TUCoPS :: Radio :: fmt_9311.txt

Internet discussion of the FM-10 transmitter, 11/93

From watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu  Wed Nov  3 19:28:04 1993
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Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 16:28:21 -0800
From: watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu
Message-Id: <9311040028.AA17569@kruncher.ptloma.edu>
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Subject: subscribe

please subscribe me to the list

From watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu  Thu Nov  4 11:08:15 1993
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Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 07:58:34 -0800
From: watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu
Message-Id: <9311041558.AA22001@kruncher.ptloma.edu>
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com

subscribe eric watkins

From jpfinney@attmail.com  Mon Nov  8 07:19:03 1993
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From: jpfinney@attmail.com (Jim P Finney )
Date: 8 Nov 93 12:18:30 GMT
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Received: from jpfinney by attmail; Mon Nov  8 12:18:30 GMT 1993
Subject: 800mw amp
Content-Type: text

Hello Everyone,
I recently built Mycal's 800mw amp for use with the FM-10.  It works and was
an interesting project.  I intended to use it to drive a modified Ramsey PA-1.
It seems that there is not enough power from the 800mw amp to turn on and
drive the PA-1.  My inaccurate vhf watt meter says there is around 600 mw out
from the 800mw amp.  Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do either
to the PA-1 or the 800mw amp to make them work together?

Thanks for any advice.


From watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu  Tue Nov  9 01:28:23 1993
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Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 22:28:36 -0800
From: watkinLA@kruncher.ptloma.edu
Message-Id: <9311090628.AA21560@kruncher.ptloma.edu>
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Subject: am transmitters

I am interested in info on am transmitters as well as FM. Does anyone have any info on where to obtasuch items or info? Thanks.

From redalert@thehill.dorm.umd.edu  Sun Nov 14 02:16:38 1993
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Date: Sun, 14 Nov 93 02:18:02 -0500
From: Red Alert <redalert@thehill.dorm.umd.edu>
Message-Id: <9311140718.AA12471@thehill.dorm.umd.edu>
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Subject: add

add redalert@thehill.dorm.umd.edu

From mrapple@quack.kfu.com  Sun Nov 14 14:28:56 1993
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Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1993 11:28:47 -0800
From: Nick Sayer <mrapple@quack.kfu.com>
Message-Id: <199311141928.AA24078@quack.kfu.com>
To: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Subject: FM-10 as a stereo generator?

I have the FRB 5 watt mono transmitter and an FM-10. I cut the trace
leading away from pin 10 in the hopes of disabling the modulator stage.
I then ran a sheilded wire from pin 12 to the input of the FRB. My
hope was that by then feeding audio into the FM-10, I'd have 5 watts
of nice and stable stereo RF come out of the FM-10. But it's not
happening. If I send line level audio into the FRB, everything works
just fine (mono). If I send the output of pin 13 into the FRB the
stereo pilot indicator lights up on the receiver. But the composite+pilot
from the FM-10 doesn't produce any sound, nor does it light up the pilot

Has anyone done this?

From mail  Thu Nov 25 15:37:49 1993
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Date:         Thu, 25 Nov 93 15:31:46 EST
From: Scott Davis <3ASD2@QUCDN.QueensU.CA>
Subject:      Slim Jim Spec's?
To: postnews@knot.QueensU.CA
Cc: fm-10@dg-rtp.dg.com
Newsgroups: alt.radio.pirate
Errors-To: postmaster@dg-rtp.dg.com
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I built a slim jim last summer, and still haven't tried to broadcast with it,
because I still haven't fixed up mycal's 800mW amp that I built.  Err - I
have some specific questions, though.

Spacing: The vertical elements are supposed to be about three inches apart?
At 101 Mhz, what should be the distance between the vertical elements?
Does this three inches measure from centre-of-pipe to centre-of-pipe, or
mean three inches of air space between interior sides of the pipes?

Also, just out of sheer curiosity, how much power could you theoretically
pass through one of these jim's?  I'm looking at 7 to 8 watts of power
out, so I'm not at all worried about melting my jim, but wonder if say,
a hundred or two hundrew watts would be far too extravagent for the 'jim to

--Thanks,  Scott.

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