TUCoPS :: Radio :: ic3210.txt

Icom IC3210 mod


 Model:         IC-3210

 Division:      Amateur

 Note:          This service bulletin is meant for technical per-
                sonnel with experience working on solid state com-
                munications equipment.  Damage caused by im-
                properly installing this modification may cause
                ICOM to charge for subsequent repairs to the
                product.  ICOM does not warrant this modification.

 Bulletin #:    28Oct86-027

 Date:          October 26, 1986

 Subject:       To prevent spurious signals on TX when the PA
                module was changed form a Toshiba part to a Mit-
                subishi part


  1.  Replace the following parts on the main board:

      Current        Component      New
      Part           Identifier     Part

      470K           R40            680K
      560K           R41            1Meg
      4.2K           R42            4.7K RH0521CS3J04A
      47K            R44            100K RH0651C15J1UA

 Bulletin #:    13889-021

 Date:          May 1, 1989

 Subject:       Some IC-3210s exhibit poor sensitivity in the UHF


      Write to ICOM's Customer Service department for a copy of
      this service bulletin.

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