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Privacy Digest 1.21 10/2/92

From privacy@cv.vortex.com Sat Oct  3 01:37:21 1992
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Date: Fri, 2 Oct 92 21:50 PDT
From: privacy@cv.vortex.com (PRIVACY Forum)
Subject: PRIVACY Forum Digest V01 #21
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PRIVACY Forum Digest     Friday, 2 October 1992     Volume 01 : Issue 21

         Moderated by Lauren Weinstein (lauren@cv.vortex.com)
                Vortex Technology, Topanga, CA, U.S.A.
                     ===== PRIVACY FORUM =====

   	  The PRIVACY Forum digest is supported in part by the 
	      ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy.

	PRIVACY Brief (Moderator--Lauren Weinstein)
	More on credit reports etc. for sale (Bruce Jones)
	Genetic Infomation and Privacy (Gary Chapman)
	Genetic Privacy (cont'd) (Marc Rotenberg)
	FBI Wiretap Scheme Examined (Nikki Draper)
	Sacramento, CA privacy conference (Bruce R. Koball)

 *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! ***
            *** Submissions without them may be ignored! ***

The PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and analysis of
issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal and
collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond.  The
moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and
content.  Submissions will not be routinely acknowledged.

ALL submissions should be addressed to "privacy@cv.vortex.com" and must have
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reported to "list-maint@cv.vortex.com".  All submissions included in this
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related materials, is available via anonymous FTP from site "cv.vortex.com",
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    Quote for the day:

	   "No manager ever got fired for buying IBM."

				-- Old IBM advertising slogan


PRIVACY Brief (from the Moderator)

A recent report via ITN shows that Great Britain is in the process of
increasing reliance on automated traffic ticketing systems.  These systems
automatically take photographs of vehicles declared to have exceeded speed
limits, along with recording date, time, speed, and related information.
Interestingly, the photos shown were all of the *rear* end of the vehicles,
clearly showing the license plates but showing essentially nothing of the

One must assume that in Great Britain the issue of who was actually driving
the vehicle is not considered relevant.  A police spokesman also made a
comment to the effect that they get convictions 100% of the time for
automated tickets.

Great Britain is currently changing their fines for speeding violations to a
system based on the driver's income.  This can result, for a driver with a
good income, in fines up to 900 pounds (or even higher) for speeding only a
few miles per hour over the posted limits!

Automated ticketing systems have been tried in various areas of the
U.S. and are currently deployed in some areas here.  Concerns about
their reliability and due process have so far limited their widespread
deployment in this country.


Date:    Mon, 28 Sep 92 09:17:59 -0700
From:    bjones@weber.ucsd.edu (Bruce Jones)
Subject: More on credit reports etc. for sale

Dan Ellis mentions a "Geoffrey Rothvader" as the author of a book on
computer access to private records.  For those of you who might want to
follow up on the book, the correct spelling of his name is Jeffrey
Rothfeder, and he is an editor for Business Week magazine. 

Mr. Rothfeder was interviewed on a WGBH/PBS NOVA special called "We Know
Where You Live" (1990) where he talked about getting access to Quayle's
records.  It should be pointed out that Rothfeder was able to gain access
because he is in fact an employee of McGraw Hill (which ownes Business Week)
- not that this makes his observations any less chilling.  His sound bites
on the NOVA special sounded like he was pretty critical of the information
"super-bureaus" so his book might be worth reading.

According to "melvyl" - the Univ. of Calif library catalog,
Roghfeder is also the author of *Minds over Matter* - a book on
computers and artificial intelligence.



Date:    Tue, 29 Sep 1992 09:39:30 -0400
From:    "(Gary Chapman)" <chapman@silver.lcs.mit.edu>
Subject: Genetic Infomation and Privacy

The New York Times reports today (9/29, page C2) that a survey
commissioned by the March of Dimes reveals that a majority of the people
surveyed do not consider genetic information to be exclusively private.
Respondents apparently said, in the majority, that information about
potential defects in a person's genetic makeup should be revealed not
only to spouses and other family members, but also to insurance
companies and employers.

The article says that the public appears "extremely optimistic" about
the prospects for gene therapy, or the ability to treat genetic
disorders with biotechnology.  Over 80 per cent of the respondents were
enthusiastic about the concept of gene therapy, although the article
notes that about 60 per cent admitted they knew nothing about it.

A little over 40 per cent of people surveyed said that they would
welcome the use of genetic alteration to "improve the physical
characteristics that children would inherit," or to improve
intelligence.  The article mentions that scientists attributed this
figure to the widely shared view that intelligence is an inherited
trait, although there is little evidence for this view, and no
identified gene for intelligence.

Fifty-eight per cent of the people interviewed believed that an insurer
has a right to know about genetic abnormalities, and 33 per cent
believed that an employer has the same right.

Only eight states have passed laws that prohibit discrimination against
people with abnormal results on a genetic test, and, the article says,
most of those are directed only at people with sickle cell anemia.

Gary Chapman
The 21st Century Project
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Cambridge, Massachusetts


Date:    Wed, 30 Sep 1992 10:47:47 EDT
From:    Marc Rotenberg <Marc_Rotenberg@washofc.cpsr.org>
Subject: Genetic Privacy (cont'd)

This is a short clarification of the message posted yesterday about the
March of Dimes survey on genetic privacy.  The survey was described in a New
York Times article that appeared on September 2, 1992.

According to the Times article, 57% of the respondents said that "someone
other than a patient had a right to know that the person had a genetic
defect."  *Of that 57%,* 98% said that a spouse or fiance had a right to
know, 58% said an insurer had a right to know, and 33% percent said an
employer had a right to know.

Of all respondents then, if asked whether someone other than the patient has
the right to know about genetic defects, the numbers would be as follows:

"Right to know about genetic defects?"

	         Yes    No
Spouse/fiance     56    44
Employer          33    67
Insurer           19    81

These numbers do not appear to support the article's conclusion that the
majority of Americans support widespread access to genetic information.

I contacted the Lou Harris organization this morning.  We should have a copy
of the complete poll results later this week.

Marc Rotenberg
CPSR Washington office


Date:    Wed, 30 Sep 1992 17:05:06 PDT
From:    "(Nikki Draper)" <draper@Csli.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: FBI Wiretap Scheme Examined


Contact:  Nikki Draper  (415) 322-3778

     Computer Public Advocacy Group To Examine FBI Wiretap Scheme
                     at October Annual Meeting.

Palo Alto, Calif., October 1, 1992 -- Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility (CPSR), the national public interest organization based
here, will take an in-depth look at its recent suit against the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) during CPSR's 1992 Annual Meeting,
October 17th and 18th at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.
CPSR Legal Counsel, David Sobel, will talk about the FBI suit for the
first time since it was filed and moderate a panel discussion on the
politics of cryptography at the annual meeting.  The CPSR annual
meeting is a provactive two-day conference that addresses critical
issues facing society as a result of information technology.

CPSR filed suit against the FBI in September, after the Bureau failed
to make public documents that would justify the need for its new
wiretap proposal.  The FBI proposal would redesign the telephone
network to make wiretapping easier.  Recognizing the importance of
cryptography policy, CPSR catalyzed a national debate earlier this
year, as to whether or not the FBI and National Security Agency
(NSA) should be involved in setting the technical standards for the
computer and communications industry.

The panel discussion will include a screening and discussion of film
clips from the movie, Sneakers.  Panelists include, Joan Feigenbaum,
Technical Staff, Computing Principles Research, ATT Bell Labs, John
Gilmore, founder of Cygnus Support, and Dave Banisar, CPSR Policy

CPSR's annual meeting will  bring together computer scientists from
across the country to examine the relationship between politics and
technology.  Other topics include:

    *  Teledemocracy & Citizen Participation:
        Beyond the Electronic Town Meeting,

This session is an election year look at the dangers and the
opportunites of electronic democracy.  Speaker, Susan G. Hadden,
professor in the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at
Austin, an expert on telecommunications and citizen participation.

    *  Everything's Digital!  Media Convergence:  Hope, Hype or Hell?

This session examines the social implications of multimedia
convergence which is the merging of computer, telephone, and video
technology.  Panel discussion with David Bunnell, Editor, New Media,
Denise Caruso, Editor, Digital Media, and Howard Rheingold, Whole
Earth Review

    *  Envisioning Technology Policy in a Democratic Society;

A panel of technologists looks at the development of American
technology policy.  Panelists include, Gary Chapman, The 21st
Century Project, Judy Stern, CPSR/Berkeley, Claire Zvanski, SEIU
Local 790.

President of Interval Research, Dave Liddle, will be the keynote
speaker at CPSR's awards banquet Saturday evening.  Liddle will be
speaking on the Computing in the 21st Century.  IBM researcher,
Barbara Simons will be presented with the 1992 Norbert Wiener
Award for Social and Professional Responsibility in Computing.

Founded in 1981, CPSR is a national, non-profit, public interest
organization of computer scientists and other professionals concerned
with the impact of computer technology on society.  With offices in
Washington, D.C. and Boston, CPSR's members provide the public and
policy makers with expert testimony and assessments on the power, promise, and
 limitations of computer technology.

For more information about CPSR call 415-322-3778 or send email to


Date:    Wed, 30 Sep 1992 16:42:12 -0700
From:    Bruce R Koball <bkoball@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: Sacramento, CA privacy conference.

         Privacy in the Information Age:
Balancing the Right to Privacy and the Right of Access

Sponsored by Government Technology Magazine,
             Sacramento, California

Produced by  Government Technology Conference, Sacramento and 
             Riley Information Services Inc., Toronto, Canada

This one day conference and training session will be held at the
Sacramento Convention Centre on November 16th, 1992.

The conference will deal with many of the seminal privacy issues facing
society today.  It will address subjects and issues of importance to
both the public and private sectors.  An array of privacy experts and
professional from the public and private sectors in California and from
Washington, D.C.  and Canada will gather to debate the issues driving
privacy today and offer possible solutions.  The sessions will be
interactive with discussion and questions from the audience urged.

Following is a short synopsis of the topics and speakers for the one day

Opening Session: 8:30am The State of Privacy in California Today:

Speaker: A.  A.  Pierce, Undersecretary, Business, Transportation and
                         Housing Agency, State of California

Keynote Address: A New Privacy Balance for the 90s: What the Public
                 Wants, What a Free Society Needs.

Speaker: Alan F.  Westin, Professor of Public Law and Government, 
         Columbia University and author of Privacy and Freedom.

Professor Westin will discuss recent survey data on privacy concerns of
citizens and analyze the recent public attitudes to privacy as seen in
relation to the forces of developing technology and society's demands
for wider openness.  How will all these competing demands be met so all
social needs are satisfied?

Panel: What are the Dangers of Eroding Privacy?  

The debate goes on as to what extent should there be privacy regulation
in our society.  If we are to do this comprehensively how will we
accomplish this goal?  But do we really need extensive regulation or any
at all?

This will be a point/counterpoint session between Professor Goeroge
Trubow of John Marshall Law School in Chicago and Jim Warren, Founder of
Computer, Freedoms and Privacy Conferences and Columnist for MicroTimes

Panel:  Balancing the Right of Acccess and the Right to Privacy.

Freedom of Information laws endow on the citizen the basic right of
access to government information, the right to know what it's government
is doing and why.  But there is also the right to protect the privacy of
the individual, creating competing interests.

Speakers:  Ronald L. Plesser, lawyer, Piper and Marbury, Washington, D.C. 
           and former General Counsel, US Privacy Commission.

           Webster Guillory, Chairman, National Organization of 
           Black County Officials

           Peter Gillis, Director, Information Management Practices, 
           Treasury Board Secretariat, Federal Government of Canada

Panel: Privacy and Fair Information Practices: Practical

Professor George Trubow and privacy expert Thomas B.  Riley, Toronto,
Canada, will present actual Guidelines that can be used in the workplace
whether it be the public or private sector.

Luncheon Address: Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Assistant Commissioner/Privacy, 
                  Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario, 
                  Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"Investigating Privacy Complaints: A Canadian Experience."

In Canada there exists the Office of Privacy Commissioner which not only
takes complaints and appeals from the public in their dealings with the
Privacy Act but serves to act as an important forum to identify key
privacy issues?  What can be learned from this experience?

Panel: Privacy, Security and Electronic Records: What are the Ground Rules

While security is a central issue in protecting privacy, there is also
the question of what constitutes an electronic record?  There is much
regulatory confusion on this subject and speakers will work to address
the complex matrix.

Speakers: Joseph Pujals, State Information Security Manager, 
          Department of Finance, CA 

          Robert Gellman, Chief Counsel, House of Representatives 
          Subcommittee on Information, Washington, D.C. 
Panel: Data Matching and Tracking of Files: What are the Privacy Rights?
       How Far Should we Go?

Should data matching and tracking be allowed?  What is the greater good
or is there an important compromise?  What are specific examples of such
practices and how are they being handled?

Speakers: Evan Hendricks, Publisher, Privacy Times, Washington, D.C.

	  Kathleen M. Lucas, Plaintiff Counsel for Barbara Luck -
          Luck vs. Southern Pacific, San Francisco

          Chris Hibbert, Manager, Software Development Xanadu Corporation 
          and member, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Panel:  Privacy and Electronic Networks: Caller ID and Telemarketing.

Junk mail, junk fax, telemarketing, caller ID.  Do you want it?  Do you
need it?  If not-what can you do about it?

Speakers: Ken McEldowney, Executive Director, Consumer Action, San Francisco 

          Evelyn Pine, Executive Director, Computer Professionals for 
          Social Responsibility 

          Beth Givens, Project Director, Centre for Public Interest Law, 
          University of California, San Diego 

          John Schweizer, Manager, Consumer Affairs, Pacific Bell
Closing remarks at 4:45pm will be delivered by Tom Riley who will offer
a synthesis of issues presented for the day and a prognosis for the

Conference Cost: $199.

To register for the conference or to obtain a promotional brochure with
fuller information please phone: Deborah Furlow, Government Technology
Conference, Sacramento, CA, (916)363-5000.


End of PRIVACY Forum Digest 01.21

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