TUCoPS :: Radio :: dialog.txt

An understanding of the ACE Dialogs column, includes sample logging forms.

                           GUIDE TO DiaLogs

   DiaLogs has been called the most important part of the ACE. The
DiaLogs column itself serves several purposes.  Primarily it is a
compilation of what has been heard on the airwaves for the interest of
the readers and members.  It also can serve the station operators who
desire feedback including a good idea of just how far their signal is
getting out and its overall quality.

   The key elements of a good logging are accuracy and completeness.
Each part of the logging is important particularly the freq, time,
date, and SIO rating.  These are not reception reports sent to station
ops so extensive detail about what was heard is not needed.  Names of
artists and music played, ads and commercials, station IDs, references
to particular people or events, and highlights that made the program
unique are the types of things to record.

   The DiaLogs editor compiles the loggings and puts them in the
format you see in ACE each month.  This process is greatly expedited
when logs are legible and complete.  The best way to do this is to use
the standard logging form which makes recording your pirate catches
(and the editors job) very easy.  A copy of the form is included here.
Just fill in, cut into strips, and mail.

   For those who are PC-oriented loggings can also be entered to the
ANARC BBS (913-345-1978) 2400 baud N,8,1 via the ACE LOGGINGS section.
Again, follow the format similar to the logging form when writing your

How to read/write loggings:

SIO- This is an abbreviated version of SINPO which is the standard
reception coding for SWLing.

     S = signal
     I = interference
     O = overall signal quality.

    The scale is 1-5.  An SIO = 555 would be the best possible signal
while an SIO = 434 would be somewhat less with considerable

UTC - Coordinated Universal Time (Aka GMT - Greenwich Mean Time) is
the worldwide time standard which is used for recording the times of
broadcast loggings.  Keep a separate clock set to UTC to avoid
      To find UTC tune your SW rig to 10.0 or 15.0 Mhz (WWV) 24 hrs a
day.  Be aware of using the proper UTC time/date in your reports.  If
you hear a station at 10 PM EST on 12/19 the logging time is 0300
UTC and the date changes to 12/20.
      The * symbol is used to designate the start/stop time of a
broadcast.  Examples:  *2250-2310 means you heard the actual beginning
of the broadcast but it may have faded off by 2310.  2200-2245* means
you began listening at 2200 but heard the actual end of the broadcast
at 2245.  *2250-2318* means you heard both ends of the broadcast.

FREQUENCY/MODE -  The Khz or Mhz of the signal followed by:

A   -  (or no letter designation) denotes AM mode.
U   -  UPPER sideband mode
L   -  LOWER sideband mode
CW  -  morse code mode
v  -   designates a varying signal perhaps 1 khz + -


  The Dialogs editor will often use abbreviations and symbols for
purposes of brevity and clarity.  Many contributors use the common
Ham Radio codes many of which apply to SW monitoring.

Some abbreviations commonly used:

ad = advertisement            QRM = interference (man made)
addr = address                QRM = interference (natural)
anncr = announcer             R =  Radio
anncd = announced             r & r = rock & roll
bdcst = broadcast             s/off = sign off
c & w = country-western       stn = station
ID = station identification   w/ = with
IS = interval signal          YL = female
mx = music                    & = and
OM = male                     # = number
pgm = program                 drop = mail drop
PSE = please

PSE QSL - This portion of the column lists the names and addresses
of those who wish to be contacted by station operators or even
other ACE members.  Occasionally some stations regard loggings in
DiaLogs as reception reports.
   The DiaLogs editor only prints the names & addresses of those who
specifically ask by including a note with the logging contribution.

                                    -- Steve Rogovich

                  - - L O G G I N G   F O R M S - -


STATION_____________________________ Frequency________________________
Mode (circle one) AM  USB  LSB  FM  CW           Date_________________
Time (UTC)________________________________SIO_________________________

Name, state _____________________________


STATION_____________________________ Frequency________________________
Mode (circle one) AM  USB  LSB  FM  CW           Date_________________
Time (UTC)________________________________SIO_________________________

Name, state_____________________________


STATION_____________________________ Frequency________________________
Mode (circle one) AM  USB  LSB  FM  CW           Date_________________
Time (UTC)________________________________SIO_________________________

Name, state_____________________________


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