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Privacy Digest 7.05 3/15/98

The following document is from the PRIVACY Forum Archive at 
Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, California, U.S.A.

For direct web access to the PRIVACY Forum and PRIVACY Forum Radio,
including detailed information, archives, keyword searching, and 
related facilities, please visit the PRIVACY Forum via the web URL:



PRIVACY Forum Digest      Sunday, 15 March 1998      Volume 07 : Issue 05

            Moderated by Lauren Weinstein (lauren@vortex.com)         
              Vortex Technology, Woodland Hills, CA, U.S.A.
                       ===== PRIVACY FORUM =====              

                 The PRIVACY Forum is supported in part by
                    the ACM (Association for Computing)     
	         Committee on Computers and Public Policy,      
          "internetMCI" (a service of the Data Services Division         
                  of MCI Telecommunications Corporation), 
	  	  Cisco Systems, Inc., and Telos Systems.
                                 - - -
             These organizations do not operate or control the     
          PRIVACY Forum in any manner, and their support does not
           imply agreement on their part with nor responsibility   
        for any materials posted on or related to the PRIVACY Forum.

	E-mail block list now available; Media contact information
	   (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator)
	Satellite Surveillance (Bryan Costin)
        On Line Course of Cyberspace Privacy (Michael J. Lehmkuhl)
	TPRC 98. Call for Papers (Juan F. Riveros)
	Medical Privacy Conference 3/27/98 Baltimore (Mimi Azrael)

 *** Please include a RELEVANT "Subject:" line on all submissions! ***
            *** Submissions without them may be ignored! ***

The Internet PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest for the discussion and
analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal
and collective) in the "information age" of the 1990's and beyond.  The
moderator will choose submissions for inclusion based on their relevance and
content.  Submissions will not be routinely acknowledged.

All submissions should be addressed to "privacy@vortex.com" and must have
RELEVANT "Subject:" lines; submissions without appropriate and relevant
"Subject:" lines may be ignored.  Excessive "signatures" on submissions are
subject to editing.  Subscriptions are by an automatic "listserv" system; for
subscription information, please send a message consisting of the word
"help" (quotes not included) in the BODY of a message to:
"privacy-request@vortex.com".  Mailing list problems should be reported to

All messages included in this digest represent the views of their
individual authors and all messages submitted must be appropriate to be
distributable without limitations. 

The PRIVACY Forum archive, including all issues of the digest and all
related materials, is available via anonymous FTP from site "ftp.vortex.com",
in the "/privacy" directory.  Use the FTP login "ftp" or "anonymous", and
enter your e-mail address as the password.  The typical "README" and "INDEX"
files are available to guide you through the files available for FTP
access.  PRIVACY Forum materials may also be obtained automatically via
e-mail through the listserv system.  Please follow the instructions above
for getting the listserv "help" information, which includes details
regarding the "index" and "get" listserv commands, which are used to access
the PRIVACY Forum archive.  

All PRIVACY Forum materials are available through the Internet Gopher system
via a gopher server on site "gopher.vortex.com".  

Access to PRIVACY Forum materials is also available through the Internet
World Wide Web (WWW) via the Vortex Technology WWW server at the URL:
"http://www.vortex.com"; full keyword searching of all PRIVACY Forum files
is available via WWW access.


   Quote for the day:

     "A lesson to remember: Never fall in love during a total eclipse."
	   -- Senex (Michael Hordern)
              "A Funny Thing Happened on the 
               Way to the Forum" (United Artists; 1966)


Date:    Sun, 15 Mar 98 15:29 PST
From:    lauren@vortex.com (Lauren Weinstein; PRIVACY Forum Moderator)
Subject: E-mail block list now available; Media contact information

Greetings.  As I've reported in the past (and as you are no doubt aware)
SPAM and other forms of UBE (Unsolicited Bulk E-mail) continue to grow in
both sheer volume and in the range of resources (machine, human, time, you
name it...) that they consume.  These messages frequently promote various
frauds, get-rich-quick schemes, illegal merchandise, a remarkable range of
pornography, and in general a whole pile of garbage, to use polite
terminology.  Judging from concerns I hear and see every day, many persons
consider SPAM/UBE to be a direct invasion of their privacy and a matter of
greatly increasing concern.

I've been taking steps here at the PRIVACY Forum to at least cut down on the
quantity of received SPAM/UBE for quite sometime.  Due to the continuing
requests for details, I've now made the complete e-mail block list for the
PRIVACY Forum (the VORTEX.COM block list) available, along with additional
information which may be of interest to anyone concerned about these issues.
The block list itself is updated daily.

For the complete details, please see:


		   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I receive a large number of press and other media inquiries concerning
privacy, technology, and society-related issues, and since I consider these
to be critically important topics I welcome these queries and do my best to
accommodate them and related requests whenever possible.  To provide a simple
initial point of contact for such media requests, I've set up a special web
page containing relevant related information.  This page also includes
references to other PRIVACY Forum materials of possible interest to media
outlets, including short radio newsfeatures on both privacy and other
"technology and society" topics.

This media contact page is:


		   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Lauren Weinstein
Moderator, PRIVACY Forum


Date:    Sun, 22 Feb 1998 03:21:09 -0500
From:    Bryan Costin <bcostin@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Satellite Surveillance 

I found the "When is a Satellite Photo An Unreasonable Search" article quite 
interesting. But I find the distinction between sat imaging and standard 
airplane-based photos somewhat confusing. One is new, the other is old, but 
practically speaking they pretty much amount to the same thing. Does it 
really matter what altitude or orientation the picture has been taken from? 
If this is really a privacy issue, wouldn't it be sensible to apply the same 
standard across the board?

And, to play devil's advocate, I have to wonder if taking pictures of 
something just sitting around outside is really all that "unreasonable". 
Farmer Floyd Dunn's alleged transgression was captured by a satellite, but 
would the results really be any different if a state official saw the same 
activity while glancing over his fence, or standing on a high ridge 
overlooking the property? Cotton fields aren't invisible to the naked eye, 
after all. Nor are illegally constructed buildings or illegally cut trees.

Not a criticism, just my $.02. :)


	[ Sometimes quantitative differences can be large enough to amount
	  to qualitative issues.  There would seem to be a significant
	  difference between something that's visible from across the street
	  through an uncovered window, and what's visible from a helicopter
	  hovering overhead.  This attitude would seem to be behind some of
	  the new laws proposed (mainly aimed at celebrity photographers)
	  to limit the acquisition of photos through "extraordinary" means.

	  On a purely practical level, the amount of data which would
	  typically be available for any given location from plane
	  overflights would usually be far less than from current generation
	  low orbit satellites.  The latter routinely pass over most of the
	  planet on a frequent and continuing basis, making photos from such
	  sources much more of a "cheap" commodity and much less specially
	  acquired and expensive intelligence data.  This changes both
	  who can realistically access and use the data, and the manners
	  in which it can be used, to a very significant degree.


Date:    Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:52:59 -0500
From:    "Michael J. Lehmkuhl" <mic@commlaw.com>
Subject: On Line Course of Cyberspace Privacy

Jim Johnson, moderator of the TelecomLaw list, passed on this information
today... I thought it might be of interest to readers of the Privacy Forum...

Michael J. Lehmkuhl
Pepper & Corazzini, LLP

The New York Times today has an article about Harvard's Professor Miller
starting an online course in cyberspace privacy.  You can check out the
offering at http://cyber.harvard.edu/metaschool/index.html.  Unfortunately,
when I went there this morning, I got a message saying no more registrations
would be accepted for the moment. Nonetheless, it is an interesting concept
(that means it is free) and you can register for future courses.  You can
also get more information about how the course will be taught and the
initial hypothetical.  Conceptually, it appears not so different in approach
from TelecomLaw.  The course stresses that it will use the Socratic method.
Miller was my civil procedure instructor years ago at Michigan and I always
had the impression that Miller studied under Socrates.

Jim Johnston


Date:    Wed, 25 Feb 1998 03:31:58 -0500 (EST)
From:    "Juan F. Riveros" <riverosq@umich.edu>
Subject: TPRC 98. Call for Papers

The Twenty-Sixth Annual

October 3-5, 1998
Radisson Mark Plaza, Alexandria, Virginia

The Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) is an annual
forum for dialogue among scholars and decision-makers from the public
and private sectors engaged in communication and information policy.
The purpose of the conference is to acquaint policymakers with the
best of recent research and to familiarize researchers with the
knowledge needs of policymakers and industry.  The TPRC program is
assembled from submitted abstracts, invited papers and proposals for
complete sessions.

TPRC is now soliciting research papers or session proposals for
presentation at its 1998 conference.  Papers should be based on
current theoretical and/or empirical research relevant to the making
of communication and information policy, and may be from any
disciplinary perspective.  TPRC welcomes national, international, or
comparative studies.  Subject areas of particular interest include,
but are not limited to:

*	1996 Telecom Act			
*   	Universal Service
*	Wireless Services			
*   	Unintended Consequences of Regulation
*	Unbundling the Local Loop		
*   	State Regulation
*	Convergence:  Technological Developments and Regulatory
*   	Privacy (Crypto, Anonymity, Personal Data)
*	Intellectual Property		
*   	Content Control
*	Information Infrastructure Security		
*   	Taxation of Internet Services
*	Antitrust, Concentration and Mergers 		
*     	Household Information Environments
*	Internet and Telephone Numbers and Names 		
*   	Internet Jurisdiction
*	Software Competition			
*   	Internet/Intranet Effects on Organizations
*	Electronic Commerce			
*   	Communication Reform in Developing Countries
*	Spectrum Allocation and Auctions		
*   	New Satellite Systems
*	Infrastructure Investment		
*   	Pirate Broadcasting
*	Transition to Digital TV		
*   	Competitive Models of Mass Media

Submissions must be sent electronically to Dawn Higgins at
tprc@ei.com and should consist of an abstract of a paper or
session proposal in ASCII text.  If a paper is available, it
should be sent as an attachment in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
format.  In addition, it would be helpful to the Program Committee
to submit with your abstract a one page CV which includes citations
of relevant work.  Submissions are due no later than March 27, 1998.

Selected papers will be required to be no more than 30 pages and
will be due to TPRC by September 7, 1998.  TPRC intends to provide
access to all accepted papers either through publication on our web
site or through a link to its publisher.

Inquiries may be made to  Dawn Higgins:  (202) 452-9033
Telecommunications Policy Research Conference
P.O. Box 19203
Washington, DC  20036


Date:    Thu, 12 Mar 1998 15:35:22 +0000
From:    Mimi Azrael <mla@wlcmd.org>
Subject: Medical Privacy Conference 3/27/98 Baltimore

                  The Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc.

                            Whose Right to Know?

             Friday, March 27, 1998  -  8:30 a.m. to 3: 30 p.m.
             University of Baltimore Law Center Moot Court Room
               Maryland and Mt. Royal Avenues, Baltimore, MD
             Co-sponsored by Ober, Kaler Grimes & Shriver, P.C.
                (Luncheon and parking included in admission)

       Can medical privacy, as a core value, survive the information age?
              What changes lie ahead as health care goes paperless?
                        Are we Naked in Cyberspace?


                            Conference Program:
                            Mimi Azrael, Esquire
                c/o The Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc.
          305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towon, MD  21204
                    Direct dial:  410-821-6800 Ext. 339
                          Direct fax: 410-821-1265

                   WLC Office:  410-321-8761 voicemail 2
                        WLC Office fax: 410-0462 fax
                           E-mail <conf98@wlcmd.org>

      Registration, conference brochure, press passes, administration:
                                  Dee Bock
                  The Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc.
          305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towson, MD  21204
                          410-321-8761 voicemail 2
                              410-321-0462 fax

                               PRESS RELEASE

     (BALTIMORE, for immediate release)   On Friday, March 27, 1998 The
     Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc., a non-profit legal rights
     organization established in 1971, hosts Medical Privacy in the
     Information Age:  Access, Information and Accountability from 8:30 am
     - 4:30 p.m. at the University of Baltimore Law Center Moot Court Room
     in Baltimore..   Hear what experts have to say about age-old and new
     tensions affecting patients' rights to confidential medical  treatment
     and the rights of employers, creditors, the press, law enforcement
     agencies, researchers, the government, and others in a free society to
     access personal medical information

                             Registration Form
           Advance registration discount through March 23, 1998:
                 $85 for WLC members ; $95 for non-members;
       $25 for students (with valid ID) On-site registration: add $10

        Conference Co-sponsors              Medical Privacy Program and
          Registration Form                    Naked in Cyberspace
     About The Women's Law Center             Electronic Democracy

     About The Family Law Center           Back to WLC Medical Privacy
                                              Conference Home Page

   Medical Privacy Conference Links       WLC publications, tote bags,
                                                 t-shirts, etc.

                  Medical Privacy in the Information Age:
                     Access, Ethics and Accountability
                    Friday, March 27, 1998 Baltimore MD

                          PANELISTS AND MODERATORS

CAROLE A. LANE, Author, Naked in Cyberspace (Oceanside, CA) 
Considered one of the world's most savvy and respected online researchers,
Ms. Lane spent over a decade designing medical and consumer credit database
systems.  Now president of TechnoSearch, Inc., Ms Lane will demonstrate
live, online how easy is to compile detailed dossiers, including medical
information, on almost anyone.

GRAEME BROWNING, Esq. (Moderator) 
Center for Democracy and Technology (Washington, D.C.)  Author, Electronic
Democracy:  Using the Internet to Influence American Politics (Online, Inc.,
1996).  Before joining CDT in 1997, Ms. Browning, an attorney and
journalist, wrote for National Journal, covering the intersection of
technology and politics.  Prior to that, she was a reporter for the
Washington Post, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Baltimore Sun, and United Press
International (UPI) and legal affairs reporter for the ABC affiliate in
Nashville, TN.  She now is Communications Director for CDT, a non-profit
public interest organization which develops and advocates public policies
that advance democratic values and constitutional civil liberties in new
computer and communications technologies.

STEVEN J. FOX, Esq. (Moderator)
Partner, Ober Kaler Grimes & Shriver, P.C. (Baltimore, MD) (Moderator)
Mr. Fox chairs Ober Kaler's Information Systems and Technology Practice
Group, providing legal advice and strategic consulting with respect to
complex information systems, computerized medical records management and
patient privacy protection, as well as corporate contractual and
intellectual property matters.

Reporters' Committee for Freedom of the Press
Ms. Daugherty is the Director of the Reporters' Committee for Freedom of
the Press Freedom of Information (FOI) Service Center in Arlington, VA and
is the immediate past president of the American Society of Access
Professionals.  She is a FOIA expert's expert and the Editor of  Tapping
Official's Secrets, a guide to open records and open meetings laws.

Trustee-at-Large, American Psychiatric Association (Bethesda, MD)
Dr. Epstein is a psychiatrist in private practice and the author of Keeping
Boundaries: Maintaining Safety and Integrity in the Psychotherapeutic
Process (American Psychiatric Press, 1994).  He also is a Clinical Professor
of Psychiatry at both Georgetown University School of Medicine and at the
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (the military medical
school) in Bethesda, MD.

Committee on Confidentiality, American Psychiatric Association
(Baltimore, MD)
Dr. Katze is a psychiatrist in private practice.

Assistant U.S. Attorney (D.Md.) (Baltimore, MD)
Ms. McDermott is a federal prosecutor and the Coordinator of the Health
Care  Fraud unit of the U.S. Attorneys' Office for the District of

Vice President & Chief Information Officer, Johns Hopkins Health System
(Baltimore, MD)
Johns Hopkins Medicine Center for Information Services provides system
support and information system solutions for the Johns Hopkins Health
System, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the Johns
Hopkins Medical Institutions.

President and co-founder, National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals
and Consumers (Westbury, NY)
Dr. Shore is president and co-founder of the National Coalition of Mental
Health Professionals and Consumers, a non-profit organization formed in
1992 to preserve consumer privacy, confidentiality and quality in mental
health care by promoting pro-patient health plans and exposing  abuses of
managed care.

Senior Technical Advisor, HCFA Office of Information Services (Baltimore, MD)
Ms. Trudel is Senior Technical Advisor to the HCFA Office of Information
Services and will discuss development of national post-HIPAA standards for
security of health information systems and unique patient identifiers.

Ober Kaler Grimes & Shriver, P.C. (Baltimore, MD) 
Ms. Wilson is a health care lawyer.  Her practice focuses on risk
management, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, fraud and abuse issues, and
compliance plans.


                 QUESTIONS? CALL 410-321-8761 (voicemail 2)
                  The Women's Law Center of Maryland, Inc.
          305 West Chesapeake Avenue, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21204
                    410-321-8761 voice/410-321-0462 fax
                   (c)  1998 The Women's Law Center, Inc.


End of PRIVACY Forum Digest 07.05

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