-------------8<------------------------------------- Secret Service Pinball, Data East, 1988 Undocumented Feature by Dethme0w, 1999 Here's how to get extra balls in play simultaneously in Secret Service pinball without going through the ramp: At the beginning of the ball, don't shoot right away. After a few seconds, a second ball will be presented. Shoot just hard enough to launch one of the balls, so that the other one comes back down. As soon as it hits the switch, or at least within a few seconds, if there is a third ball in the sewer, it too will be presented. Now just shoot both balls and you've got three in play! This can be repeated each ball, and the game is aware of the ball count on the table, so you are safe to lose two of them. This will not work if there is a ball in the ramp trap, as the machine only has three balls. In that case you can only get the two balls. --- Pacific T.V. - Victoria, B.C. Canada Ph. +1 250 386 4283 Fax +1 250 920 3517 Browse our online tube catalog! http://pacifictv.ca