FT70G The Yaesu FT-70G is a very rugged HF-SSB QRP tranceiver with a self- contained Ni-Cd battery. This modification restores operation on 160 meters and improves receiver sensitivity between 50 KHz and 2MHz. (It enables transmit operation between 1 and 2 MHz, but 2nd harmonic attenuation will be very poor if used below 1.5 MHz.) The boards are stenciled for the added parts, but this is no "clip the diode" modification: Low Pass Filter (LPF) Unit: Add RL601 SPDT relay, 12Vdc (Yaesu p/n M1190066) I substituted a Radio Shack 275-241 with little trouble. See note. " RL-602 (same as above) " C601 0.022uF,50V,ceramic " C602 560pF,50V,ceramic " C603 390pF,50V,ceramic " C604 620pF,50V,ceramic " C605 2200pF,50V,mylar " C606 220pF,50V,ceramic " C607 560pF,50V,ceramic " C608 680pF,50V,ceramic " C609 0.01uF,50V,ceramic " L601 29T of #26 enameled on Amidon T37-2 iron powder torroid " L602 26T of #26 enameled on Amidon T37-2 iron powder torroid Note: The R/S relay has 2 pins connected to the wiper arm. Connect only one to the non-grounded circuit board trace. The 2nd pin on the Yaesu relay is a dummy pin and is soldered to the board's ground plane for mechanical stability only. RF/IF Unit: Remove R26 470 Ohm,.25 W " R25 4.7 KOhm,.25W Replace R25 with a 470pF ceramic capacitor Reg/Cntrl Unit: Remove jumper C-A Add jumper B-C " D601 1N914 " C601 0.022uF,50V,ceramic " Q601 2SC1959Y (SK9229/ECG85) " R601 18 KOhm,.25W " R602 39 KOhm,.25W