Flipside #3 July 1995 Once again I must start out by reminding everyone that there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes in order that we each receive our ACE every month. For a long time, Rob Keeney has been the publisher of our newsletter. Other obligations have finally caused Rob to pass on the sometimes thankless job to others. Thanks Rob for all of the efforts in the past. I hope you have time now to get a few stations logged for a change. Far from meaningless complaints or empty rhetoric, the June comments that not all sideband signals exhibit drift and not all AM signals produce low audio are, in this authors humble opinion, right on the mark. Let's hope that such statements are remembered by all the next time someone wants to try to dictate what is or is not an acceptable way to participate in the hobby. I would also like to address the long time ACE member who believes that because I responded to someone elses definition of the heros of pirate radio, my "obviously inflated ego" should find other outlets. Sorry you do not approve of the presentation of alternative views regarding subjects which have had a single view expressed ad nauseam, month after month, in the pages of the ACE. Every person who is involved in any way with providing a free radio broadcast to the listeners is a hero in my book. I have no intention of attacking anyone for doing what they believe to be is their own personal version of what free radio means to them. If you want to be a DX'er or a listener, an operator or a studio pirate, it appears to me that the choice is yours alone to make. I will however, continue to present a rebuttal to statements made by others who believe they have some inherent right or gift to define the hobby as they see fit. If such future statements appear to be "holier then thou", I suggest turning the page. On to hopefully, more useful material. Chris Smolinksi has created a Pirate Radio home page on the internet. For you WEB browsers, this is a fantastic link to a lot of useful information. The address is: http:/www.access.digex.net/~cps/pirate.html. Chris includes links to the growing number of shortwave pages and has also produced a numbers station home page. An ACE page was recently added as was online access to Kirk Trummel's Black Book. Another new development on the internet is that SRSNews now has a listserv address. Send mail to: listserv@warp.slink.se and include in the first line of your email SUBSCRIBE srsnews. This handy insight into the Euro- pirate scene is sent every Tuesday and contains a host of useful information. Although some have claimed to "know what I am doing", dangerous practices continue to show up on the internet. The records so far retrieved from the government regarding an FCC visit earlier this year reveal without question that the FCC used information from a posting in alt.radio.pirate in their attempt to shut down a free radio station. The affidavit used to support the search warrant indicates that the FCC has located unlicensed transmissions to within a 15 mile radius. If a station has been monitored by the FCC, the software fix from the monitoring station provides a general area within the 15 mile radius where the transmission originates. The affidavit next explains that using this 15 mile radius and the announced ID of the station, information was obtained from the alt.radio.pirate newsgroup that announced a specific station broadcast would be airing at a certain time and frequency. The FCC then dispatched direction finding equipment to a site within the 15 mile radius and waited for a signal on the announced day. There is a lesson that can hopefully be learned. Announcements listing future broadcasts should never include a station identification or any other distinguishing characteristic. Even an anon server address, used repeatedly, will enable the FCC to associate that anon address with a certain station. Unless the station is using a different transmitting site, the FCC will undoubtedly have narrowed the search to within a 15 mile radius and they will know when the next broadcast is scheduled. Until next month, stay safe and have fun!