Technical information on 3 amature satellites currently in orbit. A Guide to the Architecture of UoSAT-B The following attempts to provide a guide to the sub-systems on the UoSAT-B spacecraft, now in orbit as UoSat-2 or OSCAR 11. Expanded specifications of individual modules will be made available for those experiments which supply data to the downlink directly or via the telemetry system. Mechanical Framework The spacecraft is constructed in a similar way to Oscar-9, that is with a square-section central core supporting rigid top and bottom plates. Solar cells are mounted on all four sides of these plates, enclosing a basic cuboid of dimension 35.5 * 35.5 * 58.5 cm. Two stacks, each of two module boxes of dimension 23.5 * 17.6 * 3.1 cm, are mounted on the outside of each face of the central core. A 'wing' extends the base of the spacecraft symmetrically by 16 cm on each side in one axis to permit the mounting of two SHF helical antennas, one on each side of the launcher attach fitting which is itself mounted in the centre of the bottom plate. The Navigation Magnetometer and Space Dust experiments are mounted above this wing, one on each side. Solar Cells Four solar arrays of dimension 49.5 * 29.5 cm are attached to the four sides of the spacecraft. These are capable of supplying up to about 0.9A at 28v when fully illuminated. The cells were manufactured by Solarex. Battery A solid octagonal block of aluminium, 14.9 * 14.9 * 10.2 cm, is fitted into the centre core of the spacecraft and is drilled to accept ten 'F'-sized Nickel-Cadmium cells, each 3.2 cm in diameter and 9 cm long. These cells, in series, form a 12v battery of 6.4Ah nominal capacity and are charged when the spacecraft is in sunlight in order to provide sufficient power to run the craft during peak load demands and its eclipse periods. Battery Charge Regulator Two redundant BCRs are responsible for accepting the 28v supplies from the solar cells (and a similar supply from the umbilical connector) and charging the battery as required depending on the current drain, the battery voltage and the battery temperature. Power Conditioning Module The PCM regulates the 12-14v battery bus supply to provide 10v, 5v and -10v supplies for powering the spacecraft systems and experiments. Power Distribution Module (PDM) The PDM switches the various regulated and unregulated rails to all the s/c systems and experiments, dependent on the commands which it receives from the Telecommand system. Each switch has an individual current foldback facility so that a faulty module is allowed to draw up to a pre-determined current before it is latched off, necessitating a power-down under positive command before resetting. Telecommand system The telecommand system comprises three uplink receivers, three data demodulators, a command detector and sets of command latches which hold the status of the command specified. The receivers are located in the 144MHz, 438MHz and 1268MHz amateur bands and the demodulators are robust devices which do not depend on `hase-locked loops or other potentially unstable techniques. A command detector scans the three receivers according to a priority system and detects a valid set of command instructions, passing the data contained therein to the relevant latch. Some latches drive a set of multiplexer address inputs directly so that uplink and downlink path selection may be performed immediately on the command latch board. The 112 command latches drive the Power Distribution System, the remaining spacecraft systems and experiment functions. There is a parallel i/o port to the spacecraft 1802 computer for autonomous control of spacecraft operations in addition to serial data links with `(O 1802 #+uter and the DCE for backup operations. 145.825 MHz Beacon The 145 MHz beacon on UoSAT-B is nearly identical to the one flown most successfully on UoSAT-1. The modulation index has been increased in order to ensure more optimum reception on most radio amateur receivers. Modulation is by frequency-shift keying, as on UoSAT-1. 435.025 MHz Beacon This beacon is a completely new design which generates its frequency standard from a phase-locked synthesiser system. As a result, the DC to RF efficiency is much improved. In addition to frequency-shift modulation, phase-shift modulation is a switchable option. 2401.5 MHz Beacon When the original supplier of the 2.4GHz beacon was unable to meet his commitment, Colin Smithers, G4CWH, at the University of Surrey stepped in and designed and built the transmitter and power supply in under four weeks. The DC to RF efficiency has been improved by some 5 times over the UoSAT-1 implementation. Both AFSK and PSK modulation methods are possible. Telemetry System The basic output of the UoSAT-B telemetry system is very similar to that of UoSAT-1. However, 60 analogue channels, digitised to 3 decimal digits, and 96 status points encoded into hexadecimal digits are available together with a real-time clock for frame identification and the satellite identifier, 'UOSAT-2'. A checksum digit can also be added to each channel. A dwell facility has been added so that up to 128 channels can be output in rotation, combined with clock times and line feeds or frame ends in any combination. 1802 Computer & Digitalker The 1802 computer has been designed to support all the modules on the spacecraft, as well as to control the overall scheduling and be usable for specific communications experiments. To satisfy these requirements, the computer has access to many modules via parallel interfaces, and to some of the others and the receivers and transmitters via serial connections. In addition, there is a real-time clock and a total of 48kb of RAM for data storage. The Digitalker speech synthesiser is housed with the 1802 and has ROMs containing over 550 words. These will be used initially for 'speaking' telemetry. Navigation Magnetometer The Navigation Magnetometer is a three-axis flux gate device, much upgraded from the one flown on UoSAT-1. Indeed, the 14-bit resolution is very similar to that obtained from the much more complicated scientific magnetometer on the previous craft. The Nav. Mag. will be used for determining the attitude of the spacecraft during initial manoeuvres, as well as for experimental measurement of magnetic field disturbances once the attitude is stable. Magnetorquers & Boom Assembly Magnetorquers - coils of wire energised to act as electromagnets - are built into all 6 faces of the spacecraft, wound around the edges of the honeycomb panels supporting the solar cells and the top and bottom plates. The fields created interact with the earth's magnetic field to produce a torque which tends to rotate the spacecraft. When the spacecraft has been positioned so that the CCD camera end is pointing towards the earth - a long and complex process - a boom can be extended from the top of the craft. The boom looks similar to a steel tape measure, although nearly circular once it has been unrolled, and some 12 metres long. The boom carries a 2.5kg mass on the far end and this, in conjunction with the spacecraft body at the other end, creates a 'dumb-bell' configuration which naturally lines up with the earth's gravitational field so that one end points downwards, rather like a pendulum - it is, however, bi-stable! Any residual swinging motion can be damped with further controlled applications of the magnetorquers. Sun Sensors The sun sensors are made with specially fabricated solar cell substrates which are masked by grey-code stripes and illuminated by light passing through a slit in a metal foil in front. The mask coding on the cells can be used to derive the angle at which the incident light is falling on the slit. 6 such sensors are mounted around the top plate to provide complete 360 degree coverage. Horizon Sensors Built by a first year student at the University of Surrey, the Horizon Sensor is able to detect when only one of two photodetectors is illuminated. The detectors are housed in two narrow tubes of 4mm diameter and mounted at a small angle to each other so that the whole sensor thus detects the 'edge' of an illuminated object. This will be the earth, the moon or the sun and a fix can then be made on the object's position. Digital Communication Experiment The Digital Communications Experiment (DCE) was designed and built by AMSAT and VITA groups in the USA and Canada. It has two serial ports which can receive and transmit to the RF system and the 1802, as well as an NSC-800 CPU and nearly 128kb of CMOS RAM. The DCE will be used to investigate various packet radio protocols for use with a future digital 'store-and-forward' satellite being planned by AMSAT. In addition, the DCE has interfaces with the navigation magnetometer and the telemetry system for long-term data storage. Space Dust Experiment The Space Dust experiment was built by a group of students at the University of Kent, England. It has a dielectric diaphragm which, when punctured by a large particle, discharges the capacitance associated with it, therby indicating the impact. In conjunction with a piezo crystal microphone which detects particles of smaller size, correlation techniques can yield a measurement of the momentum of the incident particle. CCD Camera The CCD camera is a re-designed version of the device flown on UoSAT-1. Indeed, the CCD array at the centre of the camera is the same type as used before, although the later batches of this part are substantially improved over the early one used 2 years ago. This time the analogue electronics surrounding the array are also greatly improved. The active area of 384 pixels by 256 pixels is stored with seven bits of grey-level, in 96kb of RAM in the DSR experiment. The DSR is then responsible for the picture downlink, aadding addresses and error correction and detection information as required. The DSR downlink is organised in packets of 128 bytes each, three across each imager line, so that two may be selected for display (using an extra digital filter) on existing UoSAT-1 CCD displays. The variable video amp gain and integration period of the CCD imager have been set up to provide the latitude required to photograph both land images and also auroral features, the latter being of interest in conjunction with the particle detector experiments. DSR Experiment The DSR stores data from the CCD imager, particle counter experiment or computer UART and outputs it in a checksummed format. The unit has 2 banks of 96k x 8 CMOS memory which can be used as two seperate banks or as one 192kb bank. The output frame consists of a three byte sync code, a two byte frame address, 128 bytes of data and 5 bytes of error detection/correction code. The data is sent in serial form with start bit, 8 data bits and selectable*Bor 3 stop bityB The data can be output at 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 BPS. Particle Detectors and Wave Correlator Experiment Three Geiger counters, each with different electron energy thresholds, similar to those flown on UOSAT-1, and a multi-channel electron spectrometer are mounted on the spacecraft to serve as a near-earth reference for magnetospheric studies to be carried out concurrently with the AMPTE & VIKING spacecraft missions due for launch later in 1984, and for ground-based studies of the ionospheric D, E and F regions being pursued with riometers and EISCAT. Data will be available in either real-time or, for more detailed analysis, from stored measurements over both polar auroral regions to professional scientists and radio amateurs. A data-base of the measurements acquired over the life of the spacecraft will be established at Surrey in conjunction with the SERC and will be available to approved experimenters. The modulations imparted on particles, as a result of wave-particle interactions in the magnetophere on auroral field lines, will be observed by a Particle Correlator Experiment designed around an NSC-800 microprocessor at the University of Sussex, England. The measurements will identify wave-modes responsible for accelerating electrons into the auroral beam and will also identify wave-modes which limit the further growth of the auroral beam. Roger M. A. Peel, G8NEF, University of Surrey, England. JAS-1 Amateur Satellite Technical Description Introduction: JAS-1 is an amateur radio satellite, promoted by JARL as a joint venture with NASDA. NEC constructed "system" units (space frame, power supply etc.), while JAMSAT, with its selected volunteer JAS-1 project team, designed and built the "mission" units (transponders, telemetry/command and house keeping micro-computer) and ground support systems. JAS-1 has been completed and has passed all the necessary tests. It is in a clean room waiting for the launch, currently scheduled for August 1986. The outline of this unique satellite is explained in the following. Many thanks to Harold Price, NK6K, for his assistance in the preparation of this article. February 11, 1986 N6MBM/JA2PKI Tak Okamoto 191 Pinestone, Irvine, CA 92714 Hamnet : 72307,3224 Telemail : TOKAMOTO JAS-1 Mission Objectives: 1. JAS-1 will provide reliable world-wide amateur radio communications. 2. JAS-1 will enable radio amateurs to study tracking and command techniques. 3. JAS-1 will offer an in-space "proving ground" for radio amateur developed and built transponders and sub- systems. 4. JAS-1 will provide NASDA an opportunity to carry out a "multi-payload" launch using their new "H-1" launcher. (NASDA has never engaged in a multi-payload launch, thus the JAS-1 project will offer NASDA an excellent opportunity by providing them with an active payload having its own telemetry-beacon and transponder for ranging.) 1. Form and general dimensions: The spacecraft takes the form of a 26-facet polyhedron, which measures 400 mm X 400 mm X 470 mm and weighs 50 kilograms. 2. Launch and Orbit: JAS-1 will be launched into a circular low-earth orbit, which will be non-sun synchronous and non-polar. Launch vehicle : H-1 2 stage rocket Launch nuber : Test Flight # 1 Launch fite : Tanegashima Is. Japan Launch date : August 1986 Estimated inclination : 50 degrees Estimated altitude : 1500 k.m. Estimated period : 120 minutes Estimated window per pass : 20 minutes/pass Estimated passes per day : 8 passes/day 3. Designed life: Estimated lifetime is 3 years 4. Special Features of JAS-1: JAS-1 carries two separate mode J transponders. One is a linear transponder, and the other is a digital "store-and-forward" transponder mainly for non-real-time communication between stations located in different time zones. The reasons for selecting mode J for this first Japanese amateur radio communications satellite are: a) It is becoming increasingly difficult to use 145-MHz for a satellite downlink because of man-made electrical noise and other interference. b) The planners of JAS-1 wanted to provide a successor to AMSAT OSCAR-8's mode J, which was originally developed by JAMSAT's engineering team back in 1976. c) 435 MHz is much quieter than 145 MHz as a downlink band, it is comparatively free from man-made noise and sky-temperature effects. The digital transponder will provide "error-free" information exchange. 5. Transponders: a) The linear transponder = mode JA : The passband will be 100 kHz wide. The transponder will have an output of 1 watt p.e.p. Ground stations will need an uplink power of 100 watts e.i.r.p. The sidebands will be reversed, i.e., the uplink is LSB, the downlink is USB. There will be a 100 mW c.w. beacon switchable to PSK when needed. Uplink pass band : 145.90 MHz - 146.00 MHz Downlink pass band : 435.80 MHz - 435.90 MHz Beacon freq. : 435.795 MHz Translate freq. : 581.80 MHz b) The digital transponder = mode JD : There will be four 145 MHz band input channels using Manchester coded FM for the uplink. Ground stations will need 100 watts e.i.r.p. There will be one downlink channel in the 435 MHz band using PSK, the output will be 1 watt RMS. Channels are : Uplink channel 1 : 145.850 MHz ,, channel 2 : 145.870 MHz ,, channel 3 : 145.890 MHz ,, channel 4 : 145.910 MHz Downlink channel : 435.910 MHz The data format is HDLC. The protocol is AX.25 Level 2 Version 2. The data transfer rate is 1200 bps for both uplink and downlink. The reasons for not using Bell-202 type FSK modulation are: a) To reduce the parts count onboard JAS-1. Using Manchester coded FM for uplink reduces JAS-1's onboard decoder chip count by 16. b) To improve the downlink margins. Due to JAS-1's tight power budget, only 1 watt is generated by the downlink transmitter. A more efficient modulation scheme like PSK is required. JAS-1 will be a store and forward system but not a real time digipeater. Digipeating is not an effective use of a low orbit satellite such as JAS-1, which has a limited communication foot print and visibility time. JAS-1 has 4 uplink channels for 1 downlink channel. This is because the difference of channel efficiency between uplink and downlink. An uplink channel is shared by several ground users. Since the ground users can't hear each other, and are listening to the downlink channel anyway, the uplinks are subject to packet collisions. This scheme is called "Pure ALOHA", and is known to have a theoretical maximum channel throughput of 18.4%. The JAS-1 downlink is 100% efficient, since only JAS-1 transmits there. To balance capacity, as well as add redundancy, four uplink channels are used. The combined uplink efficiency is then 4 * 18.4% or 76%. The remaining downlink time is used for general messages and telemetry data. JAS-1 will accept a connect from only one station at a time with the software scheduled for initial use. Multiple connections will be supported in subsequent software updates. General packet operation is scheduled to begin in November 1986. 6. Digital Hardware: The microprocessor is a MIL-STD-883B screened NSC-800 running with a 1.6MHz clock. This is the only processor on board. It controls the digital transponder and also acts as an IHU (Integrated Housekeeping Unit). The on-board memory has a 1.5MB physical storage capacity. 48 chips of NMOS 256K DRAMs are used. A hardware based error-detection/correction circuit is incorporated to protect the entire 1.5 MB and provide an 1 MB error free memory area. The system program occupies some 32KB, the rest is used for message storage. The memory unit is physically divided into four identical 256KB memory cards, any one of which can be assigned as the system area. Up to three cards can be turned off. This design provides system redundancy and allows command stations to control power consumption without a total loss of service. JAS-1 has five hardware HDLC controllers. Four of them are for the uplink channels and one is for the downlink channel. In total, these controllers consist of some 140 CMOS MSIs, yet their power consumption is less than that of a single NMOS LSI HDLC controller like WD-1933. JAS-1 does not have any ROM but has simple hardware boot strap circuit instead. This design is to increase system flexibility and reliability. 7. Power system: 25 of JAS-1's 26 faces are covered with a total of 979 pieces of solar cells. They will generate 8.5 watts of power at the beginning of life. JAS-1 employs 11 Ni-Cd battery cells with a capacity of 6 AH. These supply 14 volts average to JAS-1's main power buss. The 14 volts is converted and regulated to +10V, +5V and -5V. 8. Antenna system: JAS-1 has three antennas. 2 m reception antenna Slant 1/4 wave Mono-pole Isotropic -4 dBi gain 70 cm transmission antenna Mode-JA : Slant Turnstile L.H.C.P. +Z axis +3 dBi gain Mode-JD : Slant Turnstile R.H.C.P. -Z axis +3 dBi gain 9. Attitude control: Forced shaking using the earth's geomagnetic field. JAS-1 has two 1 ATm sq. permanent magnets in its Z axis. 10. Telemetry: Analog system telemetry has 12 analog channels and 33 system status flags. This telemetry can be sent without the help of the NSC800 microprocessor and will be turned on automatically by the separation from the H-1 launcher. The telemetry is sent on the 100mW beacon on 435.795MHz in CW, switchable to PSK. Digital system telemetry has 29 analog channels and 33 system status flags. This software driven telemetry can be sent in any format, and can include short text messages. This telemetry can be sent on either the mode JD downlink channel (435.910MHz) or the mode JA CW beacon (435.795MHz). 11. Command: A simple 3-channel tele-command system is used for global control functions, e.g. JA transponder "ON"/"OFF", JD transponder "ON"/"OFF" and independent "ON"/"OFF" of the A-0 beacon. An additional 37 channels are available mainly for controlling the digital transponder. Onboard command from the NSC-800 is also available. 12. Ground stations: Mode-JA: A ground station setup which was used for Amsat Oscar-8 mode-J can be used for JAS-1 mode-JA. A station with a 10 watt 2 m SSB transmitter and a 10dBi beam for uplink; and a 70 cm receiver (with low NF) with a 15dBi beam for downlink; should be adequate for this job. Mode-JD: In addition to the mode-JA set up, FM mode is required for the 2 m transmitter. Since JAS-1 uses the standard AX.25 protocol and 1200 bps data rate, ground stations will be able to use a TAPR-style TNC, a 2 m FM transmitter and a 70 cm receiver without modification. The JAS-1 modem, a special interface board, will be made available containing the Manchester modulator and an audio PSK demodulator allowing connection to the "modem disconnect" connector of a TAPR-style TNC. The modem also connects to the audio input and PTT of the 2m FM transmitter and to the audio output and frequency control (option) of a 70 cm SSB receiver. Although JAS-1 will be available to individual access, the general amateur community will benefit from "JAS-1 gateways". Messages relayed through gateways can be sent worldwide and is as easy as sending messages to distant stations via a W0RLI HF gateway. 13. Outline of project history/schedule: November 1982 : Freezing of conceptual/preliminary design December 1982 : Preliminary Design April 1983 : Detail Design - June 1984 Engineering Modules Integration & Test Ground Support System Integration July 1984 : Flight Model #1 Integration & EIC/MIC - December 1984 January 1985 : Flight Model #1 General Test - March 1985 January 1985 : Flight Model #2 Integration & EIC/MIC - August 1985 August 1985 : Flight Model #2 General Test - November 1985 November 1985 : Software development. - ? References: JARL News, JAS-1 User's Guide (Those are available only in Japanese.) AO-10 ANALYSIS, PROPOSALS June 17, 1986 The purpose of this document is to: 1. Present the current status of AO-10. 2. Forecast events between now and September 1986. 3. Explore the limited alternatives available. 4. Present proposals and define probable benefits. 5. Solicit additional expertise, advice and comments. = = = = = = 1.0 CURRENT STATUS OF AO-10: AMSAT-OSCAR 10 was 3 years of age yesterday. Despite a beginning which seemed to be ruled solely by Murphy's 3rd postulate, the S/C has performed as well as could reasonably be expected, considering the bent antennas, less than optimal orbit, frozen 'O' rings, etc. The satellite was designed with reliability as one of the foremost objectives.. since previous birds had succumbed due to eventual battery failure, TWO sets of batteries were placed on board; ten Main batteries and ten Auxiliary batteries. To date, the Main cells have performed so well that there has been no need to bring the Aux cells online. Premature charging of the Aux cells would merely serve to start their 'lifetime countdown', therefore, they have never been charged in orbit. As the spacecraft aged, the effects of 4UCigh perigee (4,000 km instead of the desired 1,500 km) began to be noticed; at this altitude, the S/C spent significantly more time traversing the radiation-filled Van Allen belts surrounding the Earth. Each trip through this area resulted in continuous doses of undesirable radiation being experienced by most onboard components. The effects of such radiation are cumulative.. the overall level of radiation induced charge keeps adding to the previous exposures. The IHU (Integrated Housekeeping Unit.. speak 'onboard computer') memory chips are the most susceptable to excess charge of all the onboard components, since they function by storing a definable charge to represent a one or zero in a particular memory location. Over a period of time, random bits throughout the 16k memory began to fail. This did not present a disaster, since the S/C designers had included sophisticated error correction circuitry for just such an expected eventuality. The correction circuitry could detect and 'repair' a single-bit error in any given byte of memory. It would detect, but not repair, a double-bit error per byte. On May 17, 1986, the error correction circuitry was apparently overwhelmed by the damaging effects of an influx of high energy particles from the Sun. The software Operating System had lost control with the Mode B transponder locked on and strings of meaningless bits being transmitted on the beacon. As a result of many hours of diagnosis and attempts to correct the situation by ZL1AOX and others, a limited function software system was reloaded. Subsequently, limited memory tests were performed in an attempt to assess the extent of the damage and suggest methods of bypassing the faulty areas of memory. Before these tests could be completed, the S/C was apparently subjected to yet another bombardment of radiation which reduced even the minimal operating system to an essentially useless state. Under certain conditions, UNDER-charging CAN be of actual benefit, as we shall see. 2.0 FORECAST OF EVENTS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 1986: Given the current attitude of the spacecrast, the position of the orbital plane and the orbital parameters, the sun angle will change from the current value of approximately -8 degrees to -49 degrees by 7/31 and to the NO POWER condition of -90 degrees on 9/11 as indicated by the following chart (courtesy G3RUH): DATE SUN ANG (deg) ALON (deg) ALAT(deg) --------------------------------------------------- 1986 May 22 18 157.5 21.7 1986 Jun 5 4 156.1 21.7 1986 Jun 19 -9 154.8 21.7 1986 Jul 3 -22 153.4 21.5 1986 Jul 17 -36 152.1 21.4 1986 Jul 31 -49 150.7 21.2 1986 Aug 14 -62 149.3 21.0 ) 47% Illum. 1986 Aug 28 -75 147.9 20.7 ) 26% 1986 Sep 11 -90 146.5 20.4 ) OOPS! 1986 Sep 25 -76 145.1 20.1 ) "An attitude change is ESSENTIAL before the end of July" (G3RUH) If no intervention occurs, the S/C will reach a power down condition sometime prior to September 11. At first glance, this might seem to be a disastrous event; let's analyze this condition a little more thoroughly. Of the many events which will occur at or near the -90 degree sun angle, the following are of most concern: 2.1 Thermal stresses. 2.2 Low/no power considerations. 2.3 Erratic IHU operation during transition period. 2.1 THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS: From a sun angle of -45 through -90 and back to -45, the sun will primarily be shining on the bottom of the S/C (rather than on the solar panels), resulting in a significant heating of that surface, while the opposite surface will suffer a deepfreeze effect. The resultant temperature of important internal modules (IHU, batteries, BCRs, etc) will reach temperatures dependent on the thermal transfer characteristics of their housings, mounting brackets, etc. We already possess telemetry data of a similar event which took place right after the initial launching of AO-10. Analysis of that TLM data is being performed by Command Stations right now. AO-10's thermal design expert (Dick Jansson, WD4FAB) will be contacted as soon as he gets back to the Continental U.S. on Saturday. He should be able to shed valuable light on this important subject. NICAD battery expert John Fox (W0LER) advises that this should make little if any difference whether the batteries are charged or discharged when they are subjected to the expected thermal stress. 2.2 LOW/NO POWER CONSIDERATION: From both a battery and an IHU long-term 'health' viewpoint, it appears that a complete power down condition could well provide major BENEFITS. 2.2.1 BATTERIES: The Aux batteries have never been charged; their condition should remain essentially unaltered through a forced power down situation. By the time power totally fails, the Main batteries will likely have developed the notorious NICAD 'memory' for partial charging. Fortunately, if each cell discharges to a level of 0.2 volts or lower, (2.0 volts for the total array of 10), all 'memory' will be ERASED. In addition, laboratory tests by W0LER have shown that up to 85% of original (new) capacity can be expected from the aged cells when they are recharged once again. W0LER further advises that he has NEVER witnessed polarity reversal during such deep discharge/recharge cycles. (John's wisdom was gained from a 5 year period of DAILY measurement and painstaking record-keeping on this very subject). Providing there are no disastrous temperature effects of which I am unaware, it would appear that the Main batteries will actually BENEFIT from the power-down situation. 2.2.2 IHU: According to several knowledgable individuals in the computer industry, there is a reasonable chance that the disabling excess charge on the memory chips may actually BLEED OFF if power is completely removed from the memory for at least a 24 hour period. If this fortunate state is actually realized, we could optimistically expect to end up with a rejuvinated memory when the S/C powers up again (good for another 3 years?). 2.3 ERRATIC IHU OPERATION DURING TRANSITION: Once the IHU supply voltage begins to fall, there is a rather narrow 'window' that exists in the shadow region between the FUNCTIONAL and the STOPPED IHU states. In tests on nearly identical (simulator) IHUs in a terrestrial environment, operation was essentially normal down to the 6.0 volt level, erratic and unpredictable from 6.0 to 5.2 volts and totally inoperative below that supply voltage level. The erratic window region does generate a certain amount of concern; in this region, the CPU may do ANYTHING. It may perform anomalous jumps to erroneous program steps, it may perform erratic I/O operations with potentially harmful results; Murphy's law is strictly enforced in this region... the most harmful thing which can be imagined will most likely be realized. There are certain techniques which can reduce this hazard; they will be addressed later. The major point to be made here is that the time spent in this 'transitional area' should be minimized by any means possible. 3.0 CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AVAILABLE: 3.1 Do NOTHING until after September 15, 1986. 3.2 Perform memory diagnostics and attempt to patch around faulty areas with a reduced-function Operating System. 3.3 Power down as soo\ as practical. 3.1 DO NOTHING UNTIL AFTER 9/15/86: If we merely wait until the inevitable occurs, we stand the very good chance of even further memory deterioration with the attendant prospect of not being able to do anything about S/C attitude or onboard conditions. Erratic IHU operation WILL take place anyway; Main battery discharge WILL occur. The AMSAT satellite user group will become increasingly frustrated and discouraged and begin to seek other interests after we fought so hard to get their attention in the first place. Knowing this organization, I don't expect many votes for this option. 3.2 PERFORM MEMORY DIAGNOSTICS & ATTEMPT A PATCHED OPERATING SYSTEM: While there will probably be a significant amount of support for this alternative, there are good reasons to perform some tough objective analysis before embarking on this route. The time and effort to perform this task is indeed formidable. The chance of long-term success in this direction seems small, indeed. By the time a thorough memory analysis is performed (if it can even be done at all), further radiation damage will probably have already occurred, thus rendering the analysis useless. In addition, this activity would necessarily involve personnel who are already swamped with Phase-3C activities. Time stolen from Phase-3C could well lead to a situation of similar consequence a few years from now with the next satellite. 3.3 POWER DOWN AS SOON AS PRACTICAL: As long as the first 3 bytes of memory remain functional, we should be able to uplink simple assembler language routines to perform one to a few functions at a time. It would be necessary to periodically run a memory diagnostic on at least a portion of memory as insurance. SoZe of the functions which are considered most important are: 3.3.1 Memory diagnostics. 3.3.2 Limited telemetry. 3.3.3 Transponder and beacon control. (No transponder usage) 3.3.4 BCR service to control battery charge rates. 3.3.5 Minimal attitude & spinrate control. These functions can probably be performed by the Ground Command Station (GCS) group with only minimal assistance from the spacecraft development team, thus freeing them to concentrate on 'hardening' the Phase-3C bird. 4.0 PROPOSALS, RATIONALE & PROBABLE BENEFITS: With the information currently available to me, I propose that alternative (3.3) be implemented under the following conditions: 4.1 Bring the spin rate up to 45 or 50 RPM for maximum long-term stability. 4.2 Intentionally begin changing the S/C's attitude toward a -90 degree sun angle to shorten the total 'outage' period. 4.3 When the IHU supply voltage begins to drop below it's normal 10 volt level, activate the transponder and beacon, then load all of memory with a benign instruction code and 'hang' the CPU in a tight loop to minimize the chance for erratic behavior. The purpose of activating the transponder and beacon is to hasten the discharge process as much as possible, thus shortening the amount of time the IHU will spend in the potentially dangerous 'erratic window' region of supply voltage. Selected users would be encouraged to assist in this rapid discharge process by uplinking signals with a 100% duty cycle. The benefits to be gained via this method are seen to be: 4.4 We reduce the time span where the IHU might perform a highly undesirable, unpredictable and uncontrollable action such as reducing the spin rate to 0 by activating all magnet coils in a DC state, rotating the antennas away from the Earth, overcharging the batteries by erroneously setting the BCR control latches, etc. 4.5 We at least have a chance of 'complete' recovery in a relatively short time frame which would serve to enhance AMSAT's stature in the eyes of the users, benefactors and the space agencies. 4.6 We reduce the numbers of satellite enthusiasts who will tend to abandon all hopes of AO-10's recovery and switch over to RS satellites as a permanent alternative. While (4.5) and (4.6) may seem superflous to the technical purist, in objective terms, it must be remembered that.. without the support of these groups, our satellite service would (will) not exist! 5.0 SOLICITATIONS: Needless to say, there are many problems to be worked out and Murphy will see to it that major hurdles will present themselves, no matter which alternative is pursued. AMSAT consists of a diverse group of specialists covering a wide range of expertise. Your comments and suggestions are solicited immediately. If you feel your idea has merit, don't hesitate to send it along, no matter how 'wild' the scheme may sound. I cannot promise to reply to each and every suggestion or comment, but I DO promise to study each and every one and present them to the appropriate parties. 73, Ron Dunbar (W0PN), 6012 E. Superior St. Duluth, MN 55804 218-525-6554