TUCoPS :: Radio :: f000_030.txt

Frequency Spectrum 0-30 MHz

   0.0000 f000-030.txt revised N4HGF Sat Jan  7 14:12:21 EST 1989
   1.5800 VOA
   2.0030 Coast Guard Intership
   2.0030 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   2.0825 Coast Guard Intership
   2.0930 Coast Guard Intership
   2.1035 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.1194 Transportation Dept
   2.1500 Navy Ports & Harbors
   2.1820 Coast Guard Distress
   2.2030 Coast Guard Intership
   2.2200 FCC Channel 1
   2.2300 Coast Guard Auxiliary
   2.2610 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   2.2875 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   2.3215 FEMA
   2.3320 FBI
   2.3485 Army Corps Engineers
   2.3500 Coast Guard Coop w/Army Corps Engineers
   2.3615 FEMA
   2.3710 Civil Air Patrol
   2.3740 Civil Air Patrol
   2.3785 FEMA
   2.3785 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   2.3834 Transportation Dept
   2.4314 Transportation Dept
   2.4340 Navy Ports & Harbors
   2.4465 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   2.4465 FEMA
   2.4465 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   2.5000 WWV NBS 2.5 KW Shortwave Ft Collins CO
   2.5000 WWVH NBS 2.5 KW Shortwave Kauai HI
   2.5134 Transportation Dept
   2.6105 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   2.6220 NASA shuttle communications
   2.6225 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   2.6255 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   2.6380 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6380 Coast Guard Intership
   2.6380 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   2.6590 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6595 FEMA
   2.6595 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   2.6620 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6670 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6700 Coast Guard Auxiliary
   2.6700 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6700 Coast Guard Marine Information
   2.6700 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   2.6750 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
   2.6750 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6780 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6780 NASA shuttle communications
   2.6830 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6860 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6910 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6940 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.6990 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.7020 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.7160 Coast Guard Ports & Harbors
   2.7160 Navy Ports & Harbors
   2.7380 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.7480 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.7760 NOAA Communication Net
   2.8085 Customs Service
   2.8100 FBI
   2.8300 Coast Guard General Operations
   2.8300 Coast Guard Intership
   2.8360 Coast Guard Ports & Harbors
   2.8380 Navy Ports & Harbors
   2.8870 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC) (Night,Active)
   2.8990 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
   3.0230 Coast Guard International Search & Rescue
   3.0320 Air Force TAC
   3.0500 Navy Air-Ground
   3.0600 Air Force TAC
   3.0670 Air Force AFCC/GCCS     
   3.0810 Air Force AFCC/GCCS     
   3.1090 Navy Air-Ground
   3.1200 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   3.1230 Coast Guard Air-Ground Channel
   3.1230 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   3.1300 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   3.1440 Air Force AFCC/GCCS    
   3.2081 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
   3.2425 Transportation Dept
   3.2530 Coast Guard General Operations
   3.2920 Air Force MARS Region 5 Primary Night "Romeo Mike"
   3.2960 Air Force MARS Region 5 Primary Night "Romeo Papa"
   3.2990 Air Force MARS Region 2 Primary Night "Romeo Delta"
   3.3080 Air Force MARS Region 3 Primary Night "Romeo Golf"
   3.3150 Air Force MARS Region 1 Primary Night "Romeo Alpha"
   3.3425 FEMA
   3.3425 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   3.3630 NOAA Communication Net
   3.3705 Air Force MARS Region 4 Primary Night "Romeo Juliet"
   3.3805 FEMA
   3.3805 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   3.3820 Coast Guard General Operations
   3.3895 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   3.3895 FEMA
   3.3895 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   3.4210 Coast Guard General Operations
   3.8500 NASA shuttle communications
   3.8600 NASA shuttle communications
   3.9500 Florida SSB Net
   3.9750 Georgia SSB Net
   3.9875 Mississippi SSB Net
   4.0140 Navy Air-Ground
   4.0300 FBI
   4.0400 Navy HICOM-western Pacific
   4.0486 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
   4.0565 Transportation Dept
   4.0630 Marine Phone CH 401 ship xmit (w/ 4.3574) KMI California
   4.0692 Marine Phone CH 403 ship xmit (w/ 4.3636) WOM Florida
   4.0909 Marine Phone CH 410 ship xmit (w/ 4.3853) WOO New Jersey
   4.0940 Marine Phone CH 411 ship xmit (w/ 4.3884) WOO New Jersey
   4.0971 Marine Phone CH 412 ship xmit (w/ 4.3915) WOM Florida
   4.1090 Marine Phone CH 416 ship xmit (w/ 4.4039) KMI California
   4.1095 Marine Phone CH 416 ship xmit (w/ 4.4039) WOO New Jersey
   4.1120 Marine Phone CH 417 ship xmit (w/ 4.4070) KMI California
   4.1126 Marine Phone CH 417 ship xmit (w/ 4.4070) WOM Florida
   4.1250 Coast Guard Distress
   4.1281 Marine Phone CH 422 ship xmit (w/ 4.4225) WOO New Jersey
   4.1312 Marine Phone CH 423 ship xmit (w/ 4.4256) WOM Florida
   4.1436 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   4.1450 Transportation Dept
   4.3020 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   4.3350 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   4.3574 Marine Phone CH 401 shore xmit (w/ 4.0630) KMI California
   4.3636 Marine Phone CH 403 shore xmit (w/ 4.0692) WOM Florida
   4.3760 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   4.3853 Marine Phone CH 410 shore xmit (w/ 4.0909) WOO New Jersey
   4.3884 Marine Phone CH 411 shore xmit (w/ 4.0940) WOO New Jersey
   4.3915 Marine Phone CH 412 shore xmit (w/ 4.0971) WOM Florida
   4.4008 Coast Guard General Operations
   4.4039 Marine Phone CH 416 shore xmit (w/ 4.1090) KMI California
   4.4039 Marine Phone CH 416 shore xmit (w/ 4.1095) WOO New Jersey
   4.4070 Marine Phone CH 417 shore xmit (w/ 4.1120) KMI California
   4.4070 Marine Phone CH 417 shore xmit (w/ 4.1126) WOM Florida
   4.4160 Navy HICOM-Eastern/Mid-Pacific Primary
   4.4194 Coast Guard General Operations
   4.4208 Transportation Dept
   4.4225 Marine Phone CH 422 shore xmit (w/ 4.1281) WOO New Jersey
   4.4256 Marine Phone CH 423 shore xmit (w/ 4.1312) WOM Florida
   4.4256 Ship-to-Shore Telephone (Shore Xmit)
   4.4287 Coast Guard Comm w/Civilian Vessels
   4.4287 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   4.4347 Ship-to-Shore Telephone?
   4.4485 Air Force MARS Hawaii
   4.4490 Air Force TAC
   4.4500 Air Force MARS Region 5 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo November"
   4.4645 Civil Air Patrol
   4.4675 Civil Air Patrol (Florida Wing Net)
   4.4805 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   4.4805 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   4.4830 FCC Channel 2 (SSB/CW)
   4.4870 Air Force MARS Region 5 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo Quebec"
   4.4950 Air Force SAC
   4.5000 Customs Service ZA
   4.5045 Civil Air Patrol 
   4.5075 Civil Air Patrol
   4.5170 Air Force MARS Alaska
   4.5170 Air Force MARS Region 3 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo Hotel"
   4.5570 Air Force MARS Region 4 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo Kilo"
   4.5750 Coast Guard General Operations
   4.5800 Air Force MARS Region 2 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo Echo"
   4.5820 Civil Air Patrol Emergency Channel
   4.5850 Civil Air Patrol
   4.5935 Air Force MARS Region 1 Secondary Day/Night "Romeo Bravo"
   4.5985 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   4.5995 Civil Air Patrol
   4.6025 Civil Air Patrol
   4.6045 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   4.6180 FBI
   4.6270 Civil Air Patrol
   4.6300 Civil Air Patrol
   4.6570 Customs Service F
   4.6695 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   4.7110 Navy Air-Ground
   4.7210 Air Force AFCC/GCCS
   4.7240 Air Force TAC
   4.7250 Air Force SAC Refueling
   4.7460 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)    
   4.7765 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   4.7815 FEMA
   4.8090 Air Force SAC
   4.8135 Navy HICOM-Western Pacific
   4.8320 Air Force MARS Miscellaneous
   4.8500 Coast Guard Coop w/Army Corps Engineers
   4.8500 Coast Guard General Operations
   4.8720 NORAD
   4.8720 Air Force MARS Miscellaneous
   4.9465 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   4.9910 Customs Service XB
   5.0000 WWVH NBS 10 KW Shortwave Kauai HI
   5.0110 Army Army Corps Engineers
   5.0150 Army Army Corps Engineers
   5.0200 Air Force SAC
   5.0260 Air Force SAC
   5.0585 Customs Service XC
   5.0600 FBI
   5.0630 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.1800 NASA shuttle communications
   5.1900 NASA shuttle communications
   5.1970 Air Force MAC
   5.2030 Air Force SAC
   5.2125 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   5.2125 FEMA Night
   5.2125 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Night
   5.2770 Customs Service A
   5.2970 NORAD
   5.3200 Coast Guard General Operations
   5.3215 Transportation Dept
   5.3270 Army Army Corps Engineers
   5.3280 Air Force SAC
   5.3460 Army Army Corps Engineers
   5.3500 NASA shuttle communications
   5.3775 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   5.3795 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   5.3900 FBI
   5.4000 Army Army Corps Engineers
   5.4035 FEMA
   5.4225 Coast Guard General Operations
   5.4460 Navy Marine
   5.4510 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.4630 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.4690 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.4790 Air Force SAC
   5.5080 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.5140 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.5230 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.5270 Customs Service
   5.5500 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
   5.5710 Customs Service YB
   5.6160 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
   5.6800 Coast Guard International Search & Rescue
   5.6880 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)          
   5.6920 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   5.6960 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   5.7000 Air Force SAC
   5.7000 Air Force SAMTEC
   5.7030 Air Force AFCC/GCCS      
   5.7100 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)   
   5.7150 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.7850 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   5.8100 NASA shuttle communications
   5.8225 FEMA
   5.8410 Customs Service B
   5.9130 FBI
   5.9250 NOAA Communication Net
   5.9600 Radio Japan to USA (0100-0200Z)
   5.9625 FEMA
   5.9625 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   5.9750 BBC
   5.9800 Radio Moscow
   5.9950 VOA
   6.0500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   6.0505 FEMA
   6.1075 FEMA
   6.1075 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   6.1095 FEMA
   6.1200 Radio Japan to USA (1100-1200Z)
   6.1300 VOA
   6.1525 FEMA
   6.1525 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   6.1775 FEMA
   6.1775 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   6.1805 FEMA
   6.2155 Coast Guard Distress
   6.2186 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.2216 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.2220 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.2660 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.2770 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.3810 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   6.4655 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.5064 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.5064 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   6.5120 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.5126 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.5188 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.5219 Coast Guard General Operations
   6.5770 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
   6.5940 FBI
   6.6465 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   6.6830 Air Force AFCC/GCCS     
   6.6930 NASA shuttle communications
   6.6970 Navy Air-Ground
   6.6970 Navy HICOM-Atlantic/carribean
   6.7080 NASA shuttle communications
   6.7080 NORAD
   6.7160 Air Force MAC
   6.7200 Navy HICOM-east/n Atlantic/-w Pacific Primary
   6.7230 Navy Air-Ground
   6.7270 Air Force SAC
   6.7270 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)     
   6.7300 Air Force TAC
   6.7380 Air Force SAC
   6.7380 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)     
   6.7500 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)   
   6.7530 Air Force AFCC/GCCS        
   6.7610 Air Force SAC-Primary Night Channel ("Quebec")
   6.8045 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   6.8120 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.8260 Air Force SAC
   6.9305 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   6.9540 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   6.9775 NOAA Communication Net
   6.9825 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   6.9960 Air Force MARS Miscellaneous
   7.3000 Customs Service C
   7.3020 Air Force MARS Region 4 Primary Day "Romeo Lima"
   7.3050 Air Force MARS Region 3 Primary Day "Romeo India"
   7.3135 Air Force MARS Region 2 Primary Day "Romeo Foxtrot"
   7.3240 Air Force MARS Region 1 Primary Day "Romeo Charlie"
   7.3290 Air Force MARS Region 5 Primary Day "Romeo Oscar"
   7.3300 Air Force SAC
   7.3495 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.3495 FEMA
   7.3495 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
   7.3595 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.3750 Transportation Dept
   7.4295 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.4570 Air Force MARS Region 5 Primary Day "Romeo Romeo"
   7.4610 NASA shuttle communications
   7.4655 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.4765 Transportation Dept
   7.5270 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   7.5270 Customs Service ZB
   7.5286 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
   7.5350 Navy HICOM-Caribbean
   7.6320 Air Force MARS Miscellaneous
   7.6335 Air Force MARS RTTY (170/75N)
   7.6350 Civil Air Patrol
   7.6430 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   7.6750 NASA shuttle communications
   7.6905 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.7235 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.7650 NASA shuttle communications
   7.7675 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   7.7785 Customs Service XD
   7.7900 FCC Channel 3 (SSB/CW)
   7.8324 Air Force MARS RTTY (170/75N)
   7.8405 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   7.9050 FBI
   7.9100 NASA shuttle communications
   7.9160 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   7.9185 Civil Air Patrol
   8.0545 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   8.1010 Air Force SAC
   8.1265 Transportation Dept
   8.1981 Marine Phone CH 802 ship xmit (w/ 8.7220) WOM Florida
   8.2040 Marine Phone CH 804 ship xmit (w/ 8.7282) KMI California
   8.2074 Marine Phone CH 805 ship xmit (w/ 8.7313) WOM Florida
   8.2167 Marine Phone CH 808 ship xmit (w/ 8.7406) WOO New Jersey
   8.2190 Marine Phone CH 809 ship xmit (w/ 8.7437) KMI California
   8.2229 Marine Phone CH 810 ship xmit (w/ 8.7468) WOM Florida
   8.2260 Marine Phone CH 811 ship xmit (w/ 8.7499) WOO New Jersey
   8.2353 Marine Phone CH 814 ship xmit (w/ 8.7592) WOM Florida
   8.2384 Marine Phone CH 815 ship xmit (w/ 8.7623) WOO New Jersey
   8.2450 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   8.2600 Marine Phone CH 822 ship xmit (w/ 8.7840) KMI California
   8.2694 Marine Phone CH 825 ship xmit (w/ 8.7933) WOM Florida
   8.2725 Marine Phone CH 826 ship xmit (w/ 8.7964) WOO New Jersey
   8.2880 Marine Phone CH 831 ship xmit (w/ 8.8119) WOM Florida
   8.2911 Coast Guard General Operations
   8.2925 Transportation Dept
   8.2942 Coast Guard General Operations
   8.2956 Transportation Dept
   8.5000 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   8.5660 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   8.6110 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   8.6480 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   8.7189 Coast Guard General Operations
   8.7220 Marine Phone CH 802 shore xmit (w/ 8.1981) WOM Florida
   8.7282 Marine Phone CH 804 shore xmit (w/ 8.2040) KMI California
   8.7313 Marine Phone CH 805 shore xmit (w/ 8.2074) WOM Florida
   8.7406 Marine Phone CH 808 shore xmit (w/ 8.2167) WOO New Jersey
   8.7437 Marine Phone CH 809 shore xmit (w/ 8.2190) KMI California
   8.7468 Marine Phone CH 810 shore xmit (w/ 8.2229) WOM Florida
   8.7499 Marine Phone CH 811 shore xmit (w/ 8.2260) WOO New Jersey
   8.7592 Marine Phone CH 814 shore xmit (w/ 8.2353) WOM Florida
   8.7623 Marine Phone CH 815 shore xmit (w/ 8.2384) WOO New Jersey
   8.7654 Coast Guard General Operations
   8.7654 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
   8.7685 Coast Guard Law Enforcement
   8.7780 Navy HICOM-Eastern/Mid-Pacific-secondary
   8.7840 Marine Phone CH 822 shore xmit (w/ 8.2600) KMI California
   8.7933 Marine Phone CH 825 shore xmit (w/ 8.2694) WOM Florida
   8.7964 Marine Phone CH 826 shore xmit (w/ 8.2725) WOO New Jersey
   8.8119 Marine Phone CH 831 shore xmit (w/ 8.2880) WOM Florida
   8.8460 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
   8.9125 Customs Service YC
   8.9635 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   8.9640 Air Force AFCC/GCCS     
   8.9670 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)   
   8.9720 NASA shuttle communications
   8.9720 Navy Atlantic Safety Flight Chan
   8.9800 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   8.9810 NASA shuttle communications
   8.9840 Coast Guard Air-Ground Channel
   8.9840 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
   8.9890 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)       
   8.9930 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)      
   9.0110 Air Force AFCC/GCCS     
   9.0140 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)   
   9.0150 FBI
   9.0230 NORAD
   9.0270 Air Force SAC
   9.0290 Air Force SAMTEC
   9.0320 Navy Air-Ground
   9.0370 Navy Air-Ground
   9.0420 NASA shuttle communications
   9.0570 Air Force SAC
   9.0760 Transportation Dept
   9.1155 Energy Dept Air-Ground
   9.1320 NASA shuttle communications
   9.1950 FBI
   9.2156 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
   9.2200 Air Force SAC
   9.2385 Customs Service XE
   9.2400 FBI
   9.3595 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
   9.4635 FEMA
   9.4970 Customs Service D
   9.5050 Radio Japan to USA (0500-0600,1500-1600,1700-1800,1900-1930Z)
   9.6500 VOA
   9.7230 NORAD
   9.7930 NORAD
   9.8020 Customs Service ZC
   9.9475 NOAA Communication Net
  10.0000 WWV NBS 10 KW Shortwave Ft Collins CO
  10.0000 WWVH NBS 10 KW Shortwave Kauai HI
  10.1366 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  10.1666 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  10.1955 FEMA
  10.3440 Air Force SAC
  10.4520 Air Force Commando Escort Net
  10.4945 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  10.4945 FEMA Day
  10.4945 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Day
  10.5000 FBI
  10.5100 Air Force Commando Escort Net
  10.5555 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  10.5895 FEMA
  10.6550 FCC Channel 4 (CW)
  10.7800 NASA shuttle communications (PRIMARY)
  10.8020 Air Force AFCC/GCCS
  10.8715 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  10.9150 FBI
  11.0295 Transportation Dept
  11.0750 FBI
  11.0760 Customs Service E
  11.1180 Air Force SAC
  11.1200 Air Force SAC
  11.1240 Air Force TAC
  11.1265 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  11.1265 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  11.1410 NORAD
  11.1690 Air Force SAC
  11.1760 Air Force AFCC/GCCS   
  11.1790 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)      
  11.1820 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)     
  11.1900 Navy Air-Ground
  11.1950 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  11.1980 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  11.2010 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  11.2050 NASA shuttle communications
  11.2100 FBI
  11.2150 Air Force Air Force Awacs Aircraft
  11.2260 Air Force AFCC/GCCS      
  11.2280 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)   
  11.2360 Air Force AFCC/GCCS 
  11.2390 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  11.2430 Air Force SAC-Primary Daytime Channel
  11.2460 Air Force AFCC/GCCS
  11.2460 Customs Service
  11.2460 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  11.2550 Navy HICOM-East/North Atlantic
  11.2670 Navy HICOM-Atlantic/Caribbean
  11.2880 Customs Service YD
  11.3960 International Air Traffic Control (ARTCC)
  11.3975 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  11.4070 NASA shuttle communications
  11.4080 Air Force SAC
  11.4346 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  11.4410 NORAD
  11.4900 FBI
  11.4940 Air Force SAC
  11.5136 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  11.6800 Christian Science Monitoradio (Broadcast)
  11.7050 Radio Japan to USA (0100-0130Z,1700-1800,1900-1930Z)
  11.7600 VOA
  11.8400 Radio Moscow
  11.8700 Radio Japan to USA (0300-0330Z)
  11.8700 Radio Japan to USA (0500-0600Z)
  12.0105 FEMA
  12.0205 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  12.1290 Air Force SAC
  12.1600 NASA shuttle communications
  12.1736 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  12.2150 Navy HICOM-Indian Ocean Secondary
  12.2175 FEMA
  12.2175 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  12.2220 Customs Service ZD
  12.2335 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  12.2770 NASA shuttle communications
  12.3300 Marine Phone CH 1201 ship xmit (w/13.1008) KMI California
  12.3330 Marine Phone CH 1202 ship xmit (w/13.1039) KMI California
  12.3360 Marine Phone CH 1203 ship xmit (w/13.1070) KMI California
  12.3362 Marine Phone CH 1203 ship xmit (w/13.1070) WOO New Jersey
  12.3455 Marine Phone CH 1206 ship xmit (w/13.1163) WOM Florida
  12.3517 Marine Phone CH 1208 ship xmit (w/13.1225) WOM Florida
  12.3548 Marine Phone CH 1209 ship xmit (w/13.1256) WOM Florida
  12.3579 Marine Phone CH 1210 ship xmit (w/13.1287) WOO New Jersey
  12.3610 Marine Phone CH 1211 ship xmit (w/13.1318) WOO New Jersey
  12.3734 Marine Phone CH 1215 ship xmit (w/13.1442) WOM Florida
  12.3982 Marine Phone CH 1223 ship xmit (w/13.1690) WOM Florida
  12.4137 Marine Phone CH 1228 ship xmit (w/13.1845) WOO New Jersey
  12.4160 Marine Phone CH 1229 ship xmit (w/13.1876) KMI California
  12.4199 Marine Phone CH 1230 ship xmit (w/13.1907) WOM Florida
  12.4292 Coast Guard General Operations
  12.4306 Transportation Dept
  12.4324 Coast Guard General Operations
  12.4354 Coast Guard General Operations
  12.7610 Navy HICOM-w Pacific
  12.8875 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  13.1008 Marine Phone CH 1201 shore xmit (w/12.3300) KMI California
  13.1039 Marine Phone CH 1202 shore xmit (w/12.3330) KMI California
  13.1070 Marine Phone CH 1203 shore xmit (w/12.3360) KMI California
  13.1070 Marine Phone CH 1203 shore xmit (w/12.3362) WOO New Jersey
  13.1132 Coast Guard General Operations
  13.1132 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
  13.1163 Marine Phone CH 1206 shore xmit (w/12.3455) WOM Florida
  13.1225 Marine Phone CH 1208 shore xmit (w/12.3517) WOM Florida
  13.1256 Marine Phone CH 1209 shore xmit (w/12.3548) WOM Florida
  13.1287 Marine Phone CH 1210 shore xmit (w/12.3579) WOO New Jersey
  13.1318 Marine Phone CH 1211 shore xmit (w/12.3610) WOO New Jersey
  13.1442 Marine Phone CH 1215 shore xmit (w/12.3734) WOM Florida
  13.1504 Coast Guard General Operations
  13.1566 Coast Guard General Operations
  13.1690 Marine Phone CH 1223 shore xmit (w/12.3982) WOM Florida
  13.1700 NASA shuttle communications
  13.1810 Navy HICOM-Eastern/Mid-Pacific-Tertiary
  13.1845 Marine Phone CH 1228 shore xmit (w/12.4137) WOO New Jersey
  13.1876 Marine Phone CH 1229 shore xmit (w/12.4160) KMI California
  13.1907 Marine Phone CH 1230 shore xmit (w/12.4199) WOM Florida
  13.1969 Coast Guard General Operations
  13.2010 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  13.2040 Air Force TAC
  13.2110 Air Force SAC
  13.2150 Air Force AFCC/GCCS  
  13.2180 Air Force SAMTEC
  13.2270 NASA shuttle communications
  13.2410 Air Force SAC
  13.2440 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  13.2470 Air Force AFCC/GCCS
  13.2615 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  13.3120 Customs Service YE
  13.6000 NASA shuttle communications
  13.6600 FBI
  13.8035 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  13.8035 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  13.8300 FCC Channel 5
  13.9070 Air Force SAC
  14.3500 Customs Service L
  14.3905 Air Force MARS Miscellaneous
  14.3925 Air Force MARS RTTY (170/75N)
  14.3970 NASA shuttle communications
  14.4005 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  14.4515 FEMA
  14.4600 FBI
  14.4775 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  14.4950 FBI
  14.5340 FBI
  14.6860 Customs Service P
  14.6900 Customs Service G
  14.7775 FEMA
  14.7920 NOAA Communication Net
  14.8375 FEMA
  14.8375 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  14.8860 FEMA
  14.8860 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  14.8940 NORAD
  14.8960 NASA shuttle communications
  14.9005 FEMA
  14.9005 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  14.9050 Civil Air Patrol
  14.9095 FEMA
  14.9095 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  14.9550 Air Force SAC
  15.0000 WWV NBS 10 KW Shortwave Ft Collins CO
  15.0000 WWVH NBS 10 KW Shortwave Kauai HI
  15.0150 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  15.0250 VOA
  15.0310 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  15.0350 Air Force SAC
  15.0360 Air Force AFCC/GCCS  
  15.0410 Air Force SAC
  15.0810 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  15.0840 Coast Guard Air-Ground w/Navy
  15.0910 Air Force TAC
  15.3750 Radio Quito Ecuador
  15.4545 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  15.4736 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  15.5220 Navy HICOM-Caribbean
  15.7340 Air Force SAC
  15.8670 Customs Service ZE
  15.9535 Customs Service XF
  15.9550 FBI
  16.0655 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  16.0655 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  16.1410 Customs Service Hornet 4
  16.2010 FEMA Mt. Weather WEST VIRGINIA
  16.2025 FEMA SSB
  16.3760 FBI
  16.4315 FEMA SSB
  16.4600 Marine Phone CH 1601 ship xmit (w/17.2329) WOM Florida
  16.4630 Marine Phone CH 1602 ship xmit (w/17.2360) KMI California
  16.4660 Marine Phone CH 1603 ship xmit (w/17.2391) KMI California
  16.4724 Marine Phone CH 1605 ship xmit (w/17.2453) WOO New Jersey
  16.4755 Coast Guard General Operations
  16.4848 Marine Phone CH 1609 ship xmit (w/17.2577) WOM Florida
  16.4879 Marine Phone CH 1610 ship xmit (w/17.2608) WOM Florida
  16.4910 Marine Phone CH 1611 ship xmit (w/17.2639) WOM Florida
  16.5065 Marine Phone CH 1616 ship xmit (w/17.2794) WOM Florida
  16.5189 Marine Phone CH 1620 ship xmit (w/17.2918) WOO New Jersey
  16.5310 Marine Phone CH 1624 ship xmit (w/17.3042) KMI California
  16.5375 Marine Phone CH 1626 ship xmit (w/17.3104) WOO New Jersey
  16.5530 Marine Phone CH 1631 ship xmit (w/17.3259) WOO New Jersey
  16.5817 Coast Guard General Operations
  16.5933 Coast Guard General Operations
  17.2329 Marine Phone CH 1601 shore xmit (w/16.4600) WOM Florida
  17.2360 Marine Phone CH 1602 shore xmit (w/16.4630) KMI California
  17.2391 Marine Phone CH 1603 shore xmit (w/16.4660) KMI California
  17.2453 Marine Phone CH 1605 shore xmit (w/16.4724) WOO New Jersey
  17.2484 Coast Guard General Operations
  17.2577 Marine Phone CH 1609 shore xmit (w/16.4848) WOM Florida
  17.2608 Marine Phone CH 1610 shore xmit (w/16.4879) WOM Florida
  17.2639 Marine Phone CH 1611 shore xmit (w/16.4910) WOM Florida
  17.2701 Coast Guard General Operations
  17.2794 Marine Phone CH 1616 shore xmit (w/16.5065) WOM Florida
  17.2918 Marine Phone CH 1620 shore xmit (w/16.5189) WOO New Jersey
  17.3042 Marine Phone CH 1624 shore xmit (w/16.5310) KMI California
  17.3073 Coast Guard General Operations
  17.3073 Coast Guard Sched & Non-sched Broadcasts
  17.3073 Coast Guard Search & Rescue Comm w/Civilian Vssl
  17.3104 Marine Phone CH 1626 shore xmit (w/16.5375) WOO New Jersey
  17.3259 Marine Phone CH 1631 shore xmit (w/16.5530) WOO New Jersey
  17.3476 Coast Guard General Operations
  17.4050 FBI
  17.4280 Air Force SAMTEC
  17.5205 FEMA SSB
  17.6010 Customs Service XG
  17.6030 FBI
  17.6400 VOA
  17.6500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Secondary/backup
  17.6505 FEMA SSB
  17.6505 FEMA SSB Secondary
  17.6505 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  17.8250 Radio Japan to USA (0300-0330Z)
  17.9025 Energy Dept Air-Ground
  17.9750 Air Force SAC
  18.0020 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  18.0090 Navy HICOM-West Pacific Tertiary
  18.0190 Air Force AFCC/GCCS (active)
  18.0270 Air Force MAC
  18.0490 Air Force SAC
  18.0500 FCC Channel 6
  18.0590 Air Force SAC
  18.1730 FBI
  18.1961 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  18.4175 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  18.5940 Air Force SAC
  18.6660 Customs Service H
  18.6680 FBI
  18.7211 Coast Guard Emergency Operations
  18.7455 FEMA SSB
  19.1310 Customs Service
  19.7585 FEMA SSB
  19.7915 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  19.9705 FEMA SSB
  20.0000 WWV NBS 2.5 KW Shortwave Ft Collins CO
  20.0285 FEMA SSB
  20.0285 Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  20.1860 NASA shuttle communications (SECONDARY)
  20.1970 NASA shuttle communications (SECONDARY)
  20.1980 NASA shuttle communications (SECONDARY)
  20.3900 NASA shuttle communications (SECONDARY)
  20.4055 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  20.6310 Air Force SAC
  20.8550 NORAD
  20.8730 Civil Air Patrol
  20.8900 Air Force SAC
  21.6100 Radio Japan to USA (0300-0330Z)
  22.0000 Marine Phone CH 2201 ship xmit (w/22.5960) WOO New Jersey
  22.0124 Marine Phone CH 2205 ship xmit (w/22.6084) WOO New Jersey
  22.0155 Coast Guard General Operations
  22.0279 Marine Phone CH 2210 ship xmit (w/22.6239) WOO New Jersey
  22.0400 Marine Phone CH 2214 ship xmit (w/22.6363) KMI California
  22.0434 Marine Phone CH 2215 ship xmit (w/22.6394) WOM Florida
  22.0465 Marine Phone CH 2216 ship xmit (w/22.6425) WOM Florida
  22.0651 Marine Phone CH 2222 ship xmit (w/22.6611) WOM Florida
  22.0680 Marine Phone CH 2223 ship xmit (w/22.6642) KMI California
  22.0830 Marine Phone CH 2228 ship xmit (w/22.6797) KMI California
  22.1080 Marine Phone CH 2236 ship xmit (w/22.7045) KMI California
  22.1085 Marine Phone CH 2236 ship xmit (w/22.7045) WOO New Jersey
  22.1271 Coast Guard General Operations
  22.1333 Coast Guard General Operations
  22.5960 Marine Phone CH 2201 shore xmit (w/22.0000) WOO New Jersey
  22.6084 Marine Phone CH 2205 shore xmit (w/22.0124) WOO New Jersey
  22.6115 Coast Guard General Operations
  22.6239 Marine Phone CH 2210 shore xmit (w/22.0279) WOO New Jersey
  22.6363 Marine Phone CH 2214 shore xmit (w/22.0400) KMI California
  22.6394 Marine Phone CH 2215 shore xmit (w/22.0434) WOM Florida
  22.6425 Marine Phone CH 2216 shore xmit (w/22.0465) WOM Florida
  22.6487 Coast Guard General Operations
  22.6611 Marine Phone CH 2222 shore xmit (w/22.0651) WOM Florida
  22.6642 Marine Phone CH 2223 shore xmit (w/22.0680) KMI California
  22.6797 Marine Phone CH 2228 shore xmit (w/22.0830) KMI California
  22.7045 Marine Phone CH 2236 shore xmit (w/22.1080) KMI California
  22.7045 Marine Phone CH 2236 shore xmit (w/22.1085) WOO New Jersey
  22.9640 FCC Channel 7
  23.2270 Air Force AFCC/GCCS  
  23.2870 Navy HICOM-Atlantic/Caribbean
  23.3150 Navy HICOM-Indian Ocean Primary
  23.3370 Air Force SAC
  23.4030 Customs Service R
  23.5335 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  23.6750 Customs Service I
  23.6750 FBI
  23.8750 FBI
  24.5550 FEMA SSB
  25.4325 Energy Dept Point-Point Operations
  26.6200 Civil Air Patrol
  27.0750 Coast Guard General Operations
  27.4050 Commerce Dept
  27.5650 Commerce Dept
  27.5750 Commerce Dept
  27.5750 FAA Land Mobile Stations GA Fulton
  27.5750 State Dept Portables/mobiles
  27.5750 Transportation Dept
  27.5750 Treasury Dept
  27.5850 Commerce Dept
  27.5850 FAA Land Mobile Stations Atlanta
  27.5850 Transportation Dept
  27.6100 Commerce Dept
  27.6250 FAA Land Mobile Stations Atlanta
  27.6500 FEMA
  27.6650 FAA Land Mobile Stations
  27.8500 FEMA
  27.8700 Air Force SAC
  27.8900 Coast Guard Reserve
  27.9000 FEMA
  28.0910 FEMA Mt. Weather WEST VIRGINIA
  28.8850 Amateur 6 Meter Watch
  29.6200 WB8LVH (-100) Amateur Conyers GA
  29.6300 Amateur National Calling Frequency
  29.6400 N4NFP Big Shanty Radio Group (-100) Amateur Marietta GA Cobb

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