TUCoPS :: Radio :: cbfrq.txt

Citizens' Band Frequencies

Citizen's Band
     CB is a very popular communications method.  Again, you need a license
from the FCC to operate legally.  But it's so hard to track down a CB signal 
unless you have a massive amplifier or talk for hours straight, there is little
 use in getting one.
     Here is a list of channel frequencies:
Channel                 Frequency
   1                     26.965
   2                     26.975
   3                     26.985
   4                     27.005
   5                     27.015
   6                     27.025
   7                     27.035
   8                     27.055
   9-emergency           27.065
  10                     27.075
  11-contact channel     27.085
  12                     27.105
  13                     27.115
  14                     27.125
  15                     27.135
  16                     27.155
  17                     27.165
  18                     27.175
  19-trucker's channel   27.185
  20                     27.205
  21                     27.215
  22                     27.225
  22A (optional)         27.235
  22B (optional)         27.245
  23                     27.255
 (you can figure out the pattern from here to 40.)

A Cheap Ghost-Interferance
     How can you start a real cheap ghost or interferance station? Well, the
Radio Shack wireless FM microphone (the clip on one) is pretty good for $19
(price may change).  It's range is about 100 ft outside, and 40 ft inside.
However, in the instructions it shows how it can be made stronger, but this
would not be in compliance with the FCC (oh darn!), so it can transmit about 10
00 ft outside.
[                         Infinity-Cartel Network                            ]
[ The Cartel Adventure/AE/Hack BBS 5.5 meg --- 206-825-6236, or 206-939-6162 ]
[ Infinity's Edge Adventure/AE/Cat/Hack 10 meg BBS ------------ 805-683-2725 ]

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