ICCIIV.6 - 6 - Computer to 735: FE FE 04 02 08 01 FD 735 to computer: FE FE 02 04 FB FD Computer to 735: FE FE 04 02 03 FD 735 to computer: FE FE 02 04 03 00 75 12 07 FD Now let's change the frequency and mode to 14.02500 MHz USB (codes 05 and 06). Computer to 735: FE FE 04 02 05 00 50 02 14 FD 735 to computer: FE FE 02 04 FB FD 735 to computer: hanged result back into memory #1. This channel is already displa FE FE 02 04 FB FD - 7 - This is an easily built converter that will run hour or two for about $10. The converter uses two inexpen- sive, needed are a box, connectors, a power nicads off of your RS232 line. The pinouts are as follows: For e 1488 - Pin Connect to 1 ICOM remote jack center conductor 3 RS232 pin 3 (RD) For the 1489 - 3 ICOM remote jack center conductor 7 Ground 14 +V Ground pin CONTINUED IN FILE ICCIIV.8