kevin Nasca Assistant Attorney General Consumer Protection & Antitrust Division One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108-1698 Telephone: 617-727-2200 Facsimile: 617-727-5765 

Massachusetts George Weber Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer Protection and Antitrust One
Ashburton Place, 19th Floor Boston, MA 02108-1698 Telephone: 617-727-2200 Facsimile: 617-727-5762

Michigan Frank J. Kelley Attorney General of Michigan Office of the Attorney General PO Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909-0212 Telephone: 517-373-1110 Facsimile: 517-335-4213 

Fred H. Hoffecker Assistant Attorney General-In-Charge Office of the Attorney General PO Box 30212
Lansing, MI 48909-0212 Telephone: 517-335-0855 Facsimile: 517-335-1935 

Minnesota Hubert H. Humphrey, III Attorney General of Minnesota 102 State Capitol St. Paul, MN
55155 Telephone: 612-296-6196 Facsimile: 612-297-4193 

D. Douglas Blanke Director of Consumer Policy Office of the Attorney General NCL Tower, 445
Minnesota Street, 14th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone: 612-296-2306 Facsimile: 612-296-9663 

Minnesota Caroline Ham Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General NCL Tower, 445
Minnesota Street, 14th Floor St. Paul, MN 55101 Telephone: 612-296-2367 Facsimile: 612-296-9663 

Mississippi Mike Moore Attorney General of Mississippi Office of the Attorney General P.O. Box 22947
Jackson, MS 39205-2947 Telephone: 1-800-281-4418 Facsimile: 601-359-4231 

Leyser Q. Morris Special Assistant Attorney General Director, Consumer Protection Division P.O. Box
22947 Jackson, MS 39205 Telephone: 601-359-4230 Facsimile: 601-359-4231 

Missouri Jerimiah W. "Jay" Nixon Attorney General of Missouri PO Box 899 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Telephone: 573-751-3321 Facsimile: 573-751-7007 

Douglas Ommen Chief Counsel Office of the Attorney General Supreme Court Building, 207 West High
Street Jefferson City, MO 65101 Telephone: 573-751-8355 Facsimile: 573-751-7007 

Montana Joseph P. Mazurek Attorney General of Montana 215 No. Sanders, 3rd Floor PO Box 201401
Helena, MT 59620-1402 Telephone: 406-444-2026 Facsimile: 444-3549 

Annie Bartos, Chief Legal Counsel Administrator of Consumer Affairs Department of Commerce 1424
9th Avenue Helena, MT 59620-0501 Telephone: 406-444-3553 Facsimile: 406-444-2903 

Nebraska Don Stenberg Attorney General of Nebraska 2115 State Capitol Lincoln, NE 68509 Telephone:
402-471-2682 Facsimile: 402-471-3297 

Paul Potadle Assistant Attorney General Consumer Protection Division Suite 2115 State Capitol, PO Box
98920 Lincoln, NE 68509-8920 Telephone: 402-471-2682 Facsimile: 402-471-3297 

Nevada Frankie Sue Papa Attorney General of Nevada 555 East Washington Avenue, Ste 3900 Las
Vegas, NV 89101 Telephone: 702-486-3777 Facsimile: 702-486-3768 

Richard Linstrom Senior Deputy Attorney General Telemarketing/Consumer Fraud Unit 555 East
Washington Avenue, Ste 3900 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Telephone: 702-486-3777 Facsimile: 702-486-3416 

New Hampshire Philip T. McLughlin Attorney General of New Hampshire Office of the Attorney General
33 Capital Street Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: 603-271-3658 Facsimile: 603-271-2110 

Walter L. Maroney Chief Consumer Protection Criminal Justice Bureau 33 Capitol Street Concord, NH
03301-6397 Telephone: 603-271-3643 Facsimile: 603-271-2110 

New Jersey Peter Verinero Attorney General of New Jersey Department of Law PO Box 080 Trenton, NJ
08625 Telephone: 609-292-8740 Facsimile: 609-292-3508 

Mark Herr, Director Division of Consumer Affairs Department of Law & Public Safety 124 Halsey
Street, PO Box 45024 Newark, NJ 07101 Telephone: 201-504-6320 Facsimile: 201-648-3538 

New Jersey Gail M. Lambert Deputy Attorney General Department of Law & Public Safety 124 Halsey
Street, PO Box 45024 Newark, NJ 07101 Telephone: 201-648-7457 Facsimile: 201-648-3879 

New Jersey Edie Brower, Deputy Director Division of Consumer Affairs 124 Halsey Street PO Box
45025 Newark, NJ 07101 Telephone: 201-504-6534 Facsimile: 201-648-3538 

New Mexico Jack Hiatt, Director Consumer Protection Division Office of the Attorney General Post
Office Drawer 1508 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1508 Telephone: 505-827-6075 Facsimile: 505-827-6695

Ann Strickland Consumer Protection Division Office of the Attorney General Post Office Drawer 1508
Santa Fe, NM 87504-1508 Telephone: 505-827-6075 Facsimile: 505-827-6695 jhiatt@ago.state.nm.us

Tom Udall Attorney General of New Mexico Office of the Attorney General 401 Galisteo Street Santa Fe,
NM 87501 505-827-6000 505-827-5826 

Dennis Vacco Attorney General of New York Department of Law State Capitol Albany, NY 12224
Telephone: 518-474-7330 Facsimile: 518-473-9907 

New York Micheal Rossetti Special Counsel to the Attorney General Office of the Attorney General State
Capitol, Room 220 Albany, NY 12224 Telephone: 518-486-6689 Facsimile: 518-473-9908 New York 

Shirley Sarna Assistant Attorney General-in-Charge Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection 120
Broadway New York. NY 10271 Telephone: 212-416-8300 Facsimile: 212-416-6003 

North Carolina Michael F. Easley Attorney General of North Carolina Department of Justice P.O. Box
629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Telephone: 919-716-6000 Facsimile: 919-716-6050 

Alan Hirsch Special Deputy Attorney General Department of Justice Post Office Box 629 Raleigh, NC.
27602-0629 Telephone: 919-733-7741 Facsimile: 919-715-0577 

Jean Ann Wolhar Consumer Protection Specialist Consumer Protection Department P.O. Box 629
Raleigh, NC. 27602-0629 Telephone: 919-716-6000 Facsimile: 919-716-6050 

North Dakota Heidi Heitkamp Attorney General of North Dakota State Capitol 600 East Boulevard
Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505-0041 701-328-2210 701-328-2226 

Parrell D. Grossman Assistant Attorney General Director, Consumer Protection/Antitrust Division State
Capitol 600 East Boulevard Avenue Bismarck, ND 58505-0041 Telephone: 701-328-2811 Facsimile:

Ohio Betty D. Montgomery Attorney General of Ohio Office of the Attorney General State Office Tower,
30 East Broad Street, 17th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 614-466-4320 614-466-5087 

Eric S. Brown, Assistant Chief Consumer Protection Office of the Attorney General State Office Tower,
30 East Broad Street, 25th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Telephone: 614-466-1305 Facsimile:

Ohio Helen Mac Murray, Chief Consumer Protection Office of the Attorney General State Office Tower,
30 East Broad Street, 25th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Telephone: 614-466-8831 Facsimile:

Deborah Shanahan, Policy Director Office of the Attorney General State Office Tower 30 East Broad
Street, 15th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 Telephone: 614-644-1234 Facsimile: 614-466-5087 

Oklahoma Drew Edmondson Attorney General of Oklahoma Office of the Attorney General 4545 No.
Lincoln Blvde, Ste 260 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Telephone: 405-521-3921 Facsimile: 405-521-6246 

Jane F. Wheeler Assistant Attorney General Director, Consumer Protection Unit 4545 North Lincoln
Boulevard, Suite 260 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Telephone: 405-521-4274 Facsimile: 405-528-1867 

Oregon Hardy Myers Attorney General of Oregon Office of the Attorney General Justice Building, 1162
Court Street NE Salem, OR 97310 Telephone: 503-378-4400 Facsimile: 503-378-4017 

Peter D. Shepherd Attorney-in-Charge Office of the Attorney General Justice Building, 1162 Court Street
NE Salem, OR 97310 Telephone: 503-378-6347 Facsimile: 503-378-5017 

Oregon Timothy Wood, Division Administrator Civil Enforcement Division Office of the Attorney General
Justice Building, 1162 Court Street NE Salem, OR 97310 Telephone: 503-373-7734 Facsimile:

Pennsylvania D. Michael Fisher Attorney General of Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General 16th
Floor, Srawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 Telephone: 717-787-3391 Facsimile: 717-787-8242 

Joseph K. Goldberg Chief Deputy Attorney General Office of the Attorney General Strawberry Square,
14th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17120 Telephone: 717-787-9707 Facsimile: 717-787-1190 

Rhode Island Jeffrey B. Pines Attorney General of Rhode Island Office of the Attorney General 150
South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: 401-274-4400 Facsimile: 401-277-1302 

Christine S. Jabour Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer Protection Division 150 South Main
Street Providence, RI 02903 Telephone: 401-274-4400 Facsimile: 401-274-3050 

South Carolina Charles Malone Condon Attorney General of South Carolina Rembert C. Dennis Office
Building, PO Box 11549 Columbia, SC 29211 Telephone: 803-734-3970 Facsimile: 253-6383 

C.H. Jones, Jr. Senior Assistant Attorney General Consumer Fraud Section Rembert C. Dennis Office
Building, PO Box 11549 Columbia, SC 29211-1549 Telephone: 803-734-5834 Facsimile: 803-734-4323 

South Dakota Mark Barnett Attorney General of South Dakota Office of the Attorney General 500 East
Capitol Pierre, SD 57501 Telephone: 605-773-3215 Facsimile: 605-773-4106 

John M. Strohman Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 500 East Capitol Pierre, SD
57501-5070 Telephone: 605-773-4400 Facsimile: 605-773-4106 

Tennessee John Knox Walkup Attorney General of Tennessee Office of the Attorney General 424 Fifth
Avenue Nashville, TN 37243 Telephone: 615-741-1671 Facsimile: 615-532-2910 

Cynthia Carter Deputy Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 500 Charlotte Avenue Nashville,
TN 37243-0491 Telephone: 615-741-6422 Facsimile: 615-532-2910 

Texas Dan Morales Attorney General of Texas PO Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548 512-463-2007

Paul Elliott Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer Protection Division Capitol Station, Post Office
Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548 Telephone: 512-463-2185 Facsimile: 512-473-8301 

Texas Mary T. Henderson Assistant Attorney General Deputy Chief, Consumer Protection Division
Capitol Station, Post Office Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548 Telephone: 512-475-4185 Facsimile::

Robert E. Reyna Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 714 Jackson Street, Suite 800
Dallas, TX 75202-4506 Telephone: 214-742-8105 Facsimile: 214-939-3930 

Craig Jordan Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 714 Jackson Street, Suite 800
Dallas, TX 75202-4506 Telephone: 214-742-9698x107 Facsimile: 214-939-3930 

Arthur R. Weiss Assistant Attorney General Consumer Protection Division Capitol Station, Post Office
Box 12548 Austin, TX 78711-2548 Telephone: 512-475-4656 Facsimile: 512-473-8301 

Utah Ms. Jam Graham Attorney General of Utah 236 State Capitol Salt Lake City, UT 84114 Telephone:
801-538-9600 Facsimile: 801-538-1121 

Charlene Barlow, Division Chief, Consumer Rights Division Office of the Attorney General State Capitol,
Room 236 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0810 Telephone: 801-538-1331 Facsimile: 801-538-1704 

Vermont William H. Sorrell Attorney General of Vermont 109 State Street Montpelier, VT 05609
Telephone: 802-828-3171 Facsimile: 802-828-3187 

Julie Brill Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 109 State Street Montpelier, VT
05609-1001 Telephone: 802-828-3171 Facsimile: 802-828-2154 

Elliot M. Burg Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General 109 State Street Montpelier, VT
05609-1001 Telephone: 802-828-3171 Facsimile: 802-828-2154 

Virginia Mark Early Attorney General of Virginia Office of the Attorney General 900 East Main Street, 6th
Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 mearly@oag.state.va.us 

Richard Cullen Attorney General of Virginia Office of the Attorney General 900 East Main Street, 6th
Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 rcullen@oag.state.va.us 

Frank Seales, Jr. Chief and Senior Assistant Attorney General Antitrust and Consumer Litigation Section
900 East Main Street, 2nd Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2116 Facsimile:
804-371-2087 fseales@oag.state.va.us 

Anne Marie Cushmac Assistant Attorney General Antitrust and Consumer Litigation Section 900 East
Main Street, 6th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 e-mail:

Elizabeth Mikell Assistant Attorney General Antitrust and Consumer Litigation Section 900 East Main
Street, 6th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 e-mail:

Betty Edgemon Assistant Attorney General Antitrust and Consumer Litigation Section 900 East Main
Street, 6th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 e-mail:

Esther Messitt Assistant Attorney General Antitrust and Consumer Litigation Section 900 East Main
Street, 6th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: 804-786-2071 Facsimile: 804-786-1991 e-mail:

Washington Christine Gregoire Attorney General of Washington PO Box 40100 Olympia, WA 98504
Telephone: 360-753-6200 Facsimile: 360-664-0228 

Sally Gustafson Senior Assistant Attorney General Chief, Consumer Protection Division 900 Fourth
Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98164-1012 Telephone: 206-464-7744 Facsimile: 206-587-5636 

West Virginia Darryl V. McGraw Attorney General of West Virginia Office of the Attorney General State
Capitol, Room 26E Charleston, WV 25305 Telephone: 304-558-2021 Facsimile: 304-558-0140 

Jill Miles Deputy Attorney General Consumer Protection Division Office of the Attorney General 812
Quarrier Street, 6th Floor Charleston, WV 25301-2617 Telephone: 304-558-8986 Facsimile:

Wisconsin James E. Doyle Attorney General of Wisconsin PO Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857
Telephone: 608-266-1221 Facsimile: 608-267-2779 

Jerry Hancock Assistant Attorney General Director, Office of Consumer Protection 123 West Washington
Avenue, P. 0. Box 7857 Madison, WI 53707-7857 Telephone: 608-267-8948 Facsimile: 608-267-2779 

Wyoming William U. Hill Attorney General of Wyoming 123 State Capitol Cheyenne, WY 82002
Telephone: 307-777-7841 Facsimile: 307-777-6869 

Mark Moran Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General State Capitol Building Cheyenne,
WY 82002 Telephone: 307-777-5838 Facsimile: 307-777-6869 

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