**************************************** * * * WAR! * * * * A helpful series of philes * * * * by: * * * *========>The Spirit Of Radio<=========* * * * Call Speed Demon! * * (415) 522-3074 * * * **************************************** [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] [ ] [ VOLUME I ] [ ] [ Gathering information ] [ ] [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] In the course of phreaking, many conflicts may arise. These may be small scuffles among individuals, or large scale wars between phreak groups. This series of philes was intended to assist those persons to help the wise to win and triumph over the poor and foolish. However, I shall claim NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER for whatever mischief that may arise from the actions as described in this series, nor for mistakes appearing hereafter. With this in mind, welcome to the mighty world of phreak war! ============ = VOLUME I = ============ Gathering information may be the most enjoyable, or the most aggravating of a phreak war depending upon the way in which it is approached. It basically involves the real world identification of an individual by his alias. The order in which this info. should be attained is: I. Alias II. Phone Number III. Name IV. Address In this volume, I will discuss all ways known to me (that I choose to disclose) used to obtain the preceeding information. Phone Number ------------ Once you have the name of the phreak you are going to destroy, getting his phone number should be of little trouble. Many phreaks will disclose others' phone numbers at request, but if this person is powerful and threatening and others choose to refrain from openly disclosing his phone number, then it is time to turn around and call up your friendly neighborhood sysop. Knowing sysops can be very helpful, for if the individual is a validated member of the sysop's board it is very probable that the phreak's phone number was required (and recorded) for validation. If you do not know the sysop of the local board, getting his phone number should be rather simple. Call up your local CN/A bureau and say, "Hello. This is Jim Reynolds from the local business office and I'd like the name of the customer who is at xxx-xxx-xxxx" [xxx-xxx-xxxx should be the board number] (some CN/A's service more than one area code). The operator will return shortly with the name and residing city of the person who owns the line (this works for unlisted numbers, as most boards are unlisted anyway). Then, just crosscheck the sysop's last name in the phone book. Then, eliminate all those listings that are from cities that the SYSOP doesn't live in. Call the remaining numbers (about 3-4) and ask for the sysop BY HANDLE. Then, once you get the correct number, write it down and tell the sysop who you are (by handle) and tell him the handle of the guy who you're trying to destroy. If he's nice and helpful (as most sysops are) he'll go check his userlist and find the guy's number (amazing as it is, a lot of people these days still use their real numbers when calling a board). Name ---- When you have his number, his name should be relatively easy to get. Just CN/A him and take down the city and last name. Then, call him up and ask for him by handle. When he comes to the phone, tell him you're some dude (like The Pirate or something) and say you'd like to trade some wares. Talk about games for awhile and say "By the way, my name's John. What's yours?" Write his first name down, and continue to talk for a little while. Then, suddenly say, "My mom has to make a call. I'll call you back in 5 minutes. Bye." Whatever you do, make sure he doesn't convince you to give him your phone number and for him to call you back. If this happens, it is more than likely for you to become the target. Address ------- When you have his name and phone number, address is a breeze. If his phone number is listed in the book, this part is no sweat. Just call the library and tell them you want to do a crisscross by phone number. Give them the dude's # and presto! If the librarian speaks English, he'll have the address for you in a flash! (Illegal aliens may take a bit longer). Another simple method is just looking him up in the phone book (if his last name is sorta uncommon) and you can manually scan through it. This is the end of Part I. Coming up in Part II: Striking your enemy from home. THE SPIRIT OF RADIO Neon Knights