IC24AT.2 A notice found on a piece of test equipment made in Japan: "IT PUT ON THE VINYL SHEET ON THE SURFACE OF UPPER & LOWER PANEL FOR THE PROTECTION PLEASE USE AFTER TEAR OFF VINYL SHEET WHEN USING Subject: IC-24AT Receive Mods At the request of several interested hams, I am posting the modification instructions for the Icom IC-24AT. This set of instructions originated from Icom America and was downloaded from the Icom Library of HamNet (Compuserve). Ken WA6TTY (kenw@col.hp.com) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IC-24AT Undocumented Features - (from ICOM) The IC-24AT dual band handheld had three additional features that are not described in the owners manual. These have been left out of the owners manual because some countries restrict the use of the radio in these modes. CONTINUED IN FILE IC24AT.3