FT23R.2 Date: 11 Mar 90 01:28:48 UTC (Sun) From: wa2ise@kd6th.nj.usa (Bob) Message-ID: <21172@KD6TH> Reply-To: wa2ise@WA2ISE To: all@allbbs Subject: FT211, FT23 mods copied from UUCP: >From: ken@swbatl.sbc.com (9081) Newsgroups: rec.ham-radio Subject: Re: Yaesu Mods The uP's in the FT-23R and the FT-211R/H can be set for several frequency and memory mode combinations. These modes are contorlled by the jumpers (solder pads) marked 7,8 and 9 on the processor board of either radio. Here's a list of what can be done: JUMPER CONFIG DISPLAY MODE 7 8 9 NUMBER open open in 1 140 to 164 MHz, amateur mode open in in 2 140 to 160 MHZ, amateur mode in open in 3 144 to 148 MHz, amateur mode in in in 4 144 to 146 MHz, amateur mode open open open 5 220 to 550 MHz, commercial mode open in open 6 440 to 450 MHz, amateur mode in open in 7 50 to 300 MHz, commercial mode in in open 8 430 to 440 MHz, amateur mode Both of my radios (USA) were shipped from the factory in config #3. They can be converted to config #1 without re-tuning just by changing the jumpers. Tuning range can be further expanded by changing to jumper config #7. The FT-211 has separate VCO's for transmit and receive and will lock over about 38 MHz from approx. 130 to 180 MHz. The FT-23 has only one VCO and the overlapping lock range (Xmt & Rcv) is about 25 MHz from approx. 135 to 175 MHz. Don't forget, if you adjust the VCO you must re-align every electronically tuned stage in the front end of the radio. The transmitters can be tuned for somewhat higher power output above 164 MHz but at a great power loss at 2m. The commercial memory mode will cause these functional changes: 1.When in the MR mode, the channel number will be displayed instead of frequency. You can toggle back to the original "amateur" mode display by pressing F<up-arrow>. Pressing F<down arrow> takes you back to commercial mode. However, when switching from D to MR, the display will always revert to the commercial mode. 2.The function of the Dot<Pri> button will be exactly reversed. That means now you can press just one button (Dot) to get into or out of the Primary function. The Pri funtion (in memory mode) will be indicated by a large "P" on the left side of the display. CONT IN FT23R.3