CITY OF GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA SUPPORTS COMMUNITY MICRORADIO APRIL 12, 1999 After a few months of behind the scenes lobbying with Gainesville, Florida City Commissioners and one frusrating meeting where we successfully persuaded the city attorney & commissioners to adopt particular wording in support of priority to non-commerical stations and one-station per owner, the Gainesville City Commission unanimously passed a resolution to support the proposed FCC rules to allow low power FM broadcasting. Here's the resolution: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Gainesville, Florida, supporting proposed FCC rules to allow low power FM broadcasting; supporting a rule limiting multiple ownership by prohibiting any individual or entity from owning more than one low power FM radio station; supporting a rule granting priority to noncommercial, local applicants for low power FM radio stations; and providing an immediate effective date. WHEREAS, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 1998 Biennial Review of broadcast ownership regulation, during recent years there has been increasing ownership consolidation of radio station, and WHEREAS, the consolidation has raised the cost of radio stations, making it more difficult for an independent operator to enter the broadcast industry; and WHEREAS, the FCC has recognized a need for community-oriented radio broadcasting, and to foster opportunities for new radio broadcast ownership, and promote additional diversity in radio voices and program services; and WHEREAS, the FCC has issued a notice proposing to establish rules authorizing the operation of new, low power FM radio stations to provide a low-cost means of serving urban communities and neighborhoods; NOW THEREFRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA: The City Commission supports the proposed changes to FCC rules that would allow community-based low-power FM radio stations, in order to increase broadcast diversity and expand opportunities for new entrants into radio broadcasting. The City Commission supports a rule limiting multiple ownership by prohibiting any individual or entity from owning more than one low power FM radio station. The City Commission supports a rule granting priority to noncommercial, local applicants for low powered radio stations. [Passed unanimously April 12th, 1999 by Commissioners Pegeen Hanrahan, Bruce Delaney, Sande Caulkins and Ed Jennings, Sr. (Paula DeLaney absent).] ************************************* Free Radio Gainesville, 94.7 FM PO Box 15094 Gainesville, FL 32604 frg@afn.org http://www.atlantic.net/~matthew/frg/