FT767.3 I have run it into a Heath HD-4040, HK-21, and MFJ 1278T, and it works like gangbusters. What a neat machine! This one unit serves all my ham radio needs! I no longer have to hook up my HT just to check into the local board. I now have it hooked up to the MFJ 1278T, using one port for VHF/UHF into the DATA IN/OUT jack, and the other port into the PATCH jack, and out the AUDIO OUT jack, through a Super SCAF, (Switch Capacitor Audio Filter), to the TNC. I encouraged "Rick" to publish this mod as a factory-approved mod and so far, I have not heard anything about it. If you seek this mod, try to talk to "Rick" and ask for the DATA IN/OUT jack audio control mod. It is well worth the effort. No, the mod was not free, and yes, I think it should have been free, but it wasn't, but the price was very reasonable, I think about $80 for the whole shebang. 73 and GL. Dennis N6KDS @ WA6YHJ-1, Livermore.