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Privacy Digest 4.16 7/21/95

PRIVACY Forum Digest     Friday, 21 July 1995     Volume 04 : Issue 16

            Moderated by Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com)         
              Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, CA, U.S.A.
                       ===== PRIVACY FORUM =====              

   	  The PRIVACY Forum digest is supported in part by the 
	      ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy,
     		     and the Data Services Division 
	           of MCI Communications Corporation.

	S.974 - Beyond Clipper and Digital Wiretap (Jim Gillogly)
	Guest Workers (Phil Agre)
	Announcing the CPSR Newsletter (Marsha Woodbury)
	Video Resources (Gary Meyer)
	CQL'96: Symposium on Computers & the Quality of Life (Al Whaley)

 *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! ***
            *** Submissions without them may be ignored! ***

The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and
analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal
and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond.  The
moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and
content.  Submissions will not be routinely acknowledged.

All submissions should be addressed to "privacy@vortex.com" and must have
RELEVANT "Subject:" lines; submissions without appropriate and relevant
"Subject:" lines may be ignored.  Excessive "signatures" on submissions are
subject to editing.  Subscriptions are by an automatic "listserv" system; for
subscription information, please send a message consisting of the word
"help" (quotes not included) in the BODY of a message to:
"privacy-request@vortex.com".  Mailing list problems should be reported to

All messages included in this digest represent the views of their
individual authors and all messages submitted must be appropriate to be
distributable without limitations. 

The PRIVACY Forum archive, including all issues of the digest and all
related materials, is available via anonymous FTP from site "ftp.vortex.com",
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   Quote for the day:

	"Watch out for that tree!"
			-- From the theme for "George of the Jungle" 
			   (Jay Ward; 1967-1970)


Date:    Wed, 19 Jul 95 19:20:53 PDT
From:    Jim Gillogly <jim@rand.org>
Subject: S.974 - Beyond Clipper and Digital Wiretap

Sen. Grassley introduced a bill in the Senate on 27 Jun 1995 which he
calls "The Anti-electronic Racketeering Act", defining newly-identified
computer crimes to be subject to the confiscatory RICO laws.  It betrays
an astonishing lack of understanding of the Net it tries to regulate, but
its draconian penalties for ill-defined acts still make it potentially a
very effective means of selectively harassing privacy advocates.  While
it has a good chance of stalling out in the Judiciary Committee, even a
10% chance of passage would be too high for comfort whether or not its
most startling malapropisms were made coherent.

The bill includes total inanities, such as making it "unlawful for any
person to damage or threaten to damage electronically or digitally stored
data."  You evidently can't delete or edit files under the new regime.
Further, "It shall be unlawful to use a computer or computer network to
transfer unlicensed computer software, regardless of whether the transfer
is performed for economic consideration."  This means no more code
fragments, shareware, or freeware to be distributed on the Net.  Are they
thinking just of commercial software?  Are they thinking?  The key concepts
such as "computer network" are not defined, another source of concern.

The main assaults on privacy are intentional though, outlawing
distribution of encryption programs (strong or weak) and anonymous
financial transactions, and explicitly weakening the parts of the Privacy
Act that the government violated in the Steve Jackson case.
The encryption part:

  `Sec. 1030A. Racketeering-related crimes involving computers
    `(a) It shall be unlawful--
...     `(2) to distribute computer software that encodes or encrypts
      electronic or digital communications to computer networks that
      the person distributing the software knows or reasonably should
      know, is  accessible  to  foreign  nationals  and  foreign
      governments, regardless of whether such software has been
      designated as nonexportable;

Since foreign nationals and foreign governments are on virtually all
networks, including (for example) my company's internal network, this
means no encryption code can be distributed on any network at all.  The
"regardless" clause indicates that the bill isn't restricting just strong
encryption programs, but any encryption programs at all -- well beyond the
already onerous ITAR restrictions.

An exception is given that allows distribution of encryption programs
under one circumstance:

	`(c) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution under this
      section that the software at issue used a universal decoding device
      or program that was provided to the Department of Justice prior to
      the distribution.'.

This is even more restrictive than the ill-judged Clipper initiative, which
was to have key escrow be (a) voluntary, and (b) distributed between two
agents which were not necessarily in DoJ.  Further, since the issue at hand
is software rather than hardware, it means in effect that there must be a
back door in the encryption algorithm itself, since  otherwise the
algorithm could be used with keys that had not been handed over to DoJ.

If the intent of the bill is to prevent racketeers from using encryption,
it misses the mark entirely by not making encryption itself illegal.
It makes net-based authors responsible for acts committed by their users.
Encryption, and even strong encryption, is an integral part of many
commercial packages available to foreign nationals and others in U.S.
software stores; this bill does not address distribution of strong (or
weak) encryption through commercial channels.

[Sarcasm mode ON.]  This would seem at first to ignore the international
nature of the Net, since obviously people in Finland, the U.K., Italy, and
Germany have excellent cryptography FTP sites accessible to foreign (i.e.
non-U.S.) nationals.  However, this is covered also:

	`(g)(1)(A) Any act prohibited by this section that is committed
      using any computer, computer facility, or computer network that is
      physically located within the territorial jurisdiction of the
      United States shall be deemed to have been committed within the
      territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
	`(B) Any action taken in furtherance of an act described in
      subparagraph (A) shall be deemed to have been committed in the
      territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
	`(2) In any prosecution under this section involving acts deemed
      to be committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the United
      States under this subsection, venue shall be proper where the
      computer, computer facility, or computer network was physically
      situated at the time at least one of the wrongful acts was

Do we look forward to a U.S. commando raid on an FTP site in Milan to
bring the perpetrators back to stand trial here?  [Sarcasm mode OFF.]

Declaring these new crimes racketeering under the RICO statutes is
the real perniciousness of the bill.  Any act of accessing the software
by a foreign national is considered a separate offense, so that (for
example) posting a simulation of the Captain Midnight Secret Squadron
Decoder Badge to Usenet would result in millions of separate violations,
making your computer subject to confiscation without due (or any) process.

Sen. Grassley regards this as a positive feature, and has even gone
further.  When introducing the bill he said:

   It is not enough to simply modernize the Criminal Code. We also
   have to reconsider many of the difficult procedural burdens that
   prosecutors must overcome...

   ... for law enforcers--both State and Federal--who have seized a
   computer which contains both contraband or evidence and purely private
   material, I have created a good-faith standard so that law enforcers
   are not shackled by undue restrictions...

So what can we do about it?  Petitions appear to be ineffective: the one
we sent to Sen. Leahy made no impression at all -- perhaps Net people
have been so demonized lately that having their bad opinion is considered
a positive good.  We could try supporting lobbying organizations, but we
need to be careful that the ones we support will oppose these bills --
many privacy advocates felt betrayed in the Digital Wiretap fight.
We could try to educate our own representatives, but there's no evidence
that they read incoming mail any further than checking the "favors" or
"opposes" box on the "constituent responses" form.  Do we engage in
pro-active resistance, such as making sure widespread plug-and-play strong
cryptography and digital cash are firmly in place before nonsensical
legislation like this or its successors can be enacted?

Whatever we do, we'd better do it soon:  Washington has discovered the
Net, and they <will> pass regulations, whether they understand what
they're doing or not.  When the trial balloon for Clipper was floated
it seemed clear to many of us that it didn't make sense as long as it
was voluntary.  This proposed bill would outlaw distribution of effective
crypto software, and the next one could well criminalize encryption itself.

Required reading: ftp://ftp.loc.gov/pub/thomas/c104/s974.is.FTP

	Jim Gillogly
	Highday, 27 Afterlithe S.R. 1995, 02:10


Date:    Sat, 8 Jul 1995 15:37:48 -0700
From:    Phil Agre <pagre@weber.ucsd.edu>
Subject: guest workers

I gather that I was a little too indirect in my comment about guest workers
in my message to the Privacy digest about tracking devices.  Many countries
have "guest worker" programs that let noncitizens work at jobs in the
country without obtaining full resident or citizen status.  These programs
are usually controversial since they risk creating a second-class status
with regard to a whole range of civil rights.  The United States has a
particularly problematic system.  It has various categories of legal alien
status, and it has something resembling a guest worker program that is
mostly for seasonal agricultural workers.  But it also has a significant
part of its economy that depends on the work of people who have no legal
status.  These people are in the country illegally.  The Constitution's
due process and other such rights apply to everyone in the country, though,
and not just citizens, and so a great deal of controversy has surrounded
the "illegal alien" status.  The big problem is that the undocumented
immigrants (the intendedly non-pejorative term for such people) who work
at legitimate jobs can be, and routinely are, grossly exploited, for if
they complain about their working conditions (e.g., whether they get paid)
then they can be, and routinely are, deported.  The governor of my own
state, California, recently saved his political career from certain ruin
by signing on to a remarkably virulent campaign against illegal aliens,
resulting in the clearly unconstitutional Proposition 187 against them.
Having a proper guest worker program would alleviate these problems somewhat.

Phil Agre, UCSD


Date:    Wed, 12 Jul 1995 20:40:47 -0700
From:    marsha-w@uiuc.edu (Marsha Woodbury)
Subject: Announcing the CPSR Newsletter

Announcing the Latest Edition of the CPSR Newsletter, devoted to Freedom of
Information.  To learn more about joining CPSR or obtaining this issue,
email to cpsr@cpsr.org or check the Web, at


****Computers, Government, and Access to Electronic Records****

Guest Editor:  Marsha Woodbury, Director at Large, CPSR

Excerpts from the introduction:

The articles in this issue should update your knowledge of what freedom of
information laws are, how these laws treat electronic records, and what we,
as computer professionals and concerned citizens, should know about our
responsibilities for creating, maintaining, and using databases.  Our
purpose herein is to discuss how computers and digitized records will change
your access to government data.  In order to focus on the topic, I left the
issues of copyright, maintaining the integrity and authenticity of records,
and protecting personal privacy for future editors to cover.

One piece of advice:  always try to obtain information without resort to the
law.  Once you make a formal request, the government officials can find many
reasons for not filling it, and you may wait for years.  You can catch more
bytes with honey than with vinegar, as it were.  Freedom of Information...

Freedom of information, or "the right to know," is an emotional issue.  The
concept's undergirding philosophy recognizes that the public, as "the
people" with a common interest in the common good, has "the right to know."
In contrast, a totalitarian government doesn't even go through the motions
of openness.  Those who believe in the right to know hold that an informed
public is a safeguard against governmental abuse of power; yet, no matter
how open a government aspires to be, it can hardly avoid reining in access
to and release of information, in order to govern.


The articles should broaden our knowledge of what has been happening to
federal, state, and local FOIAs as records are increasingly stored in
electronic form.

The first article, by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press,
defines many of the issues and offers guidance about how to prepare a FOIA
request.  Next, David Morrisey, a professor in Colorado, writes about the
lack of government preparation for electronic access. In the subsequent
article, Eileen Gannon describes how the Environmental Working Group
acquires and translates data in order to provide information to the public.

Archivists have many legitimate concerns about how the government stores its
records electronically.  The Society of American Archivists has written a
position statement on archival issues to guide your planning.  This
statement is followed by the concerns of James Love, who fills us in on
public and private networks in regard to the status of public records and
open meetings under FOIA.

David Sobel has contributed an update on the CPSR and EPIC lawsuits, some of
which concern FOIA issues.  Joel Campbell gives some tips for starting a
state freedom of information organi-zation.  Dave Gowen relates his own
experience in acquiring electronic data.  Finally, we include a list of
listservs, Gopher, web, and FTP resources for further information.  I hope
this newsletter will do three things:

1.  Help you to obtain and use information stored in digital form,
whether browsing it online, doing research, or monitoring the

2.  Make us all more aware of the pitfalls and plusses of digital
record-keeping, and how we can use our expertise to help others.

3.  Lend support to the journalists, archivists, and activists who are
working hard to insure our right to know.  People who save a tree or
historic building enjoy more publicity since their acts are visual and
dramatic.  A person who stops a mass "delete" or puts up
government web pages earns little public acclaim. This newletter
gives them the attention they deserve.


Scalia, Antonin.  "The Freedom of Information Act Has No Clothes."
Regulation 6(2) 1982:  14-19.

Table of Contents

Access to Electronic Records    3
Will Washington Share Its Electronic Bounty?    5
Solving Environmental Problems with Information Technology      9
Archival Issues Raised by Information Stored in Electronic Form 11
Public and Private Networks, and the Status of Public Records, Open
Meetings, and FOIA      13
CPSR and EPIC FOIA Cases: Current Status        14
FOI and First Admendment-related Resources on the Internet         16
Six Tips for Starting a State Freedom of Information Organization  19
CPSR Executive Director Search  20
Confidentiality and Availability of Public Information  21
Chapter Updates    22

The CPSR newsletter is sent free to members and is available for $5 an
issue by U.S. mail for non-members -- please send your postal address.

Marsha Woodbury, Ph.D.            Associate Director of Education,
Sloan Center for Asynchronous Learning Environments (SCALE)
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign     marsha-w@uiuc.edu
Director at Large, CPSR          http://w3.scale.uiuc.edu/marsha/


Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 22:47:32 -0800
From: cfpvideo@earthlink.net (Gary Meyer)
Subject: Video resources




Keynote address:

How can constitutional provisions written two centuries ago be applied to a
world defined by the rapidly evolving netwoked communication technologies
of the late 20th century?  This is the speech that moved journalists to
proclaim CFP1 *The First Constitutional Convention of Cyberspace.*

Harvard Law professor and expert on Constitutional Law, Laurence Tribe,
proposes a 27th Constitutional Amendment, extending Bill of Rights
protections to the domain of Cyberspace.

Laurence Tribe, Prof., Harvard Law School; Jim Warren, Chair


An exciting look into the near future by six outstanding scientists who
explain the technical aspects of network technology and cryptography as
they impact personal privacy, business security, and equitable access to

Peter Denning, Research Inst. for Advanced Computer Science
John Quarterman, Texas Internet Consulting
Peter Neumann, SRI International
Martin Hellman, Professor, Stanford University
David Chaum, Prof., Amsterdam, *Electronic Money and Beyond*
David Farber, Professor, University of  Pennsylvania


How do other countries protect personal information?  What models exist for
securing private communications and granting access to information gathered
by governments?   Includes look at the European Community's trans-border
data flow and accountability policies.
Chair: Ron Plesser.

Robert Veeder, US Office of Management and Budget
Tom Riley, Canadian Specialist, Int'l Computer Privacy Issues
David Flaherty, Professor, Univ. of Wstrn. Ontario, Canada
Ronald Plesser, Gen.Cnsl, US Privacy Protection Study Cmmsn.

cfp-104  PERSONAL INFORMATION & PRIVACY - I  (75 mins)

Who does your personal information belong to?  Government and private
companies routinely collect, collate and market data about your lifestyle,
work, health, schooling, children, voting, taxes,  finances, and buying
habits.  Should they?  What restrictions should apply?    Chair:  Lance

Janlori Goldman, Dir., Proj. on Privacy & Technology, ACLU
John Baker, Sr. V.P., Consumer & Govt Affairs, EQUIFAX, INC.

DEBATE:  Should individuals have absolute control over secondary use of
their personal information?

Alan Westin, Professor, Columbia University, NYC

Marc Rotenberg, Washington D.C. Dir., CPSR


There is a new information Economy gold rush.  *Strip Mining* data for
resale has become lucrative, but what are the ethics of this new industry?
Do individuals have a right to know how their personal information is being
used?  Assessment of the areas in which consumers currently have and do not
have protection under the law from infringements upon privacy.  Industry
speakers predict a return to *old-fashioned, small town* type commerce as
they have more intimate details about their customers.  They claim
consumers will be happier.  Others see Armageddon.  Chair: Lance Hoffman.

Simon Davies, Univ. of New South Wales, Australia
Evan Hendricks, Editor / Publisher, Privacy Times
Tom Mandel, SRI International
Willis Ware, RAND Corporation


 Professor Eli Noam addresses the overwhelming amount of information that
is barraging people today.  He calls this *the problem of the last twenty
inches*--the twenty inches being the distance from the display terminal to
the human brain.  Noam argues for common carriage *rights of way* to
prevent the bottlenecks that can occur when information crosses subnetworks
that set their own rules. Telecommunications policy focus is on issues of
*interconnection, of integration of the various network parts.*   Chair:
Marc Rotenberg.

Eli Noam, Professor, Columbia University


Law enforcement speaks out!  The investigators and prosecutors on the front
lines of computer crime explain their procedures, including due process and
concern about deterring criminal behavior.  Details of the notorious
*Operation Sundevil* discussed, plus a candid look at the Secret Service's
work (10,000 arrests and 96% conviction rate since 1985).  Unique problems
of jurisdiction in cyberspace, plus strong appeal for computer
professionals to work with Law Enforcement to educate officers as well as
to set ethical standards among computer users.   Chair:  Glenn Tenney.

Robert Snyder, Pub. Sfty Dept., Div. of Police, Columbus, OH
Donald Delaney, Sr. Investigator, New York State Police
Dale Boll, United States Secret Service, Wash. D.C.
Don Ingraham, Assistant District Attorney, Alameda County


Controversy abounds as law enforcement , defense attorneys and network
users grapple with the core issues that made CFP  necessary.  Has new
technology derailed law enforcement's ability to define proper procedures
against unwarranted search & seizure?  Does the Bill of Rights apply to
cyberspace?  A look at the legal standards that should apply in the
networked nation.   Chair:  Dorothy Denning

Sheldon Zenner, Atty, Katten, Muchin & Zavis
Kenneth Rosenblatt, Deputy District Atty., Santa Clara County
Mitchell Kapor, Pres., Electronic Frontier Foundation
Mike Gibbons, Supervisory Special Agent, FBI
Cliff Figallo, Executive Director, The WELL
Sharon Beckman, Atty, Silverglate & Good
Mark Rasch, Attorney, U.S. Dept. of Justice


Insigtful probe into legislative and regulatory roles protecting privacy
and insuring access to public information; legal problems posed by
computing and computer networks; approaches to improving government
processes; caution about limits to legislative solutions.  Chair: Bob

Jerry Berman, ACLU Information Technology Project
Paul Bernstein, Atty, LawMUG BBS and Electronic Bar Assn.
Bill Julian, Committee Chf. Cnsl., Calif. State Assembly
Steve McLellan, Washington Utilities & Transportation Cmmsn.
Elliot Maxwell, Pacific Telesis
Craig Schiffries, Senate Judiciary Committee


Why does privacy matter?  Excellent look at the role of privacy in a
democracy.  Examines recent erosion of privacy standards: Monitoring of
electronic mail, library records, electronic bulletin boards, electronic
*publications* and their subscribers, and public and private
teleconferences.  Details alarming level of computer-aided monitoring of
individuals: our work performance, buying habits, and personal lifestyles.
Chair: Susan Nycum

David Flaherty, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Judith Krug, American Library Association
Gary Marx, Professor, M.I.T.
Karen Nussbaum, National Assn. of Working Women


Explanation of the FBI's National Crime Information Center (NCIC) system,
with its 64,000 terminals nationwide, including many mobile units in police
cars.  Discussion of controversial files in the system, including *rap
sheets* with criminal history information and U.S. Secret Service files on
individuals with no arrest records yet considered threats by the Bureau.
Audience menbers raise the issue of who has access to NCIC records, and the
problem of privacy protection when the information is being broadcast over
radio frequencies.(Library Hi-Tech News)  Chair: Dorothy Denning

William Bayse, FBI Asst.Director of Technical Services


Phenomenal growth in Bulletin Board Systems (BBS), from one in 1978 to over
60,000 in 1991, illustrates the importance of this communications medium to
business, education and individuals.  Establishing thye right to speak,
assemble and publish electronically, without undue prior restraint or the
chilling effects of monitoring is explored--with a look at possible
justifications for monitoring and alternatives.  Chair: Eric Lieberman

Eric Lieberman, Esq.
John McMullen, Newsbytes
George Perry, V. President & Gen. Cnsl, Prodigy Services Co.
Jack Rickard, Editor, Boardwatch Magazine
Lance Rose, Esq.
David Hughes, Old Colorado City Communications


Addresses implementation of individual and corporate access to federal,
state and local information about communities, corporations, legislation,
administration, the courts and public figures.  How can a balance be struck
between dual goals of allowing access while protecting privacy?  What about
associated costs?  Does privatization of government information deny the
public access to data collected with their tax dollars?  What role do
public libraries play in this issue?  Chair: Harry Hammitt

David Burnham, Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Harry Hammitt, Publisher, Access Reports
Katherine Mawdsley, Assoc. Librarian, UC, Davis, California
Robert Veeder, Office of Management & Budget

cfp-114  ETHICS AND EDUCATION (83 mins)

Presents ethical principles for individuals, system administrators,
organizations, corporations and governements in copying of data, copying of
software and distributing confidential information.  Computer education and
computer law is examined.  Includes a stirring and eloquent call for
re-thinking fundamental engineering ethics.  Chair: Terry Winograd

Sally Bowman, Computer Learning Foundation
Jonathan Budd, National Institute of Justice
Dorothy Denning, Prof., Georgetown University
John Gilmore, Cygnus Support
Richard Hollinger, Assoc. Prof., University of Florida
Donn Parker, SRI International

cfp-115  WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? (82 mins)

Recommendations and commitments by participants from differing interest
groups, proposing next steps they will pursue to protect personal privacy,
protect fundamental freedoms and to encourage responsible private-sector
and public-sector policies and legislation.  Chair: Jim Warren

Mary Culnan, Assoc. Prof., Georgetown University
David Hughes, Old City Colorado Communications
Donald Ingraham, Asst. D.A., Alameda County, California
Mitch Kapor, President, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Eric Lieberman, Esq.
Paul Bernstein, Esq.
Donn Parker, SRI International
Craig Schiffires, Senate Judiciary Committee
Robert Veeder, Office of Management and Budget


cfp-201  FREEDOM IN CYBERSPACE (50 mins)

Keynote address:

Allen Neuharth, founder of USA Today, takes aim at the American Newspaper
Publishers' stance on government regulation and the developing world of
electronic publishing.  He cites differing regulatory constraints on
publishers of newspapers, owners of television stations and the telephone
services.  Makes predictions about the future of newspapers, arguing that
the rights to freedom of the press which have protected print media for 200
years must apply equally to evolving telecommunications-based information
services.  Examines the public's right to information, new threats to
individual privacy, and potential for grave government abuses of the
balance of privacy and freedom in the twentyfirst century.

Allen Neuharth, Chairman, Freedom Forum

cfp-202  WHO LOGS ON? (82 mins)

High Capacity networks will open broad new services via telecommunications.
What are they, and who will benefit? A fast-paced debate about capacity,
cost and access.

Linda Garcia, U.S. Ofc of Technology Assessment
Alfred Koeppe, New Jersey Bell
Brian Kahin, Kennedy School of Gov't, Harvard Univ.
Chair:  Robert Lucky, AT&T Bell Laboratories


What is it like to be a victim of intrusions, viruses, frauds and other
telenet criminal behaviors?  Who do you call and what should you do?

Scott Charney, US Dept. of Justice
James Settle, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Mike Godwin, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Emory Hackman, Esq., Fmr. pres. Capitol Area Sysops Assn.
Don Delaney, New York State Police
Chair:  J. Michael Gibbons, Federal Bureau of Investigation


As the government gathers, processes and stores information electronically,
what should be the relation between govts and businesses that sell
information? Does such information belong to the people or can it be sold
to the highest corporate bidder? What urgent public interest questions are

Dwight Morris, Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau
Ken Allen, Information Industry Association
Maurice Freedman, American Library Association
Evan Hendricks, Privacy Times
Fred Weingarten, Computing Research Association
Franklin S. Reeder, US Office of Management and Budget
Costas Toregas, Public Technology, Inc.
Robert R. Belair, Kirkpatrick and Lockhart
Chair: George Trubow, John Marshall Law School


Does the prospect of Telcos operating as information providers rather than
common carriers present a promise or threat for access, diversity and
fair market competition concerns?

Henry Geller, The Markel Foundation
Eli Noam, Columbia University
John Podesta, Podesta Associates
Chair:  Jerry Berman, ACLU Information Technology Project


Right to privacy concerns vs. law enforcement interests in DNA data banks;
concern about abuse by third party interests, such as insurers; gaining
access to the data.

John Hicks, FBI Laboratory
Tom Marr, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Paul Mendelsohn, Neurofibromatosis, Inc.
Peter Neufeld, Esq.
Madison Powers, Kennedy Center for Ethics


Consumer rights vs. private interest practices in collecting,
cross-relating and selling data.

Janlori Goldman, Privacy and Technology Project, ACL
John Baker, Equifax
James D. McQuaid, Metromail
James Rule, SUNY-Stony Brook
Mary Culnan, Georgetown University
Patrick D. Hadley, Citicorp
Chair:  Ronald Plesser, Esq., Piper and Marbury

         (86 mins)

Who wants to to know what you want to know? How can libraries protect
confidentiality on the emerging information networks?

Robert A. Walton, CLSI, Inc.
Steve Cisler, Apple Computer Inc.
Jean Armour Polly, Liverpool (NY) Public Library
Chair:  Marc Rotenberg, Computer Professionals for Social


Employee privacy rights vs. employer monitoring practices are examined.

Gary Marx, MIT
Willis Ware, RAND Corp.
Kristina Zahorik, Subcommittee on Employment and
Productivity, US Senate Labor Committee
Chair:  Alan F. Westin, Columbia University

Should the govt be permitted to restrict private use
of cryptography? What about restricting export of encripted products? What
are the consequences of the FBI's Digital Telephony proposals? Hot issue!

Jim Bidzos, RSA Data Security
David Bellin, Pratt Institute
John Perry Barlow, Electronic Frontier Foundation
John Gilmore, Cygnus Support
Whitfield Diffie, Sunsoft, Inc.
Chair: Dorothy Denning, Georgetown University

As information technologies alter work, wealth, and boundaries, what kind
of world will our current public policies propel us into? Are there better
visions? How can we attain them?

Peter Denning, George Mason University
Mitchell Kapor, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Simon Davies, Privacy International
Roland Homet, Executives, Inc.
Esther Dyson, EDventure Holding Inc.
Chair: Mara Liasson, National Public Radio

         (54 mins)

Startling and hilarious performance by the sci-fi writer and author of THE
HACKER CRACKDOWN.  Hold on to your seats, these characters don't pull
punches!  Features Mr. Sterling's close personal friends:

* The Truly Malicious Hacker
* Senor General de Policia X
* The Digital Black Marketeer

cfp-HL  CFP HIGHLIGHTS  (115 mins)

The most diverse viewpoints ever assembled about the emerging networked
world collide in this brisk look at outstanding moments of the Computers,
Freedom & Privacy conferences.


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P.O. Box 912
Topanga,  CA  90290

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Date:    Wed, 19 Jul 1995 20:53:17 -0700
From:    Al Whaley <al@Sunnyside.COM>
Subject: CQL'96:  Symposium on Computers & the Quality of Life

CQL'96:  Symposium on Computers & the Quality of Life
Sponsored by ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society
February 14 - 15, 1996
(part of the 1996 ACM Computing Week)
Marriot Hotel, Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA

CQL'96 will provide a unique opportunity for multi-disciplinary dialog on
the critical computing issues that are shaping our society for the next
millennium.  We welcome participation from computer scientists, educators,
philosophers, social scientists, psychologists, ethicists, lawyers,
policymakers, computer industry representatives, and decision-makers in
this dialog. The symposium will feature technical sessions, policy
discussions, nationally recognized speakers, and tutorials.

We are soliciting research and policy papers, survey articles, case
studies, and tutorials to be presented at CQL'96 that address the themes
listed below.  We are especially interested in papers and proposals that
provide guidance and insight into the leadership role that SIGCAS should
play in helping to shape the research, teaching and policy agendas related
to ethics and social impact for the year 2000.

Major themes:
      National Information Infrastructure:  equity, access,  privacy,
      Computers in the workplace: health, monitoring, automation
      Computer applications that benefit society:  health, environment
      Computer applications that adversely impact society
      Research agenda for social impact of computer technology
      Teaching ethical and social impact of computer technology

Submission of Papers:  Authors should submit five (5) copies of a complete
paper, double-spaced, using a 12-point font.  A paper should be no more
than 10 pages long (about 5,000 words) and should have a separate cover
page with the title, subject area, all author+s names, mail and email
addresses and phone numbers.  The author to whom correspondence should be
directed must be identified.  The CQL Program Committee will select papers
to be included in the symposium.  Any paper selected for the presentation
at the symposium will be included in the proceedings, provided that at
least one author is present at the symposium to deliver the paper.
Outstanding papers may also be selected for reprint in the SIGCAS
Computers & Society Newsletter.

Panel Proposals:  Panel proposals must include a brief abstract of the
topic, the resume of the moderator, and the list of proposed panelists.
Please submit five (5) copies of any panel proposal.

Tutorial Proposals:  Half-day tutorials will be held on Thursday, February
15.  Tutorial proposals should include the course title, a one-page course
outline, a 200-word description or the tutorial, the intended audience and
a brief biography of the instructor(s). Please submit five (5) copies
of any tutorial proposal.

Key Deadlines:
      September 1, 1995       Papers, Panel Proposals, Tutorial Proposals
                              received by Program Co-Chairs
      October 30, 1995        Notification of acceptance

Materials should be sent to appropriate Program Co-Chair listed below.

Program Co-Chair:
Blaise Liffick (Papers)
Computer Science
Millersville University
Millersville, PA  17551
(717) 872-3536     fax:  (717) 871-2320

Joyce Currie Little (Panel and Tutorial Proposals)
Computer and Information Sciences
Towson State University
Baltimore, MD  21204
(410) 830-2981    fax:  (410) 830-2604

Program Committee:

John Artz, George Washington University    jartz@gwuvm.gwu.edu
David Bellin, North Carolina A & T State University   dbellin@ncat.edu
Donald Gotterbarn, East Tennessee State University, gotterba@etsu.east-tenn-st.edu
Andrew Grosso, attorney-at-law, Washington, DC    agrosso@acm.org
Chuck Huff, St. Olaf College     huff@seas.gwu.edu
Deborah Johnson, Rensselear Polytechnical Institute userfp76@mts.rpi.edu
Rob Kling, University of California - Irvine   kling@ics.uci.edu
Irving Levy, Gordon College   ilevy@aol.com
Keith Miller, Sangamon State University  miller@eagle.sangamon.edu
Margaret (Micki) Miller, Skyline College, CA  millerm@smcccd.cc.ca.us
Richard Lynch, Long Island University, rklynch@aurora.liunet.edu
Nancy Wahl,  Middle Tennessee State University   wahl@mtsu.edu
al@sunnyside.com +1-415 322-5411 Tel, -6481 Fax, Box 60, Palo Alto, CA 94302


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