IC2400A.1 HM-56 New Autodialer Mic with 32 memories for 2400/2500A MIC GAIN adj for 2400A is R13 (70%dev adj +/- 3.5 KHZ.) ____________________________________________________________ IC 2400A CROSS BAND REPEATER OPERATION 1) put both bands in "VFO" mode 2) set up one band with repeater offset and tone (if needed) 3) set other band for simplex 4) turn off radio 5) get a Octopus to help you, with the power off, push and hold following buttons: MONI, MHZ, SET, & DOWN button on microphone, while holding all above, turn on power. Note- for Icom 2500A substitute CALL button for SET in step 5. TO GET OUT OF REPEATER OPERATION: With power on, push SET button and hit MHZ button Note- Some rigs will have to have D9 diode cut on Logic board, however, later rigs do not have this diode. Anybody have out of band RX/TX mods for this rig? Please send to Bill N2EZG @ KC2AZ PBBS in Elmira N.Y. **NOTE** If above does not work, reset the CPU as per Operation Manual before tearing in and looking for diode, I had to reset mine, and my 2400A serial# 02402 did not have the diode. Info obtained from "Gary" at Icom Bellevue Service Dept.