IC2AT.2 5. solder a store bought 1n914 or 1n4148 diode from the top pad to the bottom left pad of d4. you will need to bend and cut the leads of the diode and pre-tin with solder. bend the leads of the diode so that the body of the diode lays across the bottom right pad covering it up. the banded end of the the diode should be facing down towards mhe bottom right pad. now you are ready to follow steps 7 to 13 and the rest of the instructions in the article. the only difference you will find is that a letter "u" will flash to indicate unlocked instead of the entire display flashing. gud luck and enjoy the fruits of you labor. if you are unable to locate the article pls send sase to: ka1ghf po box 1397 leominster, mass 01453 73's de ka1ghf "peter" RELAYED BY...N0KGX...GENE