05-21-89 11:38:00 From: GARY WALSH To: ALL Subj: Re: SONY 2010 The SONY 2010 has a design flaw that causes static electricity to easily blow the first RF stage. This has been discussed at length on this echo in the past and Sony is quite aware of it. So much so, that I sent my 2010 to Sony's "official" factory service center here in Canada (Winnipeg) 3 weeks ago and received it back in 2 weeks ALL FIXED at NO CHARGE. The warranty expired a long time ago, but they still put it through under warranty. You might try the same thing. Just make sure it goes to a Sony Repair Center. This was the 2nd time in 2 1/2 years the 1st RF stage blew. A good thunderstorm can do it, but so can less dramatic events such as touching the antenna after dragging your feet along a carpet <grin>. I understand the external antenna input has NO protection whereas the rod antenna does. Therein lies the "design flaw". I asked Sony to perform a mod, if available, to eliminate the problem. They "may" have done it, but made no mention of it in the return "service order". I can't complain though, as the repair was done FREE. Not many companies would do that. >Gary< 11-22-89 17:08:44 From: JACK HOWARTH To: GARY WALSH Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 193 (Re: SONY 2010) Gary, I saw a fix for the static sensitivity of the 2010's front end posted a week ago on the HamNet SIG on CompuServe. Apparently only the whip antenna has protection diodes on it. These diodes are not used when the external jack is used. The safest and easiest fix is to just put the necessary protection diodes into the gray antenna adaptor box Sony supplies. All you need is 99 cents worth of hardware. Get four 1N914 diodes from Radio Shack and place them in strings of two series pairs across the antenna and ground terminals in the gray adaptor box. Have one series pair with its cathode to ground and anode to the antenna and the second series pair in reverse. That is Antenna Ground ---|<---|<--- --->|--->|--- This modification will allow either negative or positive charges of more than 1 volt that hit the external antenna to be bled of to the ground. I have been using it for a week and the modification has no effect on reception. This is to be expected as by its nature a diode won't pass the low voltages of radio signals through to the ground. best wishes... Jack p.s. Now if some company like Radio West would just come out with a mode for the 2010's AGC to make it hold the volume more stable on severely fading signals. Gee, Sony put all that effort into a sync circuit to reduce fading and then screw up the AGC instead. Go figure...