TUCoPS :: Radio :: amtrak.txt

Amtrak Police Codes

DOC+--d--FB<                       Amtrak Police Codes
10-00 Emergency Broadcast-all units standby
10-01 Recieving poorly
10-02 Recieving well
10-03 Priority Service
10-04 Acknowledgement
10-05 Repeat message
10-06 Busy,unless urgent
10-07 Out of service(location)
10-08 In service(location)
10-10 Vehicle/Personn Check(location/description of vehicle/occupants)
10-11 Request additional APD units(routine assistance)
10-12 Request Supervisor (location)
10-13 Request Local/State Police(location)
10-14 Request ambulance/rescue squad
10-15 Request fire apparatus
10-16 prisoner(s) in custody(if female,give mileage start/stop)
10-17 Check wants/warrants(NCIC)
10-18 Request to HQ
10-19 Call HQ by land line
10-20 Location
10-21 Call______
10-22 Disregard
10-24 Alarm sounding (location)
10-26 Prepare to copy
10-33 Does not conform to regulations/unnessesary use of radio
10-36 Time check
10-41 Begin tour of duty
10-45 Accident(specify auto/train,etc.)
10-46 Train in Emergency
10-47 Train protection(non-emergency)
10-48 Stoning/shooting/vandalism
10-49 Passenger/patron assist
10-50 Disorderly crowd/person/disturbance
10-77 E.T.A.
10-82 Hostage situation
10-88 Bomb threat
10-90 Arrived at scene
10-95 Enroute to_________
10-99 Assist officer

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