ASSOCIATION OF CLANDESTINE RADIO ENTHUSIASTS PO BOX 11201 SHAWNEE MISSION, KANSAS 66207-0201 Dear Radio Listener: The Association of Clandestine Radio Enthusiasts is a club whose purpose centers around the monitoring and logging of pirate, clandestine, covert, numbers, and other unexplained or unlicensed broadcasts. The ACE provides its members with loggings of these broadcasts as well as other information about the motives of the broadcasters in its monthly publication THE ACE. The ACE as an organization does not encourgae, support, or condone any illegal activity, but simply seeks to understand the nature and reasoning behiund such broadcasts as a way of furthering our enjoyument of the radio listening hobnby. If your interest includes listening to pirate radio stations, clandestine broadcasts, and covert communications, then THE ACE is for you! Our monthly newsletter contains regular features as well as special articles. The regular features are: DiaLogs by Kirk Trummel. This column contains the latest in pirate radio loggings. This column provides the most comprehensive source of pirate loggings. Veried Response by John Arthur. John features various editorials in his monthly cloumn as well as providing the latest in pirate QSL news. He edits the twice-yearly "The Directory" the most complete directory of pirate radio station maildrop addresses. Covert Corner by Harry Helms. This column explores covert communications of all types. Harry also adds his own brand of commentary to various subjects. DX Clip Board by Andrew Yoder. Andrew presents a feature column that explores the pirate stations and operators. In-depth station profiles are featured. Clandestine Profile by George Zeller. George lends his knowledge in the area of clandestine broadcasting to the readers of the ACE. Learn about the motivations behind the various clandestine broadcasters by reading his monthly column. Samples issues of the ACE are $ 2.00 with prepayment required. We are sorry we cannot provide free samples, but printing and postage costs make it impossible. Overseas samples are $ 3.00 US. Annual dues are $ 18.00 in US & possessions, $ 19.00 in Canada/Mexico, and $ 25.00 World Air Mail. Send your subscription to: ACE, PO Box 11201, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207. Don't miss another issue! Subscribe today! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I want to subscribe to the ACE: Enclosed please find $_______(US check, cash, or money order only please NAME_____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________ CITY,STATE,ZIP___________________________________________________________ Please mail to: ACE, PO Box 11201, Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201