The following document is from the PRIVACY Forum Archive at Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, California, U.S.A. For direct web access to the PRIVACY Forum and PRIVACY Forum Radio, including detailed information, archives, keyword searching, and related facilities, please visit the PRIVACY Forum via the web URL: http://www.vortex.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVACY Forum Digest Saturday, 1 November 1997 Volume 06 : Issue 15 Moderated by Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com) Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, CA, U.S.A. http://www.vortex.com ===== PRIVACY FORUM ===== ------------------------------------------------------------------- The PRIVACY Forum is supported in part by the ACM (Association for Computing) Committee on Computers and Public Policy, "internetMCI" (a service of the Data Services Division of MCI Telecommunications Corporation), Cisco Systems, Inc., and Telos Systems. - - - These organizations do not operate or control the PRIVACY Forum in any manner, and their support does not imply agreement on their part with nor responsibility for any materials posted on or related to the PRIVACY Forum. ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTENTS Update on the SPAM Battle (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Information "Potatoes" (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Prisoners with access to personal information (Jonathan G. Stotzer) Privacy in patients records (Charles MacLean) IE 4.0: bright spots and shadows (Peter Langston) S/MIME Crack? Beware press bearing incomplete stories (Bruce Schneier) New Privacy Book by Beth Givens (Robert Gellman) Press Release: Junger v. Daley (Peter D. Junger) Monitoring of e-mail unlawful (Keith Parkins) Towards A European Framework for Digital Signatures And Encryption (Keith Parkins) House Panel Questions FBI Implementation of Wiretap Law (Monty Solomon) Clinton Medical Privacy Recommendations Undercut State Protections, ACLU Says (Monty Solomon) The Electronic Privacy Papers: A new book by Schneier/Banisar (Bruce Schneier) Europe spikes spooks' e-mail eavesdrop bid [by Duncan Campbell] (Dave Farber) *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! *** *** Submissions without them may be ignored! *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond. The moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and content. 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Use the FTP login "ftp" or "anonymous", and enter your e-mail address as the password. The typical "README" and "INDEX" files are available to guide you through the files available for FTP access. PRIVACY Forum materials may also be obtained automatically via e-mail through the list handling system. Please follow the instructions above for getting the "help" information, which includes details regarding the "index" and "get" commands, which are used to access the PRIVACY Forum archive via the list handling system. All PRIVACY Forum materials are available through the Internet Gopher system via a gopher server on site "gopher.vortex.com". Access to PRIVACY Forum materials is also available through the Internet World Wide Web (WWW) via the Vortex Technology WWW server at the URL: "http://www.vortex.com"; full keyword searching of all PRIVACY Forum files is available via WWW access. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUME 06, ISSUE 15 Quote for the day: "Would you like to know more?" -- "Federal Network" promotional slogan "Starship Troopers" (TriStar/Touchstone; 1997) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 1 Nov 97 11:38 PST From: lauren@vortex.com (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Subject: Update on the SPAM Battle Greetings. This is a brief update on the battle against SPAM here at the PRIVACY Forum. I'm sorry to report that the problem appears to be growing by leaps and bounds, and the block filter tables here against spam-oriented sites, domains, and networks expand at a rapid pace. I have a standard, polite message that I send out to postmasters in response to spam, to which I always append the entire received original spam, complete with all its headers to aid in tracing. I also point out the problems of third-party SMTP abuse and the need to control such activities. At least half the time, I usually get polite responses back, sometimes with requests for more info about means for blocking spam at their sites. But an unfortunate development is the distressingly ignorant attitude of an increasing number of postmasters when it is pointed out that their sites are being abused for third-party spamming. I have this image of kindergarten children with laptops, operating out of sandboxes, when I see the infantile responses that sometimes arrive. These are often rude, threatening, and in general remarkable for persons dealing with the public about such important matters. Interestingly, the most offensive messages sometimes come from large organizations--one of the worst I've received recently was from the postmaster of a *major* nationally-known food company. Do the public relations representatives for these firms have any idea how much damage such an attitude can cause? Apparently not--but I suspect they'll learn the hard way eventually. In any case, I've become increasingly willing to add entries to the already lengthy block lists here, and the amount of time spent dealing with this garbage is rising very rapidly. The existence of what might be termed some "low-life" postmasters must bring joy to the hearts of the spammers, and is yet another point calling into question the feasibility of controlling this mess without legislation and technical measures that might end up bordering on the draconian. Not a pretty picture. --Lauren-- Moderator, PRIVACY Forum http://www.vortex.com ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 27 Oct 97 18:51 PST From: lauren@vortex.com (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator) Subject: Information "Potatoes" Greetings. A recurring theme here in the PRIVACY Forum is that many of the privacy-related problems we see are basically artifacts of the legal vacuum that exists when it comes to individuals having rights over their personal information once it is in the hands of other entities. In essence, personal data is usually considered to be just another commodity to be bought, sold, and in many cases handled haphazardly at best, just like sacks of potatoes. In the absence of significant national policies and legislation, the "free-for-all" when it comes to personal data can only be expected to continue. The following two messages point out particular aspects of the general problem. The first deals with personal data collected by the "captive" worker force of prison labor. The second concerns personal medical data in the hands of private transcription and processing persons and firms. "Happy" reading. --Lauren-- Moderator, PRIVACY Forum http://www.vortex.com ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 15:09:54 -0700 From: "Jonathan G. Stotzer" <JON@FRIENDLYNET.COM> Subject: Prisoners with access to personal information On October 22, 1997 the ABC News Magazine "Primetime Live" featured a piece on the use of prison inmates by government agencies and private businesses to contact private citizens by mail and phone solicitations, and to gather and handle personal information of citizens, all without identifying the solicitors as prisoners, in prisons; and/or without advising the citizens that the information they provide to the government agency or private business would be handled and processed by prison inmates. The "Primetime Live" report indicated that at least 33 of our 50 states use these convicted rapists, sexual offenders, murderers, and thieves, among all others in the prison population, in this fashion. The contacts that these prisoners have are nationwide. The obvious risks of this procedure were shown in the report by several private citizens' whose information was coopted by prisoners and used by the prisoners to send disturbingly graphic, personally detailed, and sexually explicit letters to the citizens using their personal information, and in other instances to charge items to their credit cards. The rational for the use of these prisoners is that they are a stable, reliable, and cheap workforce. The forms of contacts made by these criminals with the public and the kinds of personal information available to these criminals is astonishing. consumer product questionnaires, telephone flight reservation Agents, state boards of tourism telephone information operators, tax return handling and processing, and telephone sales solicitations by charitable and for profit organizations are all now being handled by criminals in prison. Consumer product questionnaires people filled out by citizen for private companies with the persons name and address information, items of value they own, products they use, and income amounts they are processed by prison inmates. State tourism boards use prisoners as phone handlers, who obtain names, addresses and dates of travel. Individual tax returns, showing names addresses, social security numbers, employer names and addresses, bank names, addresses, and account interest information, investment names and dividend income information are handled by criminals. Travel information, which gives the prisoners knowledge of credit card numbers, and the dates when you would be away from home is available, since some airlines use prisoners as phone reservation people. Phone sale solicitations by both for profit, and not for profit, businesses use criminals as phone sales solicitors and sales representatives. One example shown in the report was a "family-oriented" video sales company that used criminals to make calls soliciting purchases by phone of their videos and asking for referral names and numbers of other persons who might be interested in the products. Credit card information frequently is transmitted by the private citizen. I do not feel that it is appropriate for the government to allow any access to personal information that we as private citizens disclose to them, or am required to disclose to them by law should be in any fashion accessible to criminals in prisons. Further, I do not believe that it is fair or appropriate for any business to be allowed to utilize prison labor to contact the public in general, or to handle personal information of private citizens without their specific prior knowledge and consent. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 10:15:19 -0400 From: "Charles MacLean" <chasmx@ix.netcom.com> Subject: Privacy in patients records I'm very concerned about the current trend by health care providers to release confidential medical records into private homes for transcription directly to their own employees, or through a service that has work at home employees. The potential for intentional abuse or accidental disclosure is extremely high. No where else in the entire medical records system is one person allowed to take that record off site without a court order. The medical transcriptionist has total control over the confidential patient record in an unsupervised environment (her home). Once the doctor's dictation is transcribed into a medical report the resulting disk file becomes along with many others becomes virtual mini medical records. The potential for abuse or accidental disclosure is immense. Now with the advent of the internet confidential patient records go zooming around the globe as far away as Bombay India to get transcribed. All this without the knowledge of the patient. Something has to be done to stop this practice. What are your feelings? G. Charles MacLean MTS, Inc. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 8 Oct 97 17:35:56 -0700 From: Peter Langston <psl@langston.com> Subject: IE 4.0: bright spots and shadows Excerpted-from: TBTF for 10/6/97: Can you dig it? IE 4.0: bright spots and shadows Microsoft broke records for downloads of its eagerly awaited new browser, but a couple of troubling questions have arisen In the first two days after Microsoft made Internet Explorer 4.0 available, users downloaded 1.2 million copies [5]. At 20 MB a pop, this represents a copy every 6 seconds, or an average download band- width equivalent to three T3s. Many more copies were distributed by 20+ mirror sites -- no central figures exist. An additional two hun- dred thousand left Redmond on CD-ROM, and Microsoft announced a deal with Sony to bundle IE4 on Sony music CDs. (I wonder if, when I buy the latest Fiona Apple CD, Microsoft counts me as a customer on the way to its stated goal of 50% of the browser market?) In the midst of the enormous popularity of this software a couple of warning flags have appeared (in addition to the questions raised by IE4's swift but deviant Java implementation -- see above). First, IE4 provides a powerful new way for content providers to log user actions. Second, an early survey questions the inherent wisdom of Microsoft's strategy of unifying Net and desktop. 1. Channel Definition Format. When you subscribe to push information using IE4's built-in facilities, providers can log your access to their content even if you went through an anonymizing proxy server, and even if your access came from your local cache and not over the Net. IE4's channel definition format [6] includes a feature, LOG- TARGET, that allows a Web-site provider to command IE4 to deliver logs of your usage via an HTTP POST or PUT directive. It's not clear whether the provider could include other sites in its channel defin- ition to obtain, for example, logs of your usage of competing ser- vices. Below is an extract from Microsoft's site [7] where the LOGTARGET directive is defined. > Logging Declarations > Specifies where to upload a client's page-hit log file in Ex- > tended Log File Format. > HREF="url" > Required. Specifies the URL of where the log file should > be sent. > METHOD="POST" | "PUT" > Required. Specifies the HTTP method to be used for sending > the data. [RFC 1945] > SCOPE="ALL" | "OFFLINE" | "ONLINE" > Specifies which type of page hits should be logged. Page > hits can be logged for offline (read from local cache) > or online (read from URL) browsing. The default for this > attribute is "ALL", which logs both types of hits. > PURGETIME > When the log file is being uploaded, any page hits older > than PURGETIME will not be reported. > Example: > <LOGTARGET HREF="http://www.foosports.com/logging" > Method="POST" SCOPE="OFFLINE"> > <PURGETIME HOUR="12"/> > </LOGTARGET> Thanks to Jamie McCarthy <jamie@voyager.net> for the first forward of information on this troubling feature. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 16:08:17 -0500 From: Bruce Schneier <schneier@counterpane.com> Subject: S/MIME Crack? Beware press bearing incomplete stories What I did: write a Windows 95 screen saver that automatically brute forces 40-bit RC2 keys. The screen saver is has an easy interface, and parallizes nicely. What I didn't do: break S/MIME. I did not find any flaw in the S/MIME security specification. I did not find any flaw in any of the cryptographic algorithms used. I did not find any flaw in any software implementation of S/MIME. There is nothing wrong with the S/MIME standard. What I find, though, is that many S/MIME implementations don't interporate at anything stronger than 40-bit RC2. I find that the default encryption is 40-bit RC2, and the user isn't given any indication that the encryption level should be changed. 40-bit RC2 is weak. This is nothing new to anyone who reads the S/MIME specifications. In fact, the S/MIME specification is very forthcoming in discussing security of 40-bit RC2. > 2.6 ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier > > Receiving agents MUST support decryption and encryption using the RC2 > algorithm [RC2] at a key size of 40 bits, hereinafter called "RC2/40". > Receiving agents SHOULD support decryption using DES EDE3 CBC, > hereinafter called "tripleDES". > > Sending agents SHOULD support encryption with RC2/40 and tripleDES. Later in the spec, the following appears: > Before sending a message, the sending agent MUST decide whether it is > willing to use weak encryption for the particular data in the message. > If the sending agent decides that weak encryption is unacceptable for > this data, then the sending agent MUST NOT use a weak algorithm such > as RC2/40. The decision to use or not use weak encryption overrides > any other decision in this section about which encryption algorithm to > use. And even later: > Rule 3: Unknown Capabilities, Risk of Failed Decryption > > If: > - the sending agent has no knowledge of the encryption capabilities > of the recipient, > - and the sending agent is willing to risk that the recipient may > not be able to decrypt the message, > then the sending agent SHOULD use tripleDES. > > Rule 4: Unknown Capabilities, No Risk of Failed Decryption > > If: > - the sending agent has no knowledge of the encryption capabilities > of the recipient, > - and the sending agent is not willing to risk that the recipient > may not be able to decrypt the message, > then the sending agent MUST use RC2/40. And: > 2.6.3 Choosing Weak Encryption > > Like all algorithms that use 40 bit keys, RC2/40 is considered by many > to be weak encryption. A sending agent that is controlled by a human > SHOULD allow a human sender to determine the risks of sending data > using RC2/40 or a similarly weak encryption algorithm before sending > the data, and possibly allow the human to use a stronger encryption > method such as tripleDES. I wrote this screen saver not to trash S/MIME (even though the announcement was used by another company), but to 1) illustrate that 40-bit RC2 really is insecure, and 2) try to force companies who implement S/MIME to get DES and triple-DES to interoperate. I heard recently that RSADSI has said there is a triple-DES message on their website that can be understood by both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Communicator. I don't know about the message, but when I tried to get DES and triple-DES to interoperate a few months ago I couldn't. Bruce ********************************************************************** Bruce Schneier, President, Counterpane Systems Phone: 612-823-1098 101 E Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis,MN 55419 Fax: 612-823-1590 http://www.counterpane.com ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 21 Sep 1997 21:17:24 -0400 (EDT) From: Robert Gellman <rgellman@cais3.cais.com> Subject: New Privacy Book by Beth Givens There is a new privacy book that should be of interest to people on this list. It is "The Privacy Rights Handbook: How to Take Control of Your Personal Information" by Beth Givens. Some of you will recognize Beth as the founder of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse in San Diego, CA <www.privacyrights.org>. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is just about the only privacy organization that deals directly with consumers. As a result, the book is expressly geared to consumers and is filled with practical advice on what can be done to control personal information and enhance privacy. Chapters contain FAQ and addresses and phone numbers of dozens of companies and organizations. The book addresses commercial and governmental activities, both on and off the Internet. It has advice on workplace privacy and on personal safety (i.e., stalking). I've read most of the privacy books that have come out in the last decade, and this is the most practical book for a long time. The publisher is Avon Books. It is a paperback with a US price of $12.50 and a Canadian price of $16.50. ISBN 0-380-78684-2. Robert Gellman rgellman@cais.com Privacy and Information Policy Consultant 431 Fifth Street S.E. Washington, DC 20003 202-543-7923 (phone) 202-547-8287 (fax) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 15:59:56 -0400 From: "Peter D. Junger" <junger@samsara.LAW.CWRU.Edu> Subject: Press Release: Junger v. Daley Press Release Summary Judgment Motion Filed in Suit Attacking Restrictions on the ``Export'' of Software Brief Claims Publication of Computer Software Is Protected by First Amendment Export Regulations Restrict Only Publication of Encryption Software, Not Its Use ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cleveland, Ohio, Tuesday, October 16, 1997 For Immediate Release For More Information Contact: Peter D. Junger (216) 368-2535 <junger@samsara.law.cwru.edu> Gino Scarselli (216) 291-8601 <gscarsel@mail.multiverse.com> Raymond Vasvari (216) 622-1780 <freespeech@mail.multiverse.com> Or see URL: http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/comp_law/jvc/ To be added to, or removed from, the list of those who were sent this press release, please send e-mail to <lawsuit@upaya.multiverse.com>. _________________________________________________________________ Cleveland, Ohio, October, 16. -- Pointing out that no law forbids or restricts the use of encryption software, attorneys for Professor Peter D. Junger have moved for summary judgment on first amendment grounds in his suit to strike down export regulations that forbid the publication of ``encryption software'' on the Internet or in other electronic form. The government justifies the restrictions on publication, which are part of the Export Administration Regulations administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce, by arguing that computer software is functional and that the use that encryption software might be put to could endanger national security. But, as Junger's lawyers point out in their brief in support of the motion, ``[a]lthough the reasons the government has given for controlling the export of encryption software have to do with the software's potential use, the regulations do not prohibit its use.'' ``This is not a complicated case involving complex issues of computer science or engineering,'' says Gino J. Scarselli, Professor Junger's lead attorney. ``Once you recognize that computer programs are written and published just like any other text---like mathematical proofs and musical scores, for example---it becomes clear that the regulatory scheme, which requires a would-be publisher to apply for and obtain a license before he can publish, is a classic example of a prior restraint and it's unconstitutional.'' ``I am convinced,'' Scarselli adds, ``that a law prohibiting the use of encryption software would be unconstitutional, for the same reason that a law forbidding the manufacture and sale of printing presses or word processors would be unconstitutional. But that's not the issue in Junger's case. There is no law against the use of encryption software; there are only regulations forbidding its publication. And the fact that it is only publication on the Internet and in other electronic form that is restricted does not help the government, because the Supreme Court held this year that the Internet is entitled to the full protection of the First Amendment.'' Junger's case is similar to one brought by Professor Daniel Bernstein in which Judge Patel of the Federal District Court for the Northern District of California recently declared that the challenged regulations ``are in violation of the First Amendment on the grounds of prior restraint and are, therefore, unconstitutional''. That decision is now being appealed by the government. Recently there has also been extensive debate in Congress over the issue of whether the import and the domestic distribution of cryptographic software should be restricted, as has been proposed by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies who are unhappy with the idea that they may not be able to read everyone's electronic mail. But Professor Junger contends that his case and the Bernstein case involve issues of much greater importance than the availability of electronic envelopes. ``If the government's functionality argument were to be upheld, it would mean that the government could suppress the writing and publication of any software which might be used in ways the government does not like. And not just software. Any writing that delights or instructs or persuades has functionality. The government's functionality argument could justify requiring you to get a license before you publish a legal form book or a political pamphlet or a book of sermons. And it is exactly that type of censorship that led the adoption of the first amendment.'' Copies of the brief and motion will shortly be available at <http://www.jya.com/> and <http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/comp_law/jvd/>. Copies of earlier pleadings and other documents in the case of Junger v. Daley can be found at <http://samsara.LAW.CWRU.Edu/comp_law/jvd/>. -30- -- Peter D. Junger--Case Western Reserve University Law School--Cleveland, OH EMAIL: junger@samsara.law.cwru.edu URL: http://samsara.law.cwru.edu NOTE: junger@pdj2-ra.f-remote.cwru.edu no longer exists ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 07:55:06 PST From: "Keith Parkins" <keithpp@hotmail.com> Subject: Monitoring of e-mail unlawful According to an article by Duncan Campbell, in The Guardian, it is unlawful for companies in Europe to monitor their employees private communications (this would incl e-mail). This issue was settled in the European Court of Human Rights about six months ago, when former Mersyside Asst Chief Constable Alison Halford was awarded damages against her former employers, who conceded that they had tapped her office telephone. ref Duncan Campbell, Europe spikes spooks' e-mail eavesdrop bid, Online, The Guardian, 16 October 1997 http://www.guardian.co.uk/online/ Keith [ Of course, don't necessarily assume the same outcome in other situations or other locales! Laws regarding employer monitoring vary widely around the world. -- MODERATOR ] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 07:56:03 PST From: "Keith Parkins" <keithpp@hotmail.com> Subject: Towards A European Framework for Digital Signatures And Encryption The EC has published a paper, that if adopted as an EU directive, would make proposals such as those contained in SAFE unlawful in any member state. I am pleased to say that what I have read as a summary of this paper it appears to have taken heed of my submissions to the UK DTI on the regulation of encryption. I may have more to say once I have read the EC paper and had time to digest the detail. http://www.ispo.cec.be/eif/policy/97503.html http://www.i-way.co.uk/~reality/sunrise/ukdtittp.htm http://www.i-way.co.uk/~reality/sunrise/spooks.htm Note There is currently problems with access to my pages. This problem may or may not have been solved by the time this appears. Keith ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 28 Oct 1997 13:08:05 -0500 From: Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.COM> Subject: House Panel Questions FBI Implementation of Wiretap Law Excerpt from ACLU News 10-26-97 House Panel Questions FBI Implementation of Wiretap Law FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, October 23, 1997 WASHINGTON -- Amid growing concerns about privacy implications and costs, a House subcommittee today questioned FBI implementation of a controversial 1994 law that forced telephone companies help law enforcement agencies gain access to digital phone lines for surveillance operations. During the four-hour hearing before the Crime Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, two Republicans -- Bob Barr of Georgia and Steve Chabot of Ohio -- were harshly critical of the 1994 law, has implemented it, saying it represents an enormous invasion of privacy and could lead to a system of ongoing government surveillance. Seconding those criticisms, the American Civil Liberties Union said that safeguards originally implemented in the legislation have failed to protect the American public. "The hearing today clearly revealed that the FBI is embarked on a scheme to undermine the privacy of every law-abiding American," said Donald Haines, a Legislative Counsel with the ACLU's Washington National Office. "From the very beginning, the FBI has flagrantly violated both the process and the requirements set out in the legislation," Haines added. "The FBI has repeatedly sought to coerce the telecommunications industry into changing its technology so that law enforcement agencies could increase their wiretapping." The 1994 telecommunications act is far from the only effort by the FBI to gain backdoor access to private communications. In another ongoing Congressional debate, the FBI is trying to impose restrictions on the use of privacy-protecting encryption technology. "Congress must squarely confront this persistent pattern of FBI and law enforcement intrusions into our privacy," Haines said. "Congress should act immediately to repeal the 1994 law, or, at an absolute minimum, refuse to fund any implementation activities." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 29 Oct 1997 23:19:21 -0500 From: Monty Solomon <monty@roscom.COM> Subject: Clinton Medical Privacy Recommendations Undercut State Protections, ACLU Says Excerpt from ACLU News 10-29-97 Clinton Medical Privacy Recommendations Undercut State Protections, ACLU Says FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, October 28, 1997 WASHINGTON -- As a Senate committee today continued its hearings on the Clinton Administration's recommendations regarding medical privacy, the American Civil Liberties Union said the government's proposal is even more dangerous than originally believed because it would undermine some state-level protections. The ACLU said that it agreed with several privacy experts who told the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee that the Clinton Administration proposal would limit states from offering more protection to medical records than provided by the federal government. "This is yet another of the Clinton Administration privacy dodges," said Donald Haines, a Legislative Counsel for the ACLU's National Washington Office. "During her testimony last month, Health and Human Services Secretary Shalala promised that individual states would be free to offer their citizens more protection," Haines said. "But closer analysis of the Clinton recommendations has shown that that is just not true." Many state-level protections for medical information come from common law rights (interpretations developed through the years by judges) rather than statutes (laws passed by the legislature). But, buried at the end of the Shalala recommendations -- far from her rhetoric praising state laws -- is a provision that would override protections offered medical privacy by state common laws. Given this latest discovery about the Clinton recommendations, the ACLU reiterated its request that Congress repeal so-called "Administrative Simplification," a little-known amendment to the 1996 Health Insurance and Portability Act. Under "Ad Simp" and related provisions, Congress set in motion the creation of massive national databases of everyone's cradle-to-grave personal medical information. The law also ordered Shalala to protect medical privacy, offering the Administration the opportunity to safeguard medical records from being forcibly included in the databases and widely disseminated. But the ACLU said that by failing to stop the creation of the databases, the Shalala recommendations actually harmed medical privacy more than they protected it. "Those of us who don't want to become a number in this Orwellian scheme must call for a repeal of the legislation mandating these regulations," Haines said. "Congress should scrap Ad Simp and start over from scratch." Any medical privacy legislation, the ACLU said, must include protections against the following: -- Computerization. Patients must be given the option of a "paper only" record -- thereby keeping confidential information out of computer networks and databases -- without risking denial of insurance or loss of benefits. -- Lack of informed consent. Secretary Shalala and others have said that privacy rights cannot be absolute, claiming that "it's not always possible to ask for permission" to use a patient's record. But Americans think differently. According to a Time/CNN poll, 87 percent of Americans demand to be asked for permission every time medical information about them is being used. -- Establishment of a National I.D. Number. Any law must prohibit establishment of a "unique health identifier" -- a de facto national I.D. assigned by government or business and used to link all medical records from cradle to grave. The ACLU said it was particularly eager to review the new legislation offered today by Senator Patrick Leahy, D-VT, to see if it meets all those tests. "Senator Leahy has already made significant contributions to this ongoing debate about medical privacy by opposing some of the Shalala recommendations," Haines said. "Unfortunately, we fear that the Leahy proposal will fail in some important respects. Will it, for example, live up to the American public's demand that no disclosure be made without prior approval?" Other Senate offices and private groups are discussing legislation that would impose compulsory disclosure of confidential medical information, the ACLU warned. Prohibiting access by government agents to personally identifiable medical information remains another important concern under the Clinton recommendations, the Leahy bill and other legislative proposals. "We are eager to support legislation -- at both the state and federal level -- that genuinely protects medical privacy," Haines said. "But we will strongly oppose any proposals that merely pretend to protect privacy or offer some protection while failing in other important ways." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 20:18:04 -0500 From: Bruce Schneier <schneier@counterpane.com> Subject: The Electronic Privacy Papers: A new book by Schneier/Banisar The Electronic Privacy Papers: Documents on the Battle for Privacy in the Age of Surveillance by Bruce Schneier and David Banisar John Wiley & Sons, 1997 ISBN: 0-471-12297-1; 747 pages Retail: $60 hardcover Trying to keep up with the advancements in cryptography and digital telephony, the government has advocated controversial new tools that will allow them to monitor electronic communications. On the other side of the spectrum, privacy advocates are vehemently opposed to any government monitoring whatsoever. The Electronic Privacy Papers is a collection of previously unreleased documents dealing with privacy in the Information Age. Combining public government pronouncement, public reactions, and previously classified documents released under FOIA, this book paints a clear picture of government policies towards encryption and privacy and how they will impact individuals and companies involved with the Internet. Issues covered include: The economic and political rationale for demanding digital wiretapping and surveillance. The legal foundations, and limitations to, government surveillance. Government strategies for soliciting cooperation from telephone companies and equipment manufacturers. Which policies industries and individuals can expect the government to pursue in the future. The Electronic Privacy Papers retails for $60 in hardcover. I am offering it at the usual 15% discount. ****************************************************************** ORDER FORM The Electronic Privacy Papers (Hardcover): $60 * .85 = $51.00 Shipping: Air (U.S.): $5 per book Surface (U.S.): $3 per book Canada/Mexico: $7 per book Everywhere else: $9 per book Send to: Counterpane Systems, 101 E Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis, MN 55419 I need payment by check, in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Or a postal money order. Sorry, no credit cards. ****************************************************************** Table of Contents PART 1: PRIVACY AND THE INFORMATION SNOOPERHIGHWAY Introduction: Roadblocks on the Information Superhighway PART 2: WIRETAPPING Overview of Wiretapping PART 3: LOBBYING FOR SURVEILLANCE: THE DIGITAL TELEPHONY PROPOSAL Government Pronouncements: The Digital Telephony Proposal Behind the Iron Curtain: Operation Root Canal Digital Telephony: The Public Response PART 4: CRYPTOGRAPHY Cryptography - The Cure for the Common Bug PART 5: THE BATTLE FOR CONTROL OF CRYPTOGRAPHY The Field of Battle: An Overview Early Skirmishes The Clipper Chip Proposal Unclassified: The Story Behind Clipper Clipping the Clipper: Public Response to Desktop Surveillance PART 6: PUTTING THE GENIE BACK IN THE BOTTLE: EXPORT CONTROLS ON CRYPTOGRAPHY Atom Bombs, Fighter Planes, Machines Guns and Cryptography: Export Control Untying the Gordian Knot: Efforts to Relax Export Controls PART 7: BIG BROTHER AS THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS: WILL THE GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER CRYPTO? Banning Cryptography Software Key Escrow EPILOGUE: THE FUTURE OF CRYPTOGRAPHY Bibliography of Books on Wiretapping, Cryptography and Privacy Index. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 13:49:07 -0500 From: Dave Farber <farber@cis.upenn.edu> Subject: Europe spikes spooks' e-mail eavesdrop bid [by Duncan Campbell] - - - - - Duncan Campbell Europe spikes spooks' e-mail eavesdrop bid US and British intelligence agencies received a major blow last week, when the EC urged governments to introduce uniform and effective encryption standards to protect communications on the Internet, writes Duncan Campbell. In a landmark report, the EC asserted that legal recognition and standards for digital signatures, which depend on effective cryptography, should be put in place across the EU by 2000 "at the latest". The EC report, Ensuring Security and Trust in Electronic Communication [http://www.ispo.cec.bei/eif/policy/97503.html], is set to receive enthusiastic IT industry backing, after years of foot-dragging by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and the last British government in an attempt to block effective international encryption and keep Net communications accessible to their global surveillance systems. Since 1991, the Clinton administration has been trying to persuade its citizens and allies to adopt a system for secret government access to private code keys. A heated battle is now underway in the US Congress, where five competing and opposing versions of an encryption law have been passed in different committees. But Europe is having no truck with this. The EC report maintains that allowing third parties secretly to decode personal and business communications will not merely fail to stop criminals, but will create massive new security headaches. It would also threaten personal data privacy, already protected by a European directive on data protection. What's more, says the report, it would intolerably damage European interests in electronic commerce and the information society. Although the EU concedes that individual governments can, in principle, make their own national security arrangements, member states are now being warned that restrictions on importing or exporting cryptographic products may be unlawful under sections of the European treaty, as well as contrary to existing community directives. "The European Union simply cannot afford a divided regulatory landscape in a field so vital for the economy and society," the Commission maintains. "Divergent and restrictive practices with regard to cryptography can be detrimental to the free circulation of goods and services within the internal market" and will "hinder the development of electronic commerce". To back this up, the EC has set a fast-paced timetable, which kicks off before the end of the year with an Internet Forum and the liberalisation of national and international restrictions on selling cryptography products. The EC has already decided in principle that member states should be required to guarantee "the free movement of encryption technologies and products" within the EU. The Commission plans to hold an international hearing at the beginning of next year on this month's proposals, to be followed up by a directive on digital signatures. By 2000, the goal is to have a "common framework on cryptography in place throughout the Union". The Commission says it found no evidence that regulation could or would stop criminals from using effective encryption. On the contrary: "Restricting the use of encryption could well prevent law-abiding companies and citizens from protecting themselves against criminal attacks." Even more dangerous, says the EC, is the current US plan to build central depositories for private code keys. Such a system was also proposed in the UK a few weeks before the general election. The EC says this would give criminals "additional ways to break into a cryptographic system" and that the central key stores themselves would or could "become target for attacks" by organised crime or hostile intelligence agencies. Europe's determination to press ahead with genuinely secure privacy and digital signature systems now threatens to put the US into third place, after Europe and Asia, in the race to exploit electronic commerce. Opponents and advocates of effective cryptography agree that key access systems will fail entirely if introduced only in one country, as users will obtain secure cryptographic services from countries that do not have such restrictions. Electronic isolationism is not an option for an industrialised nation in the 21st century. If US intelligence agencies continue to demand universal access to keys, they will not merely imperil their own citizens' privacy and constitutional rights, but gravely undermine the US lead in IT. Faced with increasing industry, international and civil liberties opposition from right and left, intelligence agency advocates have reached levels of hysteria not seen since the peak of the cold war. Three months ago, FBI director Louis Freeh told the US Senate Judiciary Committee that "uncrackable encryption will allow drug lords, spies, terrorists and even violent gangs to communicate about their crimes and their conspiracies with impunity". The public safety of our citizens was at stake, he insisted. One official response to the EC report in Washington last week was a claim that corporations wanted key access systems in order to check on their employees' private e-mail messages. But this latest shift of tack only emphasises how out of touch US policymakers are. It is already clear in Europe that, whether or not companies might want to, it is unlawful for them to spy on their employees' private communications. That issue was settled six months ago in the European Court of Human Rights, when former Merseyside assistant chief constable Alison Halford was awarded damages against her former employers, who tacitly conceded that they had tapped her office telephone. In Britain, advocates for restricting cryptography have spoken, almost wishfully, of the possibility of "a backlash" which would turn public opinion their way, "if there are serious crimes committed and people killed and encryption is in use". Such scenarios are lampooned by experts of the seniority of Cambridge's Professor Roger Needham, now also Microsoft's Director of Research, who last month described the US plans as: "Like requiring men waving red flags to walk in front of horseless carriages. Strong and effective encryption systems can't be stopped." British policy on encryption is now "up for grabs", say insiders. "There are only a limited number of moves that a government can make in a democratic society," DTI information security specialist Nigel Hickson told last month's Cambridge conference on economic crime. "We are still thinking what they can be." Meanwhile, Labour IT minister Barbara Roche has taken delivery of an assessment of responses to the former government's proposals. DTI officials are taking comfort from the support they received for digital signature schemes, in contrast to the opposition and abuse engendered by the proposal for government access to keys. Both of these features have been intensified by last week's EC report. The DTI now appears to be in favour of separate plans for digital signatures from the "law enforcement" agenda to restrict cryptography, and to press ahead with the former. It is confident of political and industrial support for this approach. Until last week, that left the question of a cryptography policy open, making British as well as US policymakers' offices potentially the site of trench warfare between clandestine agencies and the powerful IT lobby. At an extremely timely moment, Europe has lifted the Government off the horns of that dilemna. Its clear and fast timetable, coupled with a firm warning that no European state may go it alone, the EC has not only pushed the spooks away but given the Government the chance next year to win substantial EC financial backing for Britain's IT industry in pioneering the new cryptosystems Europe should have in place for the millennium. [Duncan Campbell is a freelance writer and broadcaster, and not the Guardian's crime correspondent of the same name] 15 October 1997 ------------------------------ End of PRIVACY Forum Digest 06.15 ************************