TUCoPS :: Truly Miscellaneous :: mailing.txt

Mailing Lists of interest to hackers

11. What are some mailing lists of interest to hackers?

  Academic Firewalls
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to majordomo@greatcircle.com
                                    containing the line "subscribe firewalls user@host"

U Bugtraq
  Reflector Address:    bugtraq@fc.net
  Registration Address: bugtraq-request@fc.net

  Cert Tools
  Reflector Address:    cert-tools@cert.org
  Registration Address: cert-tools-request@cert.org

  Computers and Society
  Reflector Address:    Comp-Soc@limbo.intuitive.com
  Registration Address: taylor@limbo.intuitive.com

  Coordinated Feasibility Effort to Unravel State Data
  Reflector Address:    ldc-sw@cpsr.org
  Registration Address:

  CPSR Announcement List
  Reflector Address:    cpsr-announce@cpsr.org
  Registration Address:

  CPSR - Intellectual Property
  Reflector Address:    cpsr-int-prop@cpsr.org
  Registration Address:

  CPSR - Internet Library
  Reflector Address:    cpsr-library@cpsr.org
  Registration Address:

  DefCon Announcement List
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to majordomo@fc.net containing
                                    the line "subscribe dc-announce"

  DefCon Chat List
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to majordomo@fc.net containing
                                    the line "subscribe dc-stuff"

N IDS (Intruder Detection Systems)
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to majordomo@wyrm.cc.uow.edu.au
                                    containing the line "subscribe ids"

  Macintosh Security
  Reflector Address:    mac-security@eclectic.com
  Registration Address: mac-security-request@eclectic.com

  NeXT Managers
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: next-managers-request@stolaf.edu

  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to listserv@netcom.com
                                    containing the line "subscribe phiber-scream user@host"

N phruwt-l (Macintosh H/P)
  Reflector Address:
  Registration Address: Send a message to filbert@netcom.com
                                    with the subject "phruwt-l"

  Reflector Address:    rfc931-users@kramden.acf.nyu.edu
  Registration Address: brnstnd@nyu.edu

  RSA Users
  Reflector Address:    rsaref-users@rsa.com
  Registration Address: rsaref-users-request@rsa.com

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