IC04AT.2 ===== AUDIO MODIFICATION FOR ICOM IC02 AND IC04 RADIOS ===== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This audio mod works on the 02 and 04AT. It increases the level of audio, as well as rolling off some of the lows. Sounds real nice. It involves the circuit around Q105. 1. Replace C119 with a .01 uF cap (disc ceramic is fine). 2. Parallel R131 with a 1 uF cap (use a tantalum cap). 3. Parallel R132 with a .01 uF cap (disc ceramic is fine). This is not the same mod as the one International Radio is advertising, which involves changing C117. I tried an AB-1 Audio Blaster from Engineering Consulting, and was very unhappy with the results. I am very pleased with the audio given by this mod (much cheaper too!). ---------------------------------- RELAYED BY N0KGX...GENE