=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=: SECRET SERVICE FREQUENCIES By DATA LINE The Secret Service, a branch of the Treasure, is responsible for enforce- ment of laws realting to US currency and negotiable instruments (e.g. bonds and postage stamps) in addition to providing security for the Executive Branch. They have offices in most cities with a population of over 30 thousand or so. Most communications is "in the clear," although digital voice encryption has shown up in the larger cities and will continue to spread. Agents use their last name in initiating contact; for example "flahrety, Flahrety, St. Louis Base." Or, when a dignitary is in town, "Flahrety, Flahrety, Command Post." Few code words are used. "Rawhide" is the President, "Rainbow" is the First Lady, "Snowstorm" is the Vice President. These will change from time to time, but are easy to figure out. Following is an alphabetical list of the frequencies in use around the nation. for daily use, stick with Charlie (165. 375). When the President comes to town, plug in all you have room for. Channel Freq. Use Alpha 165.235 Repeats 166.435 Baker 165.7875 Escort channel Charlie 165.375 Primary Delta 169.925 Echo 407.85 Fox 415.7 Repeats Echo Golf 166.4 Input to Charlie Hotel 166.2125 Repeater India 407.925 Treasury guards Juliet ??? Kilo 167.825 Mobile Lima 168.79 " Mike 165.2125 Visiting dignitaries November 167.025 Radio technicians Oscar 164.8875 Presidential staff Papa 164.4 Input to Mike Quebec 166.7 Romeo ??? Sierra 166.5125 Executive Secretary Tango 164.65 Repeater Uniform 414.95 Victor 164.1 Whiskey ??? X-ray 166.4625 Yankee 162.69 Repeater Zulu 171.29 The following are unnamed SECSERV channels and may be useless. 163.81 165.685 164.75 165.9 165.675 166.615 168.45 168.4 168.575 Try some of them next time Ronnie pays a visit. Remember, the motorcades are the responsibilities of local departments and the Highway Patrol/State Police. If Secret Service comes up with stuff like "Passing point 4", listen to the locals and they'll spell it out in plain words. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------